
Transformers: The Secret Wars

The War for Cybertron rages on. The Autobots and Decepticons fight bolt and screw for territory, energon, and most importantly, loyalty. That is where Scorcher steps in. His past shrouded in mystery, he fights for who he believes to be the best choice for Cybertron. But even loyalty may be questioned. AN: apologies for the weird format in the beginning. I plan to fix it. Newer chapters that come out shall be easier to look at.

The_Arc1t3ct · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Trypticon Station


The emergency lights flashed on and off as the Decepticon cruiser moved towards Trypticon Station, taking heavy fire from the station's defenses and the Autobot fliers circling around the ship.

"We've lost power to one of the main engines!" Barricade said to Megatron, who was sitting in the commander's seat.

"Make that two engines offline! They shot them out, sir!" Brawl yelled.

"Vortex!" Megatron screamed as he was shouting orders to some of the crew, "Send Scropinoks out to fix the engines!"

"Yes, sir" he responded and left the console he was sitting at.

"Sir, we have enemy drop ships heading into the hangar." A decepticon drone warned, looking over his shoulder to the leader of the Decepticons.

"Scorcher, take your team and go to the hangar!" he barked, "Destroy those Autobots!"

"Sir, consider it done!" The soldier named Scorcher replied, walking toward the intercom, "Alpha team: Celina, A.M.Y., and Wrench, report to the bridge!" He ordered on the loudspeaker. A few seconds later, they were at his side and they ran towards the lift that led to the hanger.

Celina pulled out her data pad and told Scorcher what he needed to know "Sir, I have intelligence that Soundwave and Shockwave need our support down there. They were able to take down five light runners, two tanks, and a whole lot of drones. We also have Intel that," She paused as she looked at her data pad, "Blade is down there."

"Alpha squad, sound off!" Scorcher barked, taking into consideration that an old enemy was threatening the people he was working for.

"A.M.Y., reporting sir!" A.M.Y. said.

"Celina, reporting!" she answered as she stowed her data pad away.

"Wrench, ready to turn some Autobots into scrap metal!" the rookie's voice was filled with enthusiasm.

"Alright, we're all here. Weapons ready!" Scorcher ordered, said, pulling out his two plasma hand cannons, which he was most notorious for using in every battle. Celina pulled out a small energy pistol, A.M.Y, being a mechanically modified super weapon, pulled out a plasma dispenser, and Wrench pulled out a neutral assault rifle. Wrench was the brand-new engineer of the team, since all of their other engineers kept dying, and they hoped that he did not perish on his first field mission. The lift doors opened, and the team entered.

When they arrived in the hangar, they were bombarded with laser fire, one hitting Wrench straight in his processor. The other three took cover behind a nearby Autobot dropship that crashed to avoid joining Wrench.

"Damn! This was his first time being out of the training room!" Scorcher screamed. "Celina, where are the Waves!" she pulled out an info pad, pressed a few buttons, and answered.

"They are above us, sir." She said, pointing up.

"Open a channel!" Scorcher commanded. There was static on the intercom, trying to connect to Shockwave. Then, they hear his voice on the airwaves.

[Commander! Glad you can make it! Soundwave tells me that there are more drop ships coming toward The Overlord! We patched in on their frequency. They won't stop until Blade retreats!] he explained.

"Well, let us give him a reason to leave." Scorcher said, putting away his hand cannons, and pulling out his two swords, which have seen much destruction. "You two keep them distracted. Keep their fire on your location. I'll sneak around back and kill his other partner." Scorcher explained his plan.

"Yes, sir." They said, shooting at all of the Autobots in their sights. They stopped shooting around and focused their fire at the two members of Alpha squad. Scorcher managed to sneak around the side, behind the debris that filled the hangar. Blade was firing randomly between the two positions, while his smaller ally was just shooting the air around the two spots.

"YEAH, Decepticons! You want to take over the universe; you have to go through ME!!" He yelled, wasting his ammo. Scorcher casually walked up behind the whelp, preparing to cut the Autobot in two. He violently thrusts his blades into the torso of the Autobot and tore him apart. Blade looked back to see his ally dead.

