
Transmigrated Into the Body Of The Prince Consort

What happens when two strangers from different world meet and had to separate again without knowing each other? The prince of wei kingdom trespasses into the Zambe sect unknowingly and was being rescued by the Zambe sect princess Ya. But destiny would soon bring these two back together as Ya is being punished by going into the human world to complete the last trial full of betrayal, love and drama to attain immortality. would she be able to accomplish this mission?and what happens if she meets the stranger that led her to all these? let's find out in "transmigrated into the body of the prince consort"

Tee_wave · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

What!!! Is that really Juan?

"Good morning my lady," said Jing as Mei lein opened her eyes

"Who are these?" asked Mei lein as she saw lots of servants in her room waiting for her just to get her ready

"They're the servants who are going to dress you up my lady," replied Jing happily

"Oh....I see, but what's the occasion this morning, can't I just sleep a little bit longer," said Mei lein laying back on the bed

"No, you have to get up to serve tea to her imperial highness and king," replied Jing who commanded the servants to start performing their duty

Mei lein was soon ready as she made her way to the imperial queen palace but on getting there she saw the second prince, Jun already waiting for her

"I trust my consort had a great night," asked Jun

"I'm good," replied Mei lein scornfully

"Alright then, let's proceed inside," said Jun as he grabbed Mei lein by her hand leading her into the Queen's chamber

"Good morning mother," Jun said as he sat down beside his mother

"Good morning my son, look at you, you look so handsome," said the queen

"Good morning your highness," Mei lein said bowing down

"Get up and have a seat," said the queen

Just then, Mei lein called Jing in as she served the tea and gave it to the queen in which the queen collected

"Wow, this taste wonderful," said the queen

"Alright mother, we have to go now, I have to show my consort around," said Jun as she pulled Mei lein up

"Alright, do have a great day," said the queen happily as Jun and Mei lein made their way out of the Queen's chamber

"We have to go to the king now your highness," said Jing

"No need for that, it's okay serving mother," said Jun

"But why?" asked Mei lien confusedly

"Because I said so, and moreover the court is starting soon, I don't have time escorting someone to serve tea," said Jun as he walked away leaving Mei lien and Jing as they stared surprisedly at him

"guess I'm gonna be spending alot of time here in the human world," Mei lein thought as she sighs

"My lady, it's the second lady," said Jing as Mei lein saw Mei Zhen walking towards her

"My lady," said Mei Zhen as she bow her head to greet Mei lein

"Oh, hi" said Mei lein

"We're finally at the palace together, guess we would be seeing each other for a long time," said Mei Zhen

'What does she mean by that' Mei lien thought

"Anyway, I have to serve tea to our mother-in-law, see you later," said Mei Zhen as she walked away

"Can't believe you couldn't say anything my lady," said Jing sadly

"What do you want me to say exactly," asked Mei lein

"She's threatening you, isn't it obvious my lady," said Jing

"I don't see that as threatening, of course we would be seeing each other for a long time," said Mei lein

'I can't believe my lady has changed this much, where is that brave and no nonsense lady I used to serve' Jing thought

"What are you thinking about?" Mei lien asked waving her hands in front of Jing to get back her attention

"Nothing my lady, that reminds me, the concubine are gonna be paying their respect this afternoon," said Jing

"Arrrrrgh, can't i just have a peaceful day, I'm exhausted," replied Mei lien angrily

"It's the tradition my lady, all concubine have to show their respect to you," said Jing

"Yeah yeah, enough of the lectures, where am I meeting them?" asked Mei lein tiredly

"They're already at your quarter my lady," replied Jing

"What!!! So soon," exclaimed Mei lein as she made her way to her chamber with Jing

"Good afternoon my lady," chorused the concubine as they sighted Mei lien

"Oh, Good afternoon," replied Mei lein as she sat on her chair

"My lady, this is concubine Fu, concubine Wang, and concubine Chun"

"Oh I see, you're all beautiful ladies," said Mei lein giving out a faint smile

"I heard that his highness doesn't like someone," said concubine Wang

"And was forced to marry her, I wonder who the person is my lady," said concubine Fu

"Oh, is that?" said Mei lein who seem not to be interested in their words

"I'm afraid that person wouldn't be staying long in the palace," said concubine Fu smirking

"My dear concubine Fu, you're his highness favorite and had even given him a son, unlike someone who would never be able to get into his bed," said concubine Wang laughing hysterically

"It's ok, concubine Wang, we're all his highness woman anyway, his highness can choose anyone of us," said concubine Fu

"My lady, we would have to leave now as we still have to see her imperial highness," said concubine Wang as the other concubine also stood up

"Have a great day my lady," chorused the concubines as they made their way out of Mei lein chamber

"What kind of attitude is that my lady?" said Jing fuming with anger

"Just ignore them, I have no time for that," replied Mei lein as she lied down on her bed

"I can't my lady, you have to show them who's superior or else they would never respect you," said Jing angrily

Just then Jun's eunuch, eunuch Li appeared

"My lady, eunuch Li is here," said one of the guards outside

"Eunuch Li, the prince eunuch, what is he doing here," said Jing to Mei lein looking confused

"Let him in," said Mei lien as Eunuch Li appeared with a palace maid beside him

'What!! Is that really Juan or am I dreaming? Will she remember me, does she have any memory about our tribe' Mei lein thought as tears rolled down her eyes

"My lady, this is the maid his highness picked specially for you, she would be serving you as from now on," said Eunuch Li

"Bow down and greet your master," said eunuch Li to the maid as she complied

"Good afternoon my lady, I'm luli, please accept my greetings,"

"Get up and tell me where you came from luli," Mei lien said tearfully

"I'm an orphan my lady," said Luli

'An orphan, Juan was also an orphan, am I going crazy or it is just how the plot is' Mei lien thought

"Thank his highness for me, I will also come to show gratitude," said Mei lein as eunuch Li made his way out of her chamber leaving Mei lien in deep thoughts

"Jing, take luli to her room and as from today you both would be serving me ," said Mei lien as she couldn't stop staring at Luli

"Yes my lady," replied Jing

"Thank you my lady, your grace is beyond measure," said Luli as she follows Jing to settle down

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