
Tower of God: The Enigmatic King's Story

An irregular will shake the tower with his different view of life. Evil? Kindness? None of that matters to him. All that matters is his pleasure and displeasure. Be his ally for you to be safe. Be his enemy for you to cease to exist. In the end, your life will only matter if... You are of use to him. Tower of god is not mine. Cover of the story is not mine. Words per chapter ranges from 2500 upto 3000+ except the prologue and side chapters so I can confidently say that the actual number of chapters is double its amount if you compare it to the majority of books that averages 1000-1500 words per chap. (I have to say this since I know that it will be unfair to me if y'all just assumed that it's your typical chapter quantity focused fanfic) This book is not for normies who doesn't like harem and treats shounen protagonist as if they are the only kind of protagonists that exists. This book contains huge spoilers (and I mean HUGE spoilers) from the manhwa so if you are an anime watcher only (yuck. sucks to be you) then you better not read this if you don't want to be spoiled.

Nattnatt · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 4: A year to be a punching bag

[Kai fought the eel with the help of black march (who ignited herself because Kai is hot and handsome) and a red diamond appeared on his back and also fired a burst of red shinsu to the eel. After the explosion, all that's left is Kai and a roasted eel. Kai then slashes the ball and goes to the next floor after saying that the tower should fear him because he is a crazy man.]

(A/n: 5th chapter and I still never described what clothes he is wearing...umm ehh let's just say that he is wearing a maroon long sleeves, a black pants, and a red and black running shoes)

(A/n: oh right. This is a chapter full of plot only but I guarantee you that there's some very juicy information in this chapter so...yeah)


"He vanished...that means that he has gone to the next floor right, Headon?" Asked Yuri with a little anxiousness in her voice. There's no way of knowing what the mysterious administrator's goal after all.

At Yuri's question, headon just remained silent.


Seeing him stay quiet, Yuri began to have a feeling that something has gone wrong as she stands infront of him and glares at him with clear anger.

"Hey! Answer me! I don't care if you are an administrator or not. I will still punch you if you-"

"Yes." Said headon with a grin.


"Yes. He passed the test and has already gone up to the next floor."

Seeing his grin, Yuri realize that headon is teasing her by making her unnecessarily anxious and angry.

"You!!-" Yuri was about to lash out to headon before Evan stopped her.

"M'lady Yuri! Stop! There's no need for you to lash out to him anymore, right? Kai passing the test is the only thing that matters so don't do anything that can make things more complicated!"

Who knows what will happen if they really angered the mysterious administrator.

After thinking about it for a second, Yuri calms her self for a second as she held his fore head.

"Tsk. Your bad habit of toying with people's emotions are really...sigh. What's more is that you didn't even tell us that he will automatically ascend to the next floor after destroying the ball. Because of that, I didn't get to take back the black march..." Said yuri as she massaged her forehead due to headache from the rabbit's antics.

"You never asked, Princess Yuri." Said Headon bluntly.

Hearing that administrator's bluntness, veins pops up on yuri's forehead as her fists started shivering from her anger.

'I really really want to punch this rabbit...' she thought as her remaining cool is about to hit the bottom.

"Princess! Calm yourself down! We need to go after Kai as fast as possible to take back the black march before people notice that the 13 month series given to you is in a hands of a man!" Informed Evan to Yuri before looking at headon with eyes implying that he pleads to him to stop teasing her already.

It's one of the laws of the king of the tower that the 13th month series should only belong to the princess and whoever holds it other than them should be executed.

Add that to the fact that Kai is a man which means that whoever the princess who lend him a 13th month series will be suspected of having a relationship with him. Which will result of one more law the princess would break.

Yuri realize the seriousness of theirs and Kai's predicament as she agrees.

"...Alright...let's go. I think my head will explode if I stayed here even a second longer." She looked at Evan before looking for the part of the ceiling where they came from.

The two of them then jumped up after they found the huge square hole.

Before they reach the ceiling, Evan looked at headon for the last time remembering that Headon's kindness(?) Is what made them able to help Kai and avoid serious trouble. If they did what they did on another administrator' s floor, they would've been in serious trouble for all the rules that they have broken. Although there's still a chance that Headon will tell the king, he's definitely the most unlikely to snitch because of his unknown goals.

"Go-goodbye headon-nim. Thank you for allowing as to help the irregular and I hope you forgive the princess for being hot headed" Said Evan bowing slightly before landing on the ceiling.

Headon then is left alone in the large hallway with a roasted eel inside the cage. The smell of it is actually a little enticing...

He looked at it for a few seconds before looking at the center of the cage which is where the ball was previously floating on before saying...

"I should've made the ball much tougher to make things a little more fun..."


[In an unknown place, before Kai proceeds with the test.]

In some sort of a dimensional space that is full of red galaxies and stars, a huge red gate suddenly appeared as Enryu entered through it. After he set foot inside it (despite it not having a floor), two red heads, a boy and a girl wearing normal red and white clothes, both of them being handsome and beautiful, appeared on his left and right side. Both of them bowed while Enryu continued walking ahead, his destination cannot be confirmed due to the seemingly infinite space in the dimension.

