
Ch.15: Is Living, Fun?

She locked the doors and hid behind a shelf of various items. 'That won't hold him back...' Rukia began looking around. She was in a insect repellant store and was going to construct something that could counter 'The Tentacles', hard shell.

Acidic Posion.

She assumed that because his armor was as thick as steel and that it's a plant based power then she could use this. Acidic Posion could eat through it's tough shell and could even kill him.

'Should I kill him? Kazemi...might want this Sigil..' If this was any other day then she would have never considered this, even by knowing of Kazemi's power. She however is considering this now because of the amount of times that he's saved her.

'From giving me time to wake up from being passed out to showing me that I should keep calm even in dire situations..' She then took her sniper off of her back and began looking around for equipment. Unlike Kazemi, she wasn't battle smart. Well, sort of but she was better at sitting in front of a screen.

Since her precognition is random, she's developed a fear of Death. That's the main reason why she chooses to stay locked up in her room and far away from the outside world.

The green man was slowly making his way to the building. Instead of charging in, he wanted to see what she could do. After all, the more the resist, the more they fall into pleasure.

'If this doesn't work,...then I might as well kill myself...'

Her stamina was low as she was a kid and one that didn't work out for a matter of fact. In order to play D-Game, one must have Resolve. Resolve to Live, Resolve to Grow, Resolve to Conquer. That being said though, a lot of people didn't have such a thing.

When faced in the presence of overwhelming power, what can you do? A Sigil is a random weapon, born from the soul. That being said, someone could have the power to conjure cross bow arrows while someone else can summon the crossbow itself.

What makes the two different is Resolve. Can you win by throwing arrows? Can you win by throwing the crossbow? Instinct plays a huge role in this as well. If you have the right mental capability, then you could even make a flower be the strongest weapon.

Just Depends If You Have The Will To Survive.

'I'd rather kill myself then become a victim to him. But...I can't die yet. I..I still haven't done anything with my life. I never found my parents, went to school to be something for myself, never tried and never listened...'

An image of Kazemi then appeared in her mind.

'But...he showed me that there can be worse. He isn't normal at all and yet..' She didn't want to admit it, 'He's more headstrong than me. He's nice, weird, deep, mysterious, he's all of those in one person...'

When Kazemi told her that he knew she was following him, she became sort of happy. A person attacked her from behind and would have killed her if Kazemi didn't react by flicking a knife back, making a knife soon appear in their head.

He never looked back To See Who They Were Attacking.

'You really did protect me, Kazemi. A-And for that, I'm grateful~..' She began to shake and tear up at her thoughts and at the sound of the armored guy breaking in.

'I-I want to live,...to tell you thank you~... I want to live...to change..' Finishing her creation, she held up a can of spray paint. The bottom was taped like it had been cut open.

She made what she wanted and placed it inside of the can. By using the pesticide and other chemicals, she was able to make Acidic Posion. 'I...I have to live! Survive, Rukia! Survive!'

She whipped her tears away and waited. The guy in green didn't seem to notice the store he was in as he was too busy thinking about all the things he'd do to her.

Some were things like eating and peeling her skin off while others were putting her under Anastasia, opening her head and licking her brain. It was truly inhuman.

"Little girl... Where are you...?"

He said in a singing and maniacal tone. At hearing his words, Rukia began to tremble even more, her fear overpowering her confidence. She would then put her finger in her mouth and bit down on it.

Pain then overwhelmed everything, making her worries on the green man shift to her finger while still being conscious of said man. 'I'll have to move quickly!' She shook the can slightly to make sure the posion wasn't resting.

Her left index finger was thumping because of being chewed on with a string of blood coming down her right nostril. 'O-Oh, no..' She whipped the blood away, knowing that she had to stay awake.

"Hello little girl.."

He put his face around the shelf and stared at her. She was looking delicious in this moment as the sweet smell of fear entranced his nostrils.

Rukia instantly looked up in fear/surprisment as she didn't know he was that close. 'Now...or never...' He sent a tentacle at her. She used her Sigil and was able to get 10 seconds.

She would then jump to the left which made the tentacle collide with the shelf, causing it to fall over. She would then jump in what seemed to be random manners but was indeed calculated via her Sigil.

'Damn it! I can't get a hit!'

