
Tower Of Worlds

Many years ago, the world created the technology required to see a hidden energy that was always present in the world. Spirit Power! People found that Spirit Power was enigmatic. It seemed to interact very closely with the human body, but its uses were too enigmatic and mysterious. It wasn't until many years later that they found the true mysteries of Spirit Power. An explorer invented technology that could dig to the earth's core, and what he found stunned him. A tower! A tower so big that the entire core layer was occupied by it. Humans ventured into the tower, and brought back mythical things that could only exist in fantasy. It was as if another world lay in that tower, and what layed in that world was a way for humans to grow beyond their limits. A cultivation system which used Spirit Power...

Daoist1WuR6Z · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Tower Qualifiers

Once Liam woke up, he did nothing.

He didn't go look for revenge, neither did he go snitch. At the moment, Devin (the person who knocked him out), had too much leverage against him for him to dare risk angering him.

He merely opened a hologram, searched up something, and then sat down on his couch.

'At least One Thousand Piece will comfort me. Unlike Uncle and Auntie who always stay at work."

One Thousand Piece, one of the remaining popular shows of the ancients. It's said that the shows development was carried on by each generation of the Oda Family.

He was watching the 300th episode of One Thousand Piece, where the main character, Luffy's great-grandson added another member to his Galactic Harem. When Liam saw this, he couldn't help but tear up. It seemed that Tuffy was one step closer to becoming the Harem King!

As he wiped the tears that were threatening to fall, he finished watching the episode. Regardless of what the original One Piece had become, it didn't matter.

He only cared about how the 3D holographic projection would show the new member's bust!

And show it did. Liam left that room, nodding at the beauty of technology. He coughed to regain his calm, and then went down to the dining room.

He quickly ate, then opened the daily Spirit News. And what he saw shocked him.

The news lady was standing before a gigantic academy, with a noble middle-aged man in front of her. His presence alone threatened to escape with its authority out of the tv.

But Liam knew who he was. The Principal Of The Royal Academy!

He had met him a few times, but even then, it was brief. That was how much of a recluse the man was.

For him to appear in the Spirit News, it must be a great matter. He hurriedly turned up the volume, and his ears seemed to extend in an attempt to hear every single word.

"...And how will you deal with the other Royal Academy's looking to gain a piece of the pie?" The news lady asked.

"Naturally, we would deal with it according to the rules of the Spirit Convention. It strictly states that whenever the Spirit Empire is going to send a batch in, the other Empires must be allocated their own batch." The principal replied.

"Nevermind that workstuff Catrina. Why won't you come home? The bed's getting cold."

The news lady got shocked at what he said, but anger overtook her as she retorted, "Martin, don't play dumb. If you hadn't went to that brothel while I was away, the bed would be as warm as ever."

Shaun had a strange expression as he saw this. But it soon gave away to anger as he inwardly berated the news lady for being distracted.

If there truly was an expedition to the Tower coming, then he needed to know. Now!

And the news lady seemed to have realized this as she embarrassedly turned away and stopped arguing with her old fling as she went back on topic, "Anyways, bastard cheater. Tell me about the upcoming expedition to the tower. When will the Qualifiers be, and just when is it going to start."

The middle-aged man was compelled to berate her for calling him an old geezer, but stopped.

He instead coughed as he said, "The Qualifiers will be a month from now. We'll be testing Spirit Array Theory and Execution, so for any youngster watching, make sure to practice well. Glory or honor depends on it!"

The news lady then asked him multiple more questions on the details. Liam attentively watched, but his face cringed as he watched the conversation get off topic.

"Goodbye bastard cheater. Go back to that brothel you desired."

"Oh come on Catrina, it was a simple mistake. A man in his prime such as I must have their desires satiated. And you left without even bothering to send me a single nude pic for me to take delight in. You must understand what type of misery I was going under at that time. Such a pitiful man such as myself is worthy of consideration right? And what I did wasn't that bad. Look at how I didn't go for that hottie of a best friend you had! In fact, I may very well be a pure saint."

"Damn cheater, stop saying such things on TV! Go away you *&^#%...."

Liam turned off the tv as he thought over what he had just heard.

He ignored the fact that he had just watched what was probably a huge scandal, and instead focused on the terms: Tower Expedition.

To say that most knew what this meant would be an understatement. Unless you were living under a rock, one would automatically know its meaning.

A tower expedition was orchestrated whenever the tower opened, and it meant the same as the name implied. This was when those of the younger generation would be given the opportunity to enter the tower for the first time!

He knew such an event only happened so many times during each generation, so he was honestly ecstatic at the chance.

Not to mention that he felt he was guaranteed to win. His Spirit Array Theory was no joke.

It was so proficient that it even surpassed some of the best Spiritists out there. Well, at least in theory.

He could talk the walk, but he didn't know if he could walk the talk.

And he wouldn't know until he entered the Awakening Realm. Until then, his true Spirit Array proficiency was destined to be unknown.

His pupils suddenly narrowed as he remembered something.

Devin. Devin Kalor.

The bully of his life, the one who caused him to fall out of the International Top 100. If not for Devin making him do his work all time, he would've stayed up there as the renowned #1.

In most cases, this wouldn't have mattered as the International Ranking measured Spirit Array Theory skills and other studies such as Advanced Chemistry, Physics, etc.

But due to Devin taking making him use a lot of time to do his work, he didn't have time to do his own.

This was what caused him to fall out from the heavens, and land in the large pit known as Devin's trap.