
Transformers Prime: New Missions, Threats and Fights

Sequel to Transformers Prime: New bots. It has been over a month since Team Prime's Human allies have been transformed into Cybertronians/transformers and have Join the Autobot cause to help the Autobot's in the Cybertronian Civil War. Meanwhile M.E.C.H. has developed New Technology becoming an increasingly threat on Earth.

SithDan · TV
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19 Chs

Icon Relic Hunt Part IV: Fighting for survival

Date: June 7, 2012, 1:12 P.M.

With both the 1st and 2nd Icon Relic Retrieve team's missions in hopeful retrieving the decode Icon Relic's from the Icon database before the Decepitcons do while underway; Optimus Prime with some help from Nova-strike Prime teams technical expert and computer Hacker: Hardwire* was able to finally decode the final 3rd Icon Entry. Ryu Senshi* in an impatient and somewhat irritated tone to Optimus Prime, Ryu Senshi "Optimus Prime are you and Hardwire finished in decoding the 3rd Icon Relic Database Entry I starting to get impatient and itchy fists to hit something?"

As Optimus Prime in a calm and firm tone to Ryu Senshi, Optimus Prime "Ryu Senshi you need to be more patience and yes Me and Hardwire and nearly done we're just clearing away the last of the Icon Database protection coding."

As Optimus Prime finished decoded the Icon Relic coordinates on Earth to Retrieve the Icon Relic before the Decepitcons do. As Hardwire got a good look at the Icon Relic Coordinates on Earth of the 3rd Icon Relic and that it was somewhere in Germany(The 3rd Icon Relic is buried roughly 46 minutes from the German Major city, Nordhausen in the state Thuringia inside the Harz National Park.). Hardwire in a curious and calm tone, Hardwire "It looks like the 3rd Icon Relic is somewhere in Germany buried in a few ft. of Rock and soil." Optimus turned his attention to Ratchet and in a calm and firm tone of Voice, Optimus "Ratchet please activate the Ground-bridge." Ratchet did as Optimus requested and activated the ground-bridge controls and opened a Ground-bridge near the coordinates on the 3rd Icon Relic. The 3rd Icon Relic Retrieve team: Optimus Prime, Ryu Senshi and Hardwire entered the Ground-bridge portal and headed to the 3rd Icon Relic coordinates to hopefully Retrieve the 3rd Icon Relic before the Decepitcons do.

Meanwhile around the same time on the Decepitcon warship...

Time: 1:05 P.M.

Recently the Decepitcon Soundwave has been working on the Decepitcon warships command bridge and has been able to decode a 3rd entry in the Icon database. Soundwave went up to Megatron to show him the coordinates of the latest Icon entry he decoded. Megaton heard soundwave subtlety approach him and he turned and saw soundwave and in a calm and curious tone, Megatron "Yes Soundwave have you been able to decode anymore Icon entries?(Soundwave silently nodded to Megatron and then showed him the coordinates of the decoded Icon Relic. Megatron in a calm satisfied tone.) Excellent Soundwave continue your mission in decoding the Icon database and finding the Autobot base.(Megatron than went up to the Decepticon internal communications station and press the announce button. He switched his tone to a more commanding tone.) I need an elite Con trooper squadron and a mining detail on the bridge Immediately."

After a few minutes a combat squadron of 9 Elite Decepitcons troopers and a mining detail were in the middle of the command Bridge. Megatron turned around and in a moderate commanding tone of Voice to Soundwave, Megatron "Soundwave you're in command while I'm away to Retrieve this 3rd Icon Relic Entry before the Autobot's get their hands on this possible Decepitcon weapon of Mass destruction myself." (Soundwave nodded in agreed and Megatron left the Decepitcon ship command bridge to the Decepitcon flight deck. Megatron put his index and ring fingers to his internal processor communicator and turned on and switched it to the Decepitcon internal communications frequency and in a calm command tone.) Soundwave I require a Ground-bridge to the Icon Relic coordinates." Soundwave responded by activating the ground-bridge controls and opened a portal and Megatron, his Elite con trooper squadron and mining detail team entered the ground-bridge portal to the Icon Relic coordinates.

Location: roughly 46 minutes from the German Major city, Nordhausen in the state Thuringia inside the Harz National Park, Time: 1:20 P.M.

