
Transmigrated as a Fat villain: All heroines are after me

I AM EDITING IT'S FIRST VOLUME~~~ "Y-young master, the Lord is requesting your presence." I looked at myself in the mirror as a maid's voice, laced with trepidation, reached my ears. "Tell him I'll be there shortly." "I understand, y-young master." I paid no mind to her quivering presence, my gaze fixed on my reflection. And this is exactly why I despise this character, Yes, He is a villain with my name but does it matter, no, the problem is this guy's weight he is so heavy that this tub of lard is weighing me down, literally. For someone who prides themselves on muscle, nothing's worse than "fat," and this guy before me? Well, he's a prime example of that. "I suppose I need a workout." Reaching the door, exhaustion gripped me and I found myself gasping for breath. It was unbelievable – this body was so darn heavy. After an arduous struggle, I finally made my way out of the room, causing servants carrying a litter¹ to scurry over. They lowered it, creating a path for me to step onto it. I tried to ignore the spectacle – it was this pampering that turned this fatty into a giant tire. Pushing the annoyance aside, I began to move, managing only about 10 steps before my legs gave out. Damn it. Seriously? I collapsed, leaving the twenty servants to hastily lift me and place me onto the litter. For me, it felt more like a stretcher. There I was, sprawled on it like some mountain, panting heavily. "You damn god! I hope the protagonist of your favorite novel gets NTRed!" . . "We're here, young master." Can you believe it? his father's office is just thirty steps away from this pumpkin room, yet he insists on using a litter. "Give me a hand." I ordered while cursing this hefty body under my breath. "Oh, come, come, my dear child. How was your day?" I glanced at the middle-aged man, his face exuding warmth and care. As for my feelings? This old man right here is the reason this chubby exists. Not that I give a darn about my indulgent father. "I'm alright, Dad." Yes, imagine this: as a noble, this old man spoiled this pumpkin so much that he thinks he can go around scolding the mansion's maids and servants. "Take a seat. Hey, fetch his chair!" You might wonder why he doesn't sit on a regular chair. Well, that's because the chair is custom-made to accommodate this hippo-sized frame. "What's going on, Dad?" Seriously, why would he summon this big old hippo over to his quarters? There's gotta be a reason for it.... "Your fiancee is coming tomorrow" ~~~~~~~~~ Join Discord for Faster Update notification:: https://discord.gg/QZnWtQARft NO YURI NO INCEST NO NTR --- This story doesn't carry any of these things. ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE ~ you can expect some errors

A4KL · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
173 Chs

Chapter 38 - Zeph is Thalia's Husband

<Alora's POV>

The Valeria Academy classroom was buzzing with activity as students settled into their seats. I had my eyes set on a particular figure—the boy named Zeph. From what I had observed, he was anything but ordinary.

I decided to make my move. Slowly, I walked towards his desk, trying to appear as innocent as possible. As I got closer, I cleared my throat gently, getting his attention.

"Hello there," I greeted with a friendly smile. "You're Zeph, right?"

Zeph looked up from his desk, his expression slightly surprised but wary. "Yeah, that's me. And you are?"

"Alora Vi Vendal," I replied, introducing myself with a curtsy. "I couldn't help but notice how confidently you answered the professor's question earlier, even if it turned out to be wrong. That takes courage."

Zeph raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "You noticed that, huh? Well, sometimes you've got to take a shot, even if you miss."

I giggled softly. "That's a good attitude to have. You know, I appreciate people who aren't afraid to speak up. It's important to be confident in oneself."

Zeph shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Confidence, huh? Well, I've always believed in learning by doing."

As we were chatting, I glanced toward Thalia, another girl in the classroom. "Hey, I was thinking, we could grab something to eat in the canteen or, you know, we all can go together." I looked back at Zeph. "What do you say, Zeph? Friends?"

Zeph's cautious expression seemed to soften, and he extended his hand towards me. "Friends, then."

As I shook his hands I saw the Thalia girl is frowning, may be she is his girlfriend, Like it matters to me.



"Wow, the canteen is really big," I remarked as I glanced toward Zeph, trying to engage him in conversation. I couldn't afford to be careless around him. Zeph, however, only nodded, offering a non-committal response, which left me slightly puzzled.

I had some doubts I needed to clear. Thalia, the girl who seemed wary of me for some reason, remained a mystery. I didn't even know her ability. Building trust was my priority.

"Sure, let's go sit over there," Zeph finally spoke up, pointing towards a table where a girl named Hedrian was sitting. Whispers had reached my ears, indicating that Zeph might have a crush on her. The situation seemed intriguing.

As we approached Hedrian, I decided to strike up a conversation with her as well. "Can we sit here?" I asked, hoping to make some progress with these two. Hedrian, with her cold demeanor, merely nodded in response.

"Thank you. I'm Alora," I introduced myself to her. She reciprocated with a brief introduction, "Valeriana."

I turned to Zeph, aiming to learn more about him. "So, Zeph, I meant to ask, how did you come up with your answer so swiftly?" I inquired, feigning interest. In reality, I needed to gather information about his abilities. Injecting a Grim worm required caution. If his ability was related to detection or surveillance, I couldn't afford to be reckless and risk exposure.

"It just happened," Zeph replied with a casual shrug, further reinforcing my impression of him as a somewhat pretentious person.

Turning my attention to Thalia, I seized the opportunity to gather more information. "Oh, yes, Thalia, right? So, are you and Zeph friends or more like acquaintances?" I inquired, trying to sound friendly and curious.

Thalia's response, however, took me by surprise. "He is my husband," she stated matter-of-factly. I noticed Hedrian, the girl at the table with us, choking on her porridge in response to Thalia's revelation.

Her wide-eyed surprise hinted at an unexpected crush on Zeph, completely unbeknownst to her. This twist in the situation Piqued my interest.

"are you all right" I saw zeph giving her tissue don't know why but he seemed afraid ?, but if what? and then he looked towards Thalia and then towards me, its really confusing what's he is even thinking.