
Transcend Time

VOLUME 1 (ONGOING) Two angels fell in love during their last moments alive. A tragic ending. Then a rebirth. Join Eris and Daylon on their journey to discover who they truly are and remember their past to an extent all while falling in love. The struggles of teenage boys and girls are hard but what happens when you realize you're not your average teenager? That you are a mythical creature? She's the darkness and he's the light. Read their story to accompany them on their adventure filled quest for love and discovery. There's a lot of pain, tears, tragedy and suffering but there's also a lot of laughter, happiness, growth and love. Two angels, the light and the darkness. Transcending time together. VOLUME 2 (COMING SOON) Eris and Daylon are back in action! They must fight off the existing evil that challenges the peace of their loved ones while managing their lives as seniors and finding time to grow their love. She's with him, and he's with her. Eris will massacre anyone that dares hurt him and Daylon will obliterate anyone that speaks Ill of her. Things take a turn unexpectedly as they remember their past fully and discover their lost home and family, what's left of it that is. Would they be able to accept their past, keep their loved ones safe, keep the flames of their love burning, and still be alive for their graduation? Read on to find out what happens in the end. VOLUME 3 (COMING SOON) Being an adult usually requires getting a degree and a boring job but not for this mythical couple! They're back, stronger, matured and more in tuned romantically. And so is the heartbreak. Fate plays a cruel trick on them and causes a separation between the two mythical beings. Would they ever unite again? During the separation, danger looms for Eris's race and she discovers the hidden power of darkness that was long ago sealed in her being before her rebirth. To defeat the villain and save her race, she must team up with Daylon to uncover the divine power of light and darkness. But how will she do that when he's settled with someone else? Read to find out if everything burns or is saved, and to see if their love would transcend time once again.

EstherX_8 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

Chapter 10

The school bell rings for lunch break and kids walk out of class,

"I can stay here with you if you want." Debbie cups my right cheek,

"There's no need for that. Go have lunch and rest." I open up a textbook, it's better to start with the homework now, "and please don't stay alone." I hold her hand, "if anything happens I'll be right there."

"But how did you know I was in trouble the last time??" The question hits me,

"I don't know. It's like I heard you calling me. Anyway, go." I usher and she leaves reluctantly. I sigh in my seat and pick up my pen, "maths first." I hum to myself solving the questions like an old riddle,

"Done." I drop my pen in satisfaction but it rolls off the table unto the floor. I bend over to pick it and I feel a strange aura overcome me. I slip off my chair and into someone's arms,


"Um," I look up to see Daylon holding me tight as he gently tries to get me back to my seat, "thank you. I don't know what happened, I just felt weak all of a sudden." I mumble on,

"Here," he brings out a cupcake and some apple juice from his bag and puts it on my table, "if you have this you might feel better."

"I couldn't."

"You have too!" He is surprised of how high his voice went, "you have too, I'm just as worried." his tone very low and his eyes shifting. I give a small smile,

"Thank you," his eyes glitter at my words and he sits in front of me, my eyes widen, "aren't you going to have lunch?" I ask him,

"I'm not really hungry." he waves it off,

"Excuse me?" I place my hands in my hips, "hypocrite much!" I say in a funny tone which makes him chuckle. I break the cupcake in half, "there's love in sharing." I stretch out my hand for him to take it,

"No I couldn't—" I shove the cupcake in his mouth and give him a death glare, he starts to chew immediately and swallows it, "that was very uncalled for." he rolls his eyes, I giggle and pout,

"Is that so?" I tease him, "take your half of the juice before I shove it down your throat." I show my smile bones, I dip my hand in my bag and bring out my vitamins, "why Is it still there?"

"I'm not a fan of apple juice." he defends. I grab the collar of his shirt,

"Do you really want me to?" My question scares him, he takes the bottle and drinks out of it. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, "good boy." I coo at him,

"Hey did you get your math homework done already?!" He stares in disbelief at my open notebook,

"Yeah. Why?" I take a bite out of my cupcake,

"I'm stuck." he admits sheepishly,

"Where?" I chew slowly. He looks at my lips, the motion in which they go, round and round,

"Um.... question three." he brings out his notebook and shows me.

