
Transmigrated with an Unwanted Adventure

Mu Xinchu, The Rosa Chinensis of the Xinchu Family- famous for her "out of the world" personality that would muddle societal standards shake, and her dangerous beauty that has caused the deaths of many- died by drowning from her flesh and blood, her brother. On the brink of her death she suddenly woke up without the chest she took pride in??? WHAT!? That's fine, what could some measly loss of bust do? No such serious harm, no? However- why is it that trouble seems to always find its way towards her? Even in a new life, body, and GENDER- for goodness sake! It's always attracted to her! Is there anything she could do to cease it?

Kyle_honestlybttr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

«New siblings?»

I, currently am walking around the mansion with Anna tailing me from behind.

According to Anna, My older brother, Keii is a learning student as a knight of the Silver Knights.

"Anna, how old am I?"

"You are 9 years old, young master" Anna replied. 9 huh?

"And my siblings?" 

" Lady Luna is currently 7 years old, while Baron Keii, will be turning 17 next month"

"I see" I commented.

After exploring we came inside the library, currently, I am waiting for Anna to give me my tea and pastries while some servants look after me inside the library as I look for books to read.

Are there any other books in here?! All I see are romance novels and other non-informative books!! Who even is in charge of this library?! It's so rusty here, it's as if no one has come in here for years!!

"oh?" I notice an odd-looking book. It doesn't seem like it's a novel...

I picked the book up and saw it decorated like a documentary or something. I read the title loud enough for only I can hear.

"{ Magic dictionary ll }..?" I muttered.

Is it a fantasy novel? or am I in a world like the books Wē Xinchu used to read? Whatever, it's probably just another one of those fantasy novels. I shrugged my shoulders and put the book back where it used to be and continued to look for "more useful" books.

Why the h**l is taking Anna so long to get me pastries and tea?!


In the end, I didn't find anything but swordsmanship lesson books. (And Anna finally came back to give me my food)

I should probably request my new mother and father some theory, history, and other useful books. I wonder if they're the doting type of parents? My previous parents surely weren't.

I continued to read while I took a bite of my cherry tart. Mhh, these are good!

"Nuki Tsuke..?" Ain't that thing like- japanese s**t? Am I in Japan?

" "Dance with dragons" ?" Is the writer of this book a foreigner or something?? Whatever, as long as it's useful. Should I try learning martial arts and training??

"Anna, what time is dinner?" I ask the orange head.

"Dinner will be held at 7:00 in the evening young master"

I nod my head.

"what time is it, right now?"

"It is currently 3:00 in the late afternoon, young master" she answered. I closed the book I was holding and with a stand.

"Let's go, I want to take a bath"

"Understood," Anna and the other servants nodded their heads.

As we got to the bathroom I held my hand out to stop the servants

"You can just go and prepare my clothes to wear, I'll bathe myself," I said nonchalantly. I peeked at my back since they were getting quiet, only to see how surprised Anna and the others were. Was the old Aiden not like this?

"U-understood, Young Master" Anna and the servants behind her bent down and left. Hmm, seems like it...

I went inside the bathroom and explored the place.

There's a very nice marble bathtub that was already prepared as if they were expecting me to come here. There are also a few rose gold scented candles (they smell pretty nice) and lastly maidenhair ferns.

It would be best if I were to check the drawers and cabinets to know where the shampoo, soap, towels, and others are.


After I finished bathing, I went for a short walk in the garden.

As I was walking in the garden I noticed a long-haired brunette with a half up half down crown braid hairstyle.

I walked a little closer to see who it was. suddenly she turned around, surprising me, and making me catch a glimpse of her shiny golden eyes.

When she saw me her mouth shaped like an O, gasping softly. She wasted no time as she ran towards me excitedly and tackled me.

"You're awake!" She excitedly said whilst looking up at me.

"Do you remember who I am? Mother said you had lost your memories, so I got worried if you wouldn't remember me.." The little brunette sulked.

"You must be Luna, am I right? I heard from Anna that we're siblings along with Big Brother Keii"

She let go of me and looked at me again.

"So you don't remember me too?" She asked with a tint of disappointment. I nodded my head in reply, feeling a bit guilty, her expression turning even gloomier.

"oh.." She let out.

"Since I don't remember anything, why don't you tell me about yourself" I tried to cheer her up. She nodded her head, trying to be positive.

"So, is there anything you remember?" Luna asked while asking for refreshments from her maid.

Should I tell her about that dream or nah?

I shook my head lightly. She seemed a bit disappointed about my reply... Rather than disappointed she appeared to be... More pissed..?

"Are you sure you don't remember anything?" She asked, with her eyes glowing because of her tears that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Hmm," I held my chin, thinking about what other things I remember, clearly ignoring her tears.


"I remember having a dream when I suddenly passed out in my room," I said.

Luna lit up for a bit then asked "What did you dream about?! Maybe it has some connections to your memories!" She exclaimed.

I smiled at her face and told her about my dream.

"I remember being in a garden here in the manor... If I am right, there was a boy with white hair and silver eyes, he was around the age of 14, I think"

Luna looked like she knew who I was talking about, and nodded her head.

"And there was also a 5 or so? Kid that weirdly enough, looked like me" I said sort of confused at the kid that saw me.

Luna chuckled a bit and smiled at me.

"That kid must be you, Big Brother!" I blush from embarrassment for not noticing that the kid was me.

The kid quite obviously looks like me. How could I not notice??

I tried to calm myself from the embarrassment and coughed. I even tried eating out the embarrassment.

"Yeah, it seems so.. How surprising I didn't notice..." I sarcastically added, still wallowing in my shame. Luna only laughed at me while holding her tea cup.

"You were always the kind and calm brother while Older brother Keii was the stoic and overprotective brother!" she exclaimed enthusiastically.

"And you must be the zealous little sister" I calmly teased her and softly poked her forehead.

Luna smiled "Yep! I am the cheery and adorable little sister!"

"Of course you are, we wouldn't be siblings if you weren't" I complimented her.

"Now, can you tell me about yourself?" we were getting off-topic so I tried to remind her.

"Oh, Right! I almost forgot! hehe," she smiled cheekily.

Goodness, how I wished my previous little siblings were as adorable as her.