

Ducking under a fist, I dropped to the floor and sent out a leg sweep.

"Don't overextend, it leaves you open for counter attacks, Yuuki," I laughed as I caught the falling Yuuki.

She was currently wearing a tight tube top and small sports shorts which stuck to her thighs and hips. Yuuki looked up at me with a pout.

"It's not fair! You've been training me for just over a month and I still can't land a hit on you~!" she started whining as she banged her little fists against my chest, "Ryuuu...do I not have any talent or something?" she went teary-eyed and continued whining.

Patting her head to placate her, I pecked her on the cheek, "You're improving just fine, Yuuki. By this point, you'd be able to take on a few delinquents without too much trouble but as for even landing a hit on me? You're a thousand years too earlier, my adorable student~!" with my playful smile and teasing words, Yuuki went a bit red before looking away from me, huffing and calling me an idiot.

"Ohh come on, Yuuki, don't start getting down - you're progress is amazing!" I brought her head toward my chest and reassured her before I moved the conversation elsewhere, "So, how's your progress in the Archery Club after you left the Track Team?"

Hearing my question, Yuuki instantly started to cheer up.

"Ah! They say that I'm getting betting every day like no one they've ever seen before! I can hit the bullseye 9/10 times now and can even move and hit the center of the target!" she beamed a proud smile and put her head up toward me.

Seeing this, I wryly smiled and started to pat and rub her head, "I'm proud of you, Yuuki," she began to weirdly giggle at this as she suddenly hugged my neck before laying a steamy kiss on me.

The kiss continued for a while with the two of us greedily devouring the others' lips.

When we finally separated we turned around to see Saeko entering the Kendo club room. When she saw the two of us she smiled before walking over with something behind her back.

"Hello, you two!" she seemed very happy for some reason and instantly turned to Yuuki, "Yuuki, you know how Ryu has to do 'that' before lesson today? Well, I've decided you're gonna fill in for him in our spar!"

I laughed and Yuuki went a bit pale.

"Uhhh...I don't have a weapon to fight you with, Saeko...and I'm not as monstrous as Ryu to take on your shinai/bokken with my bare body..." she turned to glare at me, "And you, mister, why do you have to go there every day before lesson anyway?!" before I could answer, Saeko did.

"That's I got you this!" as she said this she brought out a pretty nice looking bow. It looked to made of black metal and the string was a bright white color. On the metal part of the bow, there were writings and runes spread all across it.

When Yuuki saw it, her eyes started shining like a cat who'd seen tuna.

"I thought it'd be best if we also start training you in how to hit moving targets and humanoid targets...Oh! And I've also got lots of blunted arrows in the storeroom for the club, so we can keep practicing for as long as it takes!" she seemed excited before carrying on, "And Ryu has to do what he has to do, Yuuki. Marikawa-sensei just wants to check up on him to make sure he won't go around hurting people anymore."

Yuuki let out a groan, "Yeah right that's the only reason...and it's been an entire month since that incident! If he were gonna continue doing what he did, he'd have done it by now and the sensei would've found out! She's got ulterior motives! That's what my womanly instincts are telling me!" she looked so self-assured that even Saeko started to believe her.

But I pinched her cheek, "Oi, calm down, Yuuki. Marikawa-sensei is a nice person who just cares about people a little too much. She's only worried about me and it's the least I can do to humor her," releasing Yuuki's cheek she glared at me before getting up and walking over to Saeko.

"Okay, whatever you say, Ryu...Saeko, let's start our spar so Ryu can go off to his beloved Sensei~" she looked at me before sticking her tongue out.

I knew she wasn't really annoyed, but she really loved to be dramatic.

Shaking my head with mirth, I waved to the two girls before walking off, leaving my bag and jacket in the room.

The leisurely walk allowed me to clear my head for what was to come.

Getting in front of the infirmary I took a big breath before sliding the door open and walking inside. Inside I saw Shizuka waiting for me, fidgeting and looking incredibly excited/eager.

"Hey, Marikawa-sensei, I'm here," my words caused her to jump a little before she went red remembering the weird smile she just had on her face.

