
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Sasugay? Upset Sakura

"Today, we're going to learn tree climbing" Kakashi started. The three of them looked confused while I looked excited, "Fuck yea!" Kakashi sighed and shook his head, deciding to let it go this time.

"But that's so boring!" Naruto complained. 

"we're not going to be climbing it like you normally would, we are going to put chakra in our feet and climb it that way. Let me demonstrate" Kakashi explained and walked over to the tree. Everyones eyes bulged when he was hanging upside down with his crutch. Kakashi then threw kunais at all of our feet. 

"But Sensei, how will this help with Zabuza?" Sakura asked. 

"Because this helps with mastering chakra control, which could help you get stronger jutsus, learn medical ninjutsu, or even walk on water" I answered for him. Sakura frowned, "I asked Sensei, not you" She growled out. Naruto looked at her questioningly, wondering why she talked to me like that, while Sasuke looked very upset. (tch. useless banshee)

"Sakura, be grateful for any information you receive, but wrathos is correct" Kakashi said, trying to take control of the situation, "Now see how high you can go" I looked up at the tree and took in a deep breath, focusing the chakra on my feet I make a mad dash for the tree. I closed my eyes when my foot came into contact with the trunk, and just kept running and kept my eyes shut. Soon the tree began to get smaller, and more bendy. I then open my eyes and find that I'm at the top of the tree. I grip the top to make sure I don't fall. I spot Sakura on a couple branches below me, and Naruto and Sasuke looking shocked down on the ground. I quickly wrote 'wrathos was here' on the top of the tree and jumped back down to the ground. 

"Looks like its true, smart people are better at chakra control" Kakashi muttered. I smirked and strutted over to them, "Well, it looks like I could take the Hokage title away from you" I teased Naruto. He paled but then frowned in determination. Happy that he was fired up, I then turned to Sasuke, "Maybe the Uchiha restoration should be left to science, I don't think you can do it; if you cant even climb a tree" He got realy angry at me , but knew I was just trying to be competitive. So he rushed at the tree. Soon the rest were drawing out their kunais and rushed to their own tree, Naruto taking a couple steps and falling on his head, Sasuke taking a few more and landing on his feet. I shook my head and went to my tree, running to the top again. 


The team has been practicing for hours, Sakura and I have mastered it, and are sitting by a rock watching them struggle. I thought about all the fun times I've had so far, eating with Naruto, messing with Sasuke, taking the bells from Kakashi, but, I haven't had any with Sakura. Come to think of it she's been really irritated with me this whole trip too, "Hey Sakura" I ask. She didn't even look at me, "What do you want?" 

"Why have you been so mad at me this whole mission?" She looked upset at herself for a bit, before turning angry and whipping around to face me, "You know why!" I put my hands up in surrender, "No I really don't" Her hands closed into fists, "Because you're trying to outdo Sasuke all the time! Also he seems to pay more attention to you then anyone else. Leave him alone, he's mine!" I sighed and sat cross legged in front of her, "Sakura, I'm his friend it's what we do, and I'm not gay. Two, I cant leave him alone, he's my teammate, and more importantly friend. Nothing more,nothing less; so don't worry about me "taking him" alright?" She relaxed while hearing my explanation. 

"I'm sorry for being so rude wrathos, it's just, Sasuke's going to be mine! I've tried so hard for so long, and he pays no one attention. With the exception of you so I'm scared hes gay; and all of my effort would be for waste!" She said passionately. I laughed and nodded, "I understand Sakura, but hes not gay. Hes just self absorbed in his ultimate goal and dream thus only cares for only power. So, friends?" I stick my hand out to shake her hand. She smiled and shook my hand, "friends"(maybe I can make her not useless nah even at her peak she's not really true Kage level) I let go and went to lay back, but when I noticed there were alot of herbs around us; I got an idea. So i picked a few. Sakura saw me from the corner of her eye, "What are you doing?" 

"Collecting herbs so I could learn to make poisons" I said, grabbing the last one. Her eyes lit up with curiosity at this "What for?" "potential pranks and maybe enemies" so I go look for more to gather more.

"And there! Now to store it In a scroll poof" I say proudly, putting it away. I look back but she must have left. I then hear steps coming our way, looking over I see Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto split off to where Sakura went. While Sasuke grabbed my arm and dragged me off to a more secluded spot. 'does this mean he's really gay nah pfthaha'

"What are you doing?" I ask, slightly irritated by him pulling me away from my sun soaking. He let go of me and turned around, slightly pink in the cheeks,(I notice this, no it cant be)

"How did you do it?" He asked. 

"Ooh, is Duckling asking for help?" I tease while poking his head with my two fingers subconsciously implanting the knowledge of how to do it also with a little on water walking without him realizing it as it was- subconscious.He got stunned then pissed and knocked my hand away, "Yes I am, now tell me and dont do that ever again!" < clutching his head as he remembered itachi , also subconsciously activating a three tomoe sharingan from the 2 he had from training spare we used to have>

"Sasuke look your eyes they look like kakashi's" He just noticed and gave a smug look then to get this over with he said, "Please?" 

"There you go!" I laugh and pat him on the head, "So all you have to do is focus the chakra on your feet, but not too much or you'll blow up the tree, and just focus on climbing the tree, not beating Naruto" I told him with a wink. 

"That's it?" He asked.

"Yep!" I pat him on the head one more time before walking back to Sakura. 


It had been a couple hours since I've told Sasuke how to walk on the tree, and he finished it as I also "helped naruto the same way" they finished at the same time, right now they are having the eating contest to have a tie breaker. Upset at them I reach over and take their bowls. They looked up at me in shock and slight anger that I stopped them from finding out whose better. 

"You two are being so disrespectful! These people have a hard enough time feeding themselves let alone all of us, and you're just going to eat as much as you can till you get sick? Apologize!" They looked down in shame before bowing deeply, saying sorry. Sakura asked about the picture with Inaris father and that quickly sobered up the mood of the room. Not wanting to hear the story I went to bed. The days went by as kakashi had us do the next excersise. I finished quick then after 2 days so did sakura.Then the next morning we went to see the progress of naruto and sasuke. While they were busy and kakashi wasn't looking. I was training with sand, coloring them with my screwdriver by putting a hologram over some of it. As tried to separate the two different colors, I trained for hours before finally completing it and sitting down to rest.(about time took me years to finish it. Next is airwalking but I'll start with levitating while looking like I'm meditating so I dont keep falling.)