
Transmigrated into a Hermit type MC

Alexander was someone you may call a maniac. When people ignore bullies or maybe get bullied by them, he loves to offer them a UNO Reverse card. He would bully them. Then he somehow transmigrated into the cultivation world, where bullies exist at all types and all levels of society. Here he was taken off the morality shackles he had on Earth. Here he can bathe in the thrill of freedom to the extreme. But every story starts with some problem and this is about the previous transmigrator of the body he is currently in. Yes... "Transmigrator". The previous host of the body was a transmigrator who got transmigrated into this body but is a f**cking moron. The previous one, Jiang Hao, was a hermit. He was a coward. He would cultivate in secret and never show his powers to the world and would even let a weakling slander him. But he will tell himself that the world is dangerous and it's better to avoid trouble. But... he died. And he didn't even know how he died. But Alexander finds out that this man has been sitting on a gold mine that can make him powerful beyond belief. His system, when exploited by the loopholes, is so overwhelmingly powerful that it can answer any and all questions a person has. ------------ Original Novel: CULTIVATING IN SECRET BESIDE A DEMONESS. You.... yes you.... you know how painful it is right? ------------ When someone has been on WebNovel for some time and has read all the good novels there are, they will start to read garbage-level cultivation novels. I too am such a poor Daoist. After wandering in the heaps and heaps of garbage cultivation novels, I accidentally read a poison and felt like my brain cells were screaming at me in my mother tongue, to stop reading and just.... let go. And I did let go, but the amount of garbage written in that novel got to me every night, and I couldn't hold it in anymore and decided to write a novel, about how I would react if I had all the powers that piece of **** had. This is the result. A novel written to vent my soul out. ----------- This is a weak to strong type novel but the MC will not be a weak will individual, even in the first chapters. So there won't be any character development where the MC will go through troubles and harden his resolve. He was born a Chad. Period.

RefinedPoison · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Tale of a Hermit Type MC who... died.


There was a shout from a young man wearing sweaty white robes.

As he lay on a wooden bed, inside a simple room, in a wooden house that looked like a simple stomp of a foot could ruin it, he felt like he was in a nightmare.

"It's been a week since I transmigrated into this shithole, yet why is your fucking body so weak that it can't even get up?"

The young man bellowed.

He was a high school student. Though not an exemplary student who scored in the top 5, he was quite exceptional in his studies.

However what he liked the most to do in his school time was beating down arrogant bullies and he spent most of his free time, besting bullies in their own field.


He went to a simple high school in his city, and most bullies there have their own 'hideouts'.

It can be the old school buildings, the children's playground, the backyard of the hostel, or the old canteen kitchen.

In that school, he knew where all the bullies hung out, and whenever he heard that one of them did something to a NEET-looking little simp, he went to one of those places and beat them like they had stolen his grandma's homemade cookies.

It was not out of any heroism, it was simply because he could vent his daily frustration on them.

On one of those fine days, in a children's playground that was being renovated, he happily beat the shit out of a dude who looked at the girl of a friend of his with lust in his eyes.

The pathetic cur he beat down got up in a rage and hit him with a rusty iron bar he found lying around, left by construction workers last week.

Then it was darkness.

Then it was light.

Then he woke up in a bed.

Even being left in the middle of nowhere and having his worldview shattered did not seem so shocking when he heard the story of the man in his head.

Having struggled with the new memories for a week, he has finally sorted them out.

[I told you, it's not my fault. He sent various herbs to this garden, and I didn't know his initial intention was to harm me]

The man in his head spoke.


"Man, why are you so worthless? It has been 12 years since you transmigrated into this cultivation world. 12 FUCKING YEARS!!!!

Upon being sold into this demonic sect, you discovered that you have a system that gives bubbles whenever you're in an herb field. Those bubbles apparently give you strength, spirit power, lifeblood energy... and even fucking spirit weapons.

You literally had to do nothing!

As long as the medical garden is fine, and you can grow in cultivation, all you had to do was work with the other herbs caretakers.

But.... BUT!

While you could have grown powerful, you stayed inside this goddamn shack like a fucking hermit.

In this sect, you grew up like the other outer disciples until one day a powerful senior falls through your roof and tries to kill you.

Yep... you thought it was perfectly fine to brush aside the fact that someone fucking broke through your roof,

Tried to kill you,

Didn't kill you but fed you a poisonous pill that made you emotionless against any woman other than her.

And disappeared"

Alexandar; now transmigrated and assumed the name Jiang Hao shouted to the man in his head.

The man in his head was the previous Jiang Hao, who assumed that name when he also transmigrated into this body 12 years ago.

Yes, it is what you think.

My boy transmigrated into the body of a transmigrater!!!

That....died of poison.

Pitiful really.

