
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 29

He looks up to see Victor with a smirk on his face, he draws a chair and sits in front of him. Daylon drops his phone and relaxes in the chair and glares daggers at him.

Victor looks around, "where's Eris?" He asks innocently,

"Somewhere else. Why are you asking?" His tone hinted with anger,

"Cause she's not here. She's usually with Debbie, or you. She isn't with Debbie, so it's kind of strange she isn't with you" Victor grabs Daylon's phone, "latest model"

"What are you trying to say?" He snatches his phone back and drops it back on the table,

"Well, you're really close to Eris. A bit too close for friends" Victor grins,

"What concerns you with the relationship I share with Eris? Who are you to talk?" He grits his teeth,

"A friend trying to advise you. I know you enjoy touching her, she's pretty but be careful. She's just after your money" Victor looks out the window and he sees a bird, he smirks, "she's a cat and you're a bird. She eats you and you die"

"I'm not interested in the nonsense you're saying. Tell me when you're done" he grabs his phone resuming his game,

"So you're telling me there's nothing between both of you?" His gaze didn't move from Daylon's body,

"We're friends. Fuck a cunt" he games away. After a couple of seconds he hears my moaning and immediately stops his game to see where it was coming from. He sees Victor watching something on his phone,

"Like the way you wanted hers?" He shows him the screen of his phone with a smug grin, to him the look on Daylon's face was priceless, he wasn't expecting it. He pulls his phone away from him, "makes good porn, made me hard" he chuckles lightly to himself,

"You can do whatever you want with that video. I don't care and I'm sure she doesn't either" he scoffs and goes back to his game,

"I'm sure she doesn't. I'm sure I can get to her too since you could do it" Victor remarks, Daylon drops his game again, if there was a name for the glare he gave Victor it would be called death.

"Eris is not a toy you can just play with" he's getting pissed,

"And you played with her?" His question resulted in Daylon's hand around his neck but he still grinned, "face it Daylon, she's a slut"

"Leave now while you can still walk" he threatens and Victor raises his hand in defeat. He walks out of the class leaving Daylon with nasty emotions, he grabs his bag and storms out of the classroom. Victor sees him and smirks to himself.

Night comes and I'm gazing at the stars in my birth attire, "I miss you mom" I pout like a child and reach for my phone, "should I call him up?" I ask myself, I am not sure and drop my phone back and slip into the covers.

Daylon comes out of the shower with a towel around his hips and his hair dripping wet, he puts on some underwear and dries his hair. His gaze shifts to the pack of condoms on his bedside drawer, he couldn't help but smile as he sees it,

"I'm so going to get back at you" he promises himself, his countenance changes as he remembers Victor, he should've just beaten his silly ass up for talking trash.

He drops to his bed and grabs his phone, "should I call her?" He wonders, he wasn't sure so he decides to drop it, he hears a knock, "come in"

"Hey kid, you about snoozing?" His dad comes in with the same sleepwear, plain underwear.

"No" Daylon says wearily,

"What's wrong Daylon?" His dad sits on his bed, "is school hard?" His eyes hold affection,

"No, not school. People. Don't get em dad, they just looking for shit in peeps" he replies with vocab he uses when talking with his dad,

"I see, someone shitting on a friend of yours?"

"You know how much I hate it dad. I mean the only reason I transferred was because of trashy rich people thinking they're gods" he rubs his forehead and sits up,

"Who's the cum piss?" His dad looks at him,

"Victor Shane" he says his name with disdain,

"CEO of Sleek Incorporated's son?" He needs to confirm,

"Yes" Daylon becomes sad,

"Hmm I see" he thinks for a while and sees the pack of condoms, "is he so bad that you need to load off his shit?" His dad jokes as he grabs the condoms.

Daylon realises he's talking about the condoms, "yah, but a friend gifted me that" he shrugs,

"What a good friend, looks like he knows you well" Aaron laughs at his own joke and it makes Daylon smirk,

"It's a she" Aaron's eyes pop out, "she's the one Victor is shitting on"

"Is she under the bed?" He checks under his son's bed, "in the closet?" He points to the wooden furniture,

"She's at home dad" Daylon chuckles,

"Is she that girl that called me to pick you up when you were drunk?" Daylon nods, "what's her name?"

"Eris" a smile creeps up his lips. Aaron sees it and grins, he grabs a pillow and humps it on his crotch,

"Yes Eris, keep going" he makes fun of his son and Daylon hits him with a pillow, "knew you would react sucker!" He mocks him,

"You're always messing with me" he whines, "she's a friend"

"A very good one" Daylon gives him a glare and he laughs, "you must care about her a lot"

"I do dad, I do" he rests his head on his dad's shoulders, Aaron strokes his hair,

"It's okay kid, don't let it get into your skin. I'm sure she wouldn't want that" Daylon nods and feels a thump in his heart. His dad leaves him to sleep after a while and shuts the door behind him, Daylon couldn't help but think of me. Of us. He finally drifts to sleep as his heavy eyelids close shut.

Daylon walks to his locker and puts some books in and as he shuts it he meets my face,

"Morning Mr Evans" I greet him and he grins,

"I like it when you call me that" he begins and advances towards me, I take a big step back,

"Hold on Mr Evans, let's not get too close now. Three feet distance" I dance on my spot,

"I can still reach you three feet apart" he grabs my shoulders without taking a step forward and pulls me to him, I stare into his blue eyes, "so much for three feet" he flirts once more,

"Must you flirt everyday?" I poke his nose,

"I'll flirt when you don't look beautiful" he grins and my eyes roll, "and trust me there's no day you don't look beautiful"

"Oh wow" I say sarcastically, "really know the words to say but they don't work on me. Better luck next time" I leave him and head to class with books in my arms, he smiles at my figure,

"Eris" he whispers my name and his heart thumps. He heads over to class and Lilac stares at where he once stood,

"You'll be mine soon" she leaves with a pained heart.

