
Tragedy Of Love

Love what can I say about love it is one of those words that many people use to identify their emotions when there mind let them think that they have found someone that makes the loneliness disappear. Making the world around them turn into color and joy but it can also be one of those words that can destroy the very identity of a person and bring forth hate and suffering throughout history love has destroyed kingdoms brought empires to ruin yet it is the most powerful thing on the planet Kings have died on the battlefield over it brother has destroyed brother and armies have gone to war over it but certainly you find one thank you is it this emotion happens when you least expect it to most it can turn into a curse What are those that can comprehend it and are able to find their one true love it can turn into the joy of a lifetime.

Juliusmartines872 · Livros e literatura
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1 Chs

History of love

Before we get started with the main story let us gaze into the past and see exactly where true love began. To Most love began with the formation of the cosmos during the great big bang to others it was when God formed man and created Eve out of the rib of man for the creator knew that man could not exist by him self for life would be an empty vessel without her so eve was given life by the creator to be adams companion But evidence shows us that love did not generate from the land of Eden but it was invented sometime after their exile from the land of paradise since then humanity has been pledged into both satisfaction and chaos to hear the stories of the past is to know that most of the kings queens heroes and damsels in distress died because they Fell in love .