
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 27

"Yes, remember the dream you had on the first day of school? That's when and how you died" she sighs, "you'll remember everything with time, what matters now is teaching you how to master your powers" she dismisses,

"I'm sure it must've hurt you when I died" my eyes shift to the window and the moon,

"It was bitter sweet" she turns my head, "you didn't die without a fight, just the way your father and I taught you" she caresses my face,

"What did I do that was so bad that resulted in execution?" My heart dampens,

"You didn't do anything wrong, you fell in love, but with a monster" she moves closer to me, "it will be painful as you remember but don't ever forget that you have people that care for you. Your father, I, your friends, what's that boy's name again?"


She laughs wholeheartedly, her smile, her voice, it's all so beautiful. She's beautiful. It all still feels like a dream, like I would just wake up after everything but it isn't a dream. It's real. I'm the daughter of an Angel.

I'm an Angel. A fallen Angel.

She wipes a tear from her eye, "your father has rubbed off on me" she laughs,

"When do I see him?" I want to meet the man she talks about with so much love,

"Soon, I promise. But when you meet him don't get too close, he has a way with words and expressions and always will" her expression turns dead pan, I giggle at her sudden change in tone,

"Where's all the pride you had for him?" I joke,

"Eh what can I say?" She scratches her head in confusion, "I'm still in confusion as to how I married him" she heaves a heavy sigh,

"I would love to hear the story from dad, can't we meet him now?!" I beg her and her eyes shift outside,

"Am I not enough for tonight?" She pouts, I grin widely, she's feeling jealous,

"You are mom" I hug her, "but I really want to know how he's like" I play with her fingers,

"He's stubborn, lazy, childish and shameless! That's what he is!" She bursts out. My lips tremble into a smile, I'm trying my hardest not to explode into laughter, I didn't want to wake my aunt up, "you'll see him later but that's the way he is. Besides you need to sleep, you have school today and you need to be well rested" she pecks me,

"Are you leaving already?" I didn't want her to go. She sighs,

"For now" she smiles and plucks a feather from her wings, "to keep you warm" she places it in my hands,

"I'm going to miss you" I embrace her, I found my mother,

"I'm missing you already" she pecks me once again, she picks the rope and wraps it around her waist, my expression is quizzical, "for your father" she gives a forced smile and I laugh, she flies out the window and I watch her vanish into the clouds.

I sink into my bed with the feather close to my heart, the night was cold but the feather kept me warm, it really did. I close my eyes to rest, for the first time in days I could rest without a heavy heart.

My night is peaceful and morning comes, I wear my classic ripped pants and a long sleeve crop top coupled with some perfume and lip gloss. I comb through my hair and use part of it to cover my left eye, I smile,

"Whatever color it becomes or however I look, I will still be me and not a monster" I stare at myself in the mirror with so much love, I see my mother in me and it makes me love me only more.

I wipe a tear quickly and rush downstairs for breakfast, I see my aunt making breakfast looking gloomy and I give her a surprise hug from behind,

"Eris?!" She turns to face me and hugs me properly, "how are you?! Are you okay?!" She's worried to death,

"I'm fine now aunt" I reassure her with a smile,

"You didn't eat anything for days, what happened to you?" I could see the tears in her eyes,

"Deep shit aunt, but I swear I'm better now. I've got my strength again" I flex my muscles jokingly and she smiles, "breakfast smells good" I stare into the pan,

"It tastes better than it looks!" She rushes to plate me some scrambled eggs and toast, she's happy that I'm back to normal, I'm happy I'm back to normal but I owe some people an apology.

I'm running to school with the wind in my hair and gifts in my arms, I'm already late but it didn't matter to me I just wanted to surprise my loved ones. I got them something extra special.

I open the door to English class and tell my teacher I was out the night before and just came back this morning causing my lateness. She dismisses and let's me in. What a big lie I told!

I walk to my seat and see my sister with her head hung, she was barely concentrating. I give her a gentle hit with my hips as I approached my seat, she looks at me with surprise and I wink at her and flash her a smile.

And like an instant relief tonic she sits up and starts paying attention in class. Daylon couldn't believe what just happened, it's like I just switched over night. I meet his gaze and I say a voiceless thank you which made him smile, I give him a wink and focus on my teacher.