He ruins the name of all the fellow daoists who transmigrated with systems before him.

A stain in the heavenly legacy of the transmigrated earthlings record!

The turtle fucker stayed in his shack for 12 years and still died to someone named Bai Ye.

(Let's call the previous Jiang Hao, Turtle Hao)


Jiang Hao let out a frustrated breath because he couldn't move and the only thing keeping him alive was the system.

The system has given him a notification the moment he transmigrated here.

{Ding! Host has transmigrated to the old system user's body}

{Ding! Host is poisoned by a customized poison from the individual Bai Ye}

{Ding! Host's body is put into forced paralysis to prevent further deterioration of the host's health}

And so he stayed like this on the bed for a week. The old system user was a hermit-type MC.

He has read about this type of MC's from the cultivation books he liked to read in his free time back on earth.

They are the ones who are utterly terrified of death.

He was afraid too... I mean who isn't, right?

But the hermit-type MC's would rush into their cave abodes the moment they hear someone fighting, and come out after months of 'close door cultivation'.

Turtle Hao was precisely this type.

The Heavenly Note sect bought him from his family after they sold him during a time when his birth town was caught between two large clan wars which ultimately resulted in a city-wide famine.

As the Heavenly Note sect was a demonic sect and as his cultivation aptitude was deemed slightly above average, the registration hall elders assigned him to the cliff of broken hearts to tend to herbs.

They initially thought of sacrificing him to one of the elders who cultivate blood and sins, but after finding out that he is exceptionally good at tending to plants, they let him live as a simple herb caretaker. 

That's where he wasted his 12 years of life living like a hermit and was suddenly assaulted by the demoness... or that's what Turtle Hao liked to call her.

The demoness one day fell through the roof of his house dressed in a fine red silk gauze.

She was beautiful. A beauty far surpassing all the beauties he has seen in his previous and this world. He highly doubted he would meet anyone as beautiful as her in the future too.

But terribly dangerous.

There were red stains near her beautiful rosy pink lips. Evidence of the fact that she has been injured.

Her focus was muddled as her eyes were slightly glazed and bloodshot. The moment she saw Turtle Hao, she attacked with her long sword, bringing the sword to his neck in a blink and drawing small amounts of blood.

After the initial confrontation and beseeching the demoness that he holds no animosity and continuously shouting 'Senior, there has been a misunderstanding', the woman fed him a pill and disappeared in a blur.

In the aftermath, Turtle Hao was forced to come out of his shell due to a tragic turn of events.

First, it was a senior sister, who was apparently a traitor from a nearby righteous sect who appeared to be enamored with Turtle Hao but used countless charming techniques on him so she could use him as a scapegoat to escape the pursuit of the heavenly note sect.

But because of the Heavenly Extinction Yang Gu poison pill, the demoness fed him, which eradicated any and all emotions he would hold for any woman other than her by consent or not, those charming techniques were not of use.

Later that day he killed the woman.

But upon the sect finding out that the woman was a traitor and that Turtle Hao was the last to get in touch with her, Turtle Hao's exceptional 'close door cultivation' ended.

Then a series of traitors started to get in touch with Turtle Hao and being the coward he is, he greeted everyone like he was a good junior brother even knowing they were all traitors, and even 'gifted' them all the spirit stones he had.

Despite having an inherent advantage over most people due to his ability granted by the system; "daily appraisal" which grants him one appraisal per day and enhanced strength, endurance, and spirit... he remained in his shack wishing people would not find any trouble with him.

After that, the trouble only grew with some male cultivators inside the sect from the same sect as the woman he killed, wanting to take revenge on him because they were in love with her.

He was put on the suspect list of the disciplinary hall after a couple of brushes with traitors from the righteous sects. One good thing about the sect, however, was that the disciplinary hall was very strict and would only punish disciples who were proven guilty.

However, what is the point of being very strict when Turtle Hao doesn't have evidence to prove himself innocent?

Because of this Turtle Hao could stay inside his shack and continue his pathetic 'close-door cultivation', for a period of time. But even that chance abruptly came to a halt, when he was summoned to the White Moon lake.

This is the place where one of four the guardian elders presides. Elder Baizi.

However, this was another trap for our dear Turtle. He was given the Heavenly Fragrance Dao Flower seed.

It turns out that our turtle was not such a moron as we all thought and realized that his unusual brushes with sect traitors had actually prompted the acting sect leader to use him as bait. 

Upon planting this immortal treasure in his courtyard, he was promised rewards if it sprouted and bloomed.

So he came to the shaky wooden shack that would even make a mortal look at him with pity and planted the seed after appraising it and finding out how to make it bloom in the shortest time possible.

But even with this massive target on his back, he didn't change his decision and continued to stay as a shut-in.

This... was the start of the end of his pitiful 'close door cultivation'.