
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
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47 Chs

Perfect act Chi assimilated

Katara sat up and rubbed her eyes. Slowly opening them looking where the sun was, it wasn't that early yet. Appa was flying in the sky, and sokka were still asleep on either side of her. Katara crawled to the front of the saddle where Wrathos was sitting on Appa's head. His back was stiff and didn't look like he had moved since last night. He didn't seem to have slept either, his shoulders sagged and his hands were tightly wrapped around the reins.'Or did he not need sleep i dont know spirit stuff is confusing.' It had been roughly a week since they left the mining village ,and he had barely said a word.(MC was acting the whole time, it was boring as hell thou, but he was thinking of thing he could make.Potential inventions and new combos or revamped jutsus) Katara had never seen him like this. She cleared her throat to get his attention. Wrathos didn't even flinch. It was as if he didn't hear her. She cleared her throat again, loudly this time. Still nothing.

"Morning, Wrathos!" Katara said brightly.

He still didn't respond. He just stared in front of himself. Katara sighed and gave up. Sokka stretched his arms and yawned.

"What's for breakfast?" he said, shaking off his sleep.


Katara grabbed the bag of food they got from the last market and dumped it all out. All that was left were two mangoes, an apple, and a few cherry pits. Katara grabbed a mango and leaned over the saddle. "Hey Wrathos, we have two mangoes left. Do you want one? I know they're your favorite" she said.

"No thanks, Katara" i said quietly without turning around.

Katara frowned. (Katara thought 'What's happening is he sick do spirits get sick ')

Aang sat upright and grabbed the apple before biting into it. She looked at the young airbender and cocked her head toward me. Aang gave her a confused look, and glanced over in my direction before nodding. He lightly jumped onto his bison's head next to me.

"Hey, why don't you have some breakfast? And I'll make sure Appa doesn't fly off course" he said lightly, hoping to make me at least smile.

At first I didn't say anything, but then dropped the reins ,and climbed inside the saddle without a word or even looking at him. Katara was about to say good morning again, but stopped when she saw my face. At first she thought I was angry about something, but my expression showed little to nothing.( mc was thinking of different things) I looked lost and my face said a lot of things; fear, confusion, sadness and above all exhaustion. Thin black rings were beginning to form underneath my eyes as i laid down with my back to them. Katara looked over and watched my eyelids slowly blink, before fluttering close. The waterbender frowned and shook my shoulder. But i didn't move.

"What's his problem?" Sokka asked.

"I don't know" Katara admitted quietly, shaking her head. She was really concerned for her friend. "I've never seen him like this. Do you think we should be worried?" she asked

Sokka glanced at me who is faking sleep, and shrugged as he peeled off the last skin of a mango. "Nah. he'll get over it. Besides, I already know what happened" he said dismissively.

Katara raised an eyebrow at her brother. "You do?" she asked skeptically.

He swiped his hand at the mango juice around his mouth. "It's obvious, isn't it? It's got to be some spirit mumbo jumbo. If it continues after another week ,then we may have a proublem" he explained. (Nani sometimes hes smart, o well doesn't matter because that's what I want them to think)

Katara rolled her eyes and shook her head. "What if he dies because of this" she said in annoyance at her brother's lack of caring. Momo jumped away from the rolled up sleeping bags, and licked at my cheek. I blinked my eyes as I felt something thin and wet brush against my cheek. I opened my eyes and see momo'Certainly this proves the lemur isn't as stupid as I thought' so i stroked Momo's ear. Katara laid on her stomach and looked over the saddle. "Those clouds look so soft, don't they?, like you could just jump down and you'd land in soft cotton heap" she said, hoping to make some sort of conversation with "Wrathos".

"Maybe you should give it a try" Sokka suggested.

She frowned at her brother. "You're hilarious" she said sarcastically, then looked at her friend and hoping he would add something in.

