
Breaking Dawn Pt1. 1

The night air was chilly as Skylar hid in the dark corners of an alleyway in California as an agent CIA with Nick. It had been two months since the battle with the Newborns. A week after that she was recruited into the CIA and quickly became their top agent.

Now she was hunting down a rather ruthless Russian spy who was on the CIA's watch list. She tasked to take out this threat and report back. Since she had started work there she hadn't spent much time in Forks. Bella had been begging her to visit but of course, she was busy.

Nick was assisting Skye and if he was honest he didn't want to. Skylar was very good at getting the jobs she was assigned done. He noticed she started to hide her emotions which was all part of her training. That's what made her so good. She could line up a shot and not bat an eyelid when the shot went off.

Bella and Edward were to be married this Sunday the 13th of August. She didn't ask for anyone to be in the wedding. Bella wanted it to be just her and Edward. Bella had chosen her wedding to be in August so that Skylar would be there. After all, it was nearly September.

Alice had told the girls to wear something purple for the wedding. She wanted everyone to match.

"Is Bella pregnant?" Nick suddenly said as the climbed on the roof of an apartment.

"What?" she said crouching down onto the concrete ground to get a look at her target through a window to another apartment.

"Well, why else would someone get married at 18. I heard you talking about with Natalia," Nick laughed softly as he followed Skylar's movements.

"They just didn't want to wait. Now would you please shut up so I can get this over with," she hissed. Her head pounded and all she wanted to do was go home. She had been tracking this spy for 2 weeks with no rest and now it was starting to bug her.

"Are you leaving once you're done here?" Nick asked watching their target move around the apartment room.

"Yep, I've been given a break for a few weeks. Someone else is going to take my missions," she said fixing the scope on the gun and pointing it straight towards the apartment.

"Then I'll see you off," Nick replied.

"It's okay," she said concentrating on the target. There was a moment of silence before Skylar pulled the trigger and the bang of the bullet being released rang through Skylar's ears, "I can manage on my own,"


"Bella you really suck at walking in heels," Skylar leaned on the wooden rail with her arms crossed as Bella walked across the deck in heels.

Bella gave her a look before turning back to Alice and sighing. Bella obviously had never walked in heels before.

"You just have to break them in," Alice tried to reassure the girl.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days," Bella sounded annoyed, "can't I just go barefoot?"

"Absolutely not!" Alice scolded her.

"I'm just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress, the shoes, all of this," Bella said motioning around her.

Skylar thought it was pretty. The alter was nicely decorated with white flowers twisted into the wood. Those very same white flowers hung from the tree branches by low strands.

"It's exactly enough," Alice disagreed, "tomorrow is going to be perfect,"

"Where do you want it, boss?" Emmett walked by the deck with a large log on his shoulder.

"On either side of the aisle," Alice instructed.

"What aisle?" Rose mumbled following after Emmett.

"Does no one have vision?" Alice yelled making Skylar jump. She walked away from the two humans to assist with the seats.

"She is definitely not planning my wedding," Skylar said to Bella as Carlisle walked past with a log.

"Speaking of your wedding. When's that happening?" Bella smirked.

Skylar blushed but regained her composure, "Up to Carlisle really. But I'm not pushing it's nearly September,"

Bella frowned at her friend. Skylar was right, September was slowly creeping upon them. She was tempted to ask if Carlisle was going to change her but decided not to. Alice appeared in front of them startling the two, "you, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order,"

Bella nodded while waving goodbye to Skylar before walking inside.

Skylar walked down the stairs to meet Carlisle in the middle of the aisle. He leaned down and kissed her gently. Skye had noticed he had become more gentle with her since she started working for the CIA. Carlisle knew that she would come home with a few bruises to he decided to be as gentle as possible.

"Are you going to the bachelor party?" she asked.

He nodded and Skylar frowned, "Where are you going?"

"Couldn't tell you?" Carlisle said, "Emmett and Jasper planned it all,"

"Oh Lord," she rolled her eyes, "well as long as there are no strippers,"

"No strippers. But you won't be spying on us will you?" he chuckled.

"Don't be silly I would never spy on you. The only reason I would is if I was assigned there which I wasn't," Skylar kissed his cheek, "I've got to help Alice with some final touches. Have fun tonight,"


"Have you heard anything from Jacob?"

Jacob had disappeared the day he got the invitation to the wedding. Skylar knew he wasn't going to like it. He loved Bella just as much as Edward did.

"Nope," Alice sighed "but I hope he does show up,"

"Mm, it would be nice for Bella," Skylar agreed.

She glanced at her phone for the time. It was nearly noon and Bella still hadn't shown up at the house. Alice was getting impatient and it kind of bothered Skye.

"Oh my God," Alice gasped and Skylar turned to see what Alice was freaking about now.

Her jaw dropped at the sight of Bella, "What the hell happened?"

She looked terrible. Her skin was pale and her eyes had dark bags under them. Bella sat down in the chair and Alice began working on Bella's mess.

"What did I say about beauty sleep?" Alice asked grabbing the makeup of the table and applying it to Bella.

"Sorry, bad dream. Wedding jitters," Bella shrugged.

A faint knocked came at the door, "Can I help? I can do her hair,"

Skylar smiled at Rosalie and moved aside to let the vampire in. Skylar sat down next to Bella and began to lightly apply eye shadow.

"Weddings!" Alice brought the girls together, "they bring everyone together,"

"Can you put the mascara on yourself?" Skylar asked holding the tube out to Bella.

