
Marshalling Field Part 1


"Hmph… who are you again?" The scarred duelist said with a tilt of his head, before realisation seemed to flash in his eyes as he showed a mocking smile. "Oh! You're that one aren't you? I remember now! Kamishiro Ryoga was it?"

"You! IV!" Yet the dark blue haired duelist couldn't seem to form proper words, anger clouding his thoughts as he faced the teen who merely laughed at him.

"Well if it isn't a surprise! I didn't think I'd meet you again after… oh it has been quite long that I don't even remember!" He said with a laugh, shrugging as he shook his head. And then eyed the teen with his deep purple eyes.

"Although, I do still remember. How's your sister doing?" He asked.

"You!" Shark roared. "YOU DARE!"

"Well of course I do! Who do you think I am, Ryoga?" He said with a laugh, a hand on his chest and a manic smile to mirror the one of pure rage that Shark had. And he extended his left hand out, "Now, then. What kind of person would I be if I didn't oblige? I'll give you a grand fanse-"

Only for the duel disk attached to his forearm to vibrate, causing him to stop as he pulled it close to himself. And as he looked towards it, the smile that the scarred duelist had disappeared entirely. "Tch. What a mood killer."

And the hand fell limply to his said with a click of his tongue, as the blonde duelist glanced at the blue haired one and said. "It seems that I'll have to hold back in putting you in your place."

"What?" And that declaration took the wind off of Ryoga's sails, briefly stunning him as he watched the formally dressed Asia Champion turn and showed his back to him.

"We'll settle our matters another time." He said, not even looking at him as he began to walk away. And that snapped Shark back to action as he ran towards him with a shout.

"Wait! Don't think you can run you bastard!" He roared, hand outstretched to reach towards him, but barely missing as a mass of people rushed towards him.

Or rather, rushing past him.

"Oh my god it's IV-Sama!"

"Wait for real! OH MY GOD IT IS HIM!"

"Is he here for the World Duel Carnival!? Oh I don't care, please sign my shirt!"

A crowd of fans dashed from the woodworks of the amusement part upon seeing IV, creating a human wall between him and Shark all while the scarred duelist continued to make his way away from here.

"Wait! Damn you, get off!" The dark haired teen said, shoving people from around him as he tried to reach towards the target of his rage to no avail. "Come back here IV! IV!" He roared, his words never reaching him as it was drowned by the noise of the amusement park.


"Then we picked ourselves up and left. And that's kinda what happened." Allen told her over the phone, and she noted all of the little details that Sayaka had to remind him, having notably missed them in his retelling.

"I see, thank you." She said, fully meaning so as she continued her walk, going through a central part of the Heartland City in her normal guise of red hat and paired jacket. And taking a moment to briefly pause.

"Are you sure that you're all alright?" She asked, her voice going lower, biting her own lip as she held herself close. She didn't think that they would run into someone like IV nor did she even think that he was here.

Something that she should have noticed the moment that the Numbers Hunt began, really. Because that meant that even though the Numbers Hunt only required 99 cards, it said that there was a possibility for the Over Hundred Numbers to be out there.

Which, of course. Brought out even more problems. Barians and all that.

She could already feel a small headache start forming when she thought of dealing with that interdimensional space mess on top of the other interdimensional space mess that she was already dealing with.

"Psh, I told you already we're fine-ow! Quit it that hurts!" The brown haired teen's voice raised from the other side of the call. "Anyway, like I said, we're fine! But uh, since we kinda lost all our points to that IV guy we kinda…"

"No, that's fine. I understand." She spoke, shaking her head even though she knew that the boy couldn't see it. The trio's defeat at IV's hand didn't just end at merely a loss of their points, but the strike of the multiple Numbers Monsters had also taken a toll on them physically. It would be troublesome if they tried to duel in their current condition.

Which meant that, for all intents and purposes, Allen, Sayaka, and Myu had all been eliminated from the World Duel Carnival.

"You've all already helped a bunch, and I honestly can't thank you all enough if I'm being honest." She said over the phone, once again thanking the three of them for all of their help. Though she was only on the phone with Allen currently, she knew that he would pass the message along.

