
Tower of God: Chaos Bringer

Warning! Google Translate, Don't read this novel if you hate bad Grammar Kira is a Genius Magician, but his existence was considered threatening after he found a Magic Item that was equivalent to the weapons of the gods. He was hunted by government soldiers to be killed. At the end of his pursuit, Kira who was really cornered at that time could not do anything. However, suddenly a mysterious big Gate appeared and Kira entered it. With determination and revenge in his heart, Kira who knows the truth about the gate decides his path. Update : 1 chapter / 1,5 day

Phantominium · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

「 OneStand 」

Strong winds blew and made the atmosphere between Kira and the five FUG rankers in front of him become more tense.

"Looks like they are a complete team, the sword-wielder guy might be a Scout and the guy who uses the tuxedo might be a Wave Controller, then ..."

Kira then muttered softly and spoke with Mai.

"Mai, send data from these five people."

{Well, after I looked for the information, it's possible they were indeed inside. A special operation team, the man who used the tuxedo was named Ian Rozard, Ranker, a Wave Controller. The sword user is Volassel, a Scout. The woman who brought the doll was Naja Hue, a Light-bearer. The man who used the iron gloves was Gedora, a Fisherman. And finally, the thin man whose entire body covered by bandage was the most dangerous of all, he was quite famous among Advance Ranker, a Spear-Bearer, Rihia. }

Kira immediately digested all the information provided by Mai and memorized it in his mind. Of course, fighting many rankers at the same time made Kira a bit wary, especially since the five rankers in front of him worked in a team which was quite rare among Rankers.

He is ready to use his Chaos Energy this time. The fight against many people at once is not Kira's expertise, there are several things that underlie it.

The first, Kira does not have a truly destructive attack technique in a wide range of areas, he is not like Urek who is an empty-handed Fisherman, and is able to destroy hundreds of tankers in one hit. Kira can also do that using hundreds of Baang that he can make, but his opponent must be much weaker than himself.

Kira is a one-on-one specialist because almost all of his techniques are based on the effectiveness of attacks. Because of this, Urek was overwhelmed against him.

His Chaos Energy can only be used in a small range, so Kira is still looking for ways to use his Chaos Energy better.

Meanwhile, Volassel began to strategize.

"We will attack him with the usual strategy, be careful with his sword of light, I don't know how many Baang he can make, but the possibilities are dozens."

"So he's as strong as a High-Ranker?" Asked Gedora with a big smile on his face.

"I hope so, but I think he still hides his true strength ... Naja, you just need to focus on treating Rozard's wounds, let the three of us attack him," said Volassel and the girl carrying the doll named Naja nodded. Then, Volassel raised his hand and said.

"For the sake of the glory of FUG, charge!"

Volassel's voice signaled the start of the battle between Kira and the 5 FUG Rankers, Gedora drove towards Kira with a wide grin on his face while swinging a punch that cut the air around him.

"Dead !!"

* bump *

Kira who saw it managed to resist Gedora's attack using both of his hands, but he felt the tremendous power behind that punch.

'It's heavy! It was the first time I felt pain from a blow after I got this body. '

Kira stepped back a little, but Volassel had arrived there in accordance with his duties as a Scout to help Fisherman.

"Volassel Flow, Purple Moon: Full Round."

Volassel swings his katana 360 ° and creates a deadly purple circle, but with the reflexes he has, Kira manages to avoid his attack and jumps up while turning his body.

But suddenly, he widened his eyes after seeing a white spear shot towards him, did not have time to avoid the white spear hit Kira's hand and stuck in it.

But Kira had created 15 Baang which formed a sword of light and shot directly towards Volassel and Gedora which forced them to retreat to avoid his attack.

*flash* *flash*

* tap *

Kira has also regained his footing and feels that his hand is numb because of the spear that is currently stuck in his hand.

'Poison? Besides that, what kind of spear is this? '

Kira then pulled the spear from his hand and squeezed it to pieces, before he looked at the person who threw it at him before, it was a thin man named Rihia, whose thin skin made him look like a mummy.

While Volassel who had retreated to Rihia's side said.

"Oi, why is the poison on your spear not working?"

"I told you thousands of times it's not a spear but a bone, and I don't know ... maybe his physical abilities are very high, far higher than most High-Ranker's," Rihia said in a voice like a dead person.

"Yes!! Yes!! His body is very strong! He can even hold my fist barehanded, it doesn't make sense ~ I want to destroy his strong body," said Gedora still with a strange grin and laughter. Volassel then thought a little.

'Rihia's spear that can even kill a Ranker only with its poison doesn't work ... what should we do now. '

Meanwhile, the wound on Kira's hand is seen releasing smoke and slowly regenerating.

But Kira doesn't want to waste more time, because there should be 7 FUG rankers in the Archimedes, and in front of him there are currently only 5 Rankers.

Kira then stretched out his left hand and created three Chaos Baang at once. Finally, after 7 years, Kira can increase the number of Chaos Baang he can make at one time. It was all thanks to the genetical of the Mystical Dragon.

