
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

Naruto world disconnection

I then check on my chi and bending. I noticed that 50% of my connection between the bending , and the environment is gone. Meaning I can no longer control it by will.(Its a good thing i remember all the moves ive seen including on the show) I figure that I'll regain it back if I learn senjutsu. As for now I'd say I'm between the strongest kage level and madara level durability and taijutsu(before becoming tentails host) pre tentails madara level genjutsu having the intellect of a timelord helps. Also with my memory I am medium kage level ninjutsu.(so yagura level). I could fight orochimaru to a standstill if he doesn't use the impure technique. However if I use all my cards, including ghost phasing I'll win hands down. Tbh all I have to do is go invisible, and it will look like I teleported this way I dont need to explain shit.Ive also noticed the effects of the other bending chi, has on my body. Water bending makes me alot more flexible(not snake lvl), and disperses anything blunt that hits me across my whole body.(Basically making the mc highly immune to blunt attacks)Airbending seems to remove air resistance entirely making me alot lighter, furthermore it makes my cells faster to thus regeneration is quicker.(Deadpool speed but not as thorough meaning decapitation kills mc)[Author does not own Deadpool marvel comics does]And finally firebending makes me immune to heat,and high cold resistance.With using earth chi to strengthens my skin and organs ,if done enough times skin can become as tough as diamond. (Currently clay hardness)

An hour goes by and finally naruto is awake we eat then go to the first testing area. Everyone but Sakura was here, I could tell Sasuke was getting very agitated. She finally ran up to us, saying that she had to get ready for today. We all walked up the steps to the second floor, seeing a large crowd surround the two kids in front of the door. I see Lee being bullied by Izumo and Kotetsu. 

"Please let us in" TenTen pleaded. Izumo went to punch her put Sasuke caught his fist, "You don't want to mess with me, and reverse this genjutsu" People started to mutter, "I bet you were the first to notice Sakura" I say. She was caught off guard for being put on the spot but nodded, "It was very obvious" The number on the door turned to 201, after the jutsu was released. Izumo went to attack Sasuke but Lee came in between them and block both of their attacks. Sasuke was shocked and I cheered.

"Hey lee that's a good way to show how youthful your are?" lee walks closer

"Youthful?" Lee said dazed, I stuck up my thumb, "Yep! Go youth!" I shout. Lee gains sparkles again and puts his fists in the air, "Youth!" "Youth!" I shout back. I always loved Lee and Gai having a youth match in the show. I mean what's a better way to have people stop looking at you , then to make them regret it.

"Oh god not another one" TenTen muttered. Sasuke pulled me back again and we started to walk away when Neji stopped us, "You two, what are your names?" 

"Isn't it common courtesy to give your name first?" I hit Sasuke's before answering, "I'm wrathos, and this guy with the stick up his but is Sasuke Uchiha" Neji looked at me wierd before walking off. The team continued to a big room, when Lee came running up in front of Sasuke. 

"I challenge you to a fight!" 

"Why is it always Sasuke?! I'll fight you!" Shouted Naruto, Lee shook his head, "I have no interest in fighting you, only the Uchiha, and there is wrathos" Sasuke frowned at my name, "What does he have to do with this?" 

"I must show him the extent of my flames of youth" Lee said while getting into his fighting position. 

"This will be over quickly" Sasuke muttered while opening his eyes to reveal his sharingan. Both Sakura and Naruto were shocked when he still got beaten(He has on his weights), but more shocked ,at the sight of the giant turtle appearing in the middle of the room. The turtle scolded Lee and Gai jumped in front of Lee and punched him. He then turned to face the group and I. 

"You must be Kakashi's students! I am Might Gai! His rival!" 

"Sensei has a rival?" Naruto asked me, "He does! And I am better!" Gai said for me. Everyone sweat dropped while I did the thumbs up pose, "It is wonderful to meet Lees youthful Sensei!" Gai smiled wide-er and struck the same pose, "That is right! Are you his youthful friend?"

"I am! Go youth!" 


"Youth!" Lee decided to join in. Naruto had to drag me away from the two green suited boys and walk up the steps, only to meet Kakashi at the top of them, "I'm glad you all of you decided to take the exams" 

"Are you kidding?! I wouldn't miss this for the world!" I shout.

"What do you mean Sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Only teams of three or four can participate, I said the choice was up to you so you two wouldn't get pressure from the boys to come" 

"What if two of us chose not to?" she asked. 