"Looks like we'll be taking over." Scorcher let out a quick quip before focusing on his nemesis, Blade. "BLADE! GET OVER HERE!" Scorcher yelled as walking to him, putting his swords together, making a large double edged sword.

"Well, Captain Scorcher, we meet again. How's your home?" he asked, hoping that mentioning one of his past failures would send him into a rage.

"YOU KNOW HOW IT IS! YOU BURNED IT TO THE GROUND!" He screamed, pain filling his voice. He ran toward him, his blade raised to strike true. He pulled out his two blades ,prepared to block Scorcher's strike. The two swung, their blades colliding. Scorcher proceeded to push down to try and break Blade's block, but Blade simply smiled as he shoved Scorcher back. The two swung at each other for a bit until Blade got bored and decided to give up. He flew out of the hangar and back to his ship, which departed shortly after he returned.

"YOU COWARD! COME BACK HERE!" Scorcher yelled, his voice still filled with anger and pain. A.M.Y. came out from behind the gun ship and stood next to him.

"Well, at least they stopped attacking." She commented.

"I know. Tell Soundwave and Shockwave that he can come down." Scorcher said, looking at one of the Decepticon drones and then at an Autobot troop. They looked so different, yet have the same heritage. Cybertronian were made on Cybertron, and they made the drones as a workforce. When the war started, Megatron decided to use them as soldiers, cannon fodder, and the Autobots chose to use real Cybertronian, having feelings for the sparkless beings. Drones are basically nothing compared to true Cybertronians.

"Commander, Shockwave, reporting." He said.

"How many drones did we lose?" Scorcher asked.

"About…fifty. Blade and his men killed a lot of our troops."

"Go back to the bridge, I'll catch up later."

"Yes, sir." He said, making his leave from the wrecked hangar.

"Celina, A.M.Y., go back to your quarters." Scorcher ordered.

"Yes, sir." They said, making their leave as well.

"Soundwave, get a clean-up crew down here."

"As you wish, Commander." He said. Scorcher started walking back to the bridge.

He returned to the bridge, and Megatron was piloting the ship straight to Trypticon station!

"Megatron! What are you doing?!" Scorcher asked, running up to the mad Cybertronian.

"I want that Dark Energon! Starscream is being too persistent. Ram this warship into the heart of that station!" the crazy con ordered. They crashed right in the center of that station, knocking Scorcher out.


He woke up in a sector of the station with what was left of his team.

"Is everyone alright?" He asked his troops. He looked around and noticed that he had seven drones with him as well.

"I'm fine." A.M.Y replied.

"I'm also functional." Scorcher heard Celina comment.

"Alright, let us meet up with Megatron in the command room of the station." Scorcher commanded, starting to walk towards the closest door. The door slid open, and they were introduced by about one hundred Autobot guards.

"It's a trap!" Scorcher yelled as he ran behind the door wall.

"Right out of the frying pan, and into the fire." A.M.Y said, pulling out the plasma dispenser.

"Tear them down! Troops, take cover, let A.M.Y. handle this." Scorcher ordered. She let the barrels spin and took all of the guards down. Hundreds of Autobot pieces flying all over the place.

"Alright, we're clear!" she said. They started to walk deeper in the station.

"Sir, most of these storage units are thousands of years old. The content probably isn't good anymore." Celina said, scanning a container.

"Megatron plans to fix that." He told her. They ran toward the service lift that led to the control room.

[Commander, Soundwave reporting. Megatron already went after Starscream in the command room. I've reactivated the station's systems.] Soundwave said on the intercom.

"Good. We'll meet with him there." Scorcher replied.

"If he doesn't end up killing himself in the process." Celina said. They ran for the command room. Megatron showed them the way with all of the wreckage and Autobot bodies. They finally found the command room, but Starscream's corpse wasn't on the ground.

"Sir, he ran away?" Scorcher asked, holstering his weapons.

"No, Scorcher, even better. He joined us in our cause." Megatron said, grinning. "Scorcher, gather all of your troops and return to the base on Cybertron."

"Yes, sir." He replied, saluting him. He then turned to A.M.Y. and Celina. "Alright, Alpha squad, let's roll out!" He transformed into a Cybertronian plane, as did the other two. They flew out of the view point facing the planet, heading home.