
Tower of Champions

In a vast multiverse ruled by divine entities, a unique epoch ushers in a competition for ultimate dominion. For the first time ever, humans are chosen to participate, and among them, Scott is chosen. Accused of a crime he hasn't committed, he's left for dead but saved by an otherworldly being. Empowered by this entity, Scott embarks on a treacherous journey through the Tower of Champions, facing traps, enemies, and shifting alliances while seeking for answers. Explore this high-stakes litRPG adventure where all existence hangs in the balance.

NPCwhowantstolive1 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 11: Gruffpaw Village Chief

Silent was the night as Scott and Milos journeyed through the eerie forest, without exchanging a word. The biting frigid winds snapped at their backs, but the duo continued without delay. The chubby creature constantly sneaked glances over its shoulders as its plump legs carried it forward. Of all the places I could have gone while drunk, I had to go to the forbidden area. That's it. No more wine for me! Milos solemnly vowed to himself. The gruffpaw then glanced at its flagon. Hmmm… maybe I was too harsh. It's not the wine's fault I came here. All right, no more wine for five… um, two days. Yes. No more wine for two days! The gruffpaw amended the vow.

Milos's expression soon turned serious as he gazed at the moon. I can't imagine what's going to happen once I take the great one to the village. Everyone would probably lose their minds. I would rather not do this, but he might eat me if I disagree. Milos sighed while reaching for his flagon.

Scott's voice came from behind. "I'm sure you're not thinking of doing what I think you're about to do."

The eldritch spawn's words were all the gruffpaw needed to remind it of its vow. Milos dropped his hand, turning with a smile but with eyes closed. "O-Of course I wouldn't dare drink in your presence. Your orders take priority."

Scott rolled his eyes, not bothering to reply to the creature.

The guys would have lost their minds laughing if they were here, especially... Scott's thoughts trailed off. He had unwittingly recalled memories he didn't want to remember. Fury distorted his visage for a moment as the yellow sign flashed in his pupils.

Milos paused in his tracks. I knew it. He was a liar after all. He really wanted to eat me all along.

A dreadful shadow writhing along the ground swallowed his and that of the surrounding trees. If he could, he would prostrate on the ground while flapping his hands, but he was immobilized from pure fear. However, the stifling sensation only lasted for a few seconds.

"Why did you stop?" Scott asked, turning his head side to side. He couldn't see anything resembling a village.

"I-I thought I saw something, but I guess I was wrong," Milos managed to squeeze out his words. He didn't dare to reveal the true reason for his actions.

Scott observed his surroundings again, and he too, found nothing. "Let me know if you need to take a break or something. We have been walking for a while, after all."

"I-I'm okay. This isn't something I can't endure," Milos said with a nervous smile.

Scott slowly nodded. "All right then, let's continue."

Milos took a deep breath before continuing the journey. On his tenth step, Scott's words carried into his ears again. "So, what do you know about humans exactly?"

"Like most of us, they're non-native to the Tower of Champions. Although they're the latest entrants to the competition, they have amassed quite a reputation for themselves. Unlike ten years ago when they first arrived."

Scott interjected, his voice heavy, "What did you just say?"

"G-Great one, I-I said they have amassed quite the reputation," Milos repeated, pondering if he had said something wrong. It was common knowledge that humans were extremely resourceful creatures.

"Not that. Did you say it has been ten years since humans arrived?"

"Y-Yes, great one." Milos affirmed. He was too scared to ask Scott why that piece of information startled him.

Meanwhile, Scott's lips quivered as his mouth opened. Ten years? No way! Ten years just like that. Although he looked skinny and older, he didn't look ten years older.

"Um, great one, should I continue?"

Milos's anxious voice woke the half-human from his stupor. "Yes. Tell me all you know. Don't leave anything out."

