
Transmigrated Into Jihan:Path of The Supreme Emperor

I do not own The Gamer the only character I own is my MC

Translator43532 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Getting A Feel for All My Skills, Creating An I.D, Training

Hah so it was true I really did transmigrate I thought to myself.

Ouch that was annoying Jihan's memories really did come quickly as that God guy said it would.

First things first let's check My Status and Skills.

Name Jihan Han

Occupation The One on The Path of The Emperor

Level: Lv 5

HP 200/200

MP 200/200

VIT 15


AGI 11







Emperors Eyes (Passive) LV1 Exp 0.0%: A Skill that allows the user of the eyes to be able to see if a person of similar or weaker strength is telling the truth or not, it also allows the user of the skill to sense incoming attacks of opponents that are at the same level and weaker and slower than the user of the skill. Skill is Evolvable. Unique Skill to Jihan Han

Emperors Domain (Active) LV1 Exp 0.0%: A skill that creates a domain around the user and wherever the user expands it forces the power and will of the user of the skill onto others caught in the domain those with weak wills or are weaker than the user of the skill will feel insurmountable fear or will instantaneously make them submit to the users will. If the Domain is used on a singular person and the user of the skill has more Mana or Ki than the targeted person it suppress there power based on the difference in energy meaning all their stats and abilities . Skill is Evolvable. Unique Skill to Jihan Han

Emperors Aura (Passive) LV1 Exp 0.0%: It will cause all to feel the presence of the aura and anyone who controls energy in some form of capacity either feel fear from the amount of power the owner of the aura possesses or if it is someone stronger than the owner of the aura it gives away the location of the owner of the aura. It will also attract those who love battle. It will also attract those of the opposite gender and are more willing to share you with other partners. Unique Skill to Jihan Han

Supreme Martial Art (Active) LV1 Exp 0.0% : The most powerful Martial Art that exists will ever exist It possess exactly 36 different Martial Techniques and each technique is greater than all martial arts combined when all techniques are used in sync and hits the intended target the strength of the technique after the first hit compounds on each other till the 36th technique Maximum of 36,000% damage on the 36th technique While training this martial art users body will grow stronger to cope with the strain this martial art puts on the body it synergizes with Supreme Sword Art .Skill is Evolvable. Unique Skill to Jihan Han

Supreme Sword Art (Active) LV1 Exp 0.0%: The most powerful the most powerful Sword Art that exists will ever exist It possess exactly 36 different Sword Techniques and each technique is greater than all Sword arts combined when all techniques are used in sync and hits the intended target the strength of the technique after the first hit compounds on each other till the 36th technique Maximum of 36,000% damage on the 36th technique. While training this sword art users' body will grow stronger to cope with the strain this sword art puts on the body it synergizes with Supreme Martial Art. Skill is Evolvable. Unique Skill to Jihan Han

Supreme Ki Gathering Method [Human-Phase] (Active) LV1 Exp 0.0%: The greatest energy gathering method once technique is perfectly mastered allows user to become a god. There are 3 evolutions necessary to reach Godhood.

Alright all the skills are just liked I asked now let's check if the sword is there, I thought to myself before opening the inventory to see a sword. All right since the sword is there its only 8 am I have all of today to train properly before I have to go back to school. First things first I need to leave the house and create an I.D I got some proper clothes to wear from the closet and started to walk down the stairs once I reached down the stairs, I saw my "mom" on the couch she instantly turned her head to me before asking

"Where are you going" She asked me with confusion as to why I am not playing game

"To go outside and relax I will be back before the sun is down" I told her she nods

"If your late you will be grounded for a month" she tells me in a stern tone I nod before walking outside the house.

