
A girl and two strangers

''Is she sleeping?'' A man in his mid 50's asked from Marianne .

''Yes sire'' Marianne replied with a bow.

He was Philip. Philip Hart. He was the ruler of the hidden city. Just as the name the of city itself it is well hidden from other societies. People who belong in this city is so faithful towards their ruler and their city. The Hidden city is a phosphorous city. Unlike other cities and Kingdoms Hidden city had no interest in meddling with main country affairs. They had their own food sources, water sources and other facilities which needed to run a peaceful city. In other words it was an independent society which was hidden away from the rest of the world.

Philip sat on the edge of the bed where Luana was sleeping. glowing warm candlelight washed his face revealing it. His black obsidian like eyes glittered in the candlelight seeing Luana was safe and sound. His grayed beard hid the lower parts of his face. But his chiseled jawline could't hide the fact that he was once a pleasing-handsome young man.

''Sire, when do we plan to leave ?'' Marianne asked.

''Right now'' Philip replied as he scooped Luana out of the bed into his arms carefully and not disturbing her sleep.

They went down the streets mixing with the shadows while being careful to not to be spotted by anyone. But then Philip stopped by an ordinary looking carriage.They were supposed to avoid everyone who seemed suspicious but stopping by a ordinary carriage and riding it would only cause chaos.

Marianne spared a second to take glance of Philip's face but she was neither confused nor irritated. Because she knew that Lord Philip had a plan.

They quickly got into the carriage and closed it's door.

Before they could even command the coachman,The carriage started moving down the street toward the forest. The coachman whipped the horsed vigorously as the speed of the carriage increased instantly. Wheels of the carriage began to vibrate and make sounds due to its friction with the stone road.

Tiny stones and pebbled were thrown out of the road and tiny plants were crushed off , leaves on the road were flying in the air due to the speed and the collisions this carriage encountered. Neither the vigorous vibrations nor those horrific sounds stopped until they reached a dead end.

It felt like the time has been stopped for the moment.They could see Crushed plants flying in the air dancing with mud particles and tiny rocks. The world hasn't been stopped. The carriage was falling from a steep slope. But no one was panicking, Neither the passengers nor the coachman. Even horses seemed pretty calm.

And then suddenly The carriage was flying, It was flying up above the sky. Marianne looked at Philip's face. He was smiling.

''So this is it, the rumored flying carriage '' Marianne said with a laugh.

She was on her full spirits again.She looked out the window to see the greenery fields they were passing. She wondered how some parts of the land seemed peaceful while some parts were on fire . Suddenly she something came across her mind.

''But sire, isn't this carriage a property of Avonlea?'' She asked.

''It is'' Philip replied.

''They let us borrow this ?'' Marianne asked again.

''Queen Alice did us a favour'' Philip said.

''But bringing this to the city- we aren't bringing this to our city right ?'' Marianne asked.

''Correct, we are not'' Phillip said.

Marianne took a glance at the coachman.

Philip smiled and said '' Don't worry he's one of my men''

''Nice meeting you again Dame Marianne'' Coachman bowed politely at her.

Marianne's lips curved upwards into a smile. She was happy to return to her home once again .

Luana woke up hearing unfamiliar voices,face creased up from dreams.She opened his eyes to noticed that she was in some kind of high class carriage.

''Oh my ! LUNE you are up ! Look we are flying ,look out the window !'' Marianne squealed with joy.

Luana jolted hearing the word flying. A flashback of memories unrolled in front of her eyes. She remembered all the warmth and joy she had, she saw her mother and father at a distance waving at her and she was running towards them, but suddenly everything turned dark and gloomy, the image of her mother and father dissolved in to thin air leaving dull flakes of ash around them eventually leaving Luana alone. Horrifying shrieks of laughter and foggy voices ranged inside her ears. She was falling through an endless pit,Her lungs were on fire as if they were filled with poison . She tried to breathe but she couldn't . She felt like someone was tying her lungs with soul-sucking veins.


''Luana !''

''Sire, what's happening to her'' Marianne yelled.

Luana's face was paper white. She was gripping the carriage seat tightly and trails of tears streamed from the corners of her eyes leaving tear stains on her face. Her eyes were closed tightly. Her lips were trembling.

''STOP THE CARRIAGE! NOW'' Phillip yelled to the coachman.

The carriage was driven towards the land in the speed of light. Philip jumped off the carriage and got Luana who was struggling to breathe into his arms, and layed her on the grass. Marianne hurried out of the carriage.

Philip tried to perform a healing charm on her but that did not work instead Luana's condition got worse.

''Sire. what's happening? '' Marianne asked

''Panic attacks, This is a panic attack'' Philip replied as his heart ached with pain, He couldn't bear to watch Luana in pain. Luana was his Granddaughter. His one and only loving grandchild. He embraced Luana tightly.

''She loves floating in the air with her father-

''Oh no that ride must've stirred her memories'' Marianne sighed.

Luana was calming down and slowly she woke up ,shaking, She was covered with cold sweat.This was the first time she encountered something like this.

''what happened to me? '' Luana asked in a faint voice.

''It was a panic attack'' Philip replied.

Luana recognized philip's voice. She turned to his side . she stared into his eyes searching for an answer. She felt like some kind of ball was stuck inside her throat. Her eyes started to tear seeing a familiar figure again.

''G-Grandpa'' She cried.

Philip embraced Luana tightly.

''Grandpa , they took my mama and a-and -

''I know , I know '' Philip said while patting Luana's head.

''Please get away from me , They'll take away you as well'' Luana sobbed

''No they won't .Trust me Lune'' Philip comforted her.

''Do you want water Lune?''Marianne asked.

''Y-yes please''Luana replied.