"I'll try it!" Aang volunteered, grabbing his glider before jumping off Appa's head. He laughed as he disappeared through the white cotton.

I watch as I , then take Aang's vacant spot on Appa's head again. Sokka and Katara looked over the edge of the saddle, and searched for Aang. He flew back from the other side of the saddle. His clothes were damp. "Turns out clouds are made of water" he said before inhaling deeply and drying himself.

Katara shook her head. "Guys, I was trying to make a conversation with Wrathos. He's been looking bothered, and I'm trying to get him to tell me what's wrong" she whispered to Sokka and Aang.

"Well, he doesn't exactly seem interested, Katara" Sokka pointed out

"I have to try" she told him. She moved to the front of the saddle. I was standing on Appa's head and holding onto his right horn. "Hey Wrathos, I was wondering—"

"Look" she finally said.

I didn't know what it was, but it gave me an eerie

feeling. At first I thought it was a black shadow, until I saw that the sun wasn't in the right position. To make a shadow behind the mountains yet, It was a burned forest or at least part of it was. All the trees, grass, any form of life was destroyed. The dirt looked like gray ashes. Whatever was left of the trees were charred black. Firebenders, no doubt. Fury bubbled inside me, as I remember that poor panda spirit was homeless and angry. I grabbed hold of Appa's reins and lowered him towards it.

"It…it's like a scar" Sokka commented, as we came close to the ground. Appa landed in an open area and we all climbed off.

The smell of burnt wood filled my nose. I knelt down and pushed my hair over one shoulder, before pressing my ear to the ground ,to listen for any footsteps approaching or walking away.

[MC has grown his hair out to look like madara, eventually he will just have to style it later on. Also he uses a special perception filter on it so it dont look that long, laced with a tiny genjutsu so it's not noticeable.] Even the scampering paws of gopher-squirrels ,would've made me feel better. There was nothing.

"It's quiet. There's no life anywhere, but I feel spiritual energy flickering" I said softly. I stood back up and ran my hand over one of the charred trees, climbing the top of a hill and surveyed my surrounding. The dry and burned part of the land seemed to stretch for miles. There wasn't anything for miles. Not a single fly roaming in the air. Why would the firebenders do something like this , do they hate trees or something?

When I looked back at the others Aang was letting the gray ashes slip through his fingers. "Why would anyone do this? How could I have let this happen?" he said sadly. I felt sorry for him.

"Aang, don't be so hard on yourself. This has nothing to do with you"

"Yes it does" he said sullenly, sitting in the dirt. "It's the Avatar's job to protect nature, but I don't know how to do my job"

I knelt down and put my hand on his shoulder. "That's why sokka and katara are going to the North Pole, so you could find a waterbending teacher. Also your technically not the avatar till you fully master all elements. Your an avatar in training ,or apprentice avatar" I assured, trying to cheer him up.

"What about you?" he questioned sadly. "I've been feeling off lately, it must be the solstice. Ive been concentrating on keeping myself stable but it's getting harder and harder. Causing my energy to run low, that's why I've been quite latley. " I said

Everyone went quite then sokka spoke up

"How much longer?" Sokka asked.

"One month but we got to solve this problem first, I can feel a spirit bound here. I can feel it hurting in pain, anger and sadness." I admitted as Momo scurried into my lap.I petted his ears.

'Cute just like a cat'. I stood back up

I walked over the hill, hopelessly trying to find some form of life. There wasn't anything for miles. The Fire Nation must've been here a while ago. Slipping my kunai out of my sleeve, I stabbed the nearest burnt stump, out of frustration and anger. Firebenders.Panda haters. I hated every last one of them!

As I was heading back to the others, I saw something that made me stop. There was a big hole with an oddly shaped stone. It wasn't deep, but it was full of rocks and burnt wood. When I took a closer look all the stones were set around the edge, and were in the shape of different animals. There was the one in the center that caught my attention. It was in the shape of a bear and standing on its hind legs. I stared up at it curiously. Is this where the spirit is bound? Every instinct in my body was telling me to reach out and touch its paw. But why?

