
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 11

School only becomes more interesting for me, classes, homework and the quality time I get to spend with Mrs Brown. I managed to get enough money to buy essential baby stuffs all in colour red and wrap it up as a giant surprise. I could tell she saw it from the look on her face when she came to Arts class on Wednesday. It was little but it went a long way.

It's Thursday and after English class Lilac strolls to the front of the class,

"Attention everyone!" She calls to get everyone's attention, "I'm hosting a party Saturday night by 8pm and I'm handing out invitations." Her girls go out giving pink sparkly invite cards to everyone except me, "There's going to be everything there; food, drinks and a nice large pool!" she squeals the third part.

My attention is more in the tub of homework I had to do; our history teacher is so damn hard. He has no heart.

Daylon walks up to Lilac and hands her back the card, "sorry Lilac I can't make it to your party." he apologises,

"But why?!" She is almost shattered, she notices a small grin on my lips and becomes suspicious of me,

"I'm actually booked for Saturday night." he rubs the back of his head and glances at me in the corner of his eyes. Lilac notices and becomes jealous.

I raise my head up and stretch my arms. I roughen my locks a little giving me this hot, devilish appearance, "hey Daylon can you come over here for a second?" I say like a damsel in distress and like a hero he strides over to me, I whisper in his ear and he chuckles afterwards,

"Sure, give me a minute. It should be in my locker " he says and heads out.

Lilac Is a walking volcano about to erupt. She storms over to my seat and slams her hands down, "If you're going out with Daylon Saturday night then drop it!!" She threatens,

"I have a mountain of homework to do and you're in my way." I chide,

"Daylon is mine Eris, mine! Not you or anyone else can take him away from me, got it!"

"I don't know the hell why you're acting like this but right now, you look like an angry rainbow to me." I laugh to myself making fun of her hair colour and temper.

Daylon comes back and hands me a notebook,

"Thanks." I smile at him,

"Sure no problem." he sheepishly rubs the back of his head. Lilac Is furious and storms out of class and her candy cotton girls follow her, "what's up with her?" Daylon is clearly confused,

"Period cramps." I snicker and he laughs hard,

"Eris!" He nudges my shoulder and we both laugh.

It's lunch time and I finish up my history homework, I sigh and pop my knuckles. I walk around to stretch my legs, I'm the only one in class so I play some music and bust some moves.

I hadn't felt this free in a while, as I dance around class I sing and enjoy the music. I spin and spin and when I stop I feel my head hurt. My vision is suddenly out of the classroom and I see a man and a little girl dancing and singing, the both had Raven hair like mine but had characteristic red eyes.

Eyes as red as blood.

I notice the black wings they possess and my breath hitches,

~~"Daddy!! Daddy!!" The little dark angel laughs and calls her dad as they dance together, he picks her up and spins her around,

"My little danger!" he kisses her cheek, "you dance better than your mother!" He praises her and a mischievous smile creeps up her lips,

"I'm telling mom!!!" She flies away giggling,

"No!!" He tries to catch her but she's gone, the man sighs and flies after her.~~

It's almost unreal, am I really seeing this?? I rub my eyes and I feel dizzy, I hold the table for support but ultimately collapse on the floor.

"Eris! Eris!! Wake up please!!" I hear Daylon's voice, my eyes slowly open to meet his eyes but close back almost immediately.

"She should be stabilised by now." I hear Miss Ashley's voice, I groan and try to open my eyes only to meet Debbie's eyes,

"Hey champion." she caresses my cheeks, "you'll be fine don't worry." she reassures,

"Miss Ashley she can't keep collapsing like this!" I hear Daylon's protest,

"She might need special treatment. It seems the medications are not as effective but we can't say for sure until she's done with them," she explains but Daylon looks disturbed, "she'll be okay." she places a hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Debbie," I groan out her name and I take her hand, "I—"

"Don't try to talk to much, you need to save your strength." she strokes my hair,

"We'll take care of you." Daylon reassures. I look into his eyes and images of the blue eyes flash in my eyes but they held worry instead. My eyes slowly closes again, "Eris no! Stay with us!"

I slip into unconsciousness.

"Eris!" He calls my name, "her pulse is low." he says after feeling my wrist,

"Eris! Wake up!!" Debbie shakes me violently with tears in her eyes, "what's happening to her?!" She asks confused and disturbed,

"Don't worry, she'll be fine." he holds Debbie to comfort her, "please be okay Eris, I'll be waiting for you." he whispers in the chambers of his heart.

"Where am I?!" I am unsure of my surroundings but it looks like I am on an island and there are bodies in the sand.

I make my way around them and I try to find a way to escape but none available, "how do I get back?" I lose my strength and hope, the depression is heavy on my heart and just as I am about to end my life I see two bodies and I am attracted to them.

It's a man and a woman. The man has wings as white as snow and the woman's as black as night. They're not alive but they're holding hands. Their bodies are badly cut and the female angel is almost nude.

I take a closer look at them and I realise something, "that's me!" I gasp and cover my mouth with my palms tears swelling in my eyes. I turn to the man, "Daylon!!" The fear sends me knocking down and I scurry away from the bodies, "what's happening?!?!" I hold my head and sob.

"What's happening to me??" I can't control the tears anymore. Soon my world is enveloped in darkness, "someone help me!!" I scream at the nothingness,

"Accept who you are Eris and things will become clear" a voice speaks from the darkness,

"Wait please!!" I call after it, "who am I??! Don't go please!!"

