
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Where do you want zabuza to shank you

Deactivating my brains autopilot i see that we were at the pier. Looking at the arm that was shaking me, I see it's Naruto, "We're here wrathos" He said quietly while pulling me "I'm not a tugtoy" I say to him.He lets go and says "Sorry" I yawn (it's been a long day). We were finally all walking down the dock when Naruto threw his kunai at a bush. I get startled, because I remember that he just almost killed a cute rabbit . 

"Naruto be careful, those are dangerous" Kakashi scolded. Sakura noticed my reaction and looked over at me concerned, "Are you okay?" Kakashi heard her and also looked over, while Naruto was cooing at the poor bunny he scared. 

"I just feel like something bad is about to happen" I said while looking around. Seeing a small black blur in the distance, my heart dropped,'That's him', "Everyone get down!" I shout while trying to pull people to the ground. Naruto barely missed getting hit by Zabuzas sword that lodged its self in the tree, with Zabuza himself standing on the sword. Kakashi's eyes widened.

"It's Zabuza Momochi, a hidden mist missing nin. He's way above your level guys, I'll have to take care of this" He commanded while lifting his headband, reveling his sharingan. Sasuke looked shocked and kinda upset. Naruto just looked confused. 

"Ah, The copy cat ninja Kakashi, I have you in my bingo book. I just need the old man, but since you're in my way, I'll have to kill you first" Zabuza said before jumping on top of the water and performed hand signs, "Ninja Art: Hidden Mist Jutsu!" Suddenly the fog got horribly thick. Sasuke began to shake, I activate my ghost eyes to see clearly. I reached over and put my hand on his shoulder, in an effort to clam him. It worked as he soon stopped, after I knew he was clam I ran over in front of Tazuna, and everyone followed my lead. 

"Everyone be on your guard! Zabuza is known for his silent kills!" Kakashi yelled. 

"S-silent kills?" Naruto said nervously.

"Sensei!" Sakura shouted. 

"Eight points: Larynx, Lungs, Spine, Liver, Heart, Kidneys, Jugular, Subclavian Artery. Which one is the killing point?" Zabuza asked menacingly. 

"The heart" I answered. ( I got two sucker)

"Good choice" He praised. I muttered a that's not what I meant, Sakura looked at me with concern, but I just shrugged my shoulders and looked back at the two Jounin level ninjas. Kakashi appeared in front of Zabuza and slashed him, water poured out and the water clone poofed out of existence. Then Zabuza turned around and slashed Kakashi as well, but that was also a water clone. I huddled Naruto and Sasuke close to me and whispered the plan in their ear. They nodded and began to prepare. We all heard Sakura gasp, looking closely we see Kakashi trapped in the water prison, with Zabuza standing guard along with a few water clones. 

"Everyone! Escape with Tazuna! The real Zabuza has to stay near me and cant attack!" Kakashi ordered. I shook my head and pulled out some paper bombs attached to some kunais, "We're not leaving you behind Freckle-Sensei! Those who leave their friends behind are worse than scum right?!" I shouted while throwing the bombs towards the clones, hitting them dead between the eyes before blowing them up. Everyone cheered and Kakashi looked surprised, but also somewhat grateful and curious. (did he see my eyes? Dont matter I'll just say my eyes change with the weather) "Kids go protect your Sensei!" Tazuna shouted. "You don't need to tell us twice!" Naruto shouted and threw his giant shuriken at Sasuke. It was pretty awesome seeing them work together after always watching them fight on the team. Zabuza was shocked to see another shuriken behind him and transform into Naruto. He threw the kunai which made Zabuza let go and jump back to avoid being hit. 

"Fuck yea!" I shouted. Zabuza immediately spotted me and rushed over to me, his sword raised. I pretended to freeze in fear, if it gets too close I'll just let it phase through me and put on and off a henge beforehand to make it look like it was a clone. Just then Kakashi appeared in front of me, blocking the sword with his hand. "You're not gonna lay a hand on my students" He growled out. They both jumped back and performed the water dragon jutsu. Both dragons clashed with eachother, spraying water everywhere. Kakashi started using taijutsu, and kicked Zabuza to a tree, fist raised ready to finish him, when two senbons came out and hit him in the neck, "killing" him. Kakashi walked over cautiously, placing two fingers on the vein in his neck. 

"He's dead" He declared. Haku hopped down in front of him. 