For 15 minutes the Decepitcon Excavation team and Elite con trooper squadron lead by Megatron have found the precise Icon coordinates location and found that the Icon Relic is buried inside a hill side roughly 12 meters of Rock and soil. Megatron turned his attention to the head miner of the mining detail team and in a commanding and impatient tone, Megatron "Get to work digging up that Icon Relic quickly I want to retrieve the Icon Relic before the Autobots.(he turned his attention to the Con trooper squadron leader of his Elite squadron of Decepitcon troopers that Megatron give him to protect him and to escort both Him and the Icon Relic back to him within any necessary interference or battle from other Factions that wanted the Icon Relic.) Have your squadron spread out away from the mining detail to give them work to begin drilling into the hill to retrieve the Icon Relic but stay close enough to provide us with protection from possible Autobot Interference." All of the Mining detail and the squadron of Elite Con troopers followed Megatron's orders.

Time: 1:31 P.M.

As the Deception Mining detail team drill through 11.90 meters of rock and soil they decided to continue with hand mining tools to dig the rest of the way to the Icon Relic to not cause to much damage to it. After a few minutes of dig by hand around the Icon Relic's Location they found the Icon Relic Container and gentle pulled out the Icon Relic container and brought it up to the surface. Megatron approached right behind them and in a curious tone, Megatron "Well open it and let's see what we have here.(A Decepitcon Miner twisted the Icon Relic cap off the Icon Relic container and pulled out of the container what looked like some type of portable armor(similar to the Apex armor.) device to use combat. Megatron shifted his tone to a curious tone.) Well can I see what is in the Icon container and what type of Icon Relic is in the container."

The Decepitcon Miner showed the Portable armor device to Megatron and had an awe look on his face and in a calm and little humorous tone, Megatron "Ah, Ah Well well it's 1 of the Decepitcon experimental Phase-Displacement armors. It's the deactivated 5th Prototype Phase-Displacement armor was designed and constructed by Decepitcon Scientists and Engineers."

As Megatron grabbed the Portable 5th Phase-Displacement Armor Prototype he heard from his Elite Con trooper squadron leader in a shocked tone, Con trooper Sqaudron leader "Ambush."

Megatron heard and saw Autobot weapon's fire coming from his team's left flank along with his Rival Optimus Prime and an Unknown New Female Autobot give their feminine features. Megatron then heard and saw from the sky Cybertronian weapon's fire firing upon him and his forces by another unknown Autobot that for the 1st time has an Ariel vehicle mode and has been able to eliminate 2 of his Elite Con trooper Squadron before his own con flyers transformed into their Ariel combat vehicle modes to engage the Unknown Ariel Autobot. For a few seconds Megatron got a good look at the New 2 unknown Autobot's that have Joined the Autobot cause. He saw that the unknown Female Autobot is 6.75 meters in Height in robot mode as has a color scheme of Dark blue and pink basic color pattern on her on upper and lower Torso similar to a bulletproof vest design with 2 large pink strips running parallel on her back area. He saw that she has a face plate area similarly to somewhere between his Rival(Optimus Prime) and the other female(Arcee) Team Member of Optimus's team but has some unknown Facial features. He saw that Her head, shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have color schemes: dark blue around most of head area at her facial plate area and around her full mid to lower neck areas in the front and back of her head as well as a black color scheme for her upper head area where her head style hair area is. He saw that Her shoulder, upper and lower arm areas have a mixture of white and blue color pattern scheme. Her mid and lower half of her body has the same as her upper half: dark blue color scheme along her legs, her feet area color scheme was white from the ankle joint area of her feet were the white paint meets dark blue color scheme.

Megatron turned his Attention to the other unknown Ariel Autobot flying around is 14.5 meters in length, 39.9 meters in width and 4.7 meters in height in their Ariel Vehicle mode. He saw that this Unknown Autobot has a color scheme of dark orange and blue along with white color pattern on his on front half similar to a Bulletproof vest design as well as a basic white color scheme on his underbelly side and as 4 dark Orange and Blue small strips running Parallel along his upper area. he saw that the Unknown Autobot's Rear half has the same as their upper half: white, dark orange and blue color scheme along their Underbelly side and his upper part area color having a scheme that is dark Blue and Orange from the sides of their Rear side areas were the dark orange and blue color scheme meet the white color scheme. Megatron than in a commanding tone to his Mining detail Team and 3 of his Elite squadron trooper members, Megatron "Secure the Package.(Megatron switched his internal radio to a different Decepticon radio frequency) Soundwave I need a ground-bridge for pick up for my mining detail team and 2 of my Elite Squadron of Con troopers that are escorting the 5th Prototype Phase-Displacement Portable armor device back to the warship." Soundwave responded by opening a ground-bridge portal for Megatron's mining detail and 2 members of his Elite Squadron of Con troopers. The Mining detail and 2 members of the Elite Squadron of the con troopers entered the Ground-bridge portal and left the battlefield and arrived back at the Decepitcon warship.

