
Transmigrated in Danganronpa as the Ultimate Ninja

Transmigrated into the world of Danganronpa with the abilities of ninja from Naruto. Taking on the Identity as the Ultimate Ninja. How will the world change? *NOTICE: I don't own the picture of this fanfic. Leave me alone about it.*

Shinto_no_Kami · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

The Killing Game Begins

Seeing Makoto walk in everyone stared at him, including me.

I waited as the dialougue that happened in the game and anime happened.

After he got with the introductions like in the game the voice of monokuma appeared.

???: Hey there, howdy, hello! Is everyone here? Good! Then let's get things rolling!

After He said that we saw A half black half white bear appear from the podium.of the gymnasium stage.

Chiosaki: '' huh? a teddy bear?''

???: I'm not a teddy bear! I..... am Monokuma! And I am this school's headmaster!

I'm not going to lie. Seeing him move such complex movements in inanimate object standards was slightly creepy. I would have gotten way more terrified if not for the memories and skill I have in torture and assassination along with my wish to always stay calm.

While I was monolouging everyone except a select few was freaking out.

Kiyotaka: '' Calm down im sure there is just a speaker inside it.''

Monokuma: ''I'm not a teddy bear, I'm Monokuma! And I'm your headmaster''

Mifumi: '' Waaaah! It moved! ''

From there on Monokuma went over his control systems being very complex and even making a bear pun.

He then went on to greet everybody with the cooperation of kiyotaka and the obvious disapproval of Toko

Monokuma: '' Now things are in order let's get to the main point. Let us commence with a most noteworthy and memorable entrance ceremony! First, let's talk a bit about what your school life here will be like. Now, ah, make no mistake--you few students, so full of potential, represent the hope of the world. And to protect such splendid hope...you will all live a communal life together solely within the confines of this school. Everyone will live in harmony together, and adhere to the rules and regulations of the school.

Ah, now then...regarding the end date for this communal life... there isn't one! In other words, you'll all be here until the day you die! Such is the school life you've been assigned.''

The words spoken by Monokuma caused Toko to ask and repeat the words in question in disbelief.

~Timeskip to the revelation of the killing game~

Monokuma: ''As headmaster, I've crafted a special clause for those of you who would like to leave! I call it...the Graduation Clause!

Now, let me tell you about this fun little rule. As I mentioned, in order to maintain an environment of harmony here, we rely on a communal lifestyle. And if someone were to disrupt that harmony, they and they alone would be allowed to leave the school. That, my students, is the Graduation Clause!''

Byakuya: '' What do you mean 'disrupt the harmony'? ''

Monokuma:'' Puhuhu... Well, you know... If one person were to murder another.''

Makoto:'' M-Murder!?''

Monokuma: ''Stabbing, strangling, bludgeoning, crushing, hacking, drowning, igniting, how you do it doesn't matter. You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that.''

He then went on about how our despair was exciting. Which, to be honest was just at this point weird.

We then watch as Monokuma explodes in front of Mondo. And then as a new teddy bear appeared from the podium.

I decided to finally cut in.

Tobirama: '' Well now that we know this farce is real, what makes you think we will abide by these conditions? Cause from what I can tell these punishments are dire, they could include torture , starvation or even execution.'' My speaking got everyone's attention, Causing all eyes to look at me.

I erased myself and using my speed which was practically infinite I reappeared behind Monokuma.

Tobirama: '' To be able to kidnap us surely you must have some capability...or is this a kidnapping at all?'' I whispered the last part in his ear....mic....whatever you call it.

Tobirama: '' To claim such things you must know our capability. You must know MY capabilities so... what gives you the confidence to fight the child who defies logic? What gives you the confidence to fight me?''

~In the control and security room~

Junko: ' Shit... he has already almost figured it out.....the game just started....knowing him he won't speak about it till he's sure about his circumstances...but this changes our plans...fuck.

~In the gymnasium~

Everyone looked at me standing behind Monokuma with disbelief.

I slowly walked from behind him, jumped off of the stage and walked over to the group with eyes on us again.

Tobirama: '' You have nothing to say.....that's what I thought...''

After this Monokuma dissapeared in the podium.

Everyone came to the conclusion that we need to investigate.

Byakuya: '' I will investigate alone ''

Everyone: '' are you crazy ''

Byakuya then went on to criticize them on their foolishness. Eventually prompting Kyoko to speak out as well.

Tobirama : '' Their both right. I was planning on doing so anyway.''

Everyone looked at me crazy.

Aoi : '' Tobi I though you were coming with me and Sakura...''

Tobirama : '' you'll be fine, plus I'm going to do some dangerous investigation...you can be safe with sakura.''

And with that we all left to do our own investigations.