
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

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19 Chs

Secret MECH Base

Date: July 2, 2012, 12:40 P.M., Location: Autobot base omega 1

It has been over a week seen the Autobots decoded the Icon database to find the Icon Relics and tried to retrieve the Relics from the Icon database before the other 2 Cybertronian war factions: Decepticons and MECH* raced to retrieve them to rediscover the Ancient Cybertronian knowledge lost to time. Since then Both Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime Teams have been spending their days recovering from their Injuries at the hands of the Decepitcons. In Recent days Optimus Prime order Hardwire* that in his spare time that he wanted him to go thought the Human computer communication networks and even hacking some highly secure Military Government databases across the Planet for any Evidence of Cybertronian actives on Earth. Optimus Prime choose hardwire because he is familiar with Human based computer systems and knows how to hack into them with ease and how to navigate through the Human base computer system networks and Military Government databases across the Planet to collect any harmful or useful information on them or the other 2 Cybertronian factions.

Hardwire has been for over a week has been by suggestions of both Optimus Prime and Nova-strike Prime has been downloading from both the Autobot base's main computer database and the human worldwide web Professional videos on how to manipulate video footage. He got permission from Optimus Prime and Nova-strike Prime as well as the other Autobots to download from their person processor video footage and voice records of both Decepitcons, MECHcon troopers and personal. Hardwire concluded that if 1 of their teammates went deep undercover to infiltrate into either the Decepitcons or MECH in the future that he could have ready false information for the deep undercover spy to fool the Organization with the needed information to cover their tracks to not get caught. He as well if the impossible happen like if a Decepitcon or MECH Personnel decided to defect to their cause secret he could falsity Video footage and conversations to keep their defect a secret and have false information to cover their tracks. Hardwire theorize that he could in extreme cases if an Autobot wanted to go to the extreme to keep their cover are all costs could alter a spy processor's(Mind) memories to have them implanted false memories to believe that they were not spy and a true follower of the organization they were infiltrating. Hardwire would have fail safes into an Autobot spy with currently code words that if they come into private contact with a follow Autobot to have the Implanted false memories being suppressed indefinitely less the Autobot they privately contacted them would say a counter code word to reactive the implanted false memories to keep their deep cover intact.

As Hardwire was searching through 1 of the Human computer communication network satellites he looked through some video footage of a weather satellite that was scanning the landscape and weather patterns roughly 35 miles away to the Northwest from the U.S. City Austin in Texas he saw something interesting on the footage. The Footage Hardwire saw was of a few seconds of footage of a few Military vehicles that as the color scheme of Black, Green and Grey. He then saw the approach an unknown secret base and as the Military vehicles approached a warehouse and saw them transform into giant sized Humanoid transformers and then the video footage ended. Hardwire took the video footage he found computer communication network satellites and download the footage of the computer communication network recorded of the giant-sized Humanoid transformers, transferred the video footage into the Autobot Base computer mainframe and then deleted the footage to keep the exist of the Transformers/Cybertronians a secret from the humans. As Hardwire finished transferring the information he discovered and download into the Autobot base computer mainframe he left his computer terminal and headed to the Autobot's Icon database computer terminal where Optimus Prime is working to decode more of the encrypted Icon Database for more Icon Data Entries. Hardwire in a moderate concerned and somewhat calm tone, Hardwire "Optimus Prime I have some disrupting information that a Human computer communication network weather satellite picked up that you might find interesting."

Optimus Prime stopped decoding typing on the Icon database computer terminal and turned his attention to Hardwire and in a calm and curious tone "Very Well Hardwire what is the disrupting information you have picked up from 1 human computer communication network weather satellites?"

Hardwire "I found footage from the computer communication network that was scanning the landscape and weather patterns near the U.S. City Austin in Texas he saw something interesting. I found that the communication network weather satellite recorded a few seconds of footage of a few Military vehicles that as the color scheme of Black, Green and Grey. I saw them approach an unknown secret base and as the Military vehicles approached a warehouse and saw them transform into giant sized Humanoid transformers and then the video footage ended."

Optimus Prime in a calm and curious tone, Optimus Prime "Hardwire do you think we have found 1 of MECH secret Military bases?"

Hardwire calm and thoughtful tone, Hardwire "Well give the MECH uses the Black, Green and Grey color schemes and given from what I learned from Ratchet in that the Decepitcons don't use the Black, Green and Grey color schemes and that they don't use Human made buildings to possible hide or store important materials I would say yes that this is a top-secret MECH Military base."

