
Transcending Shaolin

“Where am I?” The Lord Commander asked confusedly. “Hey! Nkosi!? Where’s your head at?” A middle aged oriental man in Shaolin robes asked. Looking around, he saw that he was in some sort of training grounds surrounded by teens in rows ranging from 14-18 years old. Looking down at himself he see’s that his skin is as dark as the night sky. Touching his foreign body, quite the foundation for martial knowledge has been laid, but still lacking. Noticing all the teens were all crouched in some weird stance, with faces red and dripping in sweat from overexertion. He then realized he was in the middle of some endurance training. Looking up at the middle aged man who’s name he does not yet know, he asked apathetically ”Who are you to speak to me mortal?” The lord commander looks at the man with complete disregard for life in his eyes. ———————————————————————— Nkosi Johnson an average African American kid from Chicago, IL, one day has his whole life changed when a legendary Immortal’s soul decides to take refuge in the first person he’s seen, intending to recuperate from heavens wrath while failing his transcendence to Godhood. Yet what he failed to notice was the child’s spirit was too strong in his moment of weakness, which leads to his spirit being absorbed by Nkosi, marking the quiet death of a legendary figure, and rising from the ashes, marking the birth of a new one. ———————————————————————— Disclaimer: I am a Black American man unlearned of the Buddhist, Shaolin, and Chinese culture. Most of what I know comes from movies and more eastern fantasy novels that I have read in the past. I am more than willing to take suggestions and constructive criticism that will help me culture myself as well as to make this book more enjoyable to others. So please enjoy. Disclaimer part 2: Mature content Disclaimer part 3: I do not own the cover art to this book, it is temporary until I can find my own artist to draft a cover for me, I am not using this cover for monetary gains or use, it is just a visual to enhance the theme of my book all credit goes to Instagram: Baran.Sarper DELAYED

One_Sword_Immortal · Ação
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What the hell happened!?

Waking up the next day Nkosi is startled by his mother's gawking. "Boy! What the hell happened!? You weren't this tall, or had such features before I left last night! Look at your eyes! They're pure gold!" Shuri looked shocked upon seeing Nkosi the moment she walked into the room.

"Cough...Umm growth spurt!" Nkosi coughed embarrassingly. Looking up shyly, he himself had no explanation to give his mother and knew that she wouldn't buy anything he tried to sell her. "Boy..." Shuri rubbed her temples in frustration.

"I'll believe it's a growth spurt for now, but you will tell me what is going on with you lately. You starting fights at school and ending up almost dying! We're gonna have a long talk about what's going on with you." Shuri said letting it go for the time being.

"Yes Ma'am." Nkosi nodded in relief. "Let's go, I've already signed your release papers." Shuri said handing him a bag of fresh clothes. Ten minutes later, Nkosi came out in sweat pants and a hoodie. Ready to leave.

Finally making it home, Nkosi and Shuri made their way to the apartment. Seeing the usual men on the stoop of the apartment, Shuri walks passed them without a word, while casting reminiscent look to the oldest man amongst them, noticing her look, he looks to her in the same manner as if thousands of words wouldn't be enough to tell their story.

As the rest notice Shuri, they all stop speaking, then their eyes land on Nkosi, all the while Shuri silently proceeds to their apartment. "Welcome back Youngblood, now go ahead and catch up to your mama before she get to running her mouth again." The Oldest vicelord stood out and spoke.

"Clarence Shut the fuck up talking to my son like he one of them lil gang bangers under you." Shuri yelled from up the stairs. "Damn that woman got some kind of super hearing or something, Shut yo ass up Shuri! Here he come! Also don't be using my damn name! I've told you before, watch yo mouth! It's CJ!" Clarence muttered lowly at first then responded to Shuri.

"I don't give a fuck what these streets have named you, Your name is Clarence! Stop talking to my son! Ko! Get yo ass up here now!" Shuri yelled from up the stairs leading to their apartment.

Nkosi immediately bolted up the stairs, nearly leaving an afterimage on the spot. "What the fuck was that!?" CJ the old vicelord looked dumbfounded at Nkosi's disappearance. "CJ!? You wouldn't have even thought the boy has been shot moving fast like that!" One of the younger gang members spoke up in shock.

"None of you saw anything." CJ stated with a cold look in his eyes. Seeing everyone kept their mouth shut in tacit agreement, he carried on. "Y'all find that boy yet?" He asked menacingly.

Opening the door to the apartment Ko and Shuri step in to being bombarded by Nkosana, Marcus, and Jason. "Ko!" They all yelled in unison grabbing him in a group bear hug. "Bro, we're glad your back on your feet and moving!" Marcus said as he initiated their signature handshake.

"What's up with your eyes Ko, why are they glowing gold? Since when did you get so tall?" Jason said taking a step back, while looking at Ko. "Growth Spurt!" Nkosi laughed nervously. "Yea Aight! You gone tell us the truth later, we ain't stupid!" Jason said not letting up, just as Shuri did.

"Aight now! Quiet down! We got neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Williams next door gone come knocking on our door if we keep it up. Ko take yo lil friends and Sana to yo room, I'll order some Harolds [1] to celebrate your coming home." Shuri calmed everyone down.

Making their way to Ko's room, and closing the door behind them was awkward. "Sigh...Alright go ahead and ask..." Ko said while rubbing his temples after scanning the expectant faces in the room. "How well do you trust them boy?" Jun Tao broke his silence at this moment. "With my life." Ko responded resolutely.

After looking at each other and nodding, Marcus and Jason both looked to Ko. "Tell us everything, we know you ain't been acting normal at all." With that final statement, the boys unknowingly tied a rope around themselves, linking them together unknowingly.

An hour later

After some silence, the boy try to grasp what's been told to them. "This can't be real, how can we believe that some supernatural spirit has inhabited you, remolded your body in a perfect way, and now you have to get stronger in order to live." Jason asked rhetorically. "Right Ko, this ain't Anime. This ain't them wuxia novels you be reading." Marcus reaffirmed.

"Just look at him though, he's got gold eyes that seems to glow." Sana spoke for the first time. " I believe you Ko!" Sana said while getting up and hugging his big brother. "Haha you're the best Sana, No matter where this takes me, I'll always be here lil bro." Ko spoke with conviction. "Boys! Food is here!" Shuri yelled from down the hall.

[1] Harolds is a well known fast food restaurant in Chicago.

Shout out to lord Prime for the power stones getting me to release a chapter. Sorry everyone, I went through some mild depression, and just hadn’t been able to get creative enough to finish a chapter.

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