
Repaying Love with Betrayal?

Anastasia's P.O.V

It was Saturday and dad had travelled to Cairo two days ago to pick Jason from a camp he had been in for three months now. It was kind of like a school just that they did a lot more; camping, touring, and just having fun!

Jason is my seven year old, cute brother. Like mom, he had blond hair and adorable blue eyes. I really missed him a lot since he went for that camp. He certainly had a lot of fun there; going to museums, tourist sites... maybe even the Sphinx, Pharaoh's Tomb and meeting new friends and so on. I wonder how dad felt comfortable with letting Jason go to Egypt.

I went to my room and lay down to take a nap. I hoped that when I woke up, they'll already have arrived.


I was woken up by the screams by a familiar, high-pitched voice. I got up from my bed and saw Jason standing by my door. He ran to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and caressed his silky, blond hair.

"I've missed you so much! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm awesome!" He expressed joyfully. "We went to the Sphinx and to Karnak's Temple and to Queen Hatshepsut's Temple and to the Temple of Horus and we saw river Nile and... I can't name them all! It was so interesting! I loved it!" I really missed his cute, innocent voice.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the camp."

"Oh yeah, I forgot; dad is calling you downstairs." He said.

"Alright. But you're going to tell me everything about your adventure later, right?"



Dad handed me a box and told me to open it. I slowly lifted the lid and when I opened it, I saw a necklace; a pearl necklace. It was so white and pure. I was so overjoyed; I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran to hug him.

"Thank you so much daddy!" I said when I released him and then I hugged him again. I was extremely happy. Firstly, my adorable younger brother that I had been missing for three months came back and now dad just gifted me a pearl necklace. It was just so unbelievable.

It's not like I always wanted one, well, I kinda did but I could totally live without it. I'm not like all those rich kids who do their best to show that their parents are rich just 'cause their parents are rich. Plus I didn't want to disturb daddy about it. But now that he's got it for me, I was just so happy. Maybe I could even use it on a date with Justin. Dad is just the best.

Mom walked down the stairs and into the parlor to join us. She hugged dad and then kissed him. Jason innocently covered his eyes with his hand but left a little space for peeping.

"So honey, what did you bring for me?" She asked somewhat seductively. 'Aren't they too old for this?' Jason just flew his helicopter to his room.

"I'll show you in the room."

"Oh really? That's fine by me."


I stood by my mirror and put the necklace on. It looked so gorgeous on me. It must have been expensive as hell. Then I heard the sound of knocks at my door. I initially thought it was Jason coming to tell me about his experience at camp but when I told the person to come in, I discovered it was one of our maids.

"Your father calls you." She said to me. "He's in his library." And she left.

I put the necklace back in the case and kept it in one of my drawers then I left with immediate effect to the library.

I went in and caught daddy reading a book titled; 'Facts about the Greatest WWE Champions.' It had been covered in dust in this library for so long, even I had never read it. I wondered why dad chose to read it today.

I sat opposite him. He removed his glasses, looked at me plainly, heaved a sigh and then spoke.

Coyde's P.O.V

I had thought about this for days on end. I figured out that the easiest way to kill a man is to turn the people he loves and trusts against him. It's almost impossible most times, but in this situation, it's a hundred percent possible.

And that was what I was going to do. I was so damn tired of sending those useless assassins who always failed, to kill the boy and spending so much money on them when all I needed to do was to manipulate my beloved daughter and make her aid me in executing my plans.

That was why I bought her that pearl necklace; so that she'll be so happy, manipulating her wouldn't be a big deal... it was like a way of telling her; 'thank you for helping me kill the boy I've wanted to kill for so long now.'

I sighed and passed the book to her. I pointed at the picture of Davis Cole in it. "Look at this." I instructed her.

She did, but she looked confusedly at me in the end. "That's the father of Justin Cole; your boyfriend. He's late now." I stated.

As I expected, she looked very surprised. I was glad that no one had told her the true story before I had the opportunity to. At least she was still unaware of the fact that I'm the culprit and her mind was like a white paper; just waiting to be written upon. "Are you for real? He never told me that." She said and paused. "And he's not my boyfriend... at least not yet."

"Of course he won't tell you."