Optimus Prime in calm accepting tone, Optimus Prime "I would agree with you Hardwire.(Optimus placed his right robotic hand on Hardwire shoulder and in a calm and compassionated tone.) You have been doing a very good job in past few months give your circumstances. I know you and the other members of the Nova-strike Prime team have found it difficult to adjust to every changing condition in your life. Hardwire I understand what you're going through. When the Begins of the Cybertronian Civil war began, and I learned that my former friend and mentor has betray the Cybertronian high council and have declared war with his growing army of Decepitcons.

Hardwire when I heard that Megatron have cut all ties with me and betray me, I was at 1st was very anger for his betrayal for over a month. After my anger died down, I then felt sadness in my spark after I have come to realize that Megatron and I were now sorrow enemies on opposite side of the Civil war due to our fundamental differences between our view on how to change Cybertron for the Better. I choose the way of using the power of words and Peaceful political negotiations and reforms within Cybertronian Sociality as well as to protect an individual's individual rights and liberties and have the Federal government limited interference in their individual rights and liberties less an extreme threat to Cybertronian Sociality. As for Megatron he chooses the way of using extreme violence and armed conflict and overthrow the Cybertronian High council. He wanted to replace the Cybertronian High council with a totalitarian Military dictatorship that would oppress an individual's individual rights, liberties and using massively increase the amount of surveillance to the point of intrusive to keep everyone in line in the name of the greater good of Cybertronian Sociality as well as to destroy anyone who poses a threat to him, his regime and to his power."

After Optimus finished his Person story with Hardwire Optimus could see that Hardwire was on edge of shedding energon tears. Hardwire unexpectedly rush forward toward Optimus Prime and embraced Optimus in an emotional hug. Optimus Prime at 1st was shocked at what Hardwire was doing but after a few seconds returned the embraced hug to hardwire. After a few seconds both of they withdraw from the hug and Hardwire wiped the energon tears from his optics and in happy sad emotional tone, Hardwire "Thank you Optimus."

Optimus nodded at Hardwires respond and in calm and compassionated tone, Optimus "Hardwire the role of Leader is to not only to give them soldiers orders in combat but also to try to connect with their troops strong bonds of respect, disciple and if need be, give his troops advice to help them get them what their going through. From what I have learned in my time of this Planet is that Human's here have a strong sense of friendship and family with each in either Military or civilian lives. I come to regard all of my Autobots as not only my soldiers by also as my friends and family.(Optimus then make his way to where Ratchet was at the Autobot base's main Ground-bridge transportation computer terminal control doing a routing computer system diagnostic. As Optimus approached Ratchet, he shifted his tone of voice to a commanding and calm.) Ratchet can you please contact the rest of Team Prime and Nova-Strike Prime to coming for to the command center I have information and a mission for all of us to undertake."

Ratchet is a calm tone, Ratchet "Very well Optimus.(Ratchet got onto the Autobot Base's main communication computer terminal and changed his voice tone to a commanding tone.) Attention All Autobot Personnel Please report to the command center."

Time: 12:47

As the rest of Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime teams come into the command center from their training sections with their sparring opponents. As they made their way to where Optimus Prime was Ryu Senshi* turned her attention to Optimus and in an anxious and excited tone, Ryu Senshi "Well Optimus what do you have for us a new recon, combat or Icon Relic retrieve missions? I am itching for a Good Fight with both the Decepitcons and MECHcon troopers."

Nova-strike Prime turned his attention to Ryu Senshi and in a calm tone, Nova-strike Prime* "That's enough of the Questions Ryu Senshi; we get it you love a good fight."

Ryu Senshi in little irritated and tensing tone to Nova-strike Prime, Ryu Senshi "Well I'm always curious and seeking useful information from both my friends and enemies that could provide me with any useful informant to give me in an argument or in a physical fight Jacky."

As Ryu Senshi was speaking Arcee was eavesdropping on Ryu Senshi and saw an irritating look on Nova-strike Prime's face plate and in an irritated amusement tone to Ryu Senshi, Arcee "Miko you are doing it again and irritating Jack.(Arcee saw that Nova-strike Prime was going to speak.) Now your got to get it."

Nova-strike Prime in a little irritated tone, Nova-strike Prime "How many times do I need to tell you It's Jack while we'll not on a mission or in public." Nova-strike Prime gave Ryu Senshi a light punch jab on Ryu Senshi left shoulder(right shoulder to Ryu Senshi). Ryu Senshi responded in kind by giving Nova-strike Prime a light punch jab on Nova-Strike Prime right shoulder(Left shoulder to Nova-strike Prime).

