
transmigrated in Avatar: The legend of korra

An 18-year-old is transmigrated into the world of Avatar: The legend of Korra. I don't own any of the characters in legend of Korra as they belong to the respective creators of the show

Ink_bl0t · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Day of the test (part 2)

(Kai POV)

Lin and I were in the airship's cockpit, headed for the South Water Tribe compound, located deep in the South Pole. That was also where the Earthbending master I was going to be, and where they were currently training Avatar Korra. When Lin told me about whom I would face, I was slightly curious so, I asked Lin who it might be. She really couldn't say either, only that she was informed that the person was a master.

'Maybe it's someone new'.

Lin said it was going to be a couple of hours before we arrived at the White Lotus compound, so I did a few warm-ups in the meantime. She said that this airship was the fastest they had at their disposal, so we would probably arrive at the compound before sundown. To be honest, I was slightly nervous about arriving at the compound. It wasn't about the fight, but about something else.

That was the place where they were training Korra to master the elements. After all this time, I was finally going to meet her. I was trying to think of different ways to introduce myself, but I was just giving myself an unnecessary headache. I had to focus on the fight and if I was going to meet her, then I was just going to introduce myself as a normal person. At first, I was surprised when Lin said that we were heading to a White Lotus compound in the southern water tribe, but I didn't complain. Why would I complain? I spent months at the training facility without ever going outside to explore more of the world, except just visiting Republic City from time to time.

It was already noon, and I was outside standing on a small porch, taking a bit of fresh air. I leaned on the railing and stared at the beautiful, vast ocean we were currently flying over. I had an old-looking camera in my hand that I got from Uncle as a gift when we were still in Republic city. It was small and square-shaped, with a lightbulb at the side. I even took a few pictures with me and Lin, but every time I told her to smile in front of the camera, she always had a Stoic look every time I took a picture. That woman rarely smiles, ya know that?

Anyway, a few more hours passed, and I began to see icebergs in the distance. The air began to feel a lot chillier and snow began to fall. We were arriving at the South-pole. Putting on my winter coat, I made my outside to the porch. There were a lot of ice blocks drifting in the water, some were large and some were small. There were also animals on one of the ice blocks.

"If I'm not mistaken, they're called leopard seals, right?", I muttered while taking a few pictures.

I also spotted some other animals lying leisurely on the coast, that looked also like seals but had turtle shells on their backs. These were called Turtle seals and there were a lot of them, and they were so…cute. I also took several pictures of them, when I suddenly heard Lin calling me. I hung the camera around my neck and went back inside towards the cockpit. Lin was standing with her arms folded like always, and also wearing her own winter coat. I stood next to her and asked.

"What's up?".

"In just a few more minutes, and we'll be arriving at the compound…", she said and continued, "And when we're there I'll just drop you off, alright? I'll come get you in a few days".

"Drop me off? Wait, you're not staying?", I asked.

She looked at me with a sincere expression and sighed, "I got notified that I have to get back to Republic City as soon as possible…".

"Why?", I quickly asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, they need me back", she answered.

Lin saw that I was quite a bit unhappy that she couldn't watch my fight, and so was she, but she didn't really show it. She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "I'm sorry, kid, that I couldn't watch you win. I really looked forward to this, to see what you had become after months and months of training".

"*Sigh*, It's ok. You're still Chief of the Republic City Police, after all. It's understandable that you have a lot on your plate. And don't worry, I won't let you down…".

I looked her in the eyes and put my hand on her shoulder and said, "I promise".

She chuckled and said, "Good…".

Seeing Lin's soft side was really nice. She was still a bit stand-offish when it came to expressing her feelings, but I feel like during the months that we got to know each other, she started to be a lot more open. Then she drew me closer, and tightened her grip on my shoulder and spoke in a firm tone, "Cause if you lose, I'll make you run laps around the whole mountain for a month, ya got that?".

"*Gulp*, y-yes, ma'am", I stuttered.

She loosened her grip on my shoulder and looked ahead with her usual Stoic expression and folded her arms over her chest, while I was rubbing my shoulder and started to mumble with a mild irritation.


(A few minutes later)

The airship was still flying over a land full of ice and snow. Lin was glad that a blizzard didn't show up, or that would've slowed them down. Kai was still taking pictures with his camera like he was a tourist on vacation.

"Chief, we're closing in", said the pilot.

"I see it".

After hours of flying, they finally arrived at the compound. When they flew closer, Lin reached for a communications device and spoke, "This is Lin Beifong, Chief of the Republic City Police. Requesting permission to land. Over".

She waited a few seconds when a male voice came from the device.

{Good evening, Chief Beifong. We've been expecting you. You have permission to land in the compound. Over}.

Lin put down the communications device and signalled the pilot to land. Kai was outside the cockpit, watching as they drew closer and closer to the compound. He could see large walls made of ice surrounding the compound. A huge, beautiful blue gate that had a face of what appears to be a Lion turtle on the front of it, and ornate patterns on the sides of the gate, between two tall ice towers. They flew over the large gate and inside the encampment, several large buildings, watch towers, and what looks to be like an obstacle course were seen. In the middle was a raised platform made of ice and a wooden pavilion that overlooked the platform.

The entire encampment had a Water Tribe feel to it, as various totem poles could be seen within the camp. There were numerous White Lotus sentries located on the grounds of the compound and inside the watchtowers. The airship slowly descended and landed on the ice platform in the middle of the camp. Three men were seen standing underneath the wooden pavilion, wearing the traditional White Lotus uniform.