I started to walk to an area in my memories where no one shows up it took a few minutes to get there once I did, I put my hand up in the air and started to pour my energy into my hands before saying

"Create I.D" once I said this I appeared inside the protected space

Once I was sure that I was inside the space I went into my inventory and pulled out my sword I used observe on it and saw

Name-Choego Hwangje Gum


Growth Potential - Infinite

The sword that has the potential to become the most powerful weapon that will ever exist when the sword kills any powerful opponents it will grow according to the thing it has slain, the sword will always come back to its owner. The sword is built to use the Supreme Sword Art

Titles None

Alright Let's try all these new skills first

"Emperors Domain" I say and a yellow expanding force invisible to all except those with the Emperors Eyes.

Next Supreme Martial Art 1st Technique True Wind Fist, 2nd Technique Emperors Lightning Fist, 3rd Technique Draconian Flame Kick. What the hell I can't use the 4th technique.

Your Body is too weak to execute the 4th Technique continue training the 1st-3rd Techniques until you can use 4th Technique

STR has increased by 2

AGI has increased by 2

Alright time to try the sword art

Supreme Sword Art 1st Technique True Wind Slash, 2nd Technique Emperors Lightning Cut, 3rd Technique Draconian Flame Slash. I can't use the 4th technique.

STR has increased by 2

AGI has increased by 2

Alright now try them both at the same time Supreme Sword Art, Supreme Martial Art 1st technique Supreme Wind Slash. What the hell I can't even go past the first technique

STR has increased by 4

AGI has increased by 4

Alright now that I know my limits for now with my techniques it's time to test just how great the Supreme Ki Gathering Method, I looked through how to use the skill in my mind and realized that the Supreme Ki Gathering Method gather energy 2 ways either by using the martial and sword together with the technique training all 3 at the same time even though the amount of energy gathered will be half but if I sit down and meditate I will get the full benefits of the method all right I decided to sit down and do the meditation method first for one hour after activating technique I could feel the energy being gathered into my body I worked on stabilizing the energy and permanently making it mine after an hour passed I opened my eyes and saw multiple notifications

MP increased by 2000

VIT increased by 2

Supreme Ki Gathering Method [Human-Phase] (Active) LV3 Exp 37.0%: The greatest energy gathering method once technique is perfectly mastered allows user to become a god. There are 3 evolutions necessary to reach Godhood.

Incredible it truly deserves to be the greatest Ki gathering method that will ever exist.

After a few minutes of thinking it over I decided to spend the next few hours using all 3 Supreme Methods simultaneously and train them as far as I can after a few hours passed and I saw that the sun was about to set I was satisfied for the day I could now finally use the 4th technique for both Martial and Sword Art. True Water Reflect and True Water Parry after that I decided to check my status

Name Jihan Han

Occupation The One on The Path of The Emperor

Level: Lv 5

HP 200/200

MP 7200/7200

VIT 20

STR 45

AGI 60






Supreme Martial Art (Active) LV7 Exp 25.0% : The most powerful Martial Art that exists will ever exist It possess exactly 36 different Martial Techniques and each technique is greater than all martial arts combined when all techniques are used in sync and hits the intended target the strength of the technique after the first hit compounds on each other till the 36th technique Maximum of 36,000% damage on the 36th technique While training this martial art users body will grow stronger to cope with the strain this martial art puts on the body it synergizes with Supreme Sword Art .Skill is Evolvable. Unique Skill to Jihan Han

Supreme Sword Art (Active) LV1 Exp 25.0%: The most powerful the most powerful Sword Art that exists will ever exist It possess exactly 36 different Sword Techniques and each technique is greater than all Sword arts combined when all techniques are used in sync and hits the intended target the strength of the technique after the first hit compounds on each other till the 36th technique Maximum of 36,000% damage on the 36th technique. While training this sword art users' body will grow stronger to cope with the strain this sword art puts on the body it synergizes with Supreme Martial Art. Skill is Evolvable. Unique Skill to Jihan Han

Since Iwas satisfied with the skills and power, I had gained for now I destroyed the protected space and walked home and decided to sleep to prepare the fact I had to go to school tomorrow.

So how is the chapter did he gain to many stats how do you all like how I am going with the story line comment