
Birthday (Part 2)

The night had progressed okay so far after Rei and Takashi came back with the movie.

I could hear their fast heartbeats and how their scents had mixed so I knew something had happened. Nothing too serious but definitely a kiss.

At the first chance I got, I pulled the red-faced guy aside.

"Sooo~ What did you and Rei get up to, huh? Did you finally confess to each other or something?" a teasing look on my face made Takashi avert his eyes in embarrassment before slightly glaring at me from the corner of his eye.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Ryu...nothing happened," he went to walk off but I gripped his shoulder with a strong grip.

Grinning evilly at him, I pulled him back toward me, "Now now, Takashi, trust my playboy instincts here, will ya? They've yet to fail me," grinning I let out a small laugh, "Plus, you two reek of one another's scent,"

Hearing me, Takashi's eye twitched a little before he spoke in a hushed voice.

" 'Scent'? What are you? A Bloodhound or something?!" his face had gone bright red and he defiantly tried to deny what I was saying, "You're just guessing stuff based off of assumptions!" he got a little angry at me but I didn't mind it. People usually get aggressive when they get embarrassed.

Smirking at him, I raised an eyebrow, "Really? I'm making assumptions? Well, from how there's still some of Rei's lip gloss on your lips, I guess I did make an assumption from that piece of information...or maybe you're wearing lip gloss on your own accord now? Hmm, I wonder~" hearing what I said, Takashi went a bit pale before rapidly reaching up and rubbing his lips.

"Is there?! Do you think the others saw it--Wait..." feeling his lips, Takashi obviously felt a distinct lack of lip gloss on his lips.

Looking up at me with a sullen expression, I'm guessing he sees me with devil horns and a forked tail right now, huh?

"Yep, that's right, I just tricked you into giving me the truth! I think you should sharpen your mind a little~!" teasing him, I softly punched his shoulder, "But come on, dude, did you need to hide this from me? I could give you advice and shit like that," smiling, I looked into Takashi's eyes with a serious face.

I didn't quite like that Takashi had practically gotten cucked in the original series. It's realistic because he's an indecisive idiot but still, seeing the MC having the girl he liked being with another dude left a bad taste in my mouth.

So, I decided to help him. It's just a shame he had to wait until a month before the end times before taking the first step.

Anyway, back to the present, Takashi went a bit limp and he head hung low.

"...I don't know what to do, man," he let out a whiny voice and I quickly looked over at the girls.

"Hey, girls, Takashi and I are gonna go and have a chat over there. Don't eavesdrop - I'll know and punish you for it~!" putting on a playful face, I let out a little intimidation to show I meant business.

If Takashi didn't open up fully, there's little I could do to help him, and he wouldn't open up if he knew people would listen in.

The girls nodded slightly confused but nevertheless not really caring too much. Well, other than Rei who went red knowing what I was probably talking to Takashi about.

She was a participant after all.

Pulling my friend over to the other side of the room, we both sat down on a sofa.

Man, why do they have so many sofas in one room? And why's the living room have to be so big?

Anyway, I looked over at a nervous Takashi, "So, Takashi, what do you feel for Rei?"

My wording seemed to catch Takashi off guard and he instantly looked around in a paranoid trance, "Shh! Do you want them to hear us?!" he was flustered but he calmed down when he saw the girls didn't react at all, "...Haah~...I like her. I like like her, man. But I just don't know how to take the next step--" I held my hand up to stop him.

"I think you do know what to do, Takashi, it's just that you don't know IF you should do it...right?" keeping a calm face, I dug deeper into Takashi's indecisiveness.

Knowing his nature was a massive boon right now. I knew he was very laid-back and easy-going, which led to a more hesitant and indecisive nature - but knowing all of this, I knew how to give him the push he needed.

Before he spoke up, I carried on, "Listen Takashi...what would you do if Rei got with another guy while you're busy sitting around with a thumb up your ass thinking if you should ask her out?"

