
Transmigrated To Ancient Times To Farm And Build A Kingdom

# food # beastsworld # infrastructure # cozy Chang Xia was an anomaly in her tribe. She didn’t dress up, make friends, or play with others. She liked to hoard all kinds of wild vegetables, and didn’t eat meat as she claimed it was hard to eat. The entire tribe was worried she wouldn’t grow up properly and die. When she became an adult, she chose to marry a sickly boy. Then, Chang Xia planted a field of wild vegetables that she had hoarded to feed the entire tribe. She built house caves and roads so that the tribe would no longer suffer from the cold. She even conquered the whole continent with delicious food. Finally, the tribe found out that the sickly boy Chang Xia married used to be the strongest totem warrior in his tribe. At this point, they also understood that Chang Xia was the most outstanding of them all.

Orange Willow · Geral
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40 Chs

Cooking Fried Meat

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Chang Xia was poor.

But that did not mean the Heluo Tribe was poor.

In terms of wealth, the Heluo Tribe was second to none in the Twilight Forest. Of course, this wealth meant that the tribe would not starve and freeze, and the clansmen could eat their fill.

"What did you say about building a house cave?" Nan Feng asked. She had been too busy eating to ask. Now that she had time to eat, she couldn't help but ask.

As she ate the stew and fish balls, Chang Xia began to pour the river prawns into a pottery pot to cook. Seeing Chang Xia's patient movements, Nan Feng felt that she could eat three more large bowls.

"I want to build my own beast lair. It's different from the one we have now. I call it a house cave. The location is on the west side of the hill. I choose to build a mountain support against the hill," Chang Xia said happily. She didn't stop moving. She stirred with her wooden spoon. The river shrimp in the pot was quickly dyed golden in the boiling water. A faint fragrance mixed with a little fishy smell assaulted her nose.

Nan Feng stared at the river shrimp in the pot as she listened to Chang Xia's explanation.

"If you need help, just say so." Nan Feng opened her mouth to speak, but she couldn't bring herself to stop her in the end. After all, Chang Xia's expression made it impossible for her to refute.

"Yes!" Chang Xia nodded, delighted by Nan Feng's support.

At this moment.

The river shrimps in the clay pot were cooked.

Chang Xia fished out the river shrimps and took the washed fruit from the side. She pinched it hard and dripped a little juice into the bowl. This yellow-skinned wild fruit was sour and the tribe called it sour fruit. Very few people ate it. Chang Xia had hoarded a lot. She usually didn't eat it directly but used it as seasoning.

At noon, she was too hungry.

She did not expect Nan Feng to put half a body of meat in her back basket at night.

She hadn't seen it until she'd packed.

"Chang Xia, what are you doing with the sour fruit?" Nan Feng pursed her lips and looked at the sour fruit in Chang Xia's hand with disdain. No one in the tribe would collect this sour fruit except Chang Xia.

Even if they were extremely hungry, no one would pick them. Only some cubs in the tribe would pick them by mistake.

"I'm using it as seasoning juice. When you eat river prawns, dip them in it. It tastes better." Chang Xia took a river prawn and pinched off its head. The snow-white prawn meat was dipped in a little sour fruit juice.

Immediately, a different fresh taste mixed with a little sourness exploded on his taste buds. The stunning taste shocked even Chang Xia.

"Well?" Chen Rong asked softly.

Chang Xia gave him a thumbs-up and said, "Delicious."

"Really?" Nan Feng finished the remaining soup in her bowl and imitated Chang Xia's peeling of the prawns, hesitating to dip it into the sour fruit juice. She turned to look at Chen Rong.

Chen Rong did not speak. He dipped the prawn meat into the juice.


He exclaimed softly and looked in surprise at the sour juice in the bowl.

Sour fruit. An extremely sour fruit in the Twilight Forest that few beasts would eat.

Today, Chang Xia had once again opened his eyes.

"This river shrimp tastes even more delicious than at noon!" Chen Rong lowered his head and stared at the sour fruit juice in his bowl. He did not expect the sour fruit juice to become such a wonderful delicacy when combined with the river shrimp.

Seeing this, Nan Feng no longer hesitated.

She peeled the river prawns and dipped them in sour fruit juice with chopsticks.

"Eh! It really doesn't seem to be sour?" Nan Feng's beautiful eyes were wide with shock and confusion.

"Pick more sour fruit this year and save it," Chang Xia said. Sour fruit, apart from sour fruit juice that could be used as a dip, tasted just as good when the flesh was salted and dried.

It was sour, sweet, and soft.

As she ate, there was both the sour taste of lemon and the faint fruity sweetness of hawthorn or green plum.

At the same time, its dried peel could be used for cooking.

Like the white fruit, it was versatile.

