
Transmigrated Into the Body Of The Prince Consort

What happens when two strangers from different world meet and had to separate again without knowing each other? The prince of wei kingdom trespasses into the Zambe sect unknowingly and was being rescued by the Zambe sect princess Ya. But destiny would soon bring these two back together as Ya is being punished by going into the human world to complete the last trial full of betrayal, love and drama to attain immortality. would she be able to accomplish this mission?and what happens if she meets the stranger that led her to all these? let's find out in "transmigrated into the body of the prince consort"

Tee_wave · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

My lord, it's the lady's ghost!!

"Where am I? How can they put someone in a box or whatever with no oxygen to breathe," Ya said as she struggled to open the lid which she was later able to move as she stood up out of what looked like a casket

"This must be a dream, am I dead, why exactly am I in a casket?" she thought as she decided to call out to someone

"Hello! Is anybody here?" Ya shouted but there was no response as she made her way out of the room

Servants can be seen tending to their duties, but was soon frightened at the sight of Ya

"Arrrgh!!!"they all screamed as they ran away, looking for where to hide

"Errrrrm... wait!," Ya called but couldn't get anyone of them to stay, 'what exactly is wrong with them?'she thought as she moved around the mansion but was suddenly stuck by some memories which flows through her head leaving her with terrible headache but was soon relieved

'What are those? Whose memories are those and where exactly am i?' she thought as she decided to follow her feet to where ever it might take her, soon enough she stumbled upon a room and decided to take a peep inside

'Finally, there is a gathering of people' Ya thought as she decided to eavesdrop for a while before going in

Mr and Mrs Yang can be seen sitting beside each other, old madam Yang can be seen on the right hand side, Yang yuze on the left hand side, and Yang mei xing sitting beside her husband Sun Guo, the first prince of the wei kingdom.

"Thank you for showing up to our daughter's burial your highness, we really appreciate," Mr Yang said bowing to the crown prince.

"It's okay, prime minister, and I'm sorry about your loss," said prince Guo

Just in the middle of their conversation, a guard rushed in trembling with fear in which Ya had hidden herself so that he doesn't see her and soon came out when he had gone inside

"How dare you!"Mr Yang said angrily to the guard, anyone there should come and drag this lowlife out and behead him," he added

"No my Lord, it's a ghost," the guard said still trembling with fear

"A ghost!!What ghost,"The prime minister asked, "someone! come and drag this low life out," he added angrily

"My lord, It's the lady's ghost, every servant saw it," The guard said

"What! My lord, is this useless guard trying to taunt me with my daughter's death," Mrs Yang said tearfully

" No madam, all the servant can testify, it's the young lady we saw,"the guard said

Yang Mei Zhen can be seen coming towards the room, as she tapped Ya shoulder who had been so focused eavesdropping without noticing anyone coming as she shrugs Mei Zhen hand's off.

"How dare you! you lowly maid," Mei Zhen said angrily, but was soon terrified as Ya turned to face her

"Ghost!!"she yelled as she lose her balance making her fall on her back

"What ghost?"Ya asked confused as she stretched her hand to pull Mei Zhen up, who later refused her kind gesture as she called for her hand maid who pulled her up

Everyone in the room had rushed out to see what was going on outside

"Mei lien "Mr Yang called with tears rolling out her eyes

"Is that my grand daughter?" Old madam Yang said as she moved closer to Ya who was still confused by all the drama going on in front of her

"My sister had risen from the death," Yang Yuze said

"Hey! you guys should stop all these drama ok? I understand you lost your daughter but I'm not her, I'm Ya from the 'Zambe' sect, and I understand that I'm on a mission here but still I came here with my friends, so where are they?"Ya asked in the hope of getting a reply but actually got none

"Can anyone just show me the way out of this damn place, I gotta find my friends and begin my mission," she said, but still gat no reply until Yuze broke the silence

"I think my sister had gone crazy," she said

"No, Mei lien, It's me your mother and this is your grandmother too," Mrs Yang said tearfully as she hugged Ya who struggled to free herself off her grib

"Easy woman, I'm not your daughter and I know my mother when I see her," Ya said angrily

"Pls somebody should go and get the doctor here this minute," Mrs Yang said, while petting Ya and whispering to her ear saying, 'it's okay my baby, you are going to be fine' as she urges Ya to her room as the rest followed her

Now, in Ya's room or should I say Mei lien, the imperial doctor can be seen examining her as others watched patiently waiting for the results. Soon the doctor was done and ready to break the results to the family

"How is it doctor? Is she okay?" Old madam Yang asked worriedly

"Yes Madam, but she's suffering from memory loss and will need time for her to recover"

"Memory loss??"Mrs Yang said tearfully

"Please just do anything and make sure my daughter gets okay," Mr Yang said

"Yes my Lord, I will," said the doctor as Yuze showed him the way out

"Your highness, thanks for taking care of us," Mr Yang said facing the crown prince

"It's my pleasure prime minister, just make sure you nurture the third lady back to health," said the crown prince as he made his way out of the room with his wife, Mei xing accompanied by Mr Yang

Soon everyone began leaving Ya's room one by one only leaving Jing, her hand maid with her

"Just tell me anything you need my lady, I'll get it all done for you," Jing said smiling

"Do you also think I'm your young lady," Ya asked scornfully

"Yes, you're the prettiest all over the Capital," Jing said happily

"I'm not the one in need of treatment, it's you guys actually since you've all gone crazy," Ya said angrily as she sat infront of the mirror but was soon shocked by her appearance

"Arrrrrgh, what happened to my face, who the hell is this?"Ya asked angrily

"What's wrong my lady? You're scaring me," Jing said tearfully

"I'm the scared one here young lady, what kind of spell did you guys cast on my face to make me look like this?" Ya asked trembling

"You've always been like this my lady, the fairest in the capital," said Jing

"Yes, I know your lady is fair, but I'm talking about me, my own face," Ya replied

'Don't tell me, I'm already in the human world and swapped soul with this woman, how am I supposed to convince my friends that I'm still their Ya and moreover, where are my friends, am I the only one who had memories or didn't my friends come here in the first place? Was I tricked?' Ya thought as she loses consciousness and fainted

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