"I wouldn't dare to. But I must beg for your understanding. My knowledge of humans is limited," Milos pleaded. Then the gruffpaw spoke again. "Although it has been only ten years since their arrival, they have several cities, and their population is growing larger and stronger each day. Unlike most races who suffer during the first few years of joining the competition, the humans have experienced rapid growth from the very moment they got to the starting point."

Scott's brow shot up. "You know where the starting point is?"

"Everyone does, great one. It is in the human city of Nova Primus. It's the first human city after the Ravnar peaks."

Scott nodded, his eyes wandering toward the magnificent mountain peaks in the distance. "So, what exactly is the competition? How is the victor determined, and who oversees the competition?" Scott asked in one breath.

Milos pondered for a moment. "Great one, I will have to disappoint you. I honestly know nothing about the competition. To be honest, you would be hard-pressed to find anyone who does in these parts. Most of us are barely living our lives without bothering about shouldering the fate of the universe, at least that's what our ancestors said." Milos looked to his left and then to his right, as if searching for someone or something. Before Scott could ask for the reason, the creature spoke again. "The rulers of the universe, the gods, are responsible for overseeing the events in the Tower of Champions. Thankfully, they're usually not bothered with the events on the lower floors," Milos whispered.

"How many floors does the tower have?"

"I don't know," Milos said, approaching a path veiled by intertwining vines.

Scott pondered for a moment. "What do you know about the Nameless Tower?"

"Forgive me, but I've never heard of it."

Scott interjected, "It's the building ten minutes away from where I found you. Have you seen it?"

Milos shook his head. "To be honest, I wouldn't have strayed to that area if I wasn't drunk. This area of the forest is forbidden after all."

"Why?" Scott asked.

Milos hesitated for a moment, "It's an ancient tale passed down by each generation. It claimed a group of cultists carried out their sacrifices there." Milos explained while effortlessly maneuvering through the vines. "They were responsible for eradicating several races that once thrived in the forest."

Scott, on the other hand, emotionlessly swung his arms, cutting the vines blocking his path. "So, how long have your people been in the Tower of Champions?"

"Over a thousand years at least. But some elders claim our ancestry can be traced over a million years back, if not more. Which isn't surprising. After all, some races have been here for over a billion years."

Scott's brows shot up. How is that not surprising?

Gathering his thoughts, he asked another question. "How many times has the Tower of Champions been opened?"

Milos shook his head, "I don't know, great one."

"Tell me what you know, anything is fine," Scott said.

"From the rumors I have heard, the tower itself is as old as time," Milos whispered, as if fearing a probing ear would eavesdrop on their conversation.

"One thing is certain, though. All beings chosen by the gods are gathered here during times of great change. Many believe the Tower of Champions is a plaything for the gods to scout for those who can inherit their powers," Milos whispered, while warily probing the area.

Reassured they were all alone, the gruffpaw continued, "For most creatures, the allure of being an all-powerful god isn't something they can resist. That's why you'd hardly find anyone resentful for being thrown into the competition," Milos paused, staring at the forked path ahead.

He took the path to his left after a moment of deliberation, then he continued. "It's not all bad, though. The gods don't interfere with those who have no interest in participating in the competition. Even the champions who give up during the competition won't suffer any consequences, so I heard."

Milos suddenly turned toward Scott. Although the gruffpaw still showed its apprehension, it wasn't as exaggerated as their first meeting. "The main tower, where the real competition is held, is also called the Tower of no Return."

"Why is that?" Scott echoed his curiosity.

"Apparently, it is called that because no one can return to the starting point once they ascend. You either remain where you are or keep moving forward," Milos explained, while pointing at the path ahead. "My village is only a twenty-minute walk in that direction."

"Okay. I'll be counting on you," Scott said, his deliberating on the newfound information.

The duo spoke no further as they made their way through the forest path.

Twenty minutes flew by, and they reached a region predominantly inhabited by red oaks with a sparse population of iroko.

