
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

The acedemy


Groaning I pull the blanket up over my ears to try and block out the screaming of my blond roommate,

"Wrathos! Get up! Its your first day at the academy!" 

"If you would quit yelling I'd be able to get up without my ears bleeding!" I grunt angrily as I glare at him from the bed, "Hehe, sorry, Im excited and wanna walk with you there!" Naruto said more quietly than before, rubbing the back of his neck.

"*sigh* alright, I'm up, now leave and I'll get changed" He nodded and shut the door. I kick off the blanket and stretch my arms above my head, preparing to get ready. I walk over to the small pile of clothes I bought yesterday and flicked through them to see which outfit I wanted to wear. I decided to go with the dark orange and black two piece robes with a fisherman's strawhat( kinda imagine the akatsuki robes, but dark orange with black and no red clouds). After putting on the outfit I meet Naruto by the door. He was getting impatient noticing me, a smile growing on his face.

"Are you ready wrathos?!"

I put on a smile as well, "just call me Nissan its easier"

naruto starts crying looking down he says in a low tone "really?"

"yes there is a saying those who will be there for you whenever in need is what it truley means to be family. Now chin up, and stop crying. If your going to be hokage, we cant have you cry the first day in the acedemy can we?" naruto looks up with fiery eyes "No let's go nisan"

Grabbing my hand he rushed out the door and pulled me all the way to the academy. Nearing the academy. I stumble on my scarf and almost fall. So he let's go and we start walking slowly the rest of the way. Content on walking in silence when I had a thought, 'what if I'm not in Narutos class?' the thought of not being able to be in the class was a possibility which made me sad, I guess you could clearly see it on my face for soon Naruto noticed,

"Whats wrong Nissan?"

"I was just thinking I'm probably not gonna be in the same class as you" Just now realizing this himself, it seemed to damper his mood, and he looked at the ground sadly, but also conflicted. I start to feel bad, seeing as how I brought down his happiness, when his head shot back up and looked at he with determination shining in his big blue eyes, 

"Nissan, I swear to you, that even though we will be in different classes, and Ill be going on missions alot, I will spend all the time i can with you! I'm not just going to lose my new brother to something lame like not being able to see each other! I promise!" looking at him in awe and amazement as hes had such a hard life but can be this nice.Seeing it here then on a TV is really different. I catch on sticking out my hand and lifting up my pinky, 

"Naruto, I swear I will do everything in my power to make sure that we can see eachother as much as possible! I'm not about to lose my first friend either! That's my promise!" I finish with the biggest smile I can muster. He looked shocked before his smile matched mine. He nodded and wrapped his pinky around mine, validating our promise to eachother. Suddenly there's a loud ringing in the distance, making both of us jump, 

"Oh no! we're late, come on, I get us there in no time!" Naruto grabbed my hand and started running again.

Reaching the front doors of the academy Naruto and i both walked in together, seeing that there was a chunin at a desk Naruto patted me on the back, 

"Okay nisan, this is where I leave you, be sure to tell me who you get! See you at home!" Naruto shouted while waving at me and running down a hallway. I nod and wave back before fixing my attention on the chunin in front of me. I start to get nervous, wondering what will happen next. "U-umm, excuse me, I'm wrathos and I'm new here, I'm supposed to start here today?" She looked up and nodded, sifting through the piles of paper she had in front of her, "oh yes, here you are, the hokage hand delivered this, you must be something special" she said matter of factly, my eyes widened and I quickly spoke, "oh I don't think so, I just came yesterday, I'm sure he just wanted me to start right away!" The chunin shrugged, " if you say so, now lets get you to your class, if you would please follow me, I'll show you the way there" (if in in the same class as naruto that would mean the old man wants to use me as a tool)

She stood up and waited for me to follow before walking down a hall. It wasn't too long before we stood in front of a grey door, and she raised her hand to knock on the door, after hearing the conformation that she could enter she turned to me, "stay out here for a second, I'll be back" I nodded and waited patiently before she came back out not too much longer. She turned to me and squatted down to my level, I almost forgot that I shrunk, "Welcome to the hidden leafs ninja academy, you're going to do great" she said kindly while patting my head. I blushed and mumbled a thank you before she stood back up and walked off. The door was still open, but I didn't dare step through the opening, still scared about what lied beyond it. 

"Alright class! We have a new student, I want you to treat him just like you do your friends, are we clear?" a loud voice sounds, "You may come in now" Gulping down the mouthful of spit I had I close my eyes and step forward, and through the door, opening them once I was fully in the room. Blinking, I was greeted by the sight of Iruka. Suddenly filled with happiness I tried not to let a huge smile show up on my face. Iruka smiled slightly, "Hello, I am Iruka, I will be your teacher until you graduate, which is in a couple weeks, but if you push yourself, I think you can do it. Now if you would be so kind to introduce yourself to the class?" I nodded and turned toward the rows of kids, soon spotting naruto all alone. "Hello, my name is wrathos take care of me please"(I say to keep up looks as if we just met) still staring at Naruto I see that he went from sadly messing with the table to sitting up and spotting me, and with a mischievous smile spreads across his face.

"okay wrathos, if you would please pick a seat we can go ahead and get started on today's lesson" I nod and make my way to where Naruto is sitting, he has the whole row to himself just how I like it myself tbh. Sadly knowing why i sitdown next to him I raise my fist and say "fistbump?" he first bumps me then I settle down my things.With my inhanced hearing a few murmurs around the class, "Did he sit next to Naruto?" "Doesn't he know?" "At least he knows not to sit next to OUR Sasuke", not really caring much about them I whisper to Naruto, 

"I cant believe I'm in this class!"

"Me either! Thought they wouldn't put you here!" 

'If you only new why'

Little did you know you were being stared at by a certain raven haired Uchiha,

'he chose to sit next to dobe? must be a loser like him'