"Well what are friends for yeah? We wanted to help anyway. But i guess, I should probably go back to bed before Sayaka smacks me for not resting. Knowing her she'd somehow be able to manifest in my room just to do that;." the brown haired teen said, shuddering at the very thought.

She chuckled at that. "That does sound like something she would do." She said, shaking her head. "Well, get well soon then." She said as she hung up on the call, moving the duel disk away from her ear, yet still holding it in her hand as she stared into it.

She stared right into the small screen on a circular panel on top of a longer rectangle, it fits inside her palm while also large enough that it was perfect in size for her forearm. 

She took the time to marvel at the device, something that she hadn't done since many years ago after she received the first duel disk ever in this life. Seeing just how different it was in design with the ones that That Man had made the norm back at that place, before sighing as she attached it back on her left hand. Strapping it onto her forearm before she continued on.

The sun had already fallen, the moon was soon to rise from twilight as hours passed since the start of the World Duel Carnival. And she had been rushed by people ever since it had started. 

The moment that the announcement was made she had done her best to listen, to understand exactly how this tournament that she would need to join works.

And then proceeded to blanch at the absolute insanity that Mr. Heartland had spewed out of his mouth.

It was insanity, it was a mess, it was a way to run a tournament that would have every single member of the staff pull their hairs in managing how the tournament would even work. A city wide tournament was one thing, but a battle royal?

The man, Mr. Heartland, obvious antagonist even if she couldn't remember much of the story of ZEXAL, claimed that they would be watching the duelists to make sure that rules violation would be subsequently punished. As in, they are always watching each and every duelist and their duels to make sure that no such thing happen.

Which was most certainly not ominous and was only said in the kindest of ways.

Yeah no, it was obvious in many ways that this World Duel Carnival was suspicious, the sudden advancement in schedule was already a large red flag after all. And while duel disks normally do have a prevention measure that prevents anyone from cheating, including a warning system for illegal plays and all that, human error is still fallible.

The battle royal rules that Mr. Heartland explained was most certainly exploitable, she's experienced it just earlier with how people kept just challenging her right in the middle of an already ongoing duel, artificially lengthening a duel which she had in technicalities already won.

All because of the tournament system deciding that their point system would be based on the win-loss ratio that someone has recorded on their duel disk. And considering her's was a relatively brand new one with only a handful of lossless when she was sparring with Anna, it decided that she was the 'Bounty Duelist'.

Which made quite a lot of people target her as someone that they needed to defeat. To the point where they would even team up with one another, even though only one of them would get the points for defeating her.

She was glad that she had already gotten Boss Stage onto the field at that point, as every entry meant that she'd just keep triggering the Field Spell to summon monsters onto the field. Though she was briefly worried of actually running out of names to summon. Though thankfully it never got to that point.

In the process however, she did manage to nack a handful of Numbers from their clearly possessed users. She was sure that they would be better without them, hopefully the police would handle their unconscious bodies. 

In other news, she was quite sure that she was gaining notoriety as someone who carries unconscious people to the local police stations. Though what other rumours are spread around about that, she had no idea.

Well, better for them to find her rather than Kaito, God knows that the Numbers Hunter would just leave them to rot.

But Allen's call on their situation brought a whole new problem along with it, one that she had thought wouldn't matter at all when dealing with the Numbers and hunting all 99 of them down.

That is, the Arclight family. More specifically, Tron and his three sons.

Allen, Myu, and Sayaka had somehow met with IV, and though their loss was saddening, and rather infuriating after she had gotten the details out of the brown haired teen, it gave her valuable information.

Because IV's involvement meant that III, V, and subsequently Tron was no doubt also in play. And knowing that they were here, meant that they would most likely make their way through the World Duel carnival.

Well, IV at least will most likely. A brief search showed that the teen was very accomplished for one his age, having several championships under his belt, the National Duel Circuit, T.F.E. Tournament, Mini Surf Expert Match, along with most notably the Asia Duelists Championship.

The first one was the most notable for her however, as further digging unearthed the fact that his opponent for the finals of that tournament was none other than one Kamishiro Ryoga, who lost by default due to disqualification.