Takashi instantly froze up and went a little pale. I could see how he'd curled up his fists in his anger and frustration at what I'd said. His knuckles had gone white and he turned up to glare at me.

"What are you talking about, Ryu? Rei wouldn't do that, we have a promise--!" "Promises don't mean shit, Takashi,"

I cut him off and he went silent, knowing full well I was right. Seeing him look down, I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "Just ask her out, man. She's obviously into you and is just waiting for you to take the first step," taking my hand from his shoulder, I leaned back with my hands behind my head, "But if you take too long, someone else is gonna step in and take her, Takashi. She's a beautiful girl and I could name a few people who like her at this current time AND have a chance with her,"

My words made him go even paler, worry flooding his face. But seeing him get so worried, I knew I'd pushed a little too much.

"Don't worry too much, Takashi, and don't just focus on the bad things I'm saying. Those are just consequences of you NOT asking her out. If you grow a pair and ask her out, none of that bad stuff will happen. Listen, Takashi, what I'm trying to say is that you need to make a decision before she leaves you behind to move on with her life; you can't expect her to wait forever," I reassured him on what to do and tried to hammer home that she would move on if he didn't make a decision.

He didn't know it, but I did - she would get with another guy. Our friend Hisashi at that.

And honestly, I wanted to avoid that kind of stuff. Really, I don't even know why Hisashi even got with Rei in the original series; Didn't he think it'd hurt his best friend? I'm all for fairness and the fact Rei got a boyfriend after Takashi was being indecisive is fine with me - it's fair game after Takashi refused to make a decision - but the fact Hisashi did his friend wrong like that. It's just a bit...horrible, I guess.

It gets even worse when you realize these three hang out together and Takashi would probably have to see Rei and Hisashi act lovey-dovey with one another. It's like pseudo-NTR. I'm just gonna jot it down as a plot device and move on.

Takashi put his head in his hands and seemed to be thinking about something, probably about what I'd just said and what that made him feel.

He kept thinking for a while before he lifted his head and looked at me with much more color to his face than before.

"I'm going to see how it goes for the rest of the night after Rei and I, ya know, k-kissed earlier...if it feels right, I'll confess and ask her out...satisfied with your nosy-ness yet, Ryu?" he wryly smiled and let out a weak chuckle.

Hearing what he said, I pulled him into a headlock before ruffling his hair, "I'm only doing this to help you, you cheeky bastard!" letting out a laugh, I heard the girls giggling.

Looking over at them, I saw they were looking at Takashi and my display of male friendship. Smiling back at them, I let Takashi out of my unbreakable hold.

"...Are you sure you're human, Ryu? You're way too strong..." Takashi mumbled this as he sorted out his hair which was even messier than usual.

Standing up I looked down at him, "Just remember what you need to do, Takashi, and don't make me have to give you more advice, I need to spend time with my wonderful girlfriend and beautiful senpai tonight~" speaking this I left an annoyed Takashi on the sofa, mumbling something about me being a playboy.

When I got back over to the girls, I plopped myself down between Saeko and Yuuki.

Yuuki instantly cuddled into me, which I was expecting, but something I wasn't expecting was Saeko's hand to find itself on top of my hand.

I looked confusedly over at Saeko and saw her blushing lightly while smiling tenderly at me.

A whisper in my ear brought my attention away from Saeko.

"Saeko and I have been speaking and we've come to a reluctant agreement; I can be your girlfriend and she can be your side-piece. I need the help in the bedroom anyway, you insatiable beast..." Yuuki blew into my ear before giving my neck a rather strong kiss.

Looking over at Yuuki, I tilted my head, "And how long have you been talking about this? Also, how come I didn't get a say~?"