Bella nodded and Skylar stood up. The agent walked over to her dress and changed into it. She stood in front of the mirror admiring the dress. The dress was long and light purple with long sleeves that hung off her shoulder and straps that sat on her shoulder. It wasn't anything skimpy but it just made Skylar look appropriate showing off her elegance.

Her brown hair was in a half up half down style with the up half being in a plait. She finished adding the last touches to her makeup when she heard footsteps up the stairs.

"Alice? Bella?" she heard Renee say from outside of the door. Skye went to open it to reveal Renee and Charlie. She hadn't seen the woman since their adventure in Phoenix.

"Oh my gosh!" Renee covered her mouth with her hand, "you look beautiful,"

Renee sniffed and dabbed her eyes, "Crap my mascara,"

Alice pulled out a tissue and handed it to Renee. Bella smiled at Skylar as her mother continued to dab her eyes with the tissue.

"Charlie get in here!"

Charlie was hiding around the corner and poked his head around the door frame, "Are you sure? I don't wanna...,"

Bella smiled at her father and giggled, "I know, I look hot,"

They all laughed and watched as Bella conversed with her parents. Tears threatened Skylar's eyes as she thought to herself. She would love to marry Carlisle.

She wouldn't have her mother or father there, it would be Natalia and Nick. Nick would probably be the one to walk her down the aisle. She blinked the tears away, she wasn't going to be sad on Bella's day.

Charlie reached into his pocket and pulled out a box. He gave it to Bella who raised an eyebrow.

"We thought you needed something blue," Renee said.

"And old, other than your mother," Charlie teased and earned a slap from Renee.

Bella opened the box and smiled at its contents. Skylar looked over her shoulder to see a blue hairpiece.

"It was Grandma's Swan's," Charlie said.

"But we added the sapphires," Renee added.

"It's beautiful guys. Thank you," Bella handed it to Skylar who pinned it in her hair.

"It's your first family heirloom," Renee sound emotional, "you can pass it on to your daughter and her daughter,"

Skylar, Rose and Alice shared a telling look. They knew Bella would never have children. But Skylar had a strange feeling at the mention of Bella having a child.

"Mom, I love it," Bella moved to hug her parents, but Alice quickly stepped in.

"No smudging my masterpiece," she said.

"Oh right!" Renee laughed just grabbing Bella's hand instead.

"Okay time for the dress!" Alice clapped her hands, "do you want to see it?"

"Excuse me," Skylar moved out the room. She walked downstairs hoping she would trip on her heels. Skylar's school friends stood by the at the bottom waiting to go outside.

"Hey, Skye! Long time, no see!" Jessica laughed and embraced her friend.

"You look amazing!" Angela admired Skylar's dress.

"Thanks, you all look great yourselves," Skylar smiled.

"Are you sitting with us?" Mike asked.

"No," Skylar looked at the group, "I'm sitting with the Cullens,"

"Why?" Eric said with a annoyed tone.

"Bella wanted me to sit with them," Skylar lied with ease, "I'll see you guys later,"

Jessica grabbed Skylar's hand making her jump, "I know your hiding something Skye. Are you going to tell us what it is?"

Skylar caught sight of Carlisle behind Jessica, "You guys will find out later. I'm gonna go take my place,"

She left the girl and walked over to Carlisle, "You look stunning my love,"

"You look very handsome too," she said straightening up his tie.

"Ready to sit down?" he said holding out his arm for her to take.

She nodded and took it. The two began to walk down the aisle and Skylar could stop herself from looking back at her friends. They whispering amongst themselves.

"Jessica suspects something is up,"

Carlisle smiled, "You told Jessica that you'll tell them later. Why don't you just tell them?"

"Alright," she sighed. She had never been so nervous to tell anyone anything but now it was different. She decided to just push her nerves down and enjoy the wedding.

"Just think Skye," Carlisle grinned, "you and I, we're going to do this soon,"

"Soon huh?" Skylar smiled but it didn't last. She thought about how close they were to September. She hoped that Carlisle would get to her in time.

"How is she?" Skylar asked Rose as she sat down.

"Nervous," she replied.

Skylar and Carlisle shared a look before he took her hand in his. Skylar moved to look at Edward and the priest taking their places at the front.

Soft music began to play as everyone stood up. Bella look amazing in her dress. Bella's dress hugged all her curves nicely and the lace was a nice touch.

Bella's eye's were locked on Edward's eyes and only Edward's. It seemed nothing around them matter anymore.

Skylar smiled as Charlie gave his daughter away. The priest motioned for everyone to sit down and opened up the Bible.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Please repeat after me,"

"I, Edward Cullen, take you Bella Swan," Edward said softly, "to have and to hold, for better or for worse,"

Carlisle looked down at his mate as Bella and Edward said their vows. Her eyes were staring straight at the couple. Her eyes were sparkling and her personality shone through. She was everything to him.

He couldn't wait to marry her. As the days went by Carlisle felt himself getting nervous for Skylar. She was scared and he didn't need Jasper's gift to tell. He wanted to make sure he got to her in time when that day would come. If he couldn't save her then nothing will.

Edward pulled Bella into a kiss and the crowd erupted into applause. Skylar stood with a beaming smile as she clapped for the newly weds.

After that everyone followed the married couple down to the reception. When she walked past her friends she didn't care if they were staring. Nothing could ruin her happiness right now.