Scott narrowed his eyes, gazing into the distance. In the settlement within the thick cluster of trees, he could see several gruffpaws moving about; some laughed and chatted, while others simply drank or smoked. Numerous wooden houses were built alongside the massive trees, and flickering containers illuminated the settlement, which lacked guards or scouts.

Immediately, Scott could tell the gruffpaws were a race who had a predilection for the finer things of life. Several of the little bears chugged jars of alcohol while some even lay passed out drunk on the ground, with a few dangling from the trees.

"Great one, we're here. Um, can I go and explain things to everyone first? I fear you might see a repeat of my pitiful actions if we go unannounced," Milos said, a bashful smile tugging at his face.

Scott chuckled. "Sure. Go ahead," he said, but he quickly changed his mind. "Better still, it would be better if you brought your village chief here."

"I-I'll do that, great one," Milos said, scampering off to fulfil his task. The chubby creature's panicky run brought a smile to Scott's face. Other than the fact that it was a seasoned drunkard, it was too cute.

A gruffpaw laying on a tree a few feet after the village entrance called out to the running winemaker. "Milos, welcome back. Where have you been? Hey, wait a moment. Where are you going?" The gruffpaw scrunched its brows. Milos didn't even bother turning as he ran toward the largest building in the village. "What's got him so agitated?" another gruffpaw commented from the side. However, it was more concerned with sniffing the strange rock in its hands.

A moment later, both gruffpaws watched as Milos and a much fatter gruffpaw with a decorative leaf crown ran toward the village's exit. But they took a hidden corner, instead of the main entrance. "Isn't that the chief? What exactly are they up to?" He turned to his friend, but he was too intoxicated to move, giggling while muttering gibberish.

"I guess I'll have to check it out myself."

The gruffpaw lazily climbed down the tree. Although Milos and the chief were long gone, they had left enough signs for him to follow their tracks.

Meanwhile, a fair distance away from the village's entrance, Scott sat on a nearby rock, watching as Milos and the village chief emerged from a hidden path.

[Champion Interface]

{Basic Stats:}

Race: Gruffpaws

Level: 4

Mana Points: 40/80

Class: Leader

Title: Gruffpaw Village Chief.

{Physical Stats:}

Strength: 8

Agility: 8

Dexterity: 25

Endurance: 10

Toughness: 70

{Abnormal Stats:}

Charm: 60

Perception: 55


Leader (Level 3)

Management (Level 5)


Calming Presence: There's a 5% chance of alleviating any tense situation.

Expert Administrator: Your intricate knowledge of the resources in the surrounding regions as well as its inhabitants has allowed the village to thrive over the years.

Persuading Voice: There's a 5% chance of getting what you want when negotiating.

Father of All: Your potent genes are desired by potential mates. There's a 13% chance of siring a purebred Gruffpaw when Father of All is activated. 10% chance of Charm rising by 3 when Father of All is activated.


Old Map: A detailed map made from water resistant Scavewood.

Wine Flagon: A crudely made wine flagon from the horn of a Tent-lion. The residual enzymes in the horn will preserve its contents. 2% chance a perfect wine will be created when stored in the wine flagon.

Quick Recovery Potion – [x100]: A commonly brewed potion made by a junior alchemist with the aim of quickly recovering basic stats. Rarity: Common. Potency: Improves Stamina and Health recovery after consumption. Side effects: 2% chance of developing diarrhea when a recovery potion is ingested.

Instant hangover pill – [x200]: A native pill developed by the Gruffpaws. Made from an assortment of common herbs and toxins. Rarity: Common. Potency: Instant recovery from all alcohol induced hangover. Side effects: 2% chance of developing an addiction. 30% chance of causing an unintended erection.

Fera's Bracelet: A bracelet once worn by the gruffpaw champion, Fera. Smelted from a special alloy native to the Ravnar mountains, the bracelet can increase mana recovery rate by 5%. Rarity: Uncommon. Type: Enchanted item.


Main Quest: Find your missing daughters – Not started!