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, knitting her brows.

"What I mean is..." I began. "You remember I was once a WWE wrestler?"

"Yeah, I do. But that was like two years ago." She said.

"That's true. Now, Davis and I were very good friends." She smiled at that. She was probably happy that her dad and her boyfriend's dad were once friends. She had no clue how sour the story was going to turn.

"I was the one who picked him; a street fighter, off the streets and sponsored him in the WWE. When he finally found his feet and found my help useless, he totally forgot about me and all the good things I did for him." She frowned slightly.

"I was the Universal Champion then and he was so overambitious as to disregard all the help I had given him in the past and wrestle with me. If I had known it was going to end that way, I wouldn't have ever helped him. I would have let him wallow in his poverty." I said cruelly. She listened to me attentively, grasping everything I was saying.

"He won me fair and square and stripped me of my job. I was so furious that day, I said some things I wasn't supposed to say... to a WWE reporter." I paused, to let what I was saying sink in. She looked emotionless now; full of disbelief. I felt I had the duty to let her know the actual reason I left the WWE industry. And to also let her know the part Davis played- even if it wasn't going to be totally true.

"He and his wife got assassinated two years later by now dead Luis Baxter. Some schools of thought, despite my innocence, believe that I was the one who killed Davis and his wife... including his only son; Justin."

"I know he's going to come for me soon... what I don't know is why he's using my daughter to do it. He's using you to get to me, Ana." She looked bewildered at the utterance of that. I understood the magnitude of what I had said; she was doubtlessly shocked that her entire love life was based on a lie. That bastard was just using her to get to me. And it was true, I mean- why else would he want to date my daughter except to ultimately hurt me by hurting her? He surely knew how to play games.

"How do you know all this?" She asked. I think the whole thing was too much for her to bear. But it was good as I was telling her all this before anything could go haywire.

"It's crystal clear! Why else do you think he wants to date you? 'cause he likes you?" I scoffed.

"Because he likes me, and he knows that I like him too." She suggested with tears in her eyes. Her whole world was crashing right before those teary eyes.

"No! He wants revenge!" I countered vehemently. "Just because he believes I'm the one who killed his parents." She stared at me, speechless. At least I wasn't lying to her about this; Luis was actually the one who killed them... not me. "Why do you think I didn't want you to date him in the first place?"

She pondered for a little while. "So what exactly do you want me to do?" She asked with a hopeless voice.

"I want to annihilate him and I need your help." I said matter-of-factly.

"Wait... what??!"

"Yes! If we don't kill him, he's going to kill us!"

She thought for some seconds again. "I'm sorry daddy, I can't help you... I'd rather be killed." I was absolutely shocked by her statement. "Plus, we've been friends for so long now and I can say that his heart is so pure... he doesn't even give a shit about killing you, dad. You must be mistaken. Believe me; he's never talked about you or the fact that you and his dad were rivals. He doesn't even care!" She spoke with so much emotion; I could've believed that they'd been married for years.

"I refuse to believe you, dad." I could see the brokenness in her eyes as she said that. The despair!

"You don't know shit about him. He's not the perfect boyfriend you think he is. And he's never told you about it because... think about it... who in his situation would? Look, Ana, I'm just telling you all this so you can protect yourself from that monster."

"By killing him?!"

"That's the only way. Even I didn't think the idea was good at first but that's the only way we can protect ourselves." I said, trying to persuade her. She was being really difficult... I thought after buying her that pearl necklace, it will be easier. I was wrong.

"But... but..." She stammered. "But it's not possible. Please tell me that you're joking, dad. Please!" She begged hysterically.

"It is what it is! Or does your infatuation blind you so much? I don't want you dead 'cause I love you... and I care about you, Ana. That's the simple reason I'm telling you all this. That boy you believe you love is as dangerous as the devil himself." I said, painting him black. "So it'd be better if you found someone else to love. I'd even prefer that Gary Gilbert boy or any other boy to him" I think that sounded kinda harsh.

The tears streamed down her eyes freely, like a waterfall. I felt like running to her and hugging the sadness right outta her but I couldn't. For some reason, my ass was stuck to my chair and I just had to watch her cry emotionlessly. Was that how much he affected her? Hell, I wish I hadn't ever said yes.

