
Prison or home?

I swore Boggie was trying to beat his own record of times knocking out the same person in one day, when I realised it was probably him again. The previous two times I woke up in something that could've been on Earth, but this was out of this world. I just realised that was a really weird proverb to say since I'm not in my own world anymore. Anyways. It was out of this world.

Let's just begin with the grass. You might think 'how is grass out of this world?' Well, it was red, and not fake at all, because when I stepped on it they all tied themselves together into braids that were hard enough to walk on. I looked back over my shoulder, and I saw that the man that probably just bought me as a slave smiled at me. 'Where am I?', but he just gestured that he couldn't understand me. But, if he couldn't, how could Boggie? Did Boggie learn English? Speaking of him, where in God's name was he?

After I watched my surroundings a bit, I established that Boggie wasn't here. The man also wasn't smiling at me anymore, he looked rather bored now. After he gestured - we both found out that was the most easy way to communicate - me to go inside, I went inside. There he gave me some food that looked like spaghetti made out of the red grass that grew outside.


After Xavier saw this girl at the slave market, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She looked exactly like the queen, which meant she was probably from the same breed. Xavier himself was offspring off of the queen's family, which explained why he looked so much like her, the only differences were his skin and his ears. He was pretty proud of it, but never once in his life he saw something that looked so human, without any mutations.

In his world everyone looked different. The way you looked mostly determined what your position in it was. That was partly why he was this surprised about why this girl was being sold at the slave market, since humans with pure blood were mostly automatically born in the throne-family, and they were treated with respect.

The thing he thought was weird, was that as far as basically everyone knew, the queen hád no offspring, there was no one to succeed her, basically, so seeing this girl made his mind go crazy, and he just had to buy her. He had to know her backstory.

After he bought her, he fled her to his home, along with his wife. When they got back home he laid the girl on his lawn on which she immediately woke up, which he knew she was going to since the grass had several effects of touching it, one was immediate activation of the body. The girl looked around, surprised at where she was, then she took a look at him. She said something, but he couldn't understand it, which was weird since there was only one language in where he lived, and they never learnt any other.

He just assumed she was crazy, which would also solve the problem of why she wasn't adopted into the queen's family. He decided to just take care of her for now with his wife and the moment she'd become annoying he could just put her outside, or something. He would probably just come up with something when the time was right. For now he gave her a bit of his selfmade greds-mix, which was a spaghetti-like product made out of his own greds, the red grass that was growing outside.


Boggie watched the couple buy Jude, and as they fled home with their hearses he followed them. Once arrived, he parked his own car between the trees in the forest that grew around the mansion of the two people. He had the ability to hear everything, as long as he could see it and he strongly wanted it. He heard Jude say 'Where am I?', to which the man reacted confused. Oh no, Boggie forgot something. Jude didn't know their language yet. Boggie himself knew both English and Babblish, so communicating wasn't a problem for him. But this wasn't the case for everyone else, except for the queen maybe. But even her knowledge of English wasn't much, so she preferred Babblish, as she did from a very young age. He had to teach Jude Babblish, so the rest of the world didn't find out what he and the Dalea were doing…


After I ate the food - that was surprisingly good - I noticed that the man and the woman weren't around anymore. I decided to go inspect the place I was in. I went off of the blue stool I was sitting on and looked around a bit, which I didn't do before because I was too hungry. I was in the kitchen. In contrast to most of the things I'd seen before this kitchen looked like it was on Earth.

It took me half an hour just to open the next door. And get thru it. Cause it wasn't a door.

After I got it open with a knife, it came alive. It changed its form and it turned out to be a plant. You know those plants that can eat little insects and stuff? This thing looked pretty much the same, but then big. So big that it could probably eat me without having any trouble. I ran away, and I thought to myself 'Thank God it can't walk', but then it started growing so fast that I could barely outrun it. At some point, the kitchen ended. I was already wondering how it could be such a large kitchen, since from the outside the house wasn't that big.

I panicked.

There was another door at the other side of the kitchen, like exactly where I stood, but I was frightened to open it, since it looked the exact same as the other door, which probably meant it was the exact same thing and dealing with one of the plants was enough for now.

The plant came closer and closer, at some point I could smell its scent. Wait, I knew that smell, and unless this plant smelled the same…

The door behind me slammed open, so it wasn't a deadly plant after all. And there he was: Boggie, carrying one hell of a knife in his slimy hands.

first chapter with 1k words and im hella proud

caswithoutcapitalscreators' thoughts