Yuuki scoffed at what I said, while I could feel Saeko rolling her eyes, "Ryu, we knew you'd say yes no matter what...and we've been discussing it ever since that time in the Infirmary, so for about a month. We'd chat over text. Mostly about who was best for you and who could satisfy you more but slowly, we came to discover we brought different things to the table and we slowly became friends," Yuuki explained to me in a more quiet voice so the others couldn't hear.

Rei, Takashi, and Saya were talking about something else anyway, so they didn't take notice of our secret conversation.

"So, is that why you and Saeko suddenly became so buddy-buddy in our training sessions? Well, I should've guessed," letting out a small laugh, I looked between Saeko and Yuuki before putting on a worried but gentle smile, "...But are you sure you want to be with such a lustful, greedy guy like me? Someone who's a selfish hypocrite who will have sex with multiple girls yet won't let the girls do the same with other men? You're either stupid or blind--" I was cut off by Yuuki's finger being put on my lips.

Saeko turned my head to her side before she smiled at me with such care I felt my heart burst with warmth.

"You're the only man for me, Ryu-kun, and besides, I was bound to be a mistress to someone. My father told me that if I didn't find a man I loved by the end of my high school years, I would be married off to one of his friends, a businessman with multiple mistresses. I was fine with this as I had no interest in men...until you came along and put yourself into my life. Since that point, my feelings for you have only grown and grown, until our spars and the time we'd spend together was all I woke up for," her hand caressed my face as she continued to smile softly at me.

"I was quite devastated when I found out that you got with Yuuki..." her face went a bit dark but it soon disappeared, "...But I soon realized I didn't need to be your girlfriend to be happy, and after speaking with Yuuki I've discovered she's fine with me being with your mistress," her hand left my face and landed on my chest as she leaned toward me, "So, will you take me as your mistress, Ryu-kun~?"

Her face was pretty close to mine right now and her face had an erotic blush running across it which only made her beautiful face even more stunning.

Not seeing a need to answer her with words, I leaned my head forward and planted a kiss on her shiny pink lips.

When our lips connected, Saeko jolted and her body went stiff with her eyes wide-open but within seconds her body became like jello and she fell into me, her arms wrapped around my neck.

She half-closed her eyes and they looked incredibly misty like she was drunk.

I heard a gasp across from us, and then I heard Rei half-shouting to Yuuki, "Yuuki, why are you letting your boyfriend kiss another girl?!" Yuuki scoffed at what she said before replying.

"Well, obviously because we share him, Rei," though she said this, I could hear the slight jealousy in her voice, so I grabbed her thigh with my right hand, while my other hand was around Saeko's waist.

I wanted to get across that I'd never leave or forget about Yuuki and she seemed to get the message as she tightly held my hand.

"Stupid playboy..." though Yuuki said this, I could hear the smile on her face.

Rei and Saya both seemed to look at Yuuki like she was an idiot. Saya couldn't seem to take it anymore and spoke out.

"But why? Are you an idiot?" Saya's harsh voice was filled with disdain but I could tell that was her defense mechanism for when she was embarrassed.

Hearing this Yuuki began arguing with Rei and Saya in a childish manner, while I continued kissing Saeko.

She was pretty clumsy with her kissing skills at first but as you'd expect from a girl who'd been practicing the sword for most of her life, she adapted quickly and her skills slowly but surely began to improve.

We both ignored the argument going on next to us, mainly because we were so drawn into our kiss.

Also because it really just seemed like Rei and Saya were arguing for arguing's sake. While Yuuki was defending our little, but still growing, harem.

I'll have to give her a 'thank you' present later~

Saeko pulled away from our kiss as she was running out of air.

Her breathless and red face was such a contrast from her pale and serious face I'd usually see from day-to-day. It was an intoxicating look, honestly.

"So, did that give you my answer, Saeko-senpai~?" hearing my teasing tone, Saeko went a bit redder and nodded her head before sliding next to me and hugging my arm between her wonderful breasts.

They weren't as big as Yuuki's but their firmness, elasticity and their feel more than made up for it.