She was probably wondering whether I saw it or not: I did, but I'd play ignorant so she doesn't get too embarrassed.

"H-Hattori-kun, h-how are you?" she stuttered out her words before lifting a shaky hand toward the bed, "If you would, please sit and r-relax,"

Stifling a chuckle, I simply nodded and did as I was asked.

As I sat down Shizuka came over to me with a serious face, but the serious blush and hot breath were obvious tells that she was excited.

She slowly started feeling up my body with light touches.

Haah~ How to explain this...

Basically Shizuka 'blackmailed' me into letting her do medical check-ups on me, daily. She said it was to keep me out of trouble and serve as a deterrent to beating people up because if she found any sign of fighting on my body, she'd instantly rat me out.

And it started out innocently, she actually was giving me medical check-ups for injuries and checking my clothes for any of signs of blood.

But it slowly moved away from that. It started with a few discreet lingering touches but now she doesn't even try to keep it discreet; she just feels my muscles.

I don't mind; in fact, it helps me out. How? Well, I was wondering how to make a move on her but it was hard - she's a teacher and she'd feel immensely against starting a relationship with a student of hers, well, one she didn't start anyway.

So, her initiating this whole thing was making it much easier to seduce her.

"Sensei, thanks for giving me 'check-ups' every day...they really help," I smiled at her and she giggled a little while averting her eyes.

But her hands never stopped, "I-it's fine, Hattori-kun...you're a student and I'm simply helping you out with no ulterior motives..." she trailed off as she reassured herself into thinking this wasn't her coming onto a student.

I smirked at her and turned away from her as she told me to show her my back.

As soon as I turned my back, I heard a slight squelching noise which signified that she'd started her newest thing in our sessions; her 'secretly' masturbating while touching me.

It was weird, I won't deny that, but still, having such a beautiful, lewd and sexy woman come onto me was such a turn-on.

I was slowly getting erect as I continued to hear Shizuka diddling herself behind me. As this happened, slowly but surely a tent was beginning to appear in my trousers.

Suddenly the noises stopped and I heard a slight gasp from Shizuka. I didn't get worried and just stayed there in silence, acting as if I wasn't slowly getting a massive hard-on.

I smirked as I saw a pale, lithe hand slowly move around to my erection before hovering above it.

Seeing her hesitate, I slowly lifted my hips letting her feel my dick in all its glory.

Another gasp came from Shizuka but her hand didn't pull away, in fact, it followed my crotch as I lowered it.

"Hattori-kun..." her throaty voice rang out next to my ear, hot air blowing past my ear, "...I've just realized something..."

Grinning, I looked toward her with an 'innocent' smile.

"What would that be, Marikawa-sensei?" I played along as I knew I was ever so close to pulling off something with my sexy school nurse.

I heard a gulp come from her mouth as she slowly ran her hand up and down my cock through my school pants, "W-well, I've never checked this place in my...e-examinations a-and I think I should because I know of your and Yuuki's r-r-relationship! Yeah, that's it...you don't want to have developed anything wrong down here, right?" she continued to reassure herself and I just nodded.

She continued to get more and heated as she grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face her.

Her chest was heaving slightly and her face was bright red. Her eyes looked a little dazed and the hazel orbs were filled with barely hidden lust.

She undid the buttons to my pants before dragging them down to my knees. She unconsciously licked her lips when she saw the growing tent in my underwear.

Grabbing it through the fabric she gave it a few rubs up and down along with some tight squeezes.

She looked at it in wonder, "It truly is a wonderful...piece of equipment..." her hand slowly stopped touching me. Instead, it drifted down the elastic band of the underwear before hooking her thumb under it.

Just as she was about to pull it away, the door slammed open revealing a small figure.

Shizuka shot away from me and stood up, before looking at the door with wide eyes, looking like a deer in the headlights.

I, on the other hand, looked at the door with an annoyed look on my face. But the look was soon replaced with a mischievous grin filled with playfulness.