I explain things to him and show him a few more examples. After a while we talk and laugh about other things, he is a very interesting guy with a fun personality.

"Aren't you going to pick that?" I point to his phone, it was the third time it was ringing and he just cut it every time. And this time was no different.

"Ignore it." he puts it on silence and slips it in his bag, "so I was wondering," he stares at his hands, "are you free Saturday night?"

His question catches me off guard, "um yes why?" My cheeks turn a faint pink,

"Um I was wondering if we could go out?" He scratches the back of his head sheepishly, his face turning a slight shade of red. He isn't looking at me anymore, "just a walk in the park, nothing big." he laughs nervously,

"Sure." my eyes soften and I stare into his eyes, he stares back into mine as if trying to search for something. I see this familiarity in his eyes, an image flashes before me, almost lightning speed but what I could make of it was a pair of blue eyes staring straight at me, they hold an emotion.


I feel an ache in my head and I try to shake it off but it doesn't leave me,

"You can rest on my shoulder." he offers and repositions himself to my side, I stare at him and gently lay my head on his left shoulder, I could hear the blood rushing in his body, his heart beating. Was that normal?

I close my eyes trying to relax, I feel his gaze on me and I open them slowly to see him staring at me with his tender eyes,

"Don't you have class after break?" My gaze unshifting, it just felt so right to look into his emerald green orbs,

"No. Neither do you." his lips are laced with a gentle smile, I close my eyes and enjoy the comfort of his shoulder, I don't get VIP treatment very often.

Soon I am asleep, he gently moves some of my locks away from my face and admires my features. His thumb traces my lips making them twitch in my sleep, he stifles his laugh and forms it to a smile,

"She's even more beautiful when asleep." he admits. Mrs Brown comes in and Daylon puts his right index finger on his lips, she covers her lips with the back of her palm and drops her bag quietly on the table. She tiptoes all the way to us,

"She's so cute." she lightly strokes my hair making me moan in my sleep, "Aww," she coos quietly, "you don't get to see this side of her everyday." Mrs Brown jests,

"Let's consider ourselves blessed." Daylon follows suite. The both laugh silently.

After what feels like eternity but is only an hour I emerge out of slumber,

"Oh I fell asleep," I mumble in realisation and rub my tired eyes. I see Mrs Brown smiling at us and Daylon is on his phone playing a game, "thanks for everything."

"No problem." he smiles at me, "I have class in ten minutes." he checks his phone,

"Um Daylon?" I slip my hand in his as he gets up, the aura hooks me again but I hold myself together, "please watch out for Debbie for me?" I beg, he squeezes my hands as a sign of affirmation and he takes his leave.

I glance over to Mrs Brown and I see her pretending to be reading,

"You are one of a kind Mrs Brown." I praise with a smirk,

"And why'd you say so?" She tries to stifle her laughter,

"You never told me you could read comfortably upside down." she looks at the book cover and bursts out in laughter,

"Okay you caught me!" she waves off. I smile at her and I feel a strange aura from her, it felt very pure,

"I think Mrs Brown is pregnant. And I think it'll be a girl. Wait how do I know that?" I dabble in my thoughts for a while and conclude it as true. I decide to get some baby stuffs for her but I wasn't sure which colour.

"Red will be good." I smile to myself inwardly, I'll make it a surprise, she'll never see it coming.

I look at my vitamins and pop one while getting back to my homework. I have a lot to do if I want to rest easy at home.

The school bell rings and Debbie kisses me goodbye and heads home. I watch her leave and I walk to the clinic to get my shot.

On coming back I spot Daylon closing his locker after putting some books in it, his gaze hits with mine and he smiles, he does a phone sign and leaves.