His tentacles was no faster than the speed a paper airplane as soon as you release it. Like a paper airplane, its fast at the start, but slowly slows down over time.

10 seconds passed and the whole store was destroyed. Rukia was hiding behind the destroyed cash register while panting slightly. 'My Sigil has a cool down of one minute. Until then, I have to wait it out..'

She held the can closer to her chest. Rukia was in a black hoodie that was too big for her as it covered the small shorts she wore. She had on boots that went up the entirety of her leg until her kneecaps however.

"Little girl. Your making this hard on yourself. Just give up!"

She soon heard thudding after thudding. Looking at the rounded mirror in the corner of the room, she could see that he was running at her, the ground breaking underneath his feet to show his power.


She needed that much time until she could use her Sigil again. She didn't have that time however and so she had to act. She jumped out his path only for the register counter to fly back into the wall behind it and pass through it.

More dust collected in the room as it was blinding both of them. 'I-I can't see...but atleast..' She used her Sigil and hoped for a better time zone.

'One Minute..'

"Why do you keep resisting?! Why?!"

He looked over his shoulder at her, his eyes now becoming red. 'Eek!' She couldn't help but cower. This was an enraged state of his. In this, no one has been left alive to tell the story of how it felt.

"I-I just want to live! Is that not normal!"

Not expecting such a resolute response from a little girl, it caused a memory to become the center of attention in his mind. A reagular looking businessman was walking through the door of his home. He had jet black hair and eyes to match. He wore the kindest smile he could muster.

As he got throught the door, he was met with a small child. It was his daughter. They hugged and hugged until the girl realized something.

"Wait, papa? I thought you were home already."

Her innocent words confused the businessman. 'Home? Why would she think that?' He then went on to ask that question to her. She responded by saying that she heard his name being called a few times from their bedroom.

He pushed the child to the side and ran up stairs. When he arrived at his bedroom door, he could faintly hear his name being called. 'Oh, no..' He was becoming anxious and as he became that, strength started swelling up.

He put off this sudden increase in strength and burst through the door. What he saw next was a woman with the same color pallet as him standing on a chair with a rope around her neck, tied to the ceiling fan.


She slowly started to walk off the chair, her expressionless face slowly looking up at him.


He rushed at her, hand out and tears coming down. One foot came off the chair as she revealed a huge smile to him.

"I..Just Wanted To Live.."


She stepped off completely, only for him to trip and fall to the stone cold ground. He watched as his wife committed suicide. On that day, it was the start of his days of being a rapist/murderer.

"So please, let me do that! Please..."

He continued staring at the girl. 'Please...' He sighed as he looked back at how he did things. Turns out his wife was being sent death threats. She could ignore that but when they posted a video of them mauling a child, she couldn't help but becoming scared. The people who sent death threats noticed the change in her mood after that and continued harassing her. It eventually led to this state.

When the businessman found that out, he sought back to that power from before. It wasn't very long until he knew what D-Game was. It also wasn't very long until he found the jailed people and slaughtered them. After having a taste of blood, he continued. He eventually went after their loved ones and their loved ones until one day, he got a taste of rapping someone. It started another drive in him.

He become known for his tentacles and earned several nicknames. His most famous one is, 'The Demonic Tentacle'.

"Was it worth it..to go this far?"

He left behind his daughter who attends a small school out in the country. He hasn't seen her in twelve years. The world to her. To world to him. His pride and joy. What he lived for...he left behind.

"It..was fine at first. But..I lost myself.."

He turned towards her, his armor opening up to reveal himself. He fell down onto the ground, on his knees as he stared up with a dark expression. She was shocked to see the man as his appearance hasn't been seen in the last 11 years.

"Little girl, I-"

Brain matter spewed onto her face. 'Huh..' It was like time itself stood still as a figure was standing outside the store. He had a pistol in hand, followed by a silver wrap on the gun.

Rukia screamed her little lungs out from seeing the horrid scene in front of her. She's actually never killed someone or seen them killed like this. Her heart rate was getting faster and faster as her breathing became rougher.

"Rukia. Don't tell me that you were about to forgive this man?"

Kazemi said while aiming the gun at her. 'K-Kazemi!' She was happy to see him but that happiness soon went away as she realized he was the person to kill the defenseless man in cold blood.

"You Stupid, Little, Girl."

He pulled the hammer back and upon hearing the click, he grinned.