Kai confirmed that they had to be high ranking members of the White Lotus, because of the indigo colored robe under various other pieces, and no headpiece, which low ranking members, like sentries, wore.

"Kai! Let's go!", called out Lin, who was already exiting the cockpit.

Kai hurriedly walked towards her and followed to the side entrance of the airship. Two metalbenders opened up the entrance that slid across, and the cold air immediately reached Kai. Even though he still had a winter coat on, Kai never actually experienced being in a cold environment. They stepped out of the airship and Kai got a close up view of the camp. Kai had a wide smile on his face and immediately wanted to take some pictures with his camera, but was then stopped by Lin.

"No pictures", said Lin in a low tone.

"What? Come one, just o-"

"I said no pictures. Give me the camera".

Lin reached out her hand and gestured Kai to give her the camera, which he held to his chest like it was his precious.

"F-fine, here. You better take good care of her, ya hear me?".

Lin rolled her eyes and Kai reluctantly took the camera from his neck and gave it to Lin, who was still holding out her hand. She gave the camera to her subordinate, who was taking it inside.

"So, what now?", asked Kai.

"We wait for him", Lin replied.

"Wait, for who again?'.

And before Lin could reply, a low bellow was suddenly heard from above. Both Lin and Kai looked up to see a creature flying over them. Lin had her usual expression on her face, but Kai, however, was dying of happiness.

'A Flying Bison'.

Kai wanted to take a picture, but then quickly remembered that he gave his camera away. The Flying Bison hovered in the sky for a bit and slowly landed in front of Lin and Kai. On the back of the bison, a man was sitting, wearing the traditional Airbending clothes. The under-robes were yellow, with an orange sash belted around him, and the over-robes were a darker reddish color. And a blue arrow tattooed on his head, signifying that he was an Airbending master.

The man leapt from the bison and walked over toward them. Lin told Kai to wait, while she was going to meet him. The two walked towards each other and they greeted.

"Hello, Lin", greeted the man first.

"Hello, Tenzin", Lin greeted. "You're late".

"Seriously, Lin. It was just a few minutes", Tenzin sighed.

"Yeah, well, you're still late. Oh, and again, I want to, uh, thank you for this".

Tenzin nodded and spoke, "When you told that you had taken in a student in person. I was genuinely surprised. I never thought that you would actually do something like this".

Listening to what Tenzin said, she nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I know. Never in my life, would it occur to me that I would do something like this, but here I am. And to be perfectly honest, it…it was the decision I ever made".

Hearing Lin talking like this, and what she did, Tenzin was still surprised. He had known her all his life, and knew what kind of person she is or perhaps was. So, comparing her with her old self, she had definitely changed a lot. She still had her bluntness, of course, and was still very strict and disciplined.

"So, where is this student of yours?", Tenzin asked

Lin looked at Kai and called out to him. Kai, who was lost in thought, snapped out of it and quickly walked toward them.


(Kai POV)

When the Flying Bison landed in front of us, and seeing a familiar man on top of the Bison, I was starstruck. I still couldn't believe my eyes. An actual Flying Bison was right in front of me! And the man riding the Bison was non-other than Tenzin himself!

"Kai, wait here for a bit", said Lin.

I saw her walking toward Tenzin and they were talking to each other. I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying, but I didn't care. I was just admiring the scene in front of me. I looked at the Flying Bison behind them, and couldn't wait to pet it. I was so lost in my own thoughts when suddenly I heard Lin calling out to me.

I snapped out of it and I walked toward them. My heart was beating so fast when I got closer, I thought I was gonna faint. I stopped next to Lin and I looked at Tenzin, who was silently analyzing me. A little bit of sweat was falling past my face, even though it was cold.

"Kai, this is Tenzin. He's an Airbender and also a master. He's the one who gave you this opportunity", Said Lin.

"So, you're Kai, huh? Lin here has told me a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you", said Tenzin while bowing his head.

'He sounds like him too', I thought while listening to him speak.

"Uh, Th-thank you, sir. It is an honor to meet you, sir. And thank you for giving this great opportunity, uh, sir", I said, while bowing my head as well. I was extremely nervous and excited standing before him. He had this calm and stern aura that surrounded him while I was giving my introduction.

Seeing me being respectful, a smile came across his face and he said, "Huh, It's nice to meet someone from the younger generation, who has manners and ethics, unlike a certain someone. I hope that she will learn it from you".

I nodded slightly making him think I didn't know who he was talking about, which I did. Then I asked, "Umm, If I may ask, sir. Where is the Avatar?".

"Oh, the Avatar isn't today. She is visiting her family and will arrive in three days", He answered.

I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't going to meet her today, but it was fine. It was only just a few of days and I was gonna stay here for a few days anyway. I could wait.

"So, when will I begin?", I eagerly asked him.

"They'll be arriving soon, but untill then we'll wait just a bit".

'They? I thought I was gonna face off with one'.

To confirm what I just heard. I asked him, "Umm, I thought I was going to face one Earthbending master, not two".

"Mmm? No, you'll be facing two Earthbending masters. Didn't Lin tell you that?".

Tenzin looked at Lin who was suddenly looked to the side and sighed. I also reacted the same way, but after thinking about it more, I was starting to think that it wasn't a bad thing. In fact, I was quite happy that they gave me two masters to fight.

'Ho, so I'll be fighting two masters now. Good, that's real good. I'm so gonna wipe the floor with both of your asses'.