I head back to the classroom where Mrs Brown was and take my seat,

"We'll be here till 7pm." she sighs, "are you done with all your homework?" She asks and I nod, "wow, you're fast." her eyes twinkle,

"The easier the better right?" I put my feet on my table and give the world a big yawn, she giggles and plays with her phone, I notice the necklace on her neck, it looked old but valuable, "Um Mrs Brown for how long have you had that necklace?" I point at it,

"So you noticed?" She holds it up with soft eyes, "my Grandma gave it to me when I turned 16, she died that very day." she smiles a little,

"You must've been close to her." a gentle breeze blows into the class,

"She was the only one who truly understood me. She told me to keep it safe and give it to my daughter when she turns 16." her eyes glisten with tears,

"It looks really beautiful on you." I compliment her,

"Thank you." She smiles, "I do not think this detention is fair." she pouts,

"I know. Has the principal left?" I ask,

"Yes, apparently he'll be out for a couple of weeks. He's catching a flight to Europe today courtesy of Mr Shane." Mrs Brown rolls her eyes and scoffs, she couldn't understand why someone would be so unjust because of money and power,

"Great!" I exclaim, I grab my phone and play some classical music, I waltz over to her table and offer my hand, "M'lady may I have this dance?"

"Oh Eris!" she laughs and takes my hand, "why yes you shall." she responds with the same tone and style and we waltz to the front of the class swaying to the music,

"Let's not see this as detention but as quality 'us' time." I smile at her,

"Yes I agree." she chuckles and we dance on.

I'd never thought I'd say this but detention was fun. We waltzed, read the literature, talked about things and had a good time. I should step on Victor's toes more often if it meant more time with my favourite teacher.

We even took some pictures with Snapchat filters and posted them. Don't worry, we blocked some numbers from viewing. Soon it's 7pm and we bid each other farewell.

So basically detention was a blast. And it's going to be like that for the next two weeks.

I grin to myself as I walk back home, I hear my phone ring and I retrieve it from my pocket, it's Daylon,

"Hey what's up?" I greet him casually,

"Are you home yet?" His voice sounds playful,

"No." I stretch out wondering what could be tickling him,

"Great! I left a surprise for you in your room, I'm sure you'll like it."

"Wait—" the line cuts and I stare at my screen in disbelief. I quickly run home to see what the surprise is. Cody opens the door for me and I land his face with kisses, I quickly run upstairs to my room,

"Evening." he says in shock,

"What's wrong with her?" Tiffany sneers and goes back to pinging on her phone.

I see a white bag on my bed and I approach it carefully, it might be a raccoon. I open the bag slowly and bring out a transparent plastic jar. Filled with Mars.

"How did he know?" I stare at it in disbelief, I grab my phone and send Debbie a text,

[ Me: What else about me did you tell Daylon?! 😠]

She responds after a few seconds,

[ Debbie: Nothing!! Swears!!]

I huff and snap a picture of the present and send it to her, she sends me an emoji with heart eyes and I huff even louder, "he's acting like a boyfriend now." my cheeks glow red and I shake off the thought.

I get changed and go downstairs for dinner, I couldn't stop thinking about his kind deed,

"What's up with you Eris? You look like you're in love!" Cody coos stretching the last word, he is clearly making fun of me. I pull his ear and he whines,

"Maybe some dumb boy asked her to be his girlfriend." Tiffany mocks,

"That didn't happen. And even if it did he'll be way better than any boy that comes your way." Cody snickers at my statement which makes her scoff at me.

I retire to my room and take off my shirt, "I didn't say thank you." I remember and send him a message saying thank you, he doesn't reply and I drop my phone then drop to my bed. I roughen my hair and glance at the gift, I hadn't expected it so I guess it was a surprise.

A smile spreads across my lips.

This Chapter is sweet guys, you've been warned!!

so you guys will come across the braces with the name of the character just in front meaning that the character is communicating to another through text messages, let's make sure not to forget that okay?!

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I know I did. Don't forget to comment and share with ya pals, love y'all!!!

EstherX_8creators' thoughts