Curious, extremely so. Because though she barely remembered it, it sounded extremely familiar. 

But enough about the Gimmick Puppet duelist that managed to somehow manage to get tops without any sort of support cards, a miracle in its own right, she didn't really have the time to care about him. No matter how much she does want to knock him right in the face for the pain he inflicted onto her friends.

That could come later, his mere existence implies Tron's as well. And that meant that she'll have to deal with him in the near future, which was problematic in its own way.

So there's that, and then there's also the obviously corrupt World Duel Carnival.

Because surprise, surprise, apparently most tournaments that were run in this world didn't need the duelists to send in their decklists. She didn't know why, apparently everyone would definitely follow what banlists exists and won't even entertain the thought of cheating, but they apparently don't need those.

So for a tournament to need one was already strange. One could say that it was a world level tournament, so of course they would have increased their security measures. Especially because it's in a battle royal format.

But then if you were to know that the people who were behind the wheels of the World Duel Carnival were also the same people who were searching for the scattered Numbers Monsters, well…

Things would start to click now wouldn't they?

With how the bounty system works, the ones working behind the scenes would always know where any particular duelists are. And with having the deck lists of every duelist in the tournament, then that meant that they would know the location of every Numbers possible in the tournament.

And with how those Numbers cards possessing people makes people more aggressive, and essentially making them want to duel, then of course they would enter the currently ongoing tournament.

"So getting all of the Numbers is just a waiting game now then." She sighed, looking up at the futurist buildings surrounding her, and the many shining lights that shone as the light of the sun became dimmer and dimmer.

And she then thought of the rules of the battle royal too, the specific 2000 Life Point cost on entry is too specific. And she didn't think that this was merely something that the tournament staffs made up on the spot either. For some reason, it felt familiar. 

And that bothered her. An itch that she couldn't seem to scratch.

Was it merely just a coincidence? She didn't know, and that worries her.

She could hear people talking, others whispering as they pointed and glanced towards her, some being duelists that she had already beaten earlier and shied away from her. She huffed at seeing that. They didn't have to act that way around her, they were the one that essentially ganged up against her and lost.

And she watched as the clock strikes 5, and the giant blimp flying high above the sky made another announcement.



The shout of Mr. Heartland resounded throughout the entire city, the man spreading his arms wide as his signature smile beamed. The cane in his hand spun as he spoke, "I hope that you all are having a wonderful time today, because the World Duel Carnival is just beginning!"

The man stopped his spinning cane with a twist of his hand, tapping it into the ground as he continued. "Today's preliminary round is only halfway done! And yet we already have duelists shining brightly among the other duelists!"

He raised his left hand and snapped his fingers, and a giant screen burst onto the scene right beside him. The man threw his cane up, catching it with his other hand as he then gestured towards the screen. "And now I, Mr. Heartland, will present to you, the three great duelists that have distinguished themselves so far!" He shouted, his hand raising three fingers as he said so.

And tapped his cane once more, as the screen beside him began to shine and flicker. "Now behold! The three duelists who had gathered more points than anyone else!" He declared, flourishing his hand as the screen then showed a figure.

"On to the first one! He is a great duelist with fans all around the world, the Asia Dueling Champion himself! With 444 points! Give it up for IV!" Mr. Heartland shouted the name as the screen showed a formal dress wearing teen, his hair being a shade of blonde and dark brown. His purple eyes light and kind even as a cross shaped crass ran through the right side of his face.

"And what a surprise it is! That the Asia Champion himself would place at the third spot for the most points!" The stylishly dressed man said solemnly with a shake of his head, while beside him, the screen showed IV and his adoring fans, along with brief shots of him in his duels with a kind smile. Before Mr. Heartland raised his head again to flash a smile.

"But! That simply shows that even a champion like himself is even struggling! That this is the level that the World Duel Carnival is!" He shouted with a wave of his cane, letting the fact sink in for those who watched him before he then continued.

"And next up, in second place!" Mr. Heartland said, as the screen flickered once again. "An unrelenting genius! A duelist born and raised in Heartland who has defeated all the foes in his path! With 462 points! Give it up for Kaito Tenjo!" 

