

Tove Anderson, a talented young woman's life takes an unexpected turn when she falls deeply in love with Dylan. Blinded by love, Tove gives her all to the relationship, only to discover that Dylan has been cheating on her for years. Heartbroken and betrayed, Tove finds herself at rock bottom, questioning her worth and the meaning of true love. However, rather than succumbing to despair, she decides to use this betrayal as fuel for her transformation. With a steely determination and a burning desire for success, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Cyriacus_Nathalia · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 3

What have i done to myself!?

I can't go back home, my family made it clear they want nothing to do with me.

The Anderson's are family of scholars, known for their high IQ and critical thinking. Instead of following my family's legacy, i decided to branch into entertaiment. Much to the dismay and disapproval of my family especially at the early age of seventeen.

When i persisted they cut all ties with me, calling me a disappointment.

That was when i met Xavier. He was the first person to believe in me. He gave me my first modelling gig, people loved my face and that was how i got a role as a side character for a movie. The movie went ahead and became a hit bringing me to the limelight.

Dylan was my highschool sweetheart and we started dating when i was sixteen. He was ambitious, smart and handsome the perfect gentleman. When i started gaining popularity he did not like it because according to him other men were taking interest in me. He was sad and depressed about my new found popularity, that when the chance to go bigger presented itself in the form of a lead role for a big production i turned it down.

All because Dylan does not like women who works in entertainment. l was innocent, young and in love. I thought he was being protective of me and that he loves me so much that he does not want to share. He promised to take care of me.

When my family disowned me, he promised he will never leave. He was a young business man then, waiting for his big break. Despite coming from a well to do family although a product of an affair, Dylan choose not to rely on his family's connection and do things on his own a trait i greatly admired. With the money i made and small saving i had, i gave to him and he made some wise investments making him the person he is today.

The house he even calls his own i bought with my own money but it was his name on the papers because for me he was my forever.

Fast forward years later, now i am the low life.

The nobody.

I have no friends because of him, because he does not like me associating with others and easily gets jealous.

I have no career or money because of him, because of the promise he made to me. I have kept a low profile all these years, living in the shadows, hiding our relationship from everyone and making do with what little money he gives me monthly as allowance.

All my years of sacrifice this is what i get in return. To top it all he has been cheating on me for years.

He was in the industry before me, he told me the entertainment industry is too dark for someone as innocent as me. Given the fact that he is speaking from experience and how much i know he loves me i willingly obeyed him and gave him my all.

Now here i am with no money, no family, no friends, nothing whatsover to call my own. With the one person in the world i trusted with my life leaving me with my heart in a million pieces on the floor.

I've been a fool, a total disgrace. I can't even blame him.

This is all on me. He did not force me to do anything, everything i did, i did willingly, gladly. So why should i blame him for my being gullible. I can't believe i'm an Anderson.

I wonder how my family will react if they were to find out that their prodigal daughter finally got the end they told her awaits her if she continued in her folly.

My chest started aching me terribly.

I placed my hand on my chest as the pain became more severe making me unable to breath. Is this what it means to get your heart broken, is it literal?

Boss there is a woman at the front, she seems to be in some kind of pain.

I looked up from the text i was reading on my phone to see a woman bent over holding her chest.

Do you want me to go check on her boss?

No don't worry i will do it myself.

Okay boss.

I came down from my car and walked towards the woman.

Are you okay?

She raised her head up and looked at me with the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen. It was the most beautiful shade of hazel to exist and i couldn't help but stare. The eyes though looked strangely familiar. And this eyes currently was swollen and red and her face was covered in tears and snot and she is finding it difficult to breath.

Are you okay miss? for she looks younger than i had first assumed. Do you want me to take you to the hospital or call someone.

I will be fine i heard her say with a voice so hoarse that i could barely hear the words she she was saying. It's obvious she has been crying.

Okay why don't you breath i told her as i calmly stroke her back.

I looked around, to find the place empy with no paparazi.

Thankfully, i don't want this poor soul to go through public scrutiny.

I noticed her breathing is back to normal and withdrew my hands.

What's your home address, let me take you. It is not safe for you to be out alone by yourself especially in this state.

I have no home she said to me before passing out. I managed to catch her before she could collapse on the cold hard floor.

Sir, i heard Sam call out to me before coming to stand beside me.

Should we take her to the hospital sir.

I touched her head only to find her temperature normal.

Take us home i told him as i picked the girl up bridal style and walked towards the car.

Sam started the car and drove off.

On the way home, i just couldn't stop myself from trying to remember where i've seen those eyes before.

We got home and i took her to the guest bedroom. I told Maria my head domestic staff to change her clothes and wipe her face. I decided to go take my bath for it has been an exhausting day.

I turned the shower head full blast and wash my hair and body as i feel the water running down my face and body soothing me.

Then all of a sudden, it hit me i quickly turned of the shower. Those eyes, i rinsed my body and toweled dry putting on my pyjamas i went to my office and opened a drawer and there i saw her picture.

Tove Anderson popularly called Vee, the young teen model Xavier discovered. The first picture he took of her was just her eyes and i collected it telling him not to show anyone else or publicise it. I remembered seeing those eyes and feeling a lot of things. Though i didn't get to meet her personally, but she became an instant suceess. Countless times i remembered looking at those eyes. I could feel my loins burning just staring at the picture.

Damn it!

I just took a bath, i muttered to myself as i ran my fingers through my wet hair.

What happened to her? she has been gone for years now. What happened and why is she looking like that. What could have happened to her. I remembered she is from an affluent home though not crazy rich but rich enough and very influential.

So the story of them abandoning their daughter just because she choose a different path, is true.

Aristocratic families and their pride. Mine is no exception in fact mine is at the very top.

Knock knock.

Young master.

Come in Maria.

Young master i've changed the miss clothes, and wiped her down. She does not seem to be running a fever. She is sleeping soundly, i'm guessing she is just tired.

Okay then thank you Maria, you may go now.

I looked outside my window when Maria left and wondered what the next day will bring especially with this new twist in my life.