Optimus Prime saw that Nova-strike prime and Ryu Senshi playful tensing each other and give each other light Punch jabs from tensing each other and in a commanding and calm tone, Optimus Prime "That's enough Jack and Miko. Now on to business recently Hardwire has been able to discover from hacker into a human communication weather satellite to a recorded a few seconds of video footage of our exist.(Optimus turned his attention to hardwire.) Hardwire can you please show them what you showed me." Hardwire nodded and walked up to the Autobot base's main computer and began to type on the Autobot computer and he got the video footage file that He downloaded from the Human communication weather satellite network and depleted from the human based computer network after he downloaded it. All Members of team Prime and Nova-strike Prime saw appear on the Autobot base's main computer's screens a few Military vehicles that as the color scheme of Black, Green and Grey. They then saw the approach an unknown secret base and as the Military vehicles approached a warehouse and saw them transform into giant sized Humanoid transformers and then the video footage ended.

As they all watched the video footage on the Autobot base's main computer and as it concluded Ratchet turned his attention to Optimus and in a curious and somewhat calm tone, Ratchet "So it seems that Hardwire was able to finally located 1 of MECH's secret bases by them being overconfident in their ability to blend in with Human in their Vehicle modes without considering the possible of getting caught by human communication and surveillance networks."

Optimus Prime "Indeed Ratchet, now onto the combat Mission assignment with MECH and their Transformer/Cybertronians troopers. I have decided to have Myself, Arcee, Bulkhead, Nova-strike Prime, Shadow-Hunter*, Serenity*, Ryu Senshi and Hardwire for technical support along with Ultra-Aid* for as a Field Medic to surprise attack the Secret MECH base.(Optimus turned his attention to Ratchet) As for You old friend I need you to stay here and operation the ground-bridge controls. Ratchet please put in the Ground-bridge coordinates from the Human communication weather Network satellite picked up and Hardwire downloading the information from the communication weather Network satellite he deleted the information from."

Ratchet in a calm tone, Ratchet "Very well." after a few second Ratchet Put into the ground-bridge coordinates from the human communication weather Network satellite and activated the Ground-bridge.

Optimus Prime in a commanding calm tone, Optimus Prime "Autobots transform and roll out."

Time: 12:52 P.M., Location: Roughly 31.75 miles(51.096672 kms.) away to northwest to the city of Austin in Texas.

As the Autobot transportation Ground-bridge open up both of Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime Teams came out of the Ground-Bridge portal. As they finished coming out, they transformer into their Humanoid Robotic Modes. Optimus turned his attention to both members of Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime and focused his attention onto Shadow-Hunter, Serenity and Hardwire and was able to speak when Nova-strike Prime bet him to it. As Nova-strike Prime and his team came out of the Ground-bridge Portal and transformed into their Humanoid Robotic modes he saw Optimus turn his attention to them especial his team. Nova-strike Prime saw that Optimus Prime was focusing his attention on his teammates: Shadow-hunter, Serenity and Hardwire. Inside his mind Nova-strike Prime knew what Optimus was going to say and ask from his team before Optimus Prime was going to say.

Nova-strike Prime turned his attention to Shadow-Hunter, Serenity and Hardwire and in a calm commanding tone of; Nova-strike Prime "Shadow-Hunter, Serenity and Hardwire I need you to transform into your Ariel Vehicle mode and scout out ahead to see if the MECH has any power connection to the main power grid, a back power generator as well as to possible see how many MECHcon troopers, personal there are Guarding their secret base as well as to provide air superiorly for us.(Nova-strike Prime focused his attention to on Hardwire.) Hardwire see if you can well provide air superiorly for us if you can wireless hack into MECH's computer Network and disable their surveillance systems. You could use if you find any back log video footage from their computer network to fool them long enough for us to seek up on them to surprise attack them and their forces." Hardwire responded with nodding of his head and transformed into his Ariel mode and took to the sky along with Shadow-Hunter and Serenity doing the same.

After he finished given his orders to his team, he saw Optimus Prime turned his attention to him. Optimus Prime in a calm commanding tone of voice, Optimus "Well done Nova-strike Prime your learning now let's continue with the mission, Move out!"

Time: 1:02 P.M.