I crash back into reality sweat dripping from my body, my body is cold and my mind wonders on. I remove the Bi-pap mask in haste and I take in a deep breath, so my lungs are still working fine,

"Eris?" Miss Ashley turns back seeing me try to get off the bed, "stay in bed." she pushes me back and tries to out the mask back on me but I resist,

"No I'm fine!" I protest as I was slowly overpowering her,

"Eris you need to rest please!" She fights back as hard as she can but I'm not normal,

"Miss Ashley I got the—" he walks in with a plastic bag, "the hell!! Eris!!"

"I can't handle her alone!" Miss Ashley pleads and Daylon drops the bag and pins both my hands to my bed,

"Eris stop!!" He applied pressure on my wrist but I'm not giving up either,

"I'm fine! Let me go Daylon!!" I struggle to free myself but I feel my strength leave me as Miss Ashley injects a serum into my blood, I couldn't fight back anymore,

"I'm sorry Eris it's for your own good." he slowly relieves the stress he put on my wrists as soon as I wasn't fighting back,

"Daylon, I, we," I drift into unconsciousness for the third time. His gaze is cast down and he caresses my cheeks,

"Eris." he whispers my name softly and he feels a thump in his heart,

"Thank you for your assistance. That girl is stronger than she looks. She should wake up in an hour or two, by then her stress levels would've dropped." Daylon nods and picks up the drugs,

"Here," he hands it to her, "I just pray she gets better soon." he looks at my unconscious body, "what do I tell Debbie now?" He sighs and leaves the clinic disheartened.

My vision slowly comes back and my mind drifts to the dream I had and my reaction afterwards; why was all of this happening?

I sit up and my action attracts Miss Ashley to my side, "how are you feeling now?" She asks, stroking my hair,

"Better." My body very weak but I was a bit relaxed,

"Your stress levels are down now." she states,

"Thank God."

"But you need to take it easy Eris." she lifts my chin, "what's it like at home?"


"I see," she dabbles in thought, "it's showing on your health." she sighs, my eyes focus on my thighs but my thoughts are far from them.

Parents. Family. Fuck it all.

"I'll take better care of myself Miss Ashley," I reassure her, I stretch my body, "promise." I wink and she gives a small smile.

It's Saturday morning and I lay in my bed with thoughts raging my head, I couldn't really understand what was really going on but I couldn't let it get to me.

"Daylon....." I say his name out loud as I remember the dream I had at school two days ago. That was him no mistake about that but why was he in my dreams and why did he have angel wings?

I sigh in exasperation and I grab my meds, jump into a pair of pants and a purple top, I rush downstairs and into the kitchen trying to fix something for me to eat. Mom's at work; she's a nurse and she works on Saturdays so I couldn't ask for her help with the medications, so I had only one option left.

I get ingredients for a spicy and sweet waffle batter and play some tunes while I was at it.

Hands wrap around my lower half from behind and a childish moan comes after, "morning Eris." Cody says half asleep still in his pyjamas,

"Morning Cody. How was your sleep?" I smile, I pick him up and place him on the kitchen counter,

"It was very deep." he rubs the sleep out of his eyes and yawns, "how are you feeling? You always seem to care about everyone but yourself."

I smile at his words, "not exactly everyone, you in particular." I pull his cheeks, "I'm fine by the way. Thank you." and I peck his cheeks. They turn a bit pink at the gesture as I get him water from the kitchen faucet to drink.

"What are you making?" He collects the cup and downs half of it's content,


"Can you make some for Tiffany and I? I'm already hungry and I don't know when Tiffany's going to wake up." he whines and I laugh,

"Okay sure." I agree and I grab a hot chilli pepper and a grater,

"Eris?" he looks at me with pleading eyes,

"Fine." I get the message behind his pleading eyes and I drop the chilli pepper. Cody grabs the white plastic bag on the kitchen counter and peers into it,

"So many," he says in amusement but then his eyes dampen, "Eris, can I ask you something?"

I nod subconsciously as I pour some batter into the waffle maker, I stride over to the freezer and bring out some leftover chocolate spread and grate four chilli peppers in it, I taste and get that tingle in my tongue that I so desire and pop it into the microwave.

"It's for me don't worry." I smile at him and take a sip of cold milk to help soothe the burn. He sighs in relief, "so what's that question you wanted to ask me?" I get back to waffle making just after I put on my cooking playlist.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He fiddles with his fingers, his cheeks rosy, "if yes then why haven't I met him yet?" His question stuns me and an image of Daylon flashes in my head, I shake it off and turn to my little brother; he couldn't stop staring at his feet,

"Cody," I roll my eyes, "I don't have a boyfriend."

"It's kinda hard to believe since you're very pretty." he mumbles and my ears pick,

"Thank you for the compliment but I feel there's something else you're trying to get across." I stare into his orbs with a soft smile,

"Mom and Tiffany think your pregnancy is the cause of your sickness and it's only fair to think so since you're smart and very attractive too and your secret boyfriend might not want to show up because he knows mom and dad will say no but I just want you to know that whoever it is I don't care I just want to meet him" he blurts out without a break or pause.

That's a lot.

*dances* hope y'all are enjoying the story so far, I know I am.

make sure to comment and share, I really need your support guys!! love y'all

EstherX_8creators' thoughts