Class ends and the first thing that happens afterwards is Debbie attacking me with hugs and kisses,

"Okay! okay!!" I beg in defeat laughing, "I missed you too" I kiss her forehead like my mother did mine,

"I was so scared Eris, what happened to you?" I could see the sorrow in her eyes,

"Unhealed trauma from childhood, I'm sorry you had to see all the bullshit" I stroke her hair,

"I'm glad you're back Eris" Daylon smiles and it melts me,

"Yeah we thought we lost you" Bryan takes a seat on a nearby table,

"I know I must've hurt you guys and I'm sorry. So to make up for it I bought you all a little something" Debbie squeals at my words and the boys look excited, Bryan checks his watch,

"Debbie we need to go or we'll be late for geography" he lifts his girlfriend off my legs, she grabs her stuff as Bryan pushes her out the class,

"Daylon make sure she doesn't go back to the way she was!! Bye Eris!!" And with that they're out.

He chuckles lightly to himself then feels a body against his and arms wrap around him,

"Sorry" I whisper into his body, his eyes soften as I raise my head to look into his emerald orbs,

"I'm not upset Eris. I was just worried" he strokes my hair, "I thought I hurt you" he whispers into my neck,

"You didn't hurt me Daylon" my fingers trace his beautiful face, "I hurt myself. But I'm better now I swear"

"Eris" he embraces tighter and I could hear his heart beating, "I was so scared" I could hear tears in his voice, I pull back instantly,

"Don't you dare" but the tears were flowing already, my heart melts, boys are so beautiful when they cry. I wipe his tears, "this is the first time I'm seeing you cry. You're so beautiful"

"Well consider yourself blessed" he jokes and we laugh, "it means I care about you a lot" his tone was low,

"And so do I. I wouldn't mind shedding tears and blood for you" I hold him,

"So you would kill for me?" He's astonished,

"Just tell me their names and consider them dead" I whisper into his ear with a seductive grin, what's up with me? Why am I acting all dark?

Lilac turns back and sees Daylon holding me so close, her breathing picks up as the anger in her rises,

"Do you like what you see Lilac? Shouldn't you be in his arms?" Victor leans in and whispers to her,

"I don't understand, but they're just friends" Lilac's eyes were becoming teary, she didn't know why Daylon was so close to me and held me the way he did and not her.

"They're more than friends Lilac, are you blind?" Victor smirks looking at us, he grabs his phone and sends her some pictures and two videos, "if you don't believe me that's the proof. Go somewhere secluded to watch the last video" he grins wider and leaves Lilac alone.

Lilac checks out the picture, pictures of Daylon and I at the pool party. Pictures of my legs across his shoulders, of me being saddled on his waist in the pool, of him giving me a piggyback ride round the pool and us sharing a drink.

Her heart broke to a million pieces, she swipes to the first video and plays it, it's a video of some girls including me twerking to a song and Daylon had his mouth open with his drinking spilling from it just ogling me, Bryan punches him for being such a dummy. They whisper something to each other and laugh like idiots.

The video ends and she swipes to the next one, she feared it so badly. She kindly excuses herself and enters the female restroom. She puts her earphones on and plays the video.

It's a video of when Daylon and I were alone in the garden, from the kissing, to the groping, our sensual time together was all in that video. She gasps as she sees him showing me affection and loving my moans, she didn't want this to happen. It was supposed to be her, and not me.

This only made her hatred for me increase, she hates me even more now. She exits the bathroom to see Victor waiting at the entrance, leaning on the wall,

"So Lilac what are you going to do about it?" He makes fun of her, "you've lost Daylon already" he laughs,

"Shut up! Daylon is mine! Only mine!" She's enraged the more,

"But I don't see him with you" he coos, "I see him with Eris. In her arms, and soon in her bed"

"that will not happen Victor! It can't happen!" She was about to break down,

"And what exactly are you doing to make sure it doesn't happen?" He gives a mocking pout, she didn't know what to do, she didn't have a plan, "I can help you if you want?" He grins devilishly, "at a price"

"How much do you want?" She wasn't joking here,

"25 grand" he collects some stands of her hair and let's it run through his fingers,

"I'll give you 50 and I want it done by tomorrow. Expect the alert tonight" she walks out and heads to the class to pick up her things, Victor laughs evilly to himself and leaves the scene. He just scored an opportunity. And a golden one.

Hope you're enjoying the story, I will be dropping the link to the discord group for the book soon!!!! love y'all!!!

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