"There are some decisions you have to make, no matter how difficult they seem." I muttered.

"No dad! I'm not going to do your bidding." She spoke so boldly after some minutes of crying and sniffled. "I can't agree to kill the only person that I ever loved myself"

"What do you mean by that? You'll choose some boy you don't even know over your own father??" I asked with a tone of disbelief.

She thought in silence for more than a minute, weighing everything I had said and trying to choose between him and me- who she was going to stand by. I kept my fingers crossed.

"So what exactly do you want me to do?" She finally submitted. 'Yes!' I exclaimed in my mind. I felt so ecstatic that my emotional blackmail strategy had finally worked. I wasn't going to need any more useless assassins. I already had innocent little Ana wrapped around my finger. That was all I needed. And she was going to do whatever I ask her to do.

I told her the entire plan I schemed myself and she nodded slowly in approval. Her role in it was pretty crucial but not bulky. If this plan wasn't going to work... I'm afraid none ever will.

She wiped her tears, stood up a stronger woman and left.

'Davis you're the cause of all this commotion! None of this would've been happening if only you hadn't fought me that night. You bastard!' I cursed 'Well, it will all soon end. Very soon.'

Anastasia's P.O.V

It was as difficult as hell to believe what daddy was saying. Justin was using me to get to him? That's crazy!

Justin seemed so calm and peaceful and not like someone that would want to hurt a fly... not even for revenge. It was so difficult to believe him but he was right; how could I believe a boy I barely knew? I did know him but certainly not well enough. My heart began bleeding at the discovery of that.

Another reason I believed daddy was because I couldn't find a logical reason why Justin chose me of all people. There was a long list of beautiful girls that longed for him but out of all, he chose me. Why? Just so he could use me to get to daddy. I was so foolish to have fallen for him.

'So all Justin was doing was using me to play a cruel game. One where my dad and I get killed or I get heartbroken or something wicked Damn him! He just used his charm and sweetness to get me to fall for him so he could finally execute his evil schemes.' My head began to spin. 'So the easiest way to stop that from happening is to kill him!'

I tried to counter dad's words but it was impossible. For some reason, everything he said seemed true to me and I felt a tug in my heart... like I lost a part of me. I couldn't help but break into tears.

I understood everything now, it all made sense. No wonder he walked out in fury the first day we met... when I asked him why his parents were bringing him into the Empire in the middle of the term. He believed my dad was the person that killed his parents and it probably found it enraging that I was the one that was asking him that question. That's why he stormed off.

'But why should I believe dad? What if he was the one that killed the Coles?' I asked myself. It was a hundred percent possible that he was just trying to use me to kill the innocent boy. But my mind answered me almost immediately; the truth was what he said- Justin didn't really love me. He only wanted revenge. Motherfucker!

And he's my dad; all he wants is to protect me. Plus, daddy doesn't look like someone that'll kill another just for winning him in a wrestling match. Justin was surely being misled by the statement daddy uttered to that WWE reporter.

After some minutes of thorough thinking and of course, crying, I finally gave in. It was so much for me to take in but I had to be strong to defeat him.

Dad told me the plan step by step. He seemed pleased as I nodded in approval. I knew that if I wanted daddy and me to live, I'll just have to muster up enough courage to exterminate him.

I thought about Lisa and how she'll feel when she finds out that I'm the amazing person that killed her cousin. She'll probably be devastated but that was not my priority. Maybe when I explain to her who he really was, she'll thank me.

I stood up and wiped my tears with the back of my hand.

I couldn't believe that all the feelings- all the love I had for him was paid back with hostility and betrayal. He needed to be punished. And although I never liked the idea of killing him, if that was the only way I could do it, so be it!

I left the library.

That night, I watched the fight between daddy and Davis Cole on YouTube. To be honest, what Davis did wasn't fair considering the role daddy played in making his career. It actually wasn't daddy's fault that he made those statements. It was just because of his impulsive ire. It's so unbelievable how easily humans can turn their backs on people who have helped them immeasurably.

Justin should go look for that Luis Baxter's grave and kill him again. He shouldn't have messed with my family!