
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Anime e quadrinhos
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47 Chs

Catching donkeys by the tail And integrating chi

sokka gave a stern look at them with anger and worry filled eyes

"I told you he is no good he just signalled the firenation"

"It wasn't his fault" she said in a soft but stern voice

"yes it was... I set off a boobytrap"

"see he admits it you are hereby banned from the southern watertribe"

"well if hes banned then I am too" <she storms off>

"you would choose him over your family"

<katara stops> <I jump on appa>

"its okay katara I had lots of fun."


"I hope we can meet up another time"

"me too"

" Let's go appa yip yip"<he then looks at me I just shrug>

"I smell adventure afoot, but something doesn't seem right."

"Oh ...I was thinking the same but I was thinking it was just from leaving them like that"

"Oh no I see firenation ships in the distance their heading for the tribe."

"We've got to go help them let's go!"

"We must hurry I see fire"

aang got off then started flying off with his glider. So I just go fly after him he looked surprised at first but then he remembered .

a large amount of snow kicks up as we land.


zuko: "Your the airbender? You're the avatar? And who are ,what are you"<he says as he points at me> he asks noticing the use of airbending by aang

anng: yes I am

He then looks at me

"Me? Oh im just a wondering spirit for how I'm here I got lost on the road of life, as I crossed paths with the famous spirit lucky cat ; he threw a exploding pineapple at me and here I am.

everyone sweatdropped <looking at me with a you cant be serious look>

"Is that so <he shoots fireball at me and I just phase through it> hehe now who's a spirit now" <thinking he killed me then he sees me still intact then I disappear and reappear above his head as I grabbed his ponytail>

"They say you pin the tail on the donkey so I think I won hehe" I then drop him "ouff"

<everyone of the firenation start chuckling but stop immediately as prince zuko is stesming with anger> <aang and everyone else just continues laughing>

"ENOUGH hand me over the avatar now or I'll start burning the entire village down"

aang walks forward"if I come with you will you leave this place?"

"Yes but you must bring your pet spirit too(zuko's thoughts:I have a feeling I might regret this ,no just imagining things)

"okay I dont mind"i interrupt saying so

"No,Aang!!" katara yells as the soldiers start heading back to the ship

"Its fine katara I dont want anyone to get hurt. It will be fine promise"

We get on board the ship and brought to zukos room.

"You spirit! My uncle want to speak with you."

"No problem" <He brings me to his uncle on the deck of the ship making tea>

iroh:sit down sit down err hmm I mean if you can

"Yes i can materialize parts of myself, if I wish that's why I dont look see through."

"oh... tea?" he says very unsure but curious

"sure extra on the sugar and creme if you have it"

"Certainly so what brings you here?"

"Oh well after a millennium spirits get bored of the spirit world, cant blame us it's a dog eat dog world. However they all dont like the living didnt have good experiences I guess. But NOT ME! <I point at my self waving my hands excitedly> I want an adventure. "

"Oh really?" seemingly intrigued

"Yeah well they don't attack if you stay out of their territory and dont bother them. I didnt purposely come here though. I got flung here after the avatar awakened"(I lied).

"Wow interesting perhaps your with him to send you back or something else hmm?"

"Adventure sounds fun to me and cant do that their territorial things they are.Ive heard that zukos mother is doing fine with a new life in this world"

iroh face went white and his eyes widened then narrowed

"Great spirit sometimes things shouldn't be say so casually." iroh's thoughts 'shees alive? I cant let the firelord or zuko know it would devastate him and I feel it's not time yet'

"Agreed but I trust this is safe with you"

<screems coming from solders inside and zuko yelling with gales of wind blow the hatch open>

iroh:indeed it is... Oh looks like it's time for you to go, I hope you find your purpose on your trip.

Thank you the tea has been lovely, however a bison calls my name. I grab a whitelotus piece ,I carved out if wood a long time ago,from my pocket .I then throw it to him to catch as I fly off onto the bison. <In the distance I can see he went wide eyed then laughed it off>

"Hey guys I'm back"

"Welcome back must be nice to be able to fly"

"Well your not a airbender , so I cant help you"

aang speaks up "We cant truley fly without a glider that is."

"Actually you can but you have to pass a trial to clear the paths of all your chakras.However you will have a guide for that in the future." <As I say that he passes out from exhaustion>

"hmm He must be tried out by using the avatar state too much."

sokka asks "what's a avatar state?"

"Oh that's when the avatar uses all his past lives knowledge and powers, thus becomes super powerful however at a cost"

katara asks "What's the cost" <sounding worried>

"He becomes very powerful but it consumes a lot of his chi and if hes killed in that state the avatar ceases to exist.<they both went pale and wide eyed at that> So its best we dont have him rely on it, but if necessary then he will use it when its neccessary or he subconsciously triggers it."

"its really cool and all but where we going"

"Well as adventures on a voyage with the avatar, he gets to decide that most of the time. alas every now and then we decide of course. So let's go to the snow cover over there until he wakes up because he is a nomad they know the world more then we."

"What if the firenation finds us"

I'll just fly around doing reconnaissance while you keep a lookout on the ground

"I dont think that will be necessary "

we both say: "yes it is"

"okay whatever I'll be practicing waterbending"

"okay I'm off "<I said as I reached into my pocket activating the perception filter.I then flew off into the distance then sat in the snow and began to meditate trying to feel the energy around me. I then feel an energy similar to my spiritual energy I use for chakra but different. I then try to pull it inside of my body slowly but surely. I feel the foreign energy invade my body as I try to control it to seperate into different chakras then outnumber it to keep it in control with my chakra.... One of my chakras now feels hot, one is cool and refreshing,one light and flowing, and the final one sturdy strong and dense.So I try to pull at each one and feel around me to see if I can use it somehow.Then all a sudden whoosh on my left hand I see a blue flame, on my right water icicle ,and with my foot I feel tiny particles of earth but not on the ground but air(must be timelord senses) so i try to condense it. I try to use airbending instead then try to mix it with the fire to burn it higher temperature. It blows up a few times so I guess it won't work till I go to the spirit world . [Note if I was human without chakra, ghost powers(they are still spiritual beings technically) ,and timelord Intel I couldn't multitask with these elements all at once, Also I wouldnt be able to bend all these elements. ]I then try to use the rock chi now flowing through my body to try to make my skin and organs mimic it and become more dense thus making me harder to kill. (Wait now that I think of it.If I was attacked by a spirit water bender, I might be killed even if I went intangable.Well it doesn't matter there isn't one existing yet.). Its been hours now after experimenting with all various variation I could. Only because of my location was limiting I cant test metal, lava, and bloodbending. However i do feel the water in my body not going to test it on myself. Although it went well in the show testing bloodbending might blow me up.(owell time to go back)

I fly back but decide to scare sokka. I reappear right behind sokka I say "boo" sokka jumps then flounders to be ready for combat holding jerky on stick "ahhh ... HHEY that's not funny"

katara, me and aang "hahaha"

"what you going to attack me with meat Haha"

"Not funny guys... anyways where we going"