Shinsu's flow around Kira slowly began to disintegrate and disappear, then create a vacuum that made Rozard's eyes who currently being healed by Naja widen. As a Wave Controller of course he could see Shinsu's flow in the air better, but the view in front of him at this time was very surprising.

'Those purple balls, are they Baangs? But why did the flow of Shinsu around it disappear as if destroyed by it. 'Rozard thought, he then shouted to everyone.

"All of you, be careful of the purple orbs."

"I know," Volassel said, tightening his grasp.

Then, Kira created thirty Light Baang at once on his back that made everyone alert, then he created a sword of light in his right hand.

Kira then looked at the three of them with his blue eyes before saying.

"Kira's Shinsu Control Skill: Garden of Swords."

* flash * * fwuosh *

Dozens of swords attacked towards Volassel and the others from all directions, Volassel tried to retreat but Kira had arrived beside him with terrifying speed and swung the sword of light in his hand.

* clang *

Volassel managed to deflect it, and Gedora emerged from behind Volassel's body and tried to attack Kira using his fist.


But, Kira just muttered.

"Chaos Baang: Annihilation Zone."

Gedora's instincts felt the danger approaching him, and immediately pulled Volassel's body back with him, without having time to move his hand which then entered the destruction zone created by Kira using his Chaos Baang.

The air trembled, and the sound of flesh being crushed could be heard as Gedora's hand was cut off as it entered into Kira's attack range.

* spurt *

'Bastard! 'Although he felt extreme pain, Gedora did not remove the smirk on his face. And Volassel shouted.

"Rihia, now !!"

Suddenly Kira felt a killing intent that was so sharp and stinging from behind him, it was Rihia who had released the bandages covering his body.

" Bone Manipulation Art : Anemone."

Then, a white spear that had succeeded in making Kira's hand numb appeared from Rihia's body in very large numbers. It was a disgusting but amazing sight at the same time. Thousand bones lengthened quickly and tried to stab Kira.

But Kira had anticipated that first, he turned his body and directed the second Chaos Baang in his hand towards the crowd of poisonous bones.

"Chaos Baang: Annihilation Zone."

* buzz * * crack *

A transparent purple ball about three meters in diameter then appeared and destroyed all the bones that tried to stab Kira, and made a distance between Kira and Rihia.

But Kira didn't realize an attack was coming from behind.

"Volassel Flow, Purple Crescent: Deadly Slash."

Volassel sent a straight slash right into Kira's neck, swinging his sword even faster than a blink of an eye. However ...

"Guanyin Boddhisatva ..."

Kira used his Martial Arts and managed to avoid the Volassel slash aimed at him, and within a short span of time, a giant golden hand emerged from above and tried to make Volassel's body flat like a pancake.

"... One Clap of Beginning"

* plak * * fwuosh *

Volassel who had not been able to regain his posture after sending an attack to Kira widened his eyes, but luckily there was Gedora there.

* bump *

Gedora stoutly resisted the attack from the golden hand using his remaining hand, but even though he was a Ranker, Guanyin Boddhisatva's attack pressed him to the point where he had to kneel and make the roof of Archimedes crack.

But Volassel has regained his posture and said.

"Thank you Gedo, Volassel Flow, Purple Crescent: Iai Ken !!"

* swing * * swing *

Using his purple bladed sword, Volassel sliced ​​Guanyin's golden hand into pieces, which should not be cut by ordinary swords. But, as the name suggests, that golden hand is only the beginning.


After Kira said that, another golden hand lunged at Gedora and struck him to the ground so hard that he successfully pierced Archimedes' roof and knocked Gedora into Archimedes very hard like a fly, while Volassel had retreated back and avoided it.

* out * * crack *

Kira who saw that thought.

'That's the first ...'

However, Rihia whose previous attack had been broken by Kira had closed his distance, and turned his own right hand into a huge vortex of bones and sucked up the flow of Shinsu around him.

" Bone Manipulation Art : Lamprey."

Seeing that, Kira was very sure if he was sucked into it, even with his current body, it would really break down slowly, considering that the first attack from Rihia had succeeded in hurting him.

Therefore, Kira added the concentration of Chaos Energy to Chaos Baang in his hand and fired at Rihia's attack.

"Chaos Baang: Void Zone."

* buzz * * crack *

Instantly a vacuum was created and a transparent black ball appeared and eliminated Rihia's attack from being left in an instant, which of course made Rihia widen his sleepy eyes.

" It is over "

Kira raised his hand and a spear of light appeared, but suddenly she heard Volassel's voice from behind him.

"It's not over yet, Volassel Flow, Purple Full Moon: Space Distraction"

Volassel then swung his sword right between Rihia and Kira.

* waaaang *

Then, without even realizing it, Rihia who was previously far enough away from him suddenly appeared in front of Kira and had turned his own left hand into a bone spear.

'Did he just cut space? ' Kira was surprised by Volassel's Ability to cut space between himself and Rihia.

' Finish it, Rihia. ' thought Volassel as he felt his body reach its limit after using his ultimate technique.