Time: 1:27 P.M.

Meanwhile around the same-time the Autobot 3rd Icon Relic Retrieval Team with Optimus Prime along with Nova-strike Prime Team members: Hardwire and Ryu Senshi carrying excavation hand drills to dig up the Icon Relic have been for the last 17 minutes have been searching a 3 mile(4.828 Kms.) search pattern area to locate the precise burial location of the Icon Relic that they were able to decode from their copy of the Icon database. Ryu Senshi an irritated and calm tone to Optimus Prime, Ryu Senshi "Optimus how close are we at finding the precise burial location coordinates, I started to get impatient with all this walking and searching if we don't find the Icon Relic protect soon the Decepitcons will find the burial coordinates and retrieve it giving Megatron another advantage over us."

Optimus prime in a calm and Irritated tone, Optimus "I Know Ryu Senshi you need to have more patients it takes time to find these Icon Relics. Remember that these Icon Relics crash landed on this planet millennium ago and were buried; Plus there are other factors like have over the Millennium has the Planet were the Relic crash landed been through dramatic environmental changes over the Millennium or has the indigenous life forms of the planet dug up the Relic and manger open the Icon Relic container and take the Icon Relic or move it.(Optimus Prime turned attention to Hardwire and in calm and firm tone.) Hardwire can you transform into your Ariel Vehicle mode and scout out ahead to see if the Decepitcon's have arrived before us and have begun to excavate for the buried Icon Relic as well as to provide air superiorly for us."

Hardwire in a calm tone to Optimus, Hardwire "You got it Optimus see you soon."

After a few minutes of searching the 3 mile(4.828 Kms.) search pattern area scouting ahead; Search to see if the Decepitcon's have arrived before us and have begun to excavate for the buried Icon Relic as well as to provide air superiority for his Icon Relic Retrieval team; Hardwire found out that the Decepitcons have arrived before them and is seeing the Decepitcon excavating for the Icon Relic. He got on his internal processor communicator and turned on and switched it to an Autobot communications channel frequency to Optimus Prime and in a concerned and somewhat calm tone, Hardwire "Hardwire to Optimus Prime come in."

Optimus responded in an equally concerned tone, Optimus "Yes Hardwire what have you found out have the Decepitcon's have arrived before us and have begun to excavate for the buried Icon Relic?"

Hardwire "Yes they are they roughly 500 meters to your right."

Optimus Prime "Maintain your Ariel surveillance and be ready to provide covering fire when I give the order to attack."

Hardwire "Copy that Prime."

Time: 1:31 P.M.

When both Optimus Prime and Ryu Senshi Nova Strike Prime teams heard roughly a few 100 feet away nearly the Icon Relic coordinates they quickly took cover and make their way through the cover to the battle to see what was going on. After a minute of travel through the cover that came within 50 feet Optimus turned his attention to on what the Decepitcon's have dig up and saw as they open the Icon Relic container got a look at what Type of Icon Relic is in the Icon Relic container. He saw a Decepitcon miner pull out of the Icon Relic container same type of Portable armor device similar to the Apex Armor he lost to Starscream in Antarctica. As he focused his optics better on the Portable armor device he was shocked to learn that the Portable armor device was the 5th Prototype Phase-Displacement portable armor device. He saw Megatron examine it and that's when he saw an opened to attack and in a loud tone, Optimus Prime "charge." Both the Autobot's and Decepitcon's engaged each Team Prime and Nova-strike Prime teams collide with each other and had a large battle.

Time: 1:36 P.M.