Katara, Sokka, and Aang were just over the other side of the hill. My hand twitched hesitantly as I outstretched my arm to it. The stone was cold. I turned to look on either side of me again. No one was around. The wind whistled in my ear. I blinked and listened again. The wind whistled a little louder.

Wait, that wasn't the wind. It was…it was someone breathing. I was alone though. Was it the bear? I closed my eyes and began to concentrate, even though I didn't know what I was concentrating on. The bear? The breathing? I inhaled as a shudder went through my spine. The breathing grew more distinct. It was heavy and rapid. Like someone was running away. Or a rapid heartbeat. Then in a blink of an eye, it changed. Instead of breathing there was an ear-splitting scream. A woman's screaming in fear and a man's cold laugh. Then it changed again. It was another scream, but it belonged to a man. A man's scream as if he was being tortured.

I gasped and pulled my hand away, almost falling backwards again. My shoulders were tense as I stared at the stone bear in confusion. What just happened? Whatever it was, I didn't like it for a moment. I placed a hand over my heart as it raced. A man's scream. A woman's scream. A cold laugh. What was that? More importantly, how did I hear it? Did it have something to do with the bear? I wasn't sure if wanted to know. I walked over the hill and saw Momo digging in the dirt. His small cheeks bulged and it looked like he had something in his paws. I knelt down next to the lemur and pet his ear.

"Hey Momo, what do you have there?" I asked as several acorns fell from his paws. I grabbed a few and stared at them in my palm. They weren't burned and I couldn't help but smile a little. The forest was already on its way to recovering. "Hey Katara, come here" I called.

Confused, she walked over to me as I held the acorns up to show her. The same thought must've occurred to her faster than it did to me , because she beamed and grabbed all three out of my hand.

Katara knelt down in front of Aang and showed him an acorn. "These acorns are everywhere, Aang" she said as she placed one in his hand. "Every one of these will be a tall oak tree some day, and all the birds and animals that lived here will come back"

Aang smiled at her. "Thanks Katara"

She looked over at me and smiled even though I really didn't do anything."Wait I cant let this be I have to do something" I put my hands on the ground trying to make the 1 acorn grow, and it did into a large oak tree. Then they suddenly gasped.

"That's amazing how did you do that? said aang

"I used water and earthbending with a large influx of spirit energy. Sorry but it took more then I expected ,today is now my last day sorry guys." and I turned my head upon hearing this their faces were all sad but that didnt last long.

as aang said "Well as much as I would have liked you to stay longer with us. You did what you felt right ,and you did good. Maybe when I pass on, you can visit me. Also you've helped us out alot, and we all had fun when it comes down to it, that's what truley matters."upon hearing the rest had happy faces ready to cheer me up, but as they were going to add something to what aang said. We heard sound of feet walking against the gravel. I stood up quickly and watched as the old man with a stick, slowly walked towards us. Sokka stood up too and was the first to speak.

"Who are you?" he asked.

The man ignored him and walked past me and Sokka, towards Aang. "When I saw the flying bison, I thought it was impossible. But those markings…are you the Avatar, child also did you make this tree?" he asked hopefully.

Aang looked over at me and Katara. I was cautious, though Katara nodded her head. Aang looked back at the old man and smiled before nodding his head. "but it was wrathos here that helped the tree grow" Judging by his clothes, he seemed to be Earth Kingdom, but I wasn't sure.

"My village desperately needs your help" he said.

"What is it?" I asked "Is it firebenders?" I added deciding to play along, as I felt my sleeve for my kunai.

The old man shook his head. "No, I'm afraid it is something far worse" he explained, then looked back at Aang. "Please, come with me" he said

Katara and Aang walked behind the old man, as he led us out of the destroyed forest. Sokka and I followed them. "What could be worse than firebenders?" he whispered.