"Marikawa-sensei, my period came early again, do you have any underwear--!" the pink-haired girl finally looked at what was happening and it shut her up:

A tall, handsome blond boy was sitting on the bed with his pants down and a big tent in his pants. While the school nurse was standing a few feet away with a red face, ragged breath and erect nipples that had made definite outlines in her shirt.

Looking at the shorty in front of me I smirked, "Has no one ever told you it's polite to knock before entering a room?" standing up I bent over to pull up my pants.

Luckily I had conscious control over my blood flow, so my big brother instantly became a little brother and I could finally put my pants on without them feeling extremely tight.

"I...I...!" the pink-haired girl slowly went red as she pointed her finger at me before pointing Shizuka.

Knowing this could go down a bad road, I instantly put my hands ups, "Calm down, calm down, Marikawa-sensei was just helping me with a problem of mine, so she was about to give me a check-up," speaking in a self-confident manner, I could see both Shizuka and the girl calming down.

Hearing me, Shizuka instantly spoke up, "Yes! What Hattori-kun said is true, Takagi-san, so there's no need to jump to conclusions!" her ragged breath and sexual arousal had disappeared by now but her red face was still very red.

Oh, and yeah, the girl in front of me is the famous tsundere Saya Takagi, a mean-mouthed genius who was a bit on the short side.

Looking her up and down I could tell why people still asked her out despite her vicious mouth.

Long pink hair which she mostly keeps in two ponytails on either side of her head. Her hair also has two thin, long bangs at the sides, two thin strands of hair over the left side of her forehead, and a spiky larger portion of hair covering the right side of her forehead.

Fierce orange eyes and seemingly permanently furrowed eyebrows gave her a rather constantly-annoyed look. She didn't have her glasses on at this point, but instead contacts. As unlike in the show where she couldn't get any liquid to moisturize them and they dried out, we were in a fully functioning society where she could still get contact lens liquid.

Though it did take away from her book-ish, genius beauty image from the show, she still looked absolutely stunning.

Her physique is slender but her breasts and hips were wide, slightly unfitting for her short height of around 155cm or 5'1".

Saya slowly calmed down before glaring at me, "Forget anything you just heard, idiot," she charged up to me and pointed at my face with her little hand.

Smiling, I let out a chuckle, "Then forget anything you saw when you entered here, shorty," giving her a playful smile, I walked past her. She let out a strained groan of anger but let me past her nonetheless; how could she stop me?

However, when I was at the door, I heard her voice speak out again, "Wait out there, Hattori-san, I need to talk to you about something," her voice was serious and I figured I'd at least hear out what she wanted to talk about. Though, I don't exactly know why she wants to talk to me. Or that she even knows me.

"Well, Marikawa-sensei, I'll have to get you to check out my problem tomorrow~ See ya~" winking at the innocent nurse, I gave her a wave before leaving and waiting outside.

It didn't take long for Saya to come out of the room. She shifted her head toward the stairs before she started walking up them.

I followed.

We walked up the stairs and onto the roof before Saya spun around and looked at me with a slightly smug smile.

"I know what you did," she said this in a slightly condescending way but I decided to keep my cool.

"And what did I do, Takagi-san?"

Looking as if I'd walked right into her trap, she replied, "You were the one who savagely beat Tsunoda and his goons...you also seem to be having an intimate relationship with Shizuka Marikawa the school nurse...both these facts have you firmly planted in the palm of my hand!" she puffed out her large chest in pride.

Her predatory orange eyes looked at me with an almost taunting look.

Seeing her act so scheming-like, I let out a small chuckle, "And where is your evidence for these accusations? And why have you waited so long to start up this blackmail?"

"Ha! Do you think I don't have any evidence? Look at this and weep~" she pointed her phone in my direction, showing me a picture of me looking rather demonic with my foot over Tsunoda's leg in the process of breaking it.

My shirt and hands were covered in the blood of the broken goons surrounding me and my face was warped in an image of fervent rage and psychosis.