The Skirmish fight between the Decepitcon Retrieval and Autobot Retrieval teams lasted for 5 minutes and ending with the Optimus Prime along with his fellow Autobot's defeated and failing to Retrieval the Icon Relic from the Decepitcons. The Autobot Retrieve team were able to eliminate 7 of the Elite Decepitcon Troopers before they were able to retreat back to their base by ground-bridge however Hardwire was moderately injured by the Decepitcon's Elite trooper Flyers that shot him down along with Optimus Prime being lightly injured and with Ryu Senshi being Lightly injured. During the Skirmish fight Megatron was somewhat shocked to see how the unknown Ariel Autobot was able engage the Ariel con troopers and skillful dodge the con flyers and shot down his force con flyers. After getting over his shock he focused his attention on his fight with Optimus Prime. As they crashed in a sword lock he asked in a maniacally, calm and curious tone, Megatron "I see your forces on Earth have received reinforcements no matter. So, tell me Optimus who are those new walking piles of scrap metal or as you call them Autobots so that I may remember them when I destroy them after I destroy you?"

Optimus Prime in a little angrily and somewhat calm tone, Optimus Prime "They're not walking piles of scrap metal Megatron.(Optimus broken the sword lock between them.) They my new warriors to help stop this seemly never-ending conflict between Decepticons and Autobots."

Megatron throw a left punch toward Optimus Prime's Right side(Left side to Optimus.) causing Optimus to be pushed back 4 meters away from Him. He could see that Optimus was in a moderate deal of pain from his direct hit however he saw Optimus a split second later suppress the pain he was feeling. Thankfully Optimus Prime's protective armor absorbed most of the impact from Megatron's hit but the impact still hit caused a massive bruise to Optimus Prime's middle chest area. Megatron "New Warriors and Reinforcements won't help you Optimus Prime. You have lost the Battle already I had my mining detail with some of my elite squadron of Con Troopers secure the Icon Relic and are back at on the warship to put it into our faults." The fight between Megatron and Optimus Prime lasted for 3 minutes and 30 seconds until Optimus disengaged and called for a ground-bridge and he along with Ryu Senshi carried Hardwire through their Ground-bridge portal back to their base.

During their fight between himself and Megatron was able to get 2 good hits in at him causing him to receive some injuries from his opponent. He received a deep cut from his opponent into his right upper arm area but thankfully his protective armor was able moderately block his opponent's sword arm strike but the sword strike was able to penetrate all the way through his armor down to his bare arm underneath but the cut was able to penetrate through his Protective Armor down to his upper arm area and was able to cut through a little of the Muscle wires and metal tissue in the strike zone drawing a moderate amount of energon. His 2nd injury he received from Megatron was a moderate deep cut from his opponent into his left lower arm area but thankfully his protective armor was able mostly block his opponent's sword arm strike but the sword strike was able to penetrate all the way through his armor down to his bare leg underneath but the cut was able to penetrate through his Protective Armor down to his lower left arm area and was able to cut through a little of the metal tissue in the strike zone drawing a moderate amount of energon.

During their Fight Hardwire was thanks to his intense Ariel training with Special Agent William Fowler and a few other Jet Fighters with a few other experienced combat Air force veteran Pilots teaching him in Ariel combat maneuvers to learn how to fly and fight against enemy Ariel targets was able to in roughly 4 minutes was able to eliminate 3 of the 5 con flyers before the final con flyer was able to lock into him and shot him down. As Hardwire was falling from the sky Hardwire transformed back into his Cybertronian robot mode and crashed landing into the ground. Hardwire fall a moderate amount of pain(do to his training with bumblebee and Arcee to ignore most forms of pain in live combat.) from his injury from the Con flyer that shot him down. He impended his injury and saw that he received 2 moderate Energon Blaster injuries: 1 on his left shoulder area from his opponent get a shot off but thankfully his protective armor was able to moderately absorb the energon blast but the blast was able to penetrate all the way through his armor down to his bare arm underneath and blasting half of the Muscle wires and metal tissue in a small area of his arm shoulder area nearly the joint drawing a huge amount energon from his wound causing him to leak Energon as a fast rate. The 2nd injury was on his right leg lower thigh area from his opponent get a shot off but thankfully his protective armor was able to mostly absorb the energon blast but the blast was able to penetrate all the way through his armor down to his bare leg underneath but the shot was able to penetrate through his Protective Armor down to his lower bare leg drawing a moderate amount of energon to leak from his lower leg wound. He struggles from the Pain from his back from crashing into the ground thankful his protective armor was able to absorb impact of the crash landing and maybe his way back lipping and trying to stop the bleeding of his major left shoulder injury into the battle with the Decepticons.

As he was walking back to the battle with the Decepitcons he saw Ryu Senshi running toward him and in a concerned tone, Ryu Senshi "Hardwire you alright?"