And with a flourish, the man presented the figure that was revealed on the screen, revealing a blonde haired teen with a spikes of green at the front of his head akin to that of a crown. The image shows his pale green eyes glaring forward as he held a small frown, garbed in a dark blue and black trenchcoat with an inner red shown in his collar.

"This Genius Boy managed to barely wrangle the current second place spot from our dear Asia Champion! Having a mere 18 point lead ahead of IV, how fierce!" He said as he gripped a fist in front of himself, all while the screen showed brief duels featuring the blonde teen single handedly defeating his foes. The fearsome form of a galactical dragon at his command striking a powerful image.

"The spot for second and third are neck and neck! Oh dear, just thinking about it is already making my heart burst!" He said with flourish, placing a hand at where his heart would be.

"Heart Burning!" He shouted, raising both of his arms high and wide, head arched back and eyes closed. Only for him to open them again and send a wink straight forward, as he then put on a confused look. 

"Oh? But that was only two of them wasn't it? My oh my! We're still missing one!" He said as he placed a palm on top of his head fancily, his mouth opening and making an 'o' before he shook his head, spun in place and gestured back towards the screen once again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of Heartland City and duelists from all around the world! I present to you, the duelist currently in first place!" He shouted, as the screen beside him began to shine and flicker as the image of Kaito changed.

"A stranger that appeared out of nowhere! An unknown duelist with an unknown past! A wonder Mystery Duelist, who scored 700 points!" And he presented the screen once more. "The ever mysterious Red Hat!"

And the figure that appeared on the screen was one whose face wasn't even revealed. For their entire features were hidden under the red hat that they wore, along with the long red jacket that shadowed their figure. 

"A contestant that came out of nowhere and stole the spotlight! What a surprise! What strength! What power!" So the man declared as the screen showed glimpses of the Red Hat's duels, of them being surrounded by a whole group of duelists, and fast forwarding to see them winning against them all.

And the man twirled the cane in his hand once again. "And oh what an amazing performance! To be able to face the odds and win them all, truly! This mysterious duelist is a force to be reckoned with!" He shouted, spreading his arms wide as the screen zoomed in to the image of the figure, their signature red hat masking their features.

"Ladies and gentlemen! These three great duelists are the current top three duelists of the first round of the World Duel Carnival!" Mr. Heartland declared, the image on the screen beside him switching to the profile of the three duelists, along with a number right next to them indicating their current position, along with their points.

"And that's all for this broadcast! Be sure to tune in for more information on the World Duel Carnival! Heart~ Burning!"


She watched as the broadcast proceeded to end, and for it to then be replayed again as Mr. Heartland once more gave his spiel.

She stood with mouth agape as she heard him explain once again, that she had somehow managed to steal the first spot of the tournament, by complete accident of people trying to duel her.

She could feel the headache that she was having slowly turn into a migraine. And she felt more eyes on her than ever as she heard people's whispers grew louder and louder. 

"Okay that's enough of this." She muttered aloud as she turned around to leave, only to see a group of people walking towards her, blocking her way.

"Hey you're Red Hat right? The one that Mr. Heartland said was first place?" Their leader said, looking at her and appraising her, eyes trailing up and down. "Hmph, you don't look like much." He said with a huff, while the others behind him nodded their heads.

"Hey so if I beat you, that means that I get to be in first place right?" He said, pointing towards her. She kept silent as she inwardly groaned, while he instead clicked his tongue. "Not much of a talker huh? Well that's fine by me! Even if you pretend to act cool, I'll still beat you up no problem!"

And as he activated his duel disk while others watched and cheered. She resisted the urge to face palm and groan publicly as she activated her own duel disk and complied.


He really shouldn't be that surprised to see his friend in the giant screen before him, yet for some reason it felt wrong when he saw Kaito's face on there. Maybe it was the fact that he hadn't seen him in a while, but Yuto would admit that the look that Kaito had unnerved him.

"I'd never seen him so… angry." He spoke breathlessly, watching the screen showcase the short few glimpses of the blonde boy's matches, and saw the different figures of cards that he had never seen before.