"Sure," Nan Feng agreed. For once, she didn't refute Chang Xia.

This meal left Nan Feng stuffed.

She sat and watched Chen Rong clean up the dishes. Chang Xia took the thin vines and measured the size of Nan Feng's feet, skillfully weaving vine shoes for her.

"When are you going to build the house cave, Chang Xia?" Nan Feng asked.

She delivered half a body of meat that was enough for Chang Xia and Chang Xia to eat for ten days. Even if they didn't go out hunting, they wouldn't starve.

Chang Xia shook her head and explained, "I want to build the house cave before the cold season arrives. Tomorrow, I'll go out to the salt lake to collect salt and pick some white fruits. In the afternoon, I'll start preparing what I need to build the house cave…"

She cocked her head at Nan Feng.

Building a house cave was different from a beast lair.

But some materials were necessary. Things like wood, and stone, and resins for gluing needed to be prepared in advance.

Some beasts had started preparing three to five years in advance to build their beast lairs.

There was wood and stone near the tribe, except for the rare resins used for adhesion. They were produced from a special species of tree called the oil tree. When the bark of the oil tree was cut, a sticky yellowish sap would flow out which would become a cement-like building material when dried. The beasts this called resin.

When this resin was heated again, it would melt.

After melting, it turned into cement-like adhesive that was used to build beast lairs.

"Chang Xia, you need wood, stone, and resin to build a nest. None of these were prepared in advance. What are you planning to use to build a nest?" Nan Feng covered her twitching mouth and looked at Chang Xia helplessly. Was this child dreaming?

"I will prepare the wood and stone. The resin is more troublesome. Can I exchange some with the tribe?" Chen Rong interrupted Nan Feng's nagging. It was not difficult to prepare the wood and stone. It was the resin that was difficult.

Chang Xia was slightly embarrassed. She seemed to have really forgotten about these things.

Nan Feng raised her hand and pointed at Chang Xia through the air. "Use my wood and stone first. Who would just cut down the wood and stone used to build their nest? As for resin, I'll ask the tribe for you. Fishballs can be used to exchange for it. Originally, I was going to use the method of fishballs to help you exchange for some pottery and boneware."

No matter how dissatisfied she was, she was the one who had watched her grow up.

It was rare for Chang Xia to be motivated. Nan Feng could not bear to deal her a blow.

Nan Feng had been an adult for many years.

The patriarch had been urging her to get married. Nan Feng had never found a male he liked, so she might as well drag it out.

However, the wood and stone were needed to build the nest.

Nan Feng had been preparing since she was an adult. This time, she would let Chang Xia use it first.

"Nan Feng, that's for you to build your lair…" Chang Xia shook her head, wanting to refuse.

Nan Feng rolled her eyes and asked, "Do you still want to build a nest? Besides, I haven't met the right male. There's no hurry to build a nest."

At most, she would be nagged about staying at her father's house.

"We'll use the wood and stone Nan Feng prepared to build the nest, Chang Xia. I'll help prepare new ones for hers later," Chen-Rong said.

Nan Feng was satisfied with Chen Rong's straightforwardness and asked about Chang Xia's subsequent plans.

She rose to leave.

When Chang Xia sent her away, she asked Chen Rong to cut up the meat that Nan Feng had sent over. The weather had become warmer, and meat could not be left for long. It was prone to spoil.

"Are you still hungry, Chang Xia?" Chen Rong asked hesitantly, cutting into the meat.

Chang Xia glared at him. She washed the clay pot and placed it on the stove, intending to boil the meat for oil.

It was too warm to make bacon.

Smoke took time. At the same time, bad storage could spoil it.

So she thought of fried meat.

Fried meat was simple and easy to store. In an era of material simplicity, fried meat was the most suitable way to store meat during this time of year.

She would cut the meat into palm-sized pieces and place them in a clay pot to boil.

When the meat is fried to a golden color and the oil cools, she would pour the oil and the meat into a clay pot to refrigerate it. Not only will this prevent the meat from rotting, but it will also be convenient to store it. At the same time, the fried meat tastes good.

It would be soft and fragrant.

It was very delicious even with some wild vegetables.

"There's too much meat in this half body of boar. We won't be able to finish it. I plan to fry it and make it into deep-fried meat. I'll put it in a clay pot so we don't have to worry about it spoiling," Chang Xia explained. She picked a few pieces of fat from the meat that Chen Rong had cut and placed them in the pot to boil some oil. When the oil was released, she put the other pieces of meat in. Soon, the delicious smell of meat quickly filled the entire beast lair.

At this moment.

Chen Rong was extremely glad that Nan Feng had left.

Also, their beast lair was far from the tribe.

Otherwise, with this smell, no one in the tribe would be able to sleep tonight.