After bowing, the girl smiled and the boy started to cover his ears as the girl goes infront of Enryu and asked with twinkles in her eyes.

"Father! Father! How is he!?!? How's our brother doing!? Is he doing well!? Did he become strong already!? Is he eating well!? What does that bitch princess want with him!? Did that 'thing' worked?!? He's not in danger from the shinsu, is he?!?" Asked the girl enthusiastically with an eyes close to a fanatic.

"Sis Ezha...stop shouting your questions too much, father is only infront of you, you know? And besides...we are watching them from the marble...although the sound is being blocked by that rabbit..." Said the boy to the girl while his index fingers are covering his ear.

They know that headon always likes to prank people although they aren't sure if there's a real motive to those. The prank this time was him interfering with the sound system from the shinsu bug that they put in the bottom floor. The purpose of it was so that they would instantly know if their brother entered the tower so that they can instantly react and protect their brother from his 'situation'.

They know that headon would instantly know about the shinsu bug but that's where their father's incredible feat enters for them to be able to negotiate with him and allow them to put that bug in his floor.

Ezha didn't hear anything about what Enru said except that he, who is younger than her, tried to scold her.

"Shut up! Enru!! It's brother we're talking about!! How can I not be excited and worried!? Huh?! Huh!?" Said Ezha as she started flicking Enru's forehead rapidly.

"O-okay!! Stop! Stop! It hurts, sis!" Said Enru as tears started forming at the sides of his eyes. The part where he is flicked many times already started to get red.

At this sight, Enryu just chuckled.

"Okay, okay. That's enough, you two. And yes, your brother is alright. I manage to get there in time to give him the 'Red Tear'. Although it makes me really sad that he suffered so much because I gave him a life that he doesn't want" Said Enryu as he patted both of them with a sad smile in his face.

Hearing this, both siblings turned silent as they looked at their father's sad smile. They both know that he did his very best to give their brother the best life he can but it turns out that it did the very opposite of it.

Seeing the two of them getting affected by his sadness, he smiled to them and looked at them both in the eyes

"It's alright now. So the two of you don't have to be sad anymore. Your brother wants a crazy adventure and I'm now gonna try my best to give him exactly that. You two will also be there to help him, right?" Asked Enryu to the both of them.

They both nod before Ezha asked.

"But father, you stopped the time in the bottom floor when you entered, right? Then does that mean that brother still doesn't know that you are his father?" Asked Ezha.

They watched the scene in the bottom floor without any sound due to Headon pranking them. That's why they can only guess what happened there.

At this question, Enryu nodded as he looked at the galaxies and the stars in the seemingly infinite space.

"That's right. If 'true fate' made him find out the we are his family, then so be it. But right now, him finding out that I'm his father will bring 'real' trouble to him. We don't want that to happen, right?"

Hearing this, Ezha thought about it a little before nodding.

"Hm hm. Right. Brother knowing that his father is the 'Administrator murderer' and 'God's messenger' will 100 percent bring huge trouble and can 'really' endanger his life. I understand"

Hearing the 'word' trouble coming out from his sister's mouth, Enru couldn't help but say...

"That's big coming from you, sis. We know that you are the one who will give him the most trouble, you know." Before Ezha could even talk back, Enru already ran away from his sister as fast as he can.

"...Father..." Said Ezha with eyes that is about to punch someone. Even if she's angry, she still knows that leaving her father, who is the lord of the family alone without any assistant is disrespectful no matter how kind her father is.

That's why she still asks his permission to leave his side even though she knows that he doesn't really care about such things.

At this, Enryu chuckled before saying

"Alright. Go after him. I will be on my room to do something."

Hearing this, Ezha bowed before running after her brother with her fists coated in red shinsu.

Seeing her catch up to her brother easily, Enryu just chuckled before he started to walk towards the infinity again.

After walking for a few seconds, he then stopped and waves his hand infront of him before a red double door appeared infront of him.

He then entered it and what was revealed was a bedroom filled with color...well, of course, red.

Red king sized bed, red lamp, red table and chair, red paintings, red chandelier- almost everything is red colored.

He then opened a drawer that has a diary inside it. He then grabs the diary and goes to a study table. He turned on the lamp and surprisingly...it's actually white light that came out of it.

He then just sat on the chair and looked at the diary thinking with a smile on his face

'Kai...I never thought that I would see you this soon...' He then thought back on when Kai was born...


"My lord! Your first creation has been born!"

Some sort of scientist in red coat is talking to Enryu while he is lying on his bed exhausted.

"Where...? Where is he? Let me see him" said Enryu looking at the scientist

Hearing his words, the scientist looked down as he thought of how he should say the things that he needs to say

"...My lord...I'll be honest...when you passed out after you created him...we immediately...noticed that something is wrong with him...it's like...he is gathering shinsu at a terrifying rate than his body can handle so we put him in a machine that does not allow shinsu to enter inside..." Said the scientist before observing how Enryu would react

"Wha...what? What do you mean? Lead the way and let me see him." Said Enryu as he stands up with all his strength.

