
Missing Iron Syndrome


Chu Feng choked on his question.

Of course he wouldn't become a villain who hoped that Bai Zheng would be in danger. Even though he didn't like his fiancee, he didn't have any intention to harm her.

"But, we found the jade ornament you dropped on the mountain path. This hairpin was gifted to him by the Young Master Chu when he was young and Zheng likes it the most. Every time she sees the Young Master Chu, she would wear it.

Seeing that Chu Feng did not say a word, the surrounding people looked to be skeptical again.

At the same time, he took out a handkerchief and opened it to see that it was the jade ornament that Bai Zheng dropped.

Bai Zheng coldly swept a glance at Bai Di, and that gaze made the cold air behind Bai Di's back suddenly rise, "Second Elder Sister, you have seen Young Master Chu's attitude. "After I left the house, I had a careful consideration and decided to let things go."

As Bai Zheng said this, she turned to Chu Feng. Her eyes did not look so distant, but instead revealed a sense of sorrow. "Big Brother Chu Feng …"

Chu Feng was startled, only then did he realise where the unhappiness that had been lingering in his chest the moment he saw Bai Zheng, had come from. She had always called him Young Master Chu, and previously, she called him Big brother Chu Feng.

"Zheng has been chasing you for so many years, and I'm tired. That night at the banquet, your protection of the Second Elder Sister and your alienation of Zheng made Zheng completely give up all hope … "

Bai Zheng's voice was faint, and her expression did not seem to be miserable either. However, from her tone, it was obvious that she was experiencing great pain, a helpless misery, and a sorrowful abandonment.

Chu Feng's heart was greatly shaken, he looked at the handsome yet sad face of Bai Zheng, suddenly realizing that she had done something too excessive in the past.

"So …" Bai Zheng turned to Bai Di, with a trace of ridicule in her eyes: "Since Second Elder Sister keeps ridiculing Zheng's wishful thinking, and is showing off her affection for you, Zheng will let go after thinking it through. I just casually threw this hairpin on the mountain path, what's wrong with it?"

Bai Di's face paled upon hearing this, her eyes instantly became watery: "Zheng, what you're doing, is blaming me? You misunderstood me... I thought that you had gone missing, so my aunt and uncle sent Zhuling here to find your whereabouts and begged him to send someone along with you. "

Bai Di bit her lips until they looked as if they were about to bleed, and her charming eyes looked as if they were about to cry.

"Ever since Di knew that something had happened to you, she was so scared that she began to pray for you! If you were to visit Grandmother, why would someone from the Bai Mansion come here to inquire about your whereabouts? "

Seeing Bai Di being wronged, Chu Feng's heart ached uncontrollably, the guilt he had just felt disappeared, and he only felt pity for Bai Di as he glared at him.

Bai Zheng laughed coldly in her heart. This Chu Feng was obviously an idiot who would lose her brain to a beauty, and thought that she could do whatever she wanted by standing on the sidelines.

But from the very beginning to the end, every single sentence that Bai Di spoke sounded innocent on the surface, but the meaning behind every single sentence was extremely vicious.

Bai Yinan and his wife, who loved their daughter dearly, privately asked for help from someone they thought they trusted — General Bai, Bai Yizhang.

But very clearly, Bai Yizhang did not regard his brother's family as family.

"How could that be?" Bai Zheng pretended to be shocked, "That day at the banquet, I left in a hurry and did not bring Zhuling along, but I also asked Uncle to send Du Zhong back to tell Father and Mother, why didn't Du Zhong tell everyone?"

"What evidence do you have? Since Du Zhong has not returned yet, who knows if you are making it up! " Chu Feng still refused to give up.

Bai Zheng smiled slightly: "Evidence? Young Master Chu and all of you here have also seen, at this moment, just what does Bai Zheng look like when she escaped from the hands of those evil people? "

Everyone could see that Bai Zheng was not in a sorry state, but had an inviolable, arrogant look. The word "escape" had nothing to do with it.

"Moreover, if I am like Young Master Chu said, captured by villains, and those bandits want my father to give money as a ransom, then Second Elder Sister, how come my father only asked Uncle for help and did not ask for help?"

Bai Di's face paled. She indeed did not think of this.

"In addition, my grandmother also asked me to bring a lot of things when I returned from Peace City."