Shun had said that Kaito had changed, he even saw him himself in that short confrontation. But in that short span of time, in the short span of time that was barely over a month, he hadn't thought that Kaito would change so much.

That Red Hat person, it took him far too long to figure out that they were a girl, something that he didn't dare to tell Ruri or the others because they would no doubt tease him for it, had briefly hinted that there was something going on, but what, he didn't know.

But if there was something that he could tell, it was that Red Hat was strong. Incredibly so. Whether or not she was stronger than Kaito was irrelevant, they were working together after all, though for what he didn't know.

But… he didn't really know what to do about it all. 

He thought about it hard, but with him not even knowing what the problem was that turned Kaito like this, how was he even supposed to help? 

So, he dedicated to find out. First off by trying to find out more about the Numbers cards that the Red Hat used, her's was the Number… 39 was it? So that probably meant that there were others out there, and he decided to see what others could tell him about it.

Shun told him that Kaito had one of them too, so there were definitely more of them, so he went and tried to find out as much as he could about it. From rumours and the like from other children at the orphanages or other students in general.

The latter he couldn't really contact that much since the World Duel Carnival was coming close he couldn't really contact them much in person, every got busy around this time after all, but he still asked around nonetheless.

And he did get a lead! There were apparently rumours of duelists coming around with extremely strong cards. Talking about how they were indestructible and unbeatable, along with how vicious their duelists are. And how some of them would steal cards from the duelists that they defeat.

Adding in the other unsavoury rumour that a suspicious person has been found bringing defeated and unconscious duelists to the authorities? Well, it certainly doesn't paint a nice picture.

One that was incredibly worrisome. Because Kaito was involved in it. That he could possibly be one of the duelists who was beating others and-and stealing their cards.

It was… very much worrying.

So he decided to get to the bottom of it. There was bound to be a connection to this, there has to be. So he decided to warn everyone, sending a message to Ruri and the others about the Numbers, and what dangers that they have.

Though he hasn't been able to see Allen and Sayaka and warn them about it, he hoped that Allen at least read his message about it. He heard that they have been busy lately helping out their new friend. What was her name, Yuma? Yuuna?

He heard that she was nice. And a strong duelist too. He would have loved to meet her at one point, though maybe in a better circumstance, when one of his friends isn't running around terrorising others.

And he was about to go out and find out more about this Numbers Monster, really he was! He was out and about trying to find out anything about the Numbers card and the like, thought for the most part all that he got was the buzz about people coming from all around the world for the World Duel Carnival. 

Some of them were nice, like the nice red haired man who was quite headstrong and looked quite intimidating but was kind. And the black and purple haired lady who accompanied him was cool and composed. They said that they were here for the tournament as well, he hoped that they would do well, maybe they could even meet each other again.

But then suddenly…all of this dropped.

He did say he was prepared for the World Duel Carnival, but not for it to suddenly start out all this sudden! He had to scrap away all of the plans that he had for the rest of the day to make sure that he wouldn't miss it! And right after that he was busy with dealing with other duelists trying to take his points!

And now… now there was this too! He should have expected Kaito to be in the tournament, but second place! Over that famous Asia Champion of all people too! He knew that he was talented, but this was a whole new level that he'd never seen of him!

Then she was there too, in first place of all places! Ranking higher than Kaito! Even calling herself Red Hat instead of using her actual name. He knew that she was strong but not this strong.

"But… this is also an opportunity." He said as he glanced down towards his hand, and the looked up towards the screen high on the building wall right on time for it to show Kaito's figure.

Kaito was here, participating in this tournament, and placing quite well by the looks of it, then that meant that there was a chance for them to meet if he also did well.

He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at that. "So in the end of the day, what I have to do is to win huh?" His resolve grew stronger as he said the words aloud, and a new goal was set.

If he keeps winning, there was a chance that he would meet Kaito. Most definitely not now at the preliminary stages, what would the chances be for them to meet while he was running around gathering those points? But maybe, if he made it past then…

This World Duel Carnival is most certainly different than any before it. He knows that this tournament specifically has always been different, their format has always changed to keep duelists guessing, but this battle royal has taken the cake.

