
Tournament Of Titans

A/N: This is a futuristic action novel. Don't let 'Soccer' deceive you. In an interstellar age, the sport soccer had transcended from just game to the deciding factor to gain resource planets. Footballers, now known as Titans with great physical and unscientific abilities were the core fighters of each planet. Waking up to this new age after a near death experience at his last match, how will Stefan Anderson react to his Alpha abilities? ____ Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/i_dream61?igsh=Z283bXlzYjFjdXk1

Soaringuniverse · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


A few minutes later, Stefan found himself perched atop the Silver skyscraper, a place equipped with everything a titan could need.

Terminator, it turned out, was a wanted mercenary. Though not fatally wounded, he had taken quite a beating and might require surgery to survive. But there was a slim chance that the police would go to such lengths. After reconciling with his mother and offering his apologies, Jason had driven him back.

Suddenly, a familiar fragrance filled his nostrils, causing his ears to perk up. He turned and spotted Emberly, who just sat on a nearby bench.

Crossing her legs and folding her arms, she regarded him in silence. "Your dad made a mistake sending you to talk to me," Stefan remarked, and she pursed her lips.

"Perhaps Scarlett would have handled it better, but I sense you wouldn't listen to her, The Great Blaze," she emphasized, causing Stefan's eyes to widen.

Chuckling softly, Emberly rose, her skirt gently swaying in the breeze. She settled at the edge beside him, playfully swinging her legs.

"I had a hunch you looked familiar, and when you introduced yourself, I was certain I was face-to-face with my Idol," Emberly's eyes twinkled as she gazed at the sky.

"I don't feel like I'm talking to a fan," Stefan snorted.

"Because when I became a titan, you became my opponent, and now you're here. What better way to challenge you?" 

Lying back, Stefan replied, "Whatever."

"You don't know if there's a cure for your mother's illness out there in the vast universe. My dream is for the Eternal Era to one day represent Earth, then the Milky Way, and eventually our sector. I'm convinced a cure for your mother exists out there, provided her son is willing to find it."

Emberly murmured, her melodious voice resonating in Stefan's ears as he gazed at the stars.

"You just want my help to achieve your dream," Stefan retorted, turning to the red-haired beauty.

"And you'll achieve yours too: saving your mother and reaching the pinnacle, as every titan aspires. So, do we have a deal, Mr. Stefan?" 

"If we're working together, never address me like that again. Makes me feel old," Stefan hissed.

A flicker of amusement flashed in her eyes, but having attained her goal, she extended her hand for a handshake.

After their handshake, Emberly stood up. "By the way, I know you possess two alpha abilities, but that won't stop me from trying to surpass you."

"I'll be waiting for that day," Stefan, unexpectedly fired up, waved his hand dismissively.

As Emberly neared the door, she paused. "Care to share your dream?"

After a brief moment, he uttered,

"To be the best." It was a response that seemed vague yet direct. But a question lingered in Emberly's mind—was Stefan talking about conquering the entire universe?

Wasn't that a bit too ambitious? Humans had the least advantage compared to other races with formidable physiques, presenting a gap that seemed insurmountable.

With unwavering determination, Stefan returned to his room, settled in his Cerebral machine, and entered the virtual world.

Standing on the pitch, he stared at the ball before him, his fists clenched. Despite several failures, Stefan noticed significant progress each time—a testament to his body's rapid recollection, astonishing in its speed.

Slowly but steadily, he managed to juggle while walking around, albeit at an extremely slow pace. His mind was fully engaged, projecting numerous ways to refine his skills. He envisioned himself juggling in slow motion, every detail etched into his memory.

The effect of his ability was evident, dramatically enhancing his familiarity and comfort with the ball.

After an indeterminate amount of time, Stefan let out a loud yawn and glanced at the time. It was already 4 o'clock in the morning, prompting him to exit the virtual space and head to bed.

The morning sun's bright rays eventually roused him from sleep. Letting out a sigh, he freshened up, got dressed, and left his room for the cafeteria.

Along the way, Stefan couldn't help but notice the eerie silence that pervaded the place. Astonishingly, he found himself alone in the cafeteria!

"Is there a general class today?" he mused to himself, running a hand through his hair as he approached the counter.

Once he received his meal from the AI, Stefan sat down, ready to savor a delicious slice of his waffle. However, just as he was about to indulge, a guy rushed into the cafeteria.

"Are you Stefan?" 

Tilting his head, Stefan nodded once, proceeding to cut the waffle and relish its taste.

"Late breakfast, but still great," he beamed.

"What are you doing? Everyone is watching the match, and the coach asked for you!"

Reluctantly, Stefan followed the guy, who seemed indifferent to whether he followed or not. As he exited the building, the boisterous cheers of the crowd reverberated in Stefan's ears.

Slowing his pace, he made his way toward the roofless stadium, brimming with the titans of Eternal Era and those from Blue Ranger's club.


The resounding sound of Grim, the goalkeeper launching the ball into the air rippled through the atmosphere.

Two midfielders lunged for it, with a Blue Ranger's midfielder successfully gaining possession and passing it to his teammate.

Observing the black-clad players of Eternal Era and the blue and white sleek nano suits of the Blue Rangers, Stefan couldn't help but marvel at how impressive they looked.

It was already the second half, and the match was approaching its climax. Eternal Era and Blue Rangers were deadlocked, both teams tied at 1-1.

As the attacking midfielder swiftly passed the ball to a winger, Scarlett effortlessly intercepted, swiftly taking the ball and passing it to Landon.

"Brilliant Edge!" The Eternal Era fans erupted into wild cheers, shouting Landon's Titan Name. Alongside Scarlett, known as the Flame Witch, they neutralized the Blue Rangers' forces as they entered their part of the pitch.

A bear phantom enveloped Landon as he struck the ball, sending it straight to their attacking midfielder, who leaped into the air, executing a kick while somersaulting.

The moment Emberly gained possession of the ball, the atmosphere in the stadium shifted. As she feinted against the defender running alongside her, Emberly charged toward another defender, almost colliding before teleporting and reappearing behind him, a smirk gracing her lips.

However, the Blue Rangers were aware of her ability and had prepared another defender to counter her.