"The answer is always at the top. That is the only thing I can tell you. If you wish to have the answer, if you wish to find her, head to the top. Money. Glory. Absolute Power. If you seek abilities and answers that are like magic, head to the top. All the universe's wisdom, glory and happiness- has been placed at the top of the Tower. This Tower is such a place". So what would happen if another gained the power to open the door? A young boy, who saw the world differently. From his own child-like perspective? Would he stand on the side and watch it happen all over again? Or would he change history for the better..... or for worse? Now child..... what is it that you desire?". *1 chap/every week*
"The answer is always at the top. That is the only thing I can tell you. If you wish to have the answer, if you wish to find her, head to the top. Money. Glory. Absolute Power. If you seek abilities and answers that are like magic, head to the top. All the universe's wisdom, glory and happiness- has been placed at the top of the Tower. This Tower is such a place".
Headon First Floor Guardian and Caretaker of the Tower.
Have you ever had a dream so real that you couldn't tell the difference between it and reality?
So lifelike that the boundaries between "truth" and "false" was distorted?
To such a degree that you almost wish that this was "reality"?
I have.
At least, I thought I was having one, but-.
"My, my. It seems we have quite the number of uninvited guests today? Tell me child... what is your name?".
I came face to face with something that only could've ever existed in a "dream", but ever single fiber of my very being was telling me the opposite.
That this was reality.
A tall bipedal rabbit-like creature, dressed in a dark purple robe, wielding a large yellow stick with emerald orbs on each end. His eye-mouth set in a smirking position as he floated several meters away from me.
"You're.... Headon right?".
My words come out unconsciously, however it only causes the creature in front of me to smile in further as he twirls his stick in his hands. That all-knowing smile of his sends shivers down my spine as he watches me from above.
"Yes. Yes I am. I am the First Floor Guardian and Caretaker of the Tower. You, Irregular, have opened to the door to the Tower and challenged yourself to ascend to greater heights. So do you have any questions child?".
I was about to shake my head but I stopped midway.
..... This wasn't a dream. At least.... it didn't feel like one.....
I looked up and faced the Guardian in front of me.
"What is your test Guardian?".
His smile widened to monstrous proportions and he covered his mouth with his abnormally large hand to restrain himself. He was pleased.... or amused.
"Well, well. It seems like your not like the previous two at all child. Very well! You're test, like the one before you, will be "Ball".
Tapping the wall behind him, Headon revealed a large cage, filled with a dense amount of Shinsoo, with a large Shinheuh swimming within. On the far side of the cage however, was a round black ball, floating in the divine water.
Pointing at the Ball the Guardian spoke,
""Ball" is a very simple type of test. "Ball" is that object you see over there, about as large as a person. If a strong force is applied to the "Ball", it will pop. The goal of the test is very simple, you must go into the steel cage, then either avoid the monster or defeat it. And then, apply force to the ball, causing it to pop. Then you will past the Test".
I nodded, the memories of seeing this happen to Baam flood my mind. His interactions with Headon, his desire to see Rachel again overwhelming his fear of the White Steel Eel. Being gifted with Black March.
I straighten my back and frown at the rabbit Guardian and extend my hand, expectantly.
"My Pocket please. If I'm not mistaken, all Regulars should be given a Pocket when they enter the tower?".
The moment the words come out of my mouth I flinch slightly but stand my ground. I wasn't the tallest kid in the world, so I had to appear strong in other ways besides physically.
His response was just to turn around and throw an circular orb at me, similar to the one Evan gave Baam, only this one was white in color.
The moment I caught it however, a formless pressure came hurtling down on me causing me to fall on one knee
I saw Headon give me a cold glare as he slowly increased the Shinsoo viscosity around me.
"You've got a high Shinsoo resistance I'll give you that child.... but the next time you demand something of me-".
He moved his eye-mouth so that it was directly beside my head and whispered,
"- I'll kill you".
The Guardian immediately after speaking, felt his ears prop up and he retreated back several meters dodging the blow that was aimed at his head.
"Princess Yuri. I can't say I thought you'd be here.... especially after you gave away Black March so easily to young Baam earlier. I thought you'd be headed to Evankhell's Floor.... to what do I owe the unexpected-".
"Cut the shit Headon. I came because I sensed another Irregular pass through the doors. And when I did get here, you'll find my surprise that the First Floor Guardian had forced said Irregular onto his knees..... why?".
I knew who my savior was, but I couldn't help but gasp in awe of the beautiful woman that stood in front of me.
Long, wavy, raven hair that dripped down the side of her head like a waterfall of black. Seductive, blood red eyes that shone slightly in the pale light. Smooth, pale skin that enhanced her supernatural beauty, as if she was goddess that bathed in the moonlight....
She was just so-.
I couldn't help but mutter.
The girl must've heard me because the moment the words came out of my mouth, her body slowly turned around and looked down at me.