Hardwire in a moderately painfully, sarcastic and sometime Angry tone, Hardwire "Did I look Alright Ryu Senshi. No, I am trying not to bleed out from this major wound on my left shoulder area. 1 of those lucky Decepitcon bastards got 2 lucky shots on me while I was flying trying to escape a lock on from their weapon's systems. Ryu Senshi get Ultra-Aid or Ratchet here now I need immediate medical treatment to my left shoulder area."

Ryu Senshi nodded in agree and got her internal radio to the Autobot Base's radio frequency and in a Panic and immediate tone, Ryu Senshi "Ryu Senshi to base Ratchet come in."

Ratchet answered in a calm and somewhat irritating tone, Ratchet "what is it Ryu Senshi?"

Ryu Senshi in concerned tone, Ryu Senshi "Ratchet Hardwire is severely injured and need immediate medical attention can you or Ultra-Aid Ground-bridge here right away before Hardwire Bleeds out from his serve arm wound."

At the Base Ratchet turned his attention to Ultra-Aid and give her a desperate look to which Ultra-Aid got into her got her internal radio to 3rd Autobot Icon Relic Retrieval team radio frequency and in an urgent and somewhat calm tone, Ultra-Aid "I on my way, Ratchet open up a ground-bridge portal to their current location."

Ratchet nodded and responded by activating the Ground-bridge controls opening a Ground-Bridge portable to which she ran through and arrive a few meters away from her Patient Hardwaire along with Ryu Senshi providing cover fire along with Optimus Prime running toward them with Megatron hot on his tail and the Ground-bridge Portal and in a commanding and a little panicked tone, Optimus Prime "Autobot's Fall back to Base.(Optimus Prime got onto his internal radio to the Autobot Base's radio frequency and in a concerned and urgent tone to Ratchet.) Ratchet leave the Ground-bridge portal open for a few more seconds for us to come through and shut down the Ground-bridge Portal as soon as we arrive."

During their Fight Ryu Senshi was thanks to her intense combat training with bulkhead was able to hold her own in his fight with a Decepitcon trooper she engaged with and was able to eliminate them from fight but the Decepitcon Trooper was able to get in a good hit at her causing her to receive an injury from her opponent. She received a moderate cut from her opponent but thankfully her protective armor was able mostly block her opponent's sword arm strike. After she was able to eliminate her opponent she saw Hardwire crash down to the ground hard. She ran began to run toward him as he began to slip back to the battlefield. She could tell the Hardwire might be injured but she had to but share a concerned tone, Ryu Senshi "Hardwire you alright?" Etc...

Both Ultra-Aid and the 3rd Autobot Icon Relic Retrieval team came through carried Hardwire and as they came through the Ground-bridge portal Ratchet Quickly deactivated the Ground-bridge controls to not let Decepitcon's through. Ratchet turned his attention to where the 3rd Autobot Retrieve team was and saw that Hardwire as severely injured and then heard Optimus Prime in an anxious tone, Optimus "Ratchet we failed to retrieve the Icon Relic before the Decepitcons did; however we're all wounded and need medical attention more so with Hardwire." Both Ratchet approached Optimus Prime's team and Ultra-Aid and began their work on repairing and healing Hardwire.

Time: 1:45 P.M.

It took both Ratchet and Ultra-Aid a few minutes to heal up all of the 3rd Autobot Icon Relic Retrieval team's injuries. Ratchet in a calm and a little anxious tone, Ratchet "Optimus Prime you Alright."

Optimus Prime answered in a little pain and calm tone, Optimus "I'll live."

Ratchet in a calm and curious tone, Ratchet "So what did the Decepitcon Icon Relic Retrieval team manage to retrieve?"

Optimus Prime in the same tone as before, Optimus Prime "Ratchet the Decepitcon manage to retrieve a portable Armor device similar to the Apex Armor I lost to Starscream; It was the 5th Prototype Phase-Displacement portable armor device."

Ratchet had a disappointed look his face and in disappointed tone to 3rd Autobot Icon Relic Retrieval team, Ratchet "Damn it looks like the Decepitcon managed add another possible Decepitcon Weapon of Mass Destruction."

*Hardwire is formerly the Human computer expert and hacker: Rafael Esquivel.

*Ryu Senshi is formerly Team Prime's Human communication's expert: Miko Nakatia.