"A firebender who's part platypus-bear?" I said sarcastically. Sokka snickered as we walked into the green forest.

At least this part of the forest was shown mercy by the Fire Nation. I found myself tracing my fingers over the different patterns on the tree trunks. The leaves were like a lush green roof over our heads that shielded us from the sun. The firebenders might have destroyed one part of the forest, but at least it wasn't all destroyed. Jasmine flowers bloomed from the bushes as if it were spring.The trail became wider as we reached a village with high walls. It was quiet and no one was around. One small shop was destroyed to nothing but rubble, and my smile fell. The first conclusion I came to was the spirit did this 'Poor thing could have gotten a splinter' .When I looked back to Sokka, his expression had changed too. Part of a roof was missing on the next shop.

I made my way up to the old man. "What happened here?" I asked him

The man sighed sadly. "The Hei Bai" he said

"The what?" Katara in confusion

The old man led us inside the hall in the back of the village. Mothers and young children were sitting around the room ,anxiously as they watched the sky. A young girl hid behind her mother's legs and eyed us curiously. One man was looking around at his villagers. The village was small, but the population looked even smaller.

"This young man is the Avatar" the old man said, gesturing to Aang. The villagers raised their heads and stared at us disbelief. The man that had been watching the villagers ,walked over to us.

"So it's true you've returned" he said and bowed to Aang "It is the greatest honor of a lifetime to be in your presence. My name is Tao" he added.

"Nice to meet you too" Aang said as he returned the bow. "So, is there something I can help you with?" he asked.

"I'm not sure" Tao said hesitantly.

"Our village is in crisis. He's our only hope" the old man told him and Tao nodded slowly. The old man turned to us again. "For the last few days at sunset, a spirit monster comes and attacks our village. He's Hei Bai. The black and white spirit"

"Wait, so this Hei Bai did all of this?" I asked trying to finish this quickly, gesturing to the ruined shops outside.

"Yes" Tao answered sadly. Katara and I looked at the sky. The sun was almost down.

"Why is it attacking you?" Sokka asked seriously.

Tao bowed his head and walked to the entrance of the hall. "We do not know" he admitted "But each of the three nights, he has abducted one of our own. We are especially fearful because the Winter Solstice draws near"

"What happens then?" Katara asked warily.

"As the Solstice approaches the natural world and the spirit world grow closer and closer ,until the line between them is blurred completely" i said with the old man

I looked at the sky as it turned from blue to a pinkish orange. "So, the black and white spirit can come and go as it pleases" I said with envy.

Tao nodded to me with a weird look ,but then it went back to normal. "Hei Bai is already causing devastation and destruction. Once the Solstice is here, there's no telling what will happen" he said anxiously.

"How can we help?" I asked immediately.

Tao glanced at me. "I'm afraid only the Avatar can stop him" he said to me.

Katara, Sokka, and I glanced at Aang who seemed just as confused. "So what do want me to do, exactly?" the young airbender asked.

"Who better to resolve a crisis between our world ,and the spirit world than the Avatar himself? You are the great bridge between man and spirits" the old man said hopefully.

"Right…" Aang said uneasily "That's me…"

I folded my arms over my chest, but Katara spoke up before I could. "Hey great bridge guy, can I talk to you over here for a second?" she said, as the four of us walked next to a window in the hall. "Aang, you seem a little unsure about all of this"

"Yeah, that might be because I don't know anything at all about the spirit world ,besides what wrathos told us"

"You mean you don't even have the slightest idea what to do?" said Katara and her brother exchanged looks.

"It's not like there's someone to teach me this stuff, wrathos do you know anything about this or can help?" Aang said defensively, putting his hands on his waist.