Her blood red eyes meeting my endless black ones.
She raised an eyebrow as she looked at me, and I could feel my face heating up as her eyes roamed all over my body.
"Hmm.... a little young, but definitely not worse than Baam..... hey Headon! Want to make another change to the rules!".
All the tension in the room dissipated at the Princess's words, making Headon drop his offensive posturing and start twirling his stick behind his back.
"Like what princess?
The former wielder of Black March placed her arm on my head and leaned on me, but I didn't say no to being so close to such a beautiful girl. Especially one as strong as her.
She pointed her thumb at me and said,
"Gimme thirty minutes with him and I'll let you increase the number of White Steel Eels to two. Does that tickle your fancy?".
The First Floor Guardian appeared amused, or interested if his rubbing his chin thoughtfully was anything to go buy. At least to me it seemed as so.
"Alright, I accept your changes Princess Yuri but on one condition-", the rabbit nodded and clicked his fingers together and another large Shinheuh appeared within the cage, separated by a barrier of Shinsoo.
"You can't give him a weapon like you did young Baam earlier. Whatever you say to him, whatever you teach him, I don't care. You may not give him anything to take into the Test".
Yuri nodded and my Pocket started a countdown for half an hour.
..... I wonder what she'll say to me.....
My mind raced as numerous illicit thoughts that shouldn't normally be thought off by a boy my age ran through my mind.
I slapped my cheeks lightly, earning a curious expression from Yuri who just patted my head and sat down.
"Now, you appear a little more knowledgeable than Baam, so you are aware of the Tower and what it consists of right?".
I nod.
"Good. As Headon said earlier I am Princes Ha Yuri Zahard, and wielder of Black March. For the next thirty minutes I'll be teaching you how to control your Shinsoo".
I nod again.
"Shinsoo is a substance that is the basis for all energy. Normally, it takes on the properties of water and in enormous amounts it can be used to pressure someone as if gravity was suddenly increased, like what Headon did earlier.
I frown and clench my fist at the look the rabbit had in his eyes when he whispered in my ear. I knew that this wasn't a dream anymore. And I knew that if was to die here, I'd die for good.
"Anyway, Shinsoo can take on the property of fire, water, lightning, metal and possesses no feasible limits. Through it, it is possible to obtain eternal youth, immortality, control over the elements or even gain the strength of a God. It's also possible to create life using Shinsoo".
I restrain another gulp.
From what I had seen, the possibilities of Shinsoo were for all intensive purposes, endless. The variations were endless and Shinsoo could be used not just for killing, but for things such as buffing your allies, debuffing your enemies and even things like healing were not impossible.
The power of Shinsoo, was truly a god-like power.
"Anyway, you'd normally find this out on a higher floor, but just for today I'll show you what qualities your Shinsoo possesses".
She took out a small rectangular metal plate with a single button in the middle.
My eyes widened as I knew exactly what this item was.
"That's a Shinsoo Reactant. It's an item that visualizes one's Shinsoo quality, go on, press the button in the middle".
I took a deep breath hand pressed the small button causing a small burst of wind to billow out from the Clicker and condense in front of me in the shape of a-.
"-Lance? That's pretty unique. At least I've got an idea to what direction you should develop in order to....".
Yuri nods thoughtfully and I zone out as I hold the formless lance in my hands.
Despite not possessing a definite "shape", I could definitely tell you the exact dimensions of my Shinsoo quality, down to the very last millimeter.
The handle, while formless, was definitely there, and every time I squeezed on it, the lance grew thinner and longer, becoming a weapon closer to a spear than a lance.
When I let go of the weapon, the wind unraveled itself sending a billowing gust to explode right in front of me.
.... That was... so freaking cool! Let's try again!.....
I tried remembering the method of gathering Shinsoo into a Baang and closed my eyes and extended my palm....
..... Hold out your palm.... Imagine the entire world gathering in the palm of your hand.....
I heard a cry of shock before opening my eyes and smiling at the two meter lance of wind in my hand. But before I could do anything with it, I felt my shoulders being grabbed and Yuri pressing her forehead against my own, looking me dead in the eyes.
"How did you do that?".
Yuri, who had stopped talking about how to make a contract with a Guardian, turned serious and I blushed lightly at the sudden closeness.
"Umm, I don't know, I just tried to bring back my Shinsoo.... is something the matter?".
Her serious expression increased slightly, before the beautiful Princess fell back in an exasperated manner and slammed her cute fists on the floor.
"It's not fair~ If I could use Shinsoo without having to make a contract things would be so much easier~. It's not fair~".
..... She looked so much cuter with a child-like expression. I wish I was older.....
My head dropped slightly before I noticed that there was less than ten minutes left on the time that Headon gave us.
"Princess Yuri, can I ask you something?".
She stopped rolling and sat up and looked at me.
"Is something the matter? Getting cold feet?".
I gave her a wry smile but shook my head.