"If I can get past the preliminary round then…" It would be hard, undoubtedly so. But didn't he and Shun planned to enter the tournament in the first place to see how far they have grown? To see how far they can go against actual professional duelists?

And if… if he were to somehow win it all, then…

Just thinking about it already brought a shiver down his spine, he had to hold himself from jittering in excitement. The thought of challenging himself by fighting against a strong duelist, of facing them head on in a grand stage like the one under Heartland Tower. All while the crowd cheered and chanted while wishing for more.

He frowned, for some reason the last part didn't sound that appealing. Though he didn't know why.

But in any case, he now has a goal that he needs to achieve. It would be hard, most definitely, but if he wanted to know what happened to Kaito, wanted to find out what's going on with his friend…

"Then I'll have to do my best." He said to himself as he took a deep breath, and went on to go find duelists to challenge.


Perhaps it was destiny. Perhaps it was fate. Perhaps it was the machinations of something else.

But whatever it was, the string of fate that between the duelists all around the city began to cross. But what would it do to the tie that binds them, no one knows.


He met them by accident.

It was around the time that the first half of the World Duel Carnival's preliminary round finished. It was when he was making his way back to the orphanage after a day filled with gruelling non stop dueling, that he spotted them.

It was two people, a pair, standing at the front of an alley. Talking. It was a normal occurrence, even in night time like this, Heartland City is still active even after the sun goes down. Finding people to talk about at this time of day is nothing special.

But what was special, was the two people talking. A blonde haired teen wearing a dark trenchcoat and another garbed from head to toe in red.

"-it was annoying I tell you! I couldn't get away from any of them and had to duel all of them non stop!" Red Hat groaned, a hand placed on her head as she shook it and let out a sigh. "And none of them even had Numbers at all. It's getting annoying trying to find them."

"I don't care." Was the curt response that she received as the blonde haired teen kept walking deeper into the alley, while the girl beside him kept following him, and subsequently pestering him.

"Oh come on! You've got to have a way to find them right? At least give me a clue on where some of them are!" She whined again. To which the trenchcoat wearing teen ignored in place of walking faster. "Hey come on! You have an in don't you? Just give me some directions and-oh?"

Then she stopped, turning her head as she spotted him. Watching with his mouth agape. "Well what do we have here?"

The sudden question took Kaito's attention ever so briefly, as he took a glance behind him and his eyes widened as he saw him.

"Kaito!?" He shouted in surprise, and the blonde teen clicked his tongue as he turned back and ran. "Wait! Come back!" He said as he ran after him.

And past the Red Hat, who merely looked at both their running forms with a wry smile. As she was left behind, she let out a sigh. "Well good evening to you as well." She grumbled before she then turned and followed along.

The two ran for a minute or so, going through corners and weaving through the crowd. And yet none were able to lose the other, with Kaito always finding Yuto tailing behind him tenaciously.

"Wait Kaito! I just want to talk!" He shouted while he ran, and the blonde haired teen clicked his tongue in annoyance as he looked back.

"There's nothing to talk about-!" Only for him to suddenly stop again, as they reached a street that was suspiciously empty in a city that doesn't sleep, with another pair of people standing at one end and they at the other.

One was tall young man, with long flowing silver hair with darker accents in the front along with amount green bang. He wore a long formal wear, purple and white with golden linings that fit him well as he stood calmly.

Accompanying him was a pink haired boy, with similar clothes. Being that of a formal attire reminiscent of eighteenth century men's tailored clothing, only coloured red and white, once more with golden linings. Standing close by him as he watched them carefully.

"... so he was correct. It seems that we meet again, Kaito." The tall silver haired young man said, opening his eyes to reveal his deep ocean blue eyes. "I should have known that it would have ended like this… ever since that day."

"You're-! Chris!?" His eyes widened, shock clearly seen palpable in his eyes. Before they hardened into a glare, one that could cut through steel as the blonde spoke again, his hands curling into fists. "No, V!"