After a walking for 10 minutes and searching a 3.25 miles(5.230368 Kms.) search pattern area for the secret MECH base and having Shadow-Hunter, Serenity and Hardwire scouting ahead to see if the MECH has any power connection to the main power grid, a back power generator as well as to possible see how many MECHcon troopers, personal there are guarding their secret base as well as to provide air superiority for them. Sense Shadow-hunter and Serenity took to the sky in their Ariel Vehicle modes and scout surveying the 3.25-mile search pattern area for the secret MECH base have finally found it and where circle it. Both Shadow-Hunter and Serenity scanned with their optics and found that the MECH base has 4 massive storage warehouse hangers with a medium size paved private road/driveway splitting the group of warehouses down the middle.(Given each side of the road 2 storage warehouses.) They found that MECH's secret base has a Main Power line connecting them to the main power grid as well as 3 back power generators(1 on the south side, 1 on the east side and the last 1 on the west side.) to provide a back support of power if they Main Power line connection was cut off. As both Shadow-Hunter and Serenity talked to each other over their internal Processor communicators of what they have found and of who would contact Optimus Prime and Nova-strike Prime on what they found out. They agreed that Shadow-Hunter would contact Nova-strike Prime and that Serenity would contact Optimus Prime of what they have found out.

Shadow-Hunter got on his internal processor communicator switched it to Nova-strike Prime's communications channel frequency and in a calm tone, Shadow-Hunter "Nova-strike Prime come in please this is Shadow-Hunter."

Nova-strike Prime in a curious and calm tone, Nova-strike Prime "Nova-strike Prime here go-ahead Shadow-Hunter what of you found?"

Shadow-Hunter in calm and somewhat monotone tone, Shadow-Hunter "I and Serenity have found the secret MECH base. We saw that they have has 4 massive storage warehouse hangers with a medium size paved private road/driveway splitting the group of warehouses down the middle.(Given each side of the road 2 storage warehouses.) We found that they have Main Power line connecting them to the main power grid as well as 3 back power generators(1 on the south side, 1 on the east side and the last 1 on the west side.) to provide a back support of power if they Main Power line connection was cut off."

Nova-strike Prime in the same tone as before, Nova-strike Prime "Have you been able to get a roughly count of how many MECH Personnel there are either Human or Cybertronian?"

Shadow-Hunter in the same tone as before, Shadow-Hunter "We were able to see roughly 25 Human MECH soldiers patrolling the MECH base perimeter. As for MECHcon troopers we were unable to get a visual on them do to their both of their aircraft hanger's main doors being shut keeping what their doing a secret behind closed doors."

Nova-strike Prime "Thank you Shadow-Hunter you and Serenity continue with your air superiorly support for us."

Shadow-Hunter in a calm and acknowledged tone, Shadow-Hunter "Copy that Sir."

As Nova-strike Prime finished his conversation with Shadow-Hunter he saw that the rest of his team and Team Prime where roughly a few 100 meters away from the Secret MECH Base. They decided to take over behind beyond a tree line to cover their approach without getting spotting by MECH surveillance security systems and the MECH Human Personnel patrolling around the MECH base for Possible security threats.

Nova-strike Prime switched his internal processor communicator to Hardwire Communication channel frequency and in a commanding and calm tone, Nova-strike Prime "Hardwire come in please this is Nova-strike Prime."

Hardwire in a frustrated, irritated and somewhat angry tone, Hardwire "Hardwire here Nova-strike Prime what do you want? If you're going to ask on how far I have got into the MECH base's computer network mainframe I have made some progress in hacking and bypassing some of their security firewalls and measures; I'll still very busy in trying hack further into the MECH base computer network Mainframe."

Nova-strike Prime shifted his Voice tone to more compassionate, calm and understanding tone, Nova-Strike Prime "Hardwire I'm not a computer technician system expert; However, Hardwire you need to learn how to multi-task as well getting better control of your emotions, calm down and focus on talking to another person while your intensely focus on your Work."

Hardwire "I know Nova-strike Prime sorry it's just that MECH's computer network mainframe security system is far more resourceful and cleverer in detected outside security threats and find ways to block the security threat. MECH's computer network mainframe security system blocks a threat by setting up decoy ways in its systems that the threat thinks is a broken through but instead leads to a Trap and a Firewall to block and smash the security threat. I find that MECH computer mainframe security system could strike back at the threat and track it to its source if the threat doesn't pay attention and focus too much on attack it firewalls and leave the threat able to a trace and counterattack. I had that happen to me 2x's, but I was able to stop MECH computer network security counter strike by having my own system's strong firewalls to block its counterattack and trying to get a trace thanks to my very good teacher Ratchet." As they were talking Optimus Prime switched his internal processor communicator to Hardwire Communication channel frequency and listened into their conversation without interrupting them.

