
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 28

Lunch time arrives and we are seated at a table enjoying burgers, I bring out the gifts with a smile,

"Debbie this is for you" I hand her the present, she opens it and gasps,

"I love you!" She stretches over the table to kiss me, it's a thriller novel she's been talking about for weeks and I just happened to find it.

"I love you too. Bryan this is yours" I hand him his present and with curiosity he tears it open, he brings out a game controller with his mouth agape,

"You know me so well" he has tears of joy in his eyes, it means everything to a gamer boy,

"Where's my present?" Daylon peers everywhere as he wasn't seeing anymore presents,

"Oh yeah I almost forgot" I bring out a very small wrapping from my pants and place it in his hands and fold his fingers over it,

"This is it?" His heart almost broke but he's keeping his hopes high, Debbie and Bryan are snickering at him,

"Yeah, I picked the best kind, open it" I usher him to open and he does, he reads some words and he bursts out laughing,

"Is this a joke?" He rolls his eyes to me with an intrigued smile,

"No" I laugh with Bryan and Debbie as they wondered what it was,

"Condoms?" He whispers into my ears with a grin,

"Yeah I figured that you're not as innocent as you look" I smile at him, "it comes in different flavors, And it's the best quality" I state the pros,

"Oh wow" he cheers sarcastically looking at the little box,

"It'll come in handy whenever you're drunk again, so at least you can be responsible" I laugh loudly, he examines the package,

"So you're telling me there would be a next time?" He whispers to me and I can feel his hands around my waist. Debbie and Bryan pretend like as if they're not there and listen attentively trying to get what we're whispering about,

"Maybe" I grin seductively, "but I wouldn't count on it if I were you"

"We still have about half an hour for lunch why don't we test out your little present?" He flirts to no end,

"Don't start with me Mr Evans" I warn him with a smile and he burst out laughing, my cheeks stained,

"What did she get you bro?" Bryan is eager to know,

"I'll tell you later" he eyes me as I eat my lunch with a smile, he watches me as I chew slowly, I couldn't help but laugh as I knew he was staring at me. He'll never forgive me for this. He's obviously going to get back at me for it.

I walk out of a classroom just ending a class with my books in my arms, I check my phone and realize I'm free for an hour and a half. I smile to myself and unknowingly bump into someone,

"Sorry" I say half mindedly and I feel a sharp pain across my face. I'm surprised and raise my gaze from the floor to see the person who just requested a death sentence,

"Do you think when you say sorry everything just goes back to normal?!" Lilac pushes me and my things fall from my hand, "and who the hell do you think you are?!"

"What is your problem?!" She is getting me pissed, she didn't need to slap me for Hell's sake, I said I was sorry,

"You're the problem Eris! You!" She pushes me again and I almost fall, she grabs the neck of my shirt and draws me in with disdain, "didn't I tell you Daylon was mine? Didn't I?! Yet you still went ahead Eris, what's wrong with you Eris?!"

"Lilac just relax please" I try to calm her down as she was visible shaking with her tears ruining the beautiful make-up she had put on,

"Relax?" She questions and brings out her phone playing the video for me with maxed volume, I gape at it in disbelief and turn around to make sure no I heard. Thank goodness it was only us,

"Lilac it was a mistake, he was drunk and—"

"Were you drunk too?" She prayed it was the same plight with me but my eyes shift to the floor, "I figured" she wipes her tears, "and you just want me to relax, you know very well that I love Daylon so why did you do this to me?!" She screams at me but I couldn't say anything.

I couldn't because I don't know how Daylon feels about her.

"Daylon can't date you, or even love you. You're not up to our standards. You're a wretch! A disgusting wretch!" Images of my past flash through my head and a sudden dizziness overcomes me, I try my hardest to stay composed but she sees my discomfort, "I can't wait for you to get out of our lives and trust me it will be soon. So goodbye Eris" she leaves me there to help myself.

I fall to my knees my head pounding, an image of a slender woman with violet eyes and wings flash through my eyes. My breathing becomes unstable and I grab my phone from the floor with trembling hands, I peer into the glass and move my hair away from my left eye, it's red.

I look around to make sure no one saw me and I gather my things to leave, I rise slowly and walk with wobbly legs to a classroom to rest. I shut the door and head for the back seat dumping my things on the floor beside the chair I picked. I collapse on the chair and take a deep breath,

"I think I just remembered something" I say to myself, those words Lilac said to me, maybe I've heard them before. History is repeating itself and I'm remembering things, "who was she?" I question the universe then shove it to the back of my mind, I just need rest right now.