"Thank you, I've been trying to catch him for sometime" 

"By the sound of it I'd guess you were Narutos age" Kakashi said. 

"Wait! How did he take down Zabuza with such ease?!" Naruto shouted angrily. 

"Naruto there are kids younger than you but stronger than I" Kakashi stated. "wait senbons to the neck won't kill someone but make them seem dead" i said Haku bent down and picked up the "dead" Zabuza and hoped away before we could attack. 

"Lets go to my house, you can all rest there" Tazuna suggested. We began to walk away when Kakashi grunted and fell to the ground. Sasuke helped me pick him up, and we started again to Tazunas house.


After being at Tazunas house for a few hours Kakashi starts to wake up, "Freckle-Sensei, your sharingan is cool and shit but try not to over do it?" I said, bent over his face. He closed his eye in what looked like a smile.

"I'll try not to wrathos, and what did I say about your language?" He scolded. I just shook my head and crossed my arms, "Don't worry about it, your gonna pop a vein if you keep trying to stop it" I said giving him a sideways smile. 

"I have a bad feeling about that mask guy" Sasuke said, deciding to speak up. Kakashi nodded, "You were right, usually trackers immediately dispose of the body, but he took Zabuza with him" He sighed and put his head back on the pillow, "Alright, tomorrow we start training" 

"Ah yea! Training! What are we gonna do? Some super cool new jutsu?" Naruto asked excitedly.

"Whats it matter, you're all gonna die anyway" A quiet voice said from behind us. We turned around and saw Inari.

"Ah, there you are, everyone, this is my grandson Inari" Tazuna introduced. 

"You'll never defeat Gato and his men!" Inari shouted. 

"I'll beat him and become the hero!" Naruto said confidently.

"There are no such things as heroes!" Inari shot back before running out the door. Naruto went after him, to let him knowing hes not the only one who can relate. 


As everyone else is asleep I open my eyes get up making sure no one is watching. I grab my screwdriver activate the sound barrier, I then go invisible then us my screwdriver to scan sasukes eyes then deactivate everything and put my screwdriver back .I hear something on the roof.So slip my shoes on. Quietly trying to tip toe outside, I maneuver past a sprawled out Naruto and a curled up Sakura. Making it outside I jump up to the roof and look at the stars. (still paying attention as it could have been a squirrel) I was mesmerized. Back home there was just apartments close together so the sky was always blocked off, so I could never see the stars, except the few. I hear a few steps close to me, I start to get in a defensive position, before relaxing after seeing a familiar grey head, "Shouldn't you be resting Freckle-Sensei?" I asked him, putting my arms back under my head. 

"Shouldn't you be doing the same thing?" He said, trying to sit with me. I shrugged and focused back on the sky, "I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd come out here. I'm glad I did" He looked at you curiously, "Why?" He asked. 

"I really like the stars, one day I wonder if I'll ever be able to go out there beyond what's seen. Also its really beautiful" He nodded in agreement with a curious expression, and looked at the sky himself. It was quite between us for a bit before he spoke up again, "Whats with your eyes being green earlier" I look over at him with an questionable look on my face 'Damn he's sharp' I sigh, "I inherited them from my parents they change when the weather becomes stormy" 

"Are they a bloodline?" 

"No their nothing special and if they were I'd exchange eyes with someone , not worth being hunted to death" (BS) I could see him stiffen up next to me, "You know I won't let you" He stated. I smile a bit, 

"I know, but there is no certainty in this world.Also everyone is born with the same thing an equal chance of death. When no one is protecting them and while their unable to protect themselves yet.i said As clarification Kakashi looked conflicted, like he was trying to find the right thing to say. He finally took a deep breath and began to speak. 

"I'm not very good with words wrathos, but, you're right , but worrying all the time won't help, and besides you got us. You also bond them together, and that's the most important thing you can do to keep each other safe. If there's no bond there's no team. You're the only one who can get them to work together, I can't do it, Sakura can't do it, only you. So in a way, you are the team. A very important part of it" My eyes were wide, a few tears leaking out. I soon smile wide and wipe away the tears,

"The truth is the most powerful thing, it can tear people apart Sensei. But it can also help whether it be for closure or comfort, anyways thanks sensei" He chuckled a bit.

"I try my best" I nod and look at the sky one last time.

"Lets go back inside, we've got a lot to do tomorrow" I said before hoping off the roof, and tip toeing back into the room, slipping under the sheets, falling into a blissful sleep.