"No, I was just wondering about the top of the Tower".
"Was it someone you knew? Or have you just always wanted to go there?".
I shook my head once again.
"It was just a dream I once had. That in this world where one can live for thousands of years. Where one can rain down storms of lightning and fire, is there a difference between "dreams" and "reality"?
I'm reminded of the scene from when Hell Joe and Urek go head to head in the Floor of Death. If that was only 10% of the latter's power, how is he any different from a God?
"I mean, many climb the Tower dreaming of finding wealth, glory and power, but is there a limit? A limit that goes beyond what is feasible? If there isn't.... than how's this any different from a dream?".
Yuri's eyes widened and she tried to open her mouth, but I knew she couldn't find the words to say.
I just waved it off and started walking towards the cage.
"It's just a thought Yuri. I may not look like it", I give Headon a nod and he opens the cage door, his smile growing wider and wider with every passing moment.
I give the Princess the last look I would give her in a long time. A fake smile. One that I knew she would know wasn't "real".
"But I'm pretty smart".
Anybody else would deny my claims if they saw me, a 140 cm tall, eleven year old boy walking towards two massive floating fish, larger than any modern plane, with razor sharp teeth and a hide that can deflect bullets.
I was sure the last thing they would call me is "smart".
My eyes met with the closest White Steel Eel and I saw the two of them circling me as I continued to walk towards the Ball, my lance of wind in my hand.
I took a deep breath.
..... My lance isn't strong enough right now to pierce through their hide! The only way for me to beat them is to-.
Target the "Ball".
I tried my best not to squeeze down on the handle and started to rotate the wind lance as quickly as possible.
The rotation didn't just increase the piercing power of my lance, it also drew in the surrounding Shinsoo, making the the once 2 meter lance, extend over 10.
The wind was so strong that I could barely keep my eyes open and even then my vision was still blurry.
.... I've only got one shot! So I better make this count!.....
Turning my body sideways I raise my wind lance above my head and pull back as far as my adolescent body allows.
I draw in a sharp breath and squeeze as tightly as I possibly could, causing my wind lance to double in size once again.
.... Say something cool! Do it!.....
I open my mouth and say the first thing that comes to mind.
"Fucking die!".
And I release my grip on my wind lance and watch, or hear rather, as my wind lance breaks the sound barrier and flies towards the opposite end of the cage.
I look up, my heart in my throat, and see the exact moment my lance hits the "Ball" it-.
Completely shreds it.
It doesn't pierce through and continue traveling, it just entered the "Ball" through a small hole and then exploded from inside. Think of being able to inject a Rasenshuriken directly into a person's body.
Yeah, that would be a pain in the ass to clean up....
I giggle slightly.
Which quickly turns into a chuckle.
And then a laugh.
And before I know it, I'm rolling on the floor while watching my body glow a dull pink light.
.... I fucking wrecked the "Ball"! Screw Black March! I've got a goddamn wind lance!....
I take a deep breath before laying down flat on my back. Staring at the blue ceiling and the condensed wisps of Shinsoo in the air.
..... I guess I'm headed to the next floor. Maybe I'll see Yuri again if I follow Androssi or Anak around.....
I notice, that despite their massive size, the White Steel Eels have put some distance between me, but were still circling around me, warily.
"Hey kid! I've got a question to ask you as well!".
I roll over and see three figures on the other side of the steel cage, one with an amused expression, the other with shock and the final with a giant smile on her face.
"Yeah! What is it?!".
The pink light grows stronger, almost blinding.
"What's your name! I thought I should get the name of my first student!".
I stifle a laugh.
The pink light completely envelops me, but I knew she could hear my voice.
"It's Bell! Beelzebub Invidia! Nice to meet you, teach!~".
And in a flash I was gone, little did I know, not just the changes that was coming to the Tower, but also the people I was about to meet.....
When I woke up, I felt a cool breeze against my face and smiled unconsciously.
.... I must be on the next floor. I wonder if I'm with Baam or-.
"Bell! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!".
When I opened my eyes, I didn't see the open field or blue skies around me that I was originally expecting.
I was back in my bed. At home. Underneath the covers....
..... I see. So it was all just a dream....
"I'll be there in a minute!".
With a sigh I pulled off my covers and put on a shirt before giving a lingering glance at the manwha beneath my pillow.
".... I should've known it was just a dream....".
I looked in the mirror behind my door and raised my hand over my head comically and imagined the entire world in the palm of my hand.
My eyes still closed I brought my arm down in a slashing motion.
..... Ha! I should've known it was a-.
With an explosion and the sound of smashing glass, my mirror, and the door it was attached to, exploded, sending scattered fragments of glass and wood everywhere.
"Beelzebub Invidia! What in the hell was that young man! I'm coming up there right this instant!".
My adopted-mothers voice resounded in my ears but I zoned it all out, staring at the palm of my hand with wide eyes.
"..... No fucking way".