I close my eyes and after a while I open them again to meet my favorite teacher admiring her necklace, I moan a little,

"I must've fallen asleep" I acknowledge and adjust myself in my seat,

"You look angelic when you doze off" she smiles at me and lets her necklace hang on her neck once more,

"But my mouth's always open" I try to demean myself,

"It makes you look even cuter" she giggles and relaxes in the chair, she looks exhausted,

"Must've been a long day" I run my fingers in my hair to make sure it was properly placed, I suspected it's still red and I didn't want anyone seeing it,

"Yes Eris" she sighs with an exhausted look, I stare at her for a while as if trying to find something,

"What's on your mind Mrs Brown?" My question stuns her a little,

"Nothing Eris, I'm fine" she gives me a content smile and tries to dismiss it,

"You can always talk to me" I move all the way to her table and sit on it with my legs facing her, she rests her back on the chair,

"Well" she begins somehow still unsure if she should say, "strange things have been happening to me actually. Our bathroom got flooded and we have no idea how it happened, had an electric fire that no one could explain" I listen carefully, "and there's always a certain chill I feel whenever bad things want to happen but Daniel just calls me paranoid" she heaves a very heavy sigh.

I dabble in thought, it sounded off to me. Something isn't right here.

"It's just stress on me. But I wonder how all these things happen. It's smoke without fire" she sighs in defeat.

I still reside in my thoughts and she looks at me expecting something from me, I look at her necklace and feel my eye tingle, my gaze moves to her face and softens,

"Don't worry Mrs Brown, things will get better" I try to lift up her spirit, "as for what's happening, only God knows and I'm sure he'll tell us soon" I caress her cheek.

She shows her pearls in a beautiful smile, "you always know the right things to say" she grabs my hand and kisses it, I smile at her but I couldn't help thinking about what Lilac said. She notices it, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing much" I give a weak laugh, "just want to know how you met Mr Brown" she laughs loudly,

"Well" she begins, "Daniel was and still is a geek, and we were in highschool together. He asked me to prom and that's how it all started" she blushes, "we broke up twice before highschool and I swore to find better men. But we met again in college and I couldn't help but love him" she shrugs her shoulders with a smile,

"How romantic" I coo and we laugh,

"Are you seeing somebody again Eris?" The curiosity in her eyes were penetrating me and the only person I could think of is Daylon,

"Um no" I stutter and my eyes become shifty, "boys are crazy" I begin to sweat bullets,

"Then why don't you go for girls?" She grins at me, "what? You love cock too much?" My cheeks fluster and I shake my head to clear my train of thoughts, it was getting nasty. She shows me a video of our pool party with Daylon looking at me like a fool as I twerked,

"You have videos?" I groan out loud at the sheer embarrassment,

"I think he likes you" she grins at me,

"He likes every girl. He's a flirt" I roll my eyes to the side and I remember our Saturday evening together. I feel my body rise in temperature and my feminine urges surface. This was all so sudden.

"But he looks at you differently" she drops her phone on the table and places her head in her palms,

"We're just friends" I force the saliva that had gathered in my mouth down my throat, my mind couldn't stop thinking about it, it's like I no longer had control over my thoughts.

I wouldn't mind riding him if he let me. What?! Shit this is wrong.

"That's what I said to Daniel too" she laughs and my whole face turns red, but my expression changes quickly as I remember Lilac's words. She was really angry, but is it truly my fault?

Even if I didn't want to it would just happen. It's like the universe is trying to bring us closer to each other, like we're meant to fall in love. But why?

Maybe we might be connected some way. I remember seeing Daylon in my dreams the day I was put on oxygen in the clinic. If mother is right and I'm actually remembering my past with these images then that means Daylon's an Angel too. And we died.

It might be true but I have no way to prove it. It's just an hypothesis, I can't prove it. Or maybe it's his ancestor? I don't know. But what I do know is that for some reason we're becoming way too close as friends and it's getting Lilac very angry.

I remember what he said during lunch, he wanted to test out my gift... I blush deeply and try to shove it at the back of my head but it doesn't leave me the hell alone!

My womanhood sings with joy at a thought but it's just a thought. I don't want it I swear! What's wrong with me?! I squeeze my legs together to suppress my urges and she sees it,

"Pants getting wet?" She has this teasing grin on her lips and it's unbearable,

"I think I'm on my period" I lie but she sees right through me,

"Tampon or schlong?" She searches her bag with playful eyes, she laughs when she meets my death glare, she taps my cheek as she laughs her ass off, "okay I'll stop" she becomes serious but she doesn't last a minute before laughing again.

I pout but laugh along, her laughter's infectious. Time passes and I forget all what Lilac said, if she likes Daylon then she should say it to this face and leave me the fuck alone. I'm not trying to ruin her chances but I don't see her making her shots. Not my fault. I'll just continue being a good friend.

Don't take it the wrong way.

Daylon walks out of class and the first person his eyes search for is me, he enters an empty class and brings out the present I got him,

"You're going to pay for this Eris" his infamous grin on, he slides it back into his pocket and plays with his phone. A body comes into the class and stands right above him, "you need something?" He plays away on his phone,

"10 minutes of your time would be enough"

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