"And for my evidence between you and Marikawa-sensei? I don't need it~" she let out a small smug laugh which sounded like an evil mature ladies laugh - like the 'Hohoho' or the 'Ufufufu' kind - before continuing, "I could just bring it up to the school board and they'd probably fire Marikawa-sensei or put out an investigation on her, defacing her profile forever~"

Standing there, I realized that she really was a bit of genius.

Letting out a laugh, I looked down at Saya, "You really are a genius..." she nodded with pride but I carried on, "but...supreme intelligence cannot stand in front of overwhelming power," with my words over, I grabbed the phone from her hand before holding a dark purple knife up to her throat.

Where'd I get the knife? It's a usage of my Kagune. I can summon my Kagune anywhere on my body with any properties I want.

It's incredibly versatile and useful.

Saya went a bit pale and wide-eyed at both my speed and my ruthless precision to threaten her life.

"So, Takagi-san, are you going to stop trying to blackmail me?" it was my turn to tauntingly smirk at her.

She ground her teeth, letting out angered grunts but she calmed herself down.

"If you kill me, not only will you be prosecuted for my murder but all the pictures that link you to the violent assault of Tsunoda will be sent to the police and the school board from my computer. While I was in the infirmary, I also added the part about your relationship with Marikawa-sensei through my phone, so she'll be dragged down with you," hearing what she said my eye twitched a little.

This is why I hate scheming and people who like doing it - they're so slimy and slippery, it's so hard to pin them down and just end their schemes.

"...I stand by what I said before; You really are a genius, Saya Takagi," letting out a sigh, I saw Saya smile at me.

"Yep. What you said earlier was true; Intelligence can't stand up in front of power. Intelligence can never beat power in a head-on fight but it can maneuver power into a position where it can't destroy intelligence either~" she seemed proud of herself.

So proud that I didn't want to burst her bubble by just killing her. I'd only have to wait a month before everything went to shit and I could come back for Yuuki, Saeko, and Shizuka. I could even rush to Saya's house after killing her and hack into her computer before deleting the content.

But I'd let her have the win for now. It was something interesting after all.

"...So, what do you intend to blackmail me into doing, Takagi?" I dropped the '-san' honorific. If she was going to use me, I wouldn't give her any respect or politeness. Not that I'd hate her - god no, I really didn't care about the blackmail. In fact, I found it attractive that she was so resourceful and would still try and blackmail a student who brutally beat 5 teenagers.

Saya didn't seem to mind my lack of politeness, and just got onto what she wanted, "I want you to be my bodyguard," she paused for a second before explaining, "You see, my father keeps sending grizzly old men to protect me and they creep me out, so I want you to protect me instead!"

I looked at her as if she were stupid and she seemed to get what I was thinking because she frowned at me.

"I get what you're thinking but father has seen what you did to those delinquents and he knows your more than capable to protect me in school! I can even pay you!"

Hearing money, I perked up and leaned toward her and took the knife away from her neck and pretended to put it in my pocket before dispelling it.

"How much?"

"As much as you need. If you need something specific, I can get it for you," she seemed assured of her connections and I trusted her judgment on this kind of thing, so I nodded.

"Right then, I need you to get people to reinforce my apartment to the best you can. Plus, I need you to buy massive amounts of non-perishable food products and water," I listed off what I needed and Saya seemed a bit taken aback.

This is why I was so interested when she said money; I need my apartment to become a safe haven in case anything has changed in the plot.

If Shizuka's apartment is overrun, we can go to mine. There are no guns there but it'd be safe and we could survive there for a little while before moving on to another place, like the police station or to Saya's house.

"...Okay, weird, but doable...it can be arranged, Hattori," she nodded her head before scratching her nose, "Your job won't be hard, I'll just stick with you during the day...Oh! And you'll have to pick me up from my house, here's the address..." she went on to drone on and on about my duties and I kept myself from telling her to shut up. I kept telling myself it was for survival and that mantra kept me from silencing her.

God this is gonna be annoying...

Right, don't be too annoyed about the blackmail thing - it's not too much of a big deal and won't be lasting for long anyway.

Ah, and there will probably be one more chapter before the apocalypse hits and zombies start popping up left and right~!

Lazyycreators' thoughts