It's almost lunch time and I save a seat for my pals as I finished early. I have a glass of water with me as I listened to music. I wonder if my dad likes music as much as I do? Or probably it's my mom.

I really miss her. She didn't come last night so probably She'll come this night. I feel the urge to use the bathroom and leave my phone there and head for the restroom.

Victor enters the cafeteria looking around to make sure it was empty, he sprinkles some powder into the water and leaves.

I return after a while and take my seat again. Lunch break comes and I'm laughing with the people I love so dear,

"I'm starving" Debbie moans out as her stomach punched her,

"Time to grab a bite" Daylon bubbles and heads over to the lunch Lady bouncing like a ball, he whispers to her and she nods. He comes back with boxes of pizza and drinks,

"Woah!!!" We all chorus and his ego inflates,

"Perks of being rich" I grin at him and he blushes,

"Just wanted it to be a special Friday. Pizza, drinks and you" he tries to seduce me once again,

"Take your time Mr Evans" I push his face that had come a bit too close to mine backwards,

"Flirting is in his gene Eris, nothing can be done!" Bryan remarks and we all laugh,

"I hate her so much" Lilac sneers marking the table with a knife, "you better not disappoint me" she threatens,

"Relax Lilac" Victor smirks wickedly, "consider her out of your life forever"

"Are you sure?" Lilac begins to worry,

"You paid me didn't you?" He keeps staring at me, waiting for me to drink the water.

I grab my glass and just as I was about to take a drink Daylon collects the glass from me,

"I'll give you if I get a Peck for this pizza surprise" his eyes flash playfulness, I roll my eyes and go after my water but he moves it away from my reach, "peck first" he sings.

I stand to grab it from him but he keeps taking it higher like he's trying to brag about his height. To Victor we were playing with death and he just hoped I drank it and not Daylon. If Daylon drank it that would be disastrous.

"Stop acting like a kid Daylon" Bryan begs him while munching on a slice,

"It's just a Peck, how hard is that?" He's distracted and I grab my glass but not without giving him a secret lick on his neck.

I gulp it down immediately and I could've sworn I heard someone sigh in relief. Daylon is a human tomato as he touched his neck, he didn't believe it,

"Pizza's good" I chew slowly looking at him like an innocent little girl, with the big eyes and all,

"What did she do that got you all flushed?!" Debbie makes fun of him but he couldn't stop looking at me. It was so sudden. He sits down quietly and eats his pizza, his sudden change in countenance made us explode with laughter.

Victor relaxes, "the job is done. Pleasure doing business with you Miss Ash" he exits the cafeteria with hands in his pocket.

Lilac wondered what he did that made him so confident. It didn't matter, as long as I disappear and Daylon becomes hers she's fine with whatever method.

The bell rings and kids walk out of class, I'm together with Debbie as we dump books into our lockers,

"So Eris what are you doing for the weekend?" She inquires,

"Well I'm not —"

"She's going out with me" Daylon slides in comically and puts his arm around my shoulders, he stares at me with playful eyes, maybe it's his way of getting back at me.

"I am not" I push his hands off my shoulder,

"Of course she is!" He returns his arm to it's previous position, "in fact we're all going out. Right Bryan?"

"That's right!" He slides in and wraps his hand around Debbie from behind, Debbie giggles at us,

"Well that's okay but where are we going?" She holds Bryan's arms,

"Anywhere! Restaurant, fun fair, movies, just name it. My treat" Debbie and Bryan coo and his ego is yet again inflated,

"I'm not sure, I am kind of busy for the weekend" and my words becomes a pin and deflate his ego,

"Come on! Just for tonight?' He pleads with puppy eyes,

"Yeah Eris, it'll be fun. Just the four of us" Bryan smiles looking at his girlfriend,

"I'm not sure" I was expecting my mother tonight,

"Please Eris, please!!" He bats his eyelashes and his blue eyes enchant me, but my mom. I heave a heavy sigh,

"Fine!" I groan out loud in defeat and they all shout for victory.

I could see the happiness and excitement in their eyes, they made me feel so special. I feel a burn in my heart that travels up to my throat, that's strange. I start to feel discomfort and a sharp pain in my brain, I get a grip of myself as I didn't want to ruin the moment. Maybe it's my powers coming to play.

We walk to the exit talking and laughing,

"Wait, I forgot my phone in class" I search my pockets for it but it isn't there,

"Go get it, we'll wait" Debbie beams,

"Thanks guys" I rush to quickly get it.

I feel a sharp pain in my heart as I reached an empty hallway, I hold one of the lockers for support as it was getting harder to breathe. I shake it off and head to the class with shaky legs.

I reach the class and I see my phone on a desk right at the back, I walk slowly to it my vision blurred and my whole entire body weak,

"What's happening to me?" I couldn't understand me and I ultimately fall to the ground.

I pull myself up and grab my phone with trembling hands, I peer into the screen, my eyes were still normal. A sharp pain hits my heart and I cough violently. As I struggle for oxygen on the floor I feel a presence enter the room,

"Daylon?" I say with a weak smile, my body vibrating like a phone,

"Daylon's not here, aren't you happy to see me?" I hear a sadistic laughter and feel his hand pull me up by my hair. I look into his eyes and cough violently,

"Let me go Victor!" I struggle with everything in me but unfortunately it isn't much.

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