"Then it would of ended here, Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Wrathos I'm glad you came, I couldn't be prouder" He turned and opened the door for us. The room was full of older genin, but also our fellow classmates. 

"Oh Sasuke, how I missed your good looks" Ino greeted while clinging to his arm, "Back off him Ino-pig!" Sakura shouted.

 "Hey Ino" I said while waving, "Oh hi wrathos, didn't see you there" 

"wrathos!" I turned to see Kiba, as well as Shikamaru, Shino, Choji, and Hinata. 

"Hey shika!" I yelled happily. Running up to him I had my arms open in a hug, but when I came closer Akamaru winned and peed on kiba.As he was inside his jacket. "WHAT THE HELL AKAMARU" 'Hahaha well tbh I dont think he mind's though, hes got to be used to it' "Sorry I forgot that animals tend to be scared of me"

kiba hears that and growls and huffs then goes to sit down in the way back. Everyone else was laughing or saying "ewwwwww"

"Oi now I'm going to have to smell him for the rest of the day, troublesome." Shikamaru groaned from the side. I walked over to him and wrap my arm around his shoulder, "Hey Shika, hows it going? Anything new going on?" He put an arm around my shoulder. 

"W-what are you doing?!" 

"You rookies shouldn't be so loud, you're catching unwanted attention" Everyone turned to the voice and see Kabuto. Also looking around we see the whole room of genins frowning at us. 

"Who are you?" Ino asked. 

"I'm Kabuto Yakushi, this is my seventh time taking the test, they're held twice a year, so this is my fourth year" 

"Wow, so you're an expert, can you give us any tips?" Naruto asked excitedly. 

"Some expert he hasn't passed yet" I say while glaring at him. 

"You know what they say, seventh times the charm" 

"Literally no one says that" I say, he ignores me, "I can help you guys with my info cards, they're chakra coded, so I have any shinobi information, do you have anyone in mind?" 

"Rock Lee of the Leaf, Gaara of the Desert" Sasuke then looked over at me, "And wrathos" 

"Sasuke if you wanted to get to know me better you should of just asked" I say while pinching his cheek. 

"You're no fun you already know their names. Rock Lee is a year older than you guys, he's very skilled in Taijutsu but poor in Ninjutsu and Genjutsu, his teammates are Neji Hyuga and TenTen" He pulled out another card, "Gaara of the Desert is a genin from the hidden Sand, It says hes never gotten a scratch from his mission, his teammates are Temari and Kankuro, watch out for them" I felt eyes on me and I turned my head to see the Sand Siblings staring at me. I stick my hand up and wave, "Hey Gaara! Hey Kitty!" Gaaras eyes seemed to soften a bit at me while Kankuro got angry, "I told you to quit calling me that!" 

"I told you to quit wearing cat ears and I would!" He crossed his arms and looked the other way. I turned my attention back to my group. 

"And wrathos, showed up at the academy a couple weeks before graduation, has went up against two jounin level ninjas, is quite skilled in Taijutsu, but his ninjutsu is a bit lacking" 

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked. 

"You need to update them cards ,because wrathos is not lacking at all, believe it!" Naruto yelled with a fist pump,

"Of course I'll pass with flying colors!" 

"You think my teammate is lacking? The only one that is lacking is you loser!" Sasuke mocked kabuto, kabuto sighed and shook his head. 

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm not afraid of you!" He shouted. All of us laughed nervously while Ino told Sakura to keep her boyfriend in check. Then the sound ninja attack Kabuto, he dodged but his glasses still cracked. 

"But I saw him dodge!" Sasuke shouted. 

"You should also put in your cards the sound ninja are strong" Dosu said smugly. Kin rushed towards me ready to attack. I didnt care as I'll just dodge last second, so i hold my arms in front of me. 

"OW!" I open my eyes I didn't know I had closed to see a huge wall of sand. Looking over to Gaara he also seemed ,slightly shocked at the wall. 

"Quiet down you bastards!" Ibiki shouted, suddenly showing up at the front of the room, "No fighting outside of the exam! Do you want to fail before the test begins?!" 

"Sorry, we got carried away" Dosu apologized, but not before shooting me a dirty look. 

"I am your first proctor for the exam, take a number and a seat, we will begin the written test shortly" He instructed. 

"D-did he say written?" Naruto asked.