"The spirit is bound to the blackened forest and stone so it can go and come as it pleases. I cant talk with him my energy is too low. Also when I go to the spirit world at night , I will be sent where I came from. Which potentially very far from where he is there. Furthermore with such low energy I won't be able to come back ,for hundreds of years if I bind myself. My best hope is to wait till the next avatar potentially opens it, or some anomaly. This however may cause destruction as the spirits dont like living beings that much, that's the reason it was closed in the first place. We would need a really good political waterbending avatar, or some sort of Spiritbender." i chuckle at that. Everyone is quite then katara looks at aang again.

"So can you help these people?" Katara asked the young airbender.

"I have to try, don't I?" Aang pointed out "Maybe, whatever I have to do will just come to me" he added hopefully. Momo flew down on Aang's shoulder and wrapped his tail around his neck. Aang looked at us for support.

Katara smiled at him. "I think you can do it, Aang" she said supportively.

"Yeah…we're all going to be eaten by a spirit monster" her brother commented.

I elbowed Sokka hard in his ribs, causing him to lose his breath for a short minute. Although, I really wish Aang knew what he was doing. He seemed a lot less sure about it than the rest of us. The sky was a bright orange and Aang walked outside, as Tao closed the door behind him. Mothers huddled closely with their children and sank back against the wall. I walked to the open window, and watched as he walked off the porch.

"Good luck, Aang" I said.

He smiled and nodded to me ,as he walked towards the entrance of the village. I felt a hand tap my shoulder.

"Wrathos, we have to talk" Katara told me.

"It'll have to wait, Katara" I answered.

She put a hand on my arm.

"I am worried about Aang! But I'm talking about you" she said and I gave her a confused look

"So when are you leaving" she asked 'oh that'

"Soon , for now I'll follow aang while invisible"

"Well since there isn't enough time for everyone to say goodbye, I'll say it for them. It's been a pleasure meeting you and having you with us. goodbye " I take off and head to where aang is

"Hello? Spirit, can you hear me? This is the Avatar speaking" he said out loud as if the spirit could hear him. "I'm here to try and help" he continued.

The sun began to sink behind the mountains and the sky turned from purple to a deep blue color. Aang stood where he was with his glider in his hand. The spirit should be coming any minute. I began to feel a chill on my back, and see what looks like white smoke come out of my mouth. Wondering how to get taken like sokka

'He's coming, ill just let him grab me.'

"It's already sundown! Where are you hiding, Hei Bai?" Aang called loudly. "Well…spirit, uh, I hereby ask you to please leave this village in peace!" Aang said, holding his glider out in front of him.

Nothing happened.I don't think a destructive spirit would be intimidated by a glider or a twelve year old boy. He hesitated and began to walk back towards the hall. A strange silhouette was coming towards the village. When it entered, I saw it was a giant monster that was black and white with sharp teeth. It had two small black arms and two big white ones. The head looked like it belonged to a gecko-lizard, but I could've been wrong. It quietly crept behind the airbender.

"Aang, behind you!" I shouted.

He stopped and gave me a confused look before turning around to look up at the monster. At first he looked wary, and then he relaxed.

"You must be the Hei Bai spirit. My name is—" Aang didn't finish his sentence because the spirit monster wailed something like a blue light in his face. The black and white spirit stood on its hind legs for a moment then moved towards one of the shops. "My name is Aang! I'm the Avatar and I'd like to help. Hey, wait up!" he called.

The Hei Bai swiftly destroyed a shop with one arm and in the blink of an eye, moved to the one on the other side. It screamed in the direction of some kind of platform and debris scattered in every direction as if it were hit by wind. I watched as Aang aimlessly ran around the village as it was being destroyed. I was about to duck out of reflex, as several bits of wood flew through me.

"Please, would you stop destroying things and listen?" Aang called to the spirit as he jumped to the top of the roof. The spirit pounded one of its four hands into the dirt. "I'm just try to do my job as Spirit Bridge. Excuse me, could you please turn around? I command you to turn around now!" Aang shouted impatiently.

The spirit turned its head slightly before swinging one of its arms against the roof, knocking Aang onto another roof before lightly sliding down. I heard sokka in the distance.