"My lord! You are still not in a condition to move! Said the scientist while helping Enryu.

He created a being with all of his shinsu to the point that he passed out. It's inevitable that he will not be in a good condition.

"That does not matter. Let me see him or I will not be able to rest."

Convinced Enryu.

"My lord...sigh. As you wish." The scientist then led Enryu towards where the creation is

The both of them arrived in a room where some kind of incubator is placed and there, an infant is currently being observed by five more scientists.

Seeing Enryu, they all bowed at him. Enryu didn't even looked at them as he goes near the incubator with the help of the scientist.

"What's exactly the problem with my son?" Asked enryu as he stares at the infant.

One of the scientist then goes near him and explained.

"My lord, the lord seems to be automatically gathering shinsu around him at a very alarming rate that if he is left even just for 30 seconds, he will gather an amount of shinsu that will make him overload and...blow up..." Said the scientist carefully to not trigger Enryu's wrath.

He may be a kind person but they are talking about his first creation which he seems to treat as his first child.

"We currently have no means to stop it so we thought of a solution and arrived to a conclusion that he must be placed in a place where there is no shinsu at all."

"And as you can see, we placed him in this incubator that has the ability to repel shinsu and not let even a little amount enter inside it."

Hearing this, Enryu bowed to the scientists. Much to them being flustered and saying that they only did what they had to.

"I see...thank you for reacting immediately. I don't know what would have happened to my son if all of you didn't immediately found a solution."

"No-no. I-it's nothing lord Enryu! We just did what we had to as your servants!" Said the scientist who is helping him stand up as the others agreed.

"That does not matter. I will tell Vesphalt to give all of you a reward so look forward to it. Now then, Zenma." He said as his eyes glowed red a little.

After he said that, a humanoid with a dragon's head in a butler's uniform appeared and kneeled before Enryu.

"Glory to My lord Enryu" said the humanoid dragon while kneeling. His voice filled with devotion.

"I'm sorry to have summoned you even though you are in a mission, but this is much more important. Search a way to send my son outside of the tower. Find a planet that has as little shinsu as possible and send him there." Ordered Enryu

He can put his son inside the incubator forever if he wants him to live but will that give his son happiness? He can try and search for a way to create some kind of artifact that does not let the shinsu enter his son but Enryu knows that that's not the only problem.

He knows that his enemies will definitely know about his son no matter how much he tries to hide him. And if they found out that he has the ability that surpasses the administrators, they will do everything they can to acquire him and make him into their weapon.

That's why the only answer that he concluded is to get him away from this tower as far as possible. The more he is not involved in this tower, the more safer he is. He also assumed that his son will probably like to live in a world where there's not much of a conflict considering that it is one of his personalities.

Back to his order.

Hearing his order, the scientists gasped. They know that there's some kind of force that does not let anyone out of the tower no matter how strong that individual who wants to go out is. So this mission is almost impossible even if Enryu himself took it.

However, not even an ounce of shock or discourage was felt from the one who was ordered. Zenma calmly accepted the impossible order as he already started to think of how to accomplish it.

After 300 years of research, Zenma finally found some way although the method is very risky and can even endanger Enryu who is the 2nd high ranker of the tower.

Zenma also found a planet that has very little shinsu. Even if his lord gathers every shinsu in that world, it will still not be able to make him overload.

After Zenma told Enryu the process, Enryu decided to do it alone because of the risks. All of his servants and his new creations opposed the idea but they had no choice to agree the moment that Enryu ordered them to agree.

He then took on the process and managed to succeed but he almost died and was weakened for a few years.


'All of those...just to make my son suffer with the life that he never wanted...I don't know what I should've done to make everything better but I should've tried to atleast know what kind of life he wants...' he then sighed as he started to write things in his diary.

'True fate is indeed playful...to think that he entered the tower exactly the day after my researchers found out about the Red tear...'

He thinks about the red tear. The thing that he inserted in Kai's body when his eyes flashed red for a millisecond before he told headon to treat what he did as a payment

'Red tear...a tear that is the fruit of tens of years of research...a tear that converts the excess shinsu that the thorn gathers to make itself sturdier...making it a weapon that would not break even if you throw it to an indestructible metal...however...a thorn will always have limits...but Kai does not..."

"With Red tear inside him, he can gather shinsu forever as long as there's shinsu around him..."

"And at the rate that the Red tear is converting the excess shinsu to make his thorn like body sturdier..."

"He will be able to take on a high ranker's punch in just...

a year."


(A/n: cracked Kaido in the house)

(A/n: I know that I probably missed some shi and messed up the time line so just treat this as a parallel. This might be arrogant to say but I'm literally free styling this story. No notes, no planning, no whatnot- just...free style, baby)

Drop dem review and stones ma G