
Eclipse 11

The mood was tense in the room. Natalia sat staring at Skylar who had finally come home and was now sitting at the kitchen table. Skylar didn't make any eye contact with her she only focused on controlling her emotion.

Skylar sat waiting for Natalia to talk. When she realized Natalia wasn't going to say anything she spoke up, "Why was he here?"

Natalia didn't answer straight away, "He was here to see if you were still alive. Aro the Volturi leader knows that you were once his so he sent him to get you. He didn't believe that you were still alive so he came. I came to the door and I almost killed him there and then but he said he only wanted to see you and talk,"

"He wanted to warn you that Aro was coming for you. He said nothing was going to stop him. After you left he was amazed at how your power had grown," she explained.

"That man took me away from my family and turned me into a monster. He's the reason why I am the way I am and now he wants to protect me?" Skylar wasn't going to have a bar of it. She already knew that Aro was coming. She didn't need him telling her anything.

"I understand that you could never forgive him for what he did. But he came to warn you about Aro-"

"I already knew," Skylar interrupted her, "Edward told me. Anyway, where Morganstar now?"

"He's dead. Aro got rid of him for not bringing you back,"

"Well, at least I won't be going back to that Lab. And I certainly won't let Aro take me away," Skylar said. There was no way she was going to be held against her will again.

"I know Phoenix but you must be careful from now on. Time is running out and I'm sure Carlisle can agree with me," Natalia said taking Skylar's hands in hers.

"Don't remind me, I haven't had a headache for the past three days," Skylar said rubbing her head. There was silence between them before Natalia spoke up.

"You know if you're going back to being an agent you're gonna need a name?" Natalia smiled.

Skylar laughed, "I guess so,"

Skylar thought for a moment, Jane had called her a witch. However, that name didn't suit her. She thought back to her nickname, Phoenix. She quite like that name, "How about The Phoenix,"

"That's a great name, Skye," Natalia smiled.

"I'm sorry for leaving and not talking to you for days," Skylar sighed.

"It's okay I understand, just don't leave me hanging like that again," Natalia said pulling the girl into a hug, "you've always been a daughter to me and I love you,"

"I know and I love you too," Skylar said embracing her back. She was grateful for Natalia though she didn't show it. She wouldn't let anything happen to her or her family not as long as she lived.


Skylar walked up the steps of the Cullen house. She felt better after confronting Natalia about what happened days before.

After the battle, Jacob had apologized to Skylar for the way he acted. They both agreed that they were both being a little petty. After fixing everything she felt normal again.

"I'm back!" she called when she enters the house.

The whole house became lighter at the sound of her voice. She had been pretty down for a while but now her spirits were up again.

"Hi, Skye!" Emmett called back.

Skylar sat down next to Carlisle and pecked his cheeks, "Hello, darling,"

"What's got you in such a great mood?" Carlisle asked pulling her closer to him.

"All of this nonsense has finally blown over," she told them.

"I know, isn't it brilliant?" Alice clapped her hands.

"Plus I came up with a nickname for myself when I go back into the field. I've decided to call myself The Phoenix," Skylar explained with a grin.

"Badass," Emmett smirked.

"What's badass?" Bella said walking into the living room with Edward close behind.

"Skylar's new code name is going to be The Phoenix," Alice told her.

"That's a cool name," Edward remarked.

"Anyway we've got some news," Bella said shyly. She held up her left hand to reveal a large engagement ring, "we're getting married,"

"No way!" Skylar sprung up from her seat and rushed over to the two mates. She took Bella's hand in hers and studied the ring, "you picked a good one Edweirdo Culinary,"

"I told you to stop calling me that," Edward tried to hide his smile with a ridiculous serious face.

"Think of it as my last dying wish to call you that," she teased. Skylar pulled Bella into an enormous hug, "congratulations, you deserve it,"

Then she hugged Edward much to his surprise, "I'm happy for you both,"

Carlisle was next to hug his son, "Congratulations, son,"

"Thank you, Carlisle," he said pulling away from him.

"Skylar," Carlisle said turning to his mate, "walk with me,"

Skylar grabbed his arm and linked it with hers. She gave everyone in the room a bright smile before leaving. The headed down to his office and shut the door once they were inside.

Suddenly, Carlisle pushed her back against the door and connected their lips. She moved slowly against his lips, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms again. It had been forever since the two had just an alone moment with each other.

Skylar pulled away with a loving smile on her face.

"I have something for you," Carlisle whispered with his forehead placed on hers.

Skylar raised an eyebrow but followed him over to his desk. She placed herself on his lap as he pulled out a folder.

"What is it?" She asked with a confused look.

"Take a look," he said.

Skylar opened the folder to see some photos. It had photos of a wide-open house. Window's and doors everywhere looking out onto the gorgeous bush and sea. More photos showed beautiful bathrooms, bedrooms and more.

"Are you taking me on a trip?" she asked.

"Sort of," he said flipping over the page.

Skylar gasped and moved her hand to her mouth when she saw the writing, "Carlisle,"

The top of the paper it read "Isle Skylar," The paper gave her a list of things on the island and around it. Tears slid down her cheeks as she read through the folder.

"You brought me an island?!" she said cupping his face.

He nodded with a grin appearing on his face. Skylar whimpered and wrapped her arms around him. He had brought her an island! How many people can say they have an island?

"I thought we could go there before time...runs out. You'll be alright to fly and I can take care of you if anything happens," Carlisle said.

"I'm scared," she said looking at him with sadness.

"Don't be afraid. I will be right there with you and even now. I'm never ever going to leave you," Carlisle replied. Skylar instantly felt better knowing he was going to be with her.

"I love you to infinity and beyond," she sobbed, "what the hell did I do to deserve you?"

"What did I do to deserve you. You're everything to me, my love," he said softly.