"That's it, he needs help!" Sokka said as he ran towards the door and into the middle of the village.

"Sokka get back here!" Katara called.

Sokka ran with his boomerang and threw his boomerang at the spirit's behind, and it bounced off.I appear next to him catching his boomerang giving it back to him, as it was going off course.

"Sokka,Wrathos what're you doing? You need to get back" Aang yelled.

"You need help. So we're not letting you fight this thing alone!" Sokka said, turning to look over his shoulder.

I glanced around me cautiously, waiting for the Hei Bai to appear. "No, I don't want to fight him, there has to be another—"

But I never heard Aang finish his sentence. There was a rush of wind and my head jerked painfully to one side, making me feel dizzy. Sokka was pressed tightly to my side. When my vision finally came into focus, I could see the village getting smaller and smaller. Sokka and I had been snatched off the ground, by the Hei Bai.

The spirit continued to run. Sokka tried to wriggle around, but its hand was too tight around the both of us. The twigs and branches snapped noisily beneath its feet.

"It's no use!" Sokka shouted frantically. He looked towards his right and we saw Aang few feet away as he flew on his glider. "Aang, over here!" Sokka shouted as he flailed one of his arms.

"Hang on, guys!" Aang shouted. The spirit ran into the destroyed forest. I tried to kick my legs around as Aang flew closer to us. Sokka wrapped one arm around my shoulder and I clung onto his neck as he used his other arm to reach for Aang's hand. Just as he was able to grab Aang's hand, he disappeared.

"Aang! AANG! Where'd he go?" I shouted.

"I don't know" Sokka shouted back over the wind.

The Hei Bai swapped me into his right hand. "No, get off!" I shouted, fighting desperately from his grip.

"Wrathos, grab my hand!" Sokka yelled, extending his arm as far as he could to me.

I tried to reach out, my fingers only a few inches from his. The moment I was able to grab hold of his hand, the spirit slowly became transparent in front of me. Sokka seemed to notice it too because his eyes widened in horror. Its grip loosened around my waist and I lost my own on Sokka's hand. Both of my hands immediately flew to my head after I hit the ground, the leaves rustled as I groaned in pain and rolled on my side.

"Sokka, are you alright?" I asked, but there was no answer. "Sokka?" I repeated, rubbing my sore shoulder. 'Did we not make it?'

My eyes widened as I looked up.Was this a forest?! It definitely looked like one, but at the same time it didn't. Pink mushrooms the size of Appa were protruding from the ground. The trees were even bigger and growing in different angles. And there was an ominous purple shadow over the trees, giving the forest an eerie glow. This is it its the Spirit World.

I then quickly start to meditate feeling the energy around me, pulling it into my body.I could I could feel my chi stabalize. I then remembered what the avatar tried to do one time in the show to clear the blocked chi pathways. So I repeated the same process except for the last one. It was the gate of the mind intellect, so I know there was another option then letting go of your loved ones. It was a trap and realizing that was the key. Just as I said"it's a trick" I could feel what felt like endless chi flow into me. As my chi stabilized again, I then try to force it to mix with my chakra but to no avail. Then I remembered where chakra comes from so I use all my mental strength, and chi to attack and destroy the conciousness of the chakra inside me. Then I see the image of kaguya in my mind for a second ,before it shatters with her saying"Nooo! Stealing my chakra I'll get you for this....".Everything blacks out.

When I wake up I'm on the floor of a cave.I then see sokka along with a bunch of other people knocked out in a cave floor next to me.'The panda must of accidentally dropped me, then found me and brought me here.'i place a note i prepared last night in his pocket basically saying my goodbye's and said that I'll be back when the city of all nations Rises". I then think of going back to naruto world. xxxWooshhxxx

I look around and i see I'm on the floor of naruto's apartment. 'Finally I'm back better then ever. I'm ready for you orochimaru.'