As Hardwire finished he last statement with Nova-strike Prime, Optimus Prime in a calm and curious tone, Optimus Prime "Hardwire have you at least have been able to Hack and secret gain control of MECH bases outside security cameras along with other security systems as well as possible cutting off all outside Radio communications?"

Hardwire in a somewhat nervous and acknowledged tone, Hardwire "Yes and no Optimus I was able to secret gain access of all outside MECH communications transmissions as well as gaining access to MECH's outside Security cameras along with the other security systems."

Optimus Prime in a calm and moderately commanding tone, Optimus Prime "Very well Hardwire I want you to cut off MECH's outside Radio communications as well to shut down all outside Security cameras along with outside other security systems."

Hardwire in a calm and acknowledged tone, Hardwire "Very will Optimus Prime.(Hardwire spend a few seconds cut off MECH's outside Radio communications as well to shut down all outside Security cameras along with outside other security systems.) It's done Optimus."

Optimus Prime in a calm and grateful tone, Optimus Prime "Thank you Hardwire."

Optimus Prime temporarily switched off his Internal communicator and turned his attention to Arcee and Nova-strike Prime and in a commanding tone, Optimus Prime "Arcee and Nova-strike Prime I want you guys to circle to the east side of the MECH base to get into position to assault MECH's base."

Arcee in a calm and firm tone, Arcee "Copy that Optimus(Arcee turned her attention to Nova-strike Prime and shifted her tone to a calm and a little flirty tone.) Come Partner."

Nova-strike Prime in a calm and somewhat flirty tone, Nova-strike Prime "You got Cee." Both Arcee and Bulkhead quietly when to their assault position and would wait for Optimus Prime to give the order to attack.

Optimus Prime turned his attention to Bulkhead and Ultra-aid and in a commanding tone, Optimus Prime "Bulkhead and Ultra-aid I want you guys to circle to the west side of the MECH base to get into position to assault MECH's base."

Bulkhead in a calm and firm tone, Bulkhead "Copy that Optimus(Bulkhead turned his attention to Ultra-aid and shifted his tone to a calm tone.) come Partner."

Ultra-aid in a calm tone, Ultra-aid "You got Bulkhead."(Optimus Prime turned back on his internal processor communicator channel frequency to Hardwire, Shadow-Hunter and Serenity.) Hardwire, Shadow-Hunter and Serenity come in this is Optimus Prime." After a few seconds Optimus Prime heard from both by them saying over their internal processor communicators.

Hardwire in a calm and curious tone, Hardwire "Hardwire here Optimus what are your orders?"

Shadow-Hunter in the same tone as Hardwire, Shadow-Hunter "Shadow-Hunter here Optimus what are your orders?"

Serenity in the same tone as Shadow-Hunter, Serenity "Serenity here Optimus what are your orders?"

Optimus in a calm and commanding tone to Hardwire, Shadow-Hunter and Serenity, Optimus Prime "I need you to target and take out the Main Power line connecting them to the main power grid as well as 3 back power generators(1 on the south side, 1 on the east side and the last 1 on the west side.) to provide a back support of power if they Main Power line connection was cut off."

Hardwire, Shadow-hunter and Serenity at the same-time in a calm and firm tone, Hardwire, Shadow-Hunter and Serenity "Copy that Optimus Beginning attack run." After seconds Optimus saw 4 missiles coming from the sky heading to their targets. After a few seconds he saw all 4 missiles hit their targets and destroying them.

He examines the MECH base and saw that the MECH base alert when off and saw the MECH's Patrol Retreat to where their former power generation units where and that's when he decided to attack and in commanding tone over all Autobot communication frequencies, Optimus Prime "Charge." So begins the Autobot Assault on the secret MECH base.

*MECH stands for Mechanical Engineering Cybernetic Humans.

*Hardwire is formerly the Human computer expert and hacker: Rafael Esquivel.

*Ryu Senshi is formerly Team Prime's Human communication's expert: Miko Nakatia.

*Nova-Strike Prime is formerly Team Prime's Human ally Jackson 'Jack' Darby.

*Shadow-Hunter is formerly Jack Darby's childhood friend and High school rival High school: Vince Jones.

*Serenity is formerly Jack Darby's High school crush: Sierra Michaelson.

*Ultra-Aid is formerly Team Prime's Human nurse and medical specialist: June Darby and the mother of Jackson 'Jack' Darby.