Side Quest: Find a lasting solution to the invasion of the Kleploids – On going!

Side Quest: Find a lasting solution to the diarrhea epidemic – On going!

Side Quest: Choose a potential mate for your daughters – Not started!

Side Quest: Investigate your nephew's claims and determine if the village is at risk – On going!

Scott shook his head, suppressing a rising urge to laugh. Despite the village chief having a higher level than Milos, his physical stats were inferior, except for his toughness.

The model of one's expertise influencing their stats isn't bad. The only potential downside is that it might take a while for someone to be proficient in a new skill. Scott thought to himself before shifting his attention toward the inventory tab.

A smiled crossed his face as he noticed the old map highlighted. Then, he read further down the tab, the array of item piquing his interest.

Scott observed the gruffpaws closing in, their attention still drawn to their discussion, oblivious of the eldritch knight hidden within the shadows.

"Milos are you sure of what you said," the plump village chief asked, panting as it tried to recover from the short sprint.

"Uncle, you know I would never lie to you," Milos said while taking out a small white pill from his inventory. "Uncle, you should watch your weight. How exactly do you plan on riding Shirre if you're overweight?"

"How dare you lecture me," the village chief grumbled, swatting Milos's outstretched arm to the side. "No wonder you haven't found a mate yet. This is the peak physical form for all gruffpaws. I dare say there's a possibility my charm is high enough to enthrall a fairy."

Milos rolled his eyes. "Sure. I'm certain they're dying to touch all that fat of yours," he said, carefully returning the pill to his inventory.

The village chief burst out laughing while patting his nephew's shoulder. "You're finally learning, huh. Keep it up, and you'll soon attract several mates."

"Uncle, I wasn't complimenting…"

The village chief interjected, his shriek filling Milos's ears. Then he prostrated himself on the ground, flapping his flabby arms. "Please don't eat me. Please don't eat me. I'm not tasty at all," he begged profusely.

Milos instantly understood what his uncle had seen. He turned to see Scott approaching, his form as imposing as ever.

"Is that the village chief?" Scott asked.

"Yes. That's him. I apologize on his behalf, great one. I told him not to get scared, but alas…" Milos wore a wry smile as he glanced at his uncle. He understood the terror running through the chief's mind and didn't blame him for acting shamelessly.

"Uncle, please stop," Milos called out, reaching for the trembling chief. "I already told you he won't eat us. He only wants to talk."

"Damn you, Milos. You didn't tell me he was this scary. How can you believe he won't eat us just because he said so?" the village chief whispered, avoiding direct eye contact with Scott.

Milos wore an apologetic smile as he glanced at Scott, who thankfully didn't look any more terrifying. "Uncle, please shut up. Don't let your big mouth get us in trouble," Milos whispered, helping the terrified gruffpaw to his feet.

"Are you guys finished?" Scott asked. Although it annoyed him that they saw and treated him as a terrifying monster, he couldn't blame them for being afraid.

"Yes, great one," both gruffpaws answered.

"All right then, I won't waste your time. I'm sure Milos has informed you of my request. Can you lend it to me?"

The chief fell to his knees, bowing his head. "Great one, please, I have a request."

Scott frowned. "What is it?"

"Great one, my daughters were kidnapped by those treacherous Kleploids," the village chief said, sobbing as he knelt. "They have been exploiting us for our resources over the past year, and their demands have become increasingly outrageous. Unfortunately, none of us are skilled in combat, so we're unable to defend ourselves. Great one, please help me rescue my daughters and drive away the Kleploids." A rolled-up map and a silver bracelet that shimmered under the moonlight appeared before Scott. "Help us accomplish these tasks, and these items will be yours."

[You have received a new Side Quest!]

[Side Quest: Rescue the village chief's daughters – Not started!

[You have received a new Side Quest!

[Side Quest: Help the gruffpaws find a lasting solution to the Kleploids – Not started!]


Old Map Fera's Bracelet

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