"That look… I see. So have you finally understood then?" The now named V spoke softly, tone even as he closed his eyes again, before opening them once more to meet Kaito's eyes. "We've come to take away your Numbers, Kaito. He has deemed that you're too dangerous to be left alone, even this early into the game."

"'He'? Who are you…" The blonde haired teen spoke out, a look of confusion falling on him as he failed to figure out who V was talking of.

"So you still don't know. He still decides to hide it from you." The silver haired young man said, clicking his tongue as his serene face twitched and showed anger. "I should have known… but it is no matter. You will duel us, Kaito. And you will give us your Numbers."

The declaration was final, as the formal dress wearing due extended their left arms, and duel blades extended from their hand. From the silver haired young man's was a shining golden one in the shape akin to a clock's hand, while the pink haired teen manifested a crimson red in the shape akin to a wing, or blooming flower petals.

"What the-what's going on?!" And being suddenly thrusted in the middle of whatever it was going on, Yuto looked back and forth between the pair with wide eyes. His head spinning from trying to understand what was happening before him.

"You! V!" Kaito growled through gritted teeth, "You-! I don't care what it is you're planning! If you want to take my Numbers, then that means that you have some yourself don't you!" He shouted, accusingly pointing towards the young man before him.

Who stood with his face unmoved as he spoke. "And what if I do?" He asked back, headd titled upwards ever so slightly as he looked down on the blonde haired teen.

"Then I will hunt you down!" He roared back, as he swiped his arm out, and a shining crescent duel blade emerged from his duel disk.

"Wait! Kaito! If you duel then now, it'll be two on one! You'll be at a disadvantage!" Though he didn't understand the underlying meaning in whatever it was that was happening in front of him, he knew that it wouldn't be good for Kaito if he were to just go duel these two duelists by himself.

He sent a glance towards the two as he spoke. "I don't know them and even I can tell. They're… they're strong." He said with a gulp, a gut feeling telling him that there was something going on with the pair before him. And that he shouldn't take them lightly.

"Shut up! This doesn't concern you!" He growled out, eyes focused on the pair before him and to nothing else. 

"That's right, Nii-sama. The person that fa-that Tron mentioned isn't here." The pink haired teen spoke, pointing out the person that was missing from their impromptu group. The red clad girl was nowhere in sight.

"So it would seem." The silver haired young man said, his eyes wandering briefly in search of the red clad duelists, and finding no one in sight other than the two of them "But it is no matter. The irregular can be dealt with accordingly after we deal with him."

"Irregular?" He whispered, wondering why they would call the Red Hat by that name, before shaking his head, eyes wandering back and forth from his friend and the pair of duelists that he was willing to face against.

He stepped forward and activated his own duel disk. Purple curved duel blade manifesting from his left hand. "Then I'll duel with you, that way it'll be fair right?"

"What!?" Kaito shouted as his head snapped towards him. "Yuto! You-! Mind your own business!" He hissed at him.

"If you want me to mind my own business then fine!" He shouted back, eyes briefly turning to meet Kaito's own. "But just so you know. You're the business that I'm trying to mind alright! You're not going to get rid of me that easily."

"Tch! You-!" The blonde growled, gritting his teeth as he clicked his tongue and snapped his head away from him, and glared forwards towards his two opponents. "Do as you please!"

And thus began a differently formatted battle royal, where the first turn of each duelist cannot enter the Battle Phase. Yet they would still draw at the start of their turn, barring the first turn player of course.

Then the duel began.

Which apparently includes,

A Patreon Link that I have for some reason:

https:// www.patreon. com/PandorasJailofCreativity/membership?view_as=patron

Discord Link that I have for some reason:

https:// discord.gg/4bg8TRm2Gk

Twitter that I have for some reason:

https://mobile. twitter.com/ pandorajail

Shout out to Zeranion, pyro stick figure 76 and a special thanks to 13arabba who actually paid for Patreon, along with the people on the discord who helped with the chapter.

Note that this work is also crossposted on Webnovel, AO3, and Space Battles, all because I hate myself lmao.

Have an anime duel featuring anime cards lmao

Pandora_Jailcreators' thoughts