I let my arm rest in the heaven placed around it before I felt Yuuki do the same thing on my other side. Her bigger, softer boobs wrapped around my arm and I felt liking I was floating to heaven.

It's good to have two beauties on my arms~

Yuuki looked mockingly over at Rei and Saya before smugly smirking.

"I think you two are just jealous because you don't have boyfriends~" with this she let out a mocking laugh before snuggling up next to me.

Her words seemed to hit Rei pretty hard because she went stiff before looking over at Takashi and making a slightly rash decision.

"I don't need a boyfriend because..." she trailed off before she lunged at Takashi's arm and buried it in her cleavage, "because I have Takashi!" her face was incredibly red but I could see hints of happiness in her eyes when she finally made the jump toward a partial confession.

Because what else could she mean by she doesn't need a boyfriend because she has Takashi? Even a dense idiot like Takashi got what she meant as he went completely red.

"R-R-R-Rei...?!" I could see the little cogs in his brain working on how to get out of this embarrassing situation but I could see that he really didn't want to stop what was happening as he felt Rei's body squished up against his.

"Ohhhhh~ Is that so~?" Yuuki had a teasing light in her eyes as she acted like an elder sister figure, "Well, I see. Takashi, you better take care of Rei, okay~?"

Taken along with the flow, Takashi answer almost instantly with a flustered voice, "Y-yes!"

Hearing his answer, Rei was a bundle of sunshine as she leaned up and pecked his cheek before leaning her head on his shoulder.

Everyone, even including me, was shocked by Rei's actions. This was, like, a serious step-forward for these two.

Looking down at Yuuki, I gave her a smile which screamed 'Well done, you're a genius!' and she answered back with a smug smile, "Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm great~"

Hearing what she said, I chuckled before leaning down and pecking her forehead with light kisses.

She giggled and hugged my arm harder. After doing this, I pulled back and looked over at Saya who had a complicated look on her face.

But it was interesting. Mainly because she could have jumped on this chance to call Takashi an idiot, or to reprimand him for being a pervert.

But it never came.

All she was doing was looking between Takashi and me which was...confusing, to say the least.

Though I did feel a twang of jealousy in my heart when I saw that Saya was so hung up on Takashi. But I'm a mature person, if she liked Takashi, I'd wish them the best of luck together--

Wait, I...like, Saya?

Oh god, let's bury that recently discovered fact as deeply as I can! It will either be a good decision or a bad decision to do this but I'm really shocked I seem to hold feelings for a Tsundere-Himedere* shorty!

(*A/N - A Himedere is pretty much a girl who acts like a Princess - Self-centered, Arrogant, Vain and Aloof. Just search up Himedere on Google and you'll get a more in-depth explanation. So this, along with Tsundere, perfectly explains Saya~)

Bloody Christ...

Seeming to hold the same intention as me - running from the situation - Saya instantly coughed getting everyone's attention.

"I invited you here for my birthday, not so you could all get into an o-orgy or whatever you perverts are doing! Now let's watch the horror movie!" her face looked a bit hurt for some reason, but she quickly covered it up with annoyance like she usually does. I seemed to be the only one to see her hurt face because everyone just agreed with watching the movie.

Knowing I'd probably end up helping her in some way because of my...Haah~...feelings, I let out a slight sigh before leaning back and just focusing on Saeko and Yuuki for now.

(A/N - Yo, here's chapter after a week~ The lemon will be next chapter. Though, there's no chapter tomorrow because I have to go out for the day with my mom - I don't get to see her much, so I usually spend a whole day with her. So, see you guys again on Saturday~!)

Okay, when I say Ryu's gonna help her out, I don't mean that he's gonna help her get with Takashi and cuck himself, but rather that he's gonna try and help her cheer up by being her emotional support or whatever. It's all in my plan to get her in the harem...Mwuhahahahaha~!

Lazyycreators' thoughts