And Rihia didn't just waste the opportunity given by Volassel, his thin and elastic hand immediately unsheathed its spearhead right into Kira's heart.

* Zwasp * * tap *

However, Kira caught Rihia's spear using his left hand which had been strengthened by Shinsu and shocked everyone.

'He just caught Rihia's spear? Impossible! '

Rihia who was still shocked when he saw his spear was caught by Kira, then felt a very hard punch on his face.

* bump *

The fist from Kira reinforced by Shinsu struck Rihia's face very hard and made him fly back before falling from Archimedes.

'Second one ...'

Then, Kira created a sword of light in both hands and turned his gaze towards Volassel. Kira ran towards Volassel and tried to kill him.

Volassel who saw that gritted his teeth, and gripped the handle of his katana, but before he could realize it, Kira had arrived before him. Kira's glowing blue eyes stared at Volassel coldly and without the slightest mercy. Volassel shouted and drew his sword, but ...


* spurt *

Before Volassel could finish his words, Kira had sliced ​​his throat first and killed him in a single strike.

* drip *

Volassel's blood trickled down from his headless body that fell helplessly on the ground.

'Third ...'

Then, Kira glanced at Rozard and Naja in the distance who staring at him with a look of fear. Naja's small body shook as she saw her colleagues killed by Kira.

"I-it's impossible, Volassel, Gedora, and even Rihia were just defeated ... impossible."

While Rozard only glanced at Naja briefly before he said while exhaling.

"Fuh ~, Naja listen to me .. when I go to buy time, you go and run away from this place. Do you understand?"

"No! I don't want to," said Naja.

"Naja! Just this once listen to me!" Rozard said with a serious facial expression.

"I won't, the five of us climb the tower together and become the Ranker together, I don't want to be the only one left, you have to come with me!" Said Naja and a little shed tears.

As she said, the five of them were a very rare case for the rankers. Usually, the Ranker is an individualistic creature, they rarely cooperate with the other Rankers.

But Volassel and the others are different, they are teammates since they entered the tower, they climbed the tower together, became a Ranker together, and fought as a ranker as well as a team. They are a special operations squad unit owned by FUG.

Hearing Naja's words, Rozard shouted.

"Do you want to make the death of all our comrades in vain !! ??"

"* gasp *"

"Dozens of us die because of the followers of Jahad, do you want to make their deaths useless!? ... Listen Naja, it doesn't matter whether we all die or not, as long as one of us is alive and sees the death of the false king , then our death will not be in vain. "Rozard then continued his words in a low tone.

"Isn't that the reason we came to this place? To see the weapon that would kill the fake king fell into the hands of our God who would change the fate of this tower ... Isn't that our dream all this time?"

Naja blinked when she heard Rozard's words, she clenched her fist tightly and tried to make a decision.

"Although we can only stall for a few minutes, it is enough for both of them. So therefore, go, and see the changes that will be brought by our god. I beg you, Naja." Rozard said, smiling bitterly towards Naja who only looked down while shedding tears.

Seeing Kira who started running towards them, Rozard wasted no time touching his palm to the surface of Archimedes's roof and pierced it using Baang Shinsu.

* crack *

Then, Baang from Rozard created a hole big enough for Naja to enter. And Naja could only helplessly fall into the hole, and saw the figure of Rozard for the last time.

' N-no! '

" ROZARD!! "

While Rozard with a satisfied smile on his face said.

"For the sake of the glory of FUG."

* spurt *

And without even the slightest resistance, Rozard's head was cut off by Kira using a sword of light in his hand and immediately killed him after a few seconds.

* tap *

Kira who saw that was the one who managed to escape, tried to get into the hole and chased Naja, but suddenly he felt a headache.


Kira stopped moving and held his head while growling in pain.

'Damn, why should it be at a time like this, this headache comes again. '

This Kira headache starts routinely after Kira wakes up from his vegetative condition. According to Mai, the headache he felt was a sign that one part of Apocrypha was integrated into his body. Which means, the Mystical Dragon gene will continue to cling to Kira the more he experiences the headache.

After the headache began to subside, Kira stopped his intention to chase after Naja and glanced at the dead body of Rozard lying helpless beside him. He then murmured.

"Even to the end, their belief didn't waver in the slightest huh ... What a pity, if only they knew that the god they had been hoping for had never existed from the start."

Then, Kira glanced at the wound in his left hand and thought.

'Looks like the white spear from the mummy really contains deadly poison, I can still feel my body detoxifying the poison at this time. But I did not expect, it turns out that fighting against a team of rankers would be this difficult, this was even more difficult than facing a High-Ranker, their cooperation was very troublesome. '

This is the first time that Kira has faced a number of strong opponents and with extraordinary teamwork.

Kira then sighed.

"* sigh * Why did I look like the Evil one here, yeah whatever ... now it's time to come back and fetch Mai, after all I have to take the points that the coffee addict promised me."

And then, Kira began walking towards Archimedes's Tail to go check on the condition of Rea and the others.