
Encounter with you

Fred moved into his apartment and was putting some things in order when the doorbell rang, it was Joan. "Wow! you're here so early. Welcome!", Fred said. "I figured out you'd be working and came to help you", Joan replied. "That's so thoughtful of you. The place was already cleaned up this morning. There isn't much things to do since it's furnished already", Fred said. He stared at Joan and said, "I nearly forgot an important thing". "What's that?", she asked. "It's you. You're a person rather. Even if the whole place is more fully furnished without you, then it feels empty to me. Now that you're here, don't leave anymore", Fred added. "You must be kidding", Joan said. "We need to go for shopping now. Most of the work here is done, we'll finish it up when we're back ", she added. "Alright ma'am, after you then", Fred said. He quickly rounded the things he was doing and went out with Joan. They visited the shopping mall and bought things in pair. "I bought these in pair, one for each person, I mean you and I. You can always look at it when you miss me", Joan said. "You said you won't move in with me, now you're buying things in pair. You do know how to follow your heart, you just don't wanna admit it", Fred answered. They moved along the mall when Joan bumped into a man, he was putting on a face cap with mask. "I'm sorry", she said and left hurriedly with Fred. "J-o-a-n!", the man called. Joan looked back in surprise while the man quickly removed his face cap. "Don't you remember me?", he asked. "No. I don't. How do you know my name though?", she asked. The man stuttered when Fred cut in, "She doesn't know you". "We're leaving now", Fred added and held Joan's hands. He made the payment at the cashier table and went outside the mall with Joan. The man quickly made his payment too and followed them. He caught up with them outside and called Joan again. Fred became annoyed and asked him, "what do you want?". "I'm sorry I approached you in a rude manner, I just wanna talk with her. Look at me closely, do you remember me?", the man asked. Joan stared at him for a while and called out his name, Richard. "Wow! so it's you. You've changed a lot, I could hardly recognize you", Joan said and hugged him. Fred looked at them and drew Joan back. "What're you doing?", he asked. "Let me introduce him to you. This is Richard, my childhood friend. We've been apart for ten years now, I didn't expect to meet him here, more surprisingly in the mall I visit frequently", Joan answered Fred. Richard smiled and extended a handshake towards Fred. "It's nice meeting you", he said. Fred shook hands with him and smiled a little. "I'm Fred, Joan's boyfriend. It's nice meeting you too", Fred replied. Richard wore a disappointed look and managed to smile, "you look handsome, more like Joan's type", he said. "How about we talk at the cafe nearby?", Joan asked. "Sure, we can", the two men replied. The stared at each other for a while and went to the cafe.

"This place looks good", Richard said. "Yeah it's a good place, the coffee here is nice too", Joan replied. "You only know about coffee and tea", Fred said quietly to Joan. She took a quick glance at him and sipped her coffee. "You didn't tell me when you got a boyfriend. I used to think you weren't interested in a relationship. Now that we met again, you're already taken. I guess I'm late then", Richard said. "You're indeed late, she now has a man", Fred replied. "Fred, can I be bold to ask you a question?", Richard asked. "Of course", he replied. "When did you guys get together. How did you manage to win her heart also?", he asked. "Well, it's a long story how I captured her heart. I guess it's fate. We've been together for three months now", Fred replied. "Wow! it hasn't been that long then. I'm glad she finally opens her heart to someone. You seem like a good person. Ensure to treat her well, else I'll take her from you", Richard warned. "Rest assured. I'll always treat her well", Fred answered. "I can put my mind at ease then", Richard replied. "I see you men are getting along quite well with each other. I'd have liked us to stay longer but we have some things to settle at home. We'll meet up some other time Richie", Joan said. "Richie!", Fred repeated surprisingly. "He's now Richie, not Richard anymore", he said out loudly. "It's alright. I won't hold you up then. May I ask if it's something really urgent, I can be of help to you guys", Richard said. "It's not actually that urgent, but important. We'll deal with it don't worry", Joan replied. "Alright then. Take good care of yourself", Richard said. "You seem to care about Joan. Would you mind attending my house warming party tonight? I'll like to see you there", Fred said. "I'd like to. I'll be there tonight Fred", Richard said. "I'll send you the address then", Joan added. "See you tonight", Fred said calmly and left with Joan.

"I'm surprised with the way you acted towards Richard. I was a bit scared at first", Joan said to Fred on their way back. "You don't have to be scared. I'm not a petty person", Fred answered. "Right", Joan replied. "It's obvious he likes you, he even followed you outside the mall. Also, he's your childhood friend, I should be nice to him, even if I don't want to", Fred said. "So you're being nice to him for my sake?", she asked. "Yes. What's wrong with that. He can't possibly take you away. You're already mine", Fred answered and focused on driving. They arrived home some moments later and continued with the setup of the apartment. "So tell me, how long have you known him. Is it indeed ten years? You aren't close to men but you seem different towards him. What's between you guys?", Fred asked. "Nothing. We're only good friends. Yeah I don't fancy men, but it doesn't mean I don't have male friends. If I was really at odds against men, I wouldn't have tried to saved you", Joan replied. "You have a point. But you need to be wary of that man, it's been a long time you met him last. He was putting on a face cap and mask in the mall. I can tell he isn't as nice as he appears. You kept calling him Richie too, I don't like it", Fred said twitching his eyes. "It's alright hun. I'll stop calling him that. Don't be offended okay", Joan said. Fred smiled and continued with his work. "We're finally done", Fred said some moments later. "Let's get some rest then. I've prepared the necessary things we need. You shouldn't look tired when the party starts later", Joan said urging him.

The doorbell rang again at 06:00pm. Fred was awake already and had a change of clothes. Joan opened the door and received the package from the delivery man. "You ordered something?", Fred asked. "Yes. I ordered some wine with cake. I already got some cookies at the mall earlier and prepared a few dishes", she replied. Fred hugged Joan warmly and said, "I'm really touched sweetheart. Thank you". "You're welcome darling", she replied. The alarm rang again some minutes later, it was Josh, Fred's personal assistant. Joan's friends, Annie and Maggie arrived shortly after. "Where's Tracy?", she asked. "She'll be here soon. She's on her way", Annie answered. Richard also arrived some moments later along with Tracy and Alfred. "I guess everyone is here then, let's start", Joan said happily. The sitting room was already decorated and refreshments was placed on the table. Everyone wished Fred congratulations and presented him gifts. Few minutes later, the alarm rang again, Joan and Fred stared at each other. "Could it be Mitchell?", she asked. "I think so", Fred replied and got up. On opening the door, it was Mitchell and Jane. "Congrats Fred, I brought you my latest painting", Mitchell said. "Thanks dear", he answered. Jane stared at him and said, "I ran into Mitchell outside and came in with her. I brought you a gift Fred. Congratulations!". Fred nodded and went back to his sit. Joan hugged Mitchell and totally ignored Jane.

"Everyone let me introduce you to Mitchell, she's my good sister-in-law, Fred's younger sister. She's a beautiful and kind lady", Joan commented. "Wow! she's indeed beautiful", her friends said. "So this is Maggie and Annie, my good friends, Tracy and her boyfriend, Alfred", Joan added. "This is Josh, Fred's personal assistant. Richard is here too, my good friend since childhood", Joan said. She cleared her throat and added, "this is Jane, Mitchell's friend". "Wow! Richard is so handsome", Annie said. "Do you have a girlfriend?", she asked. "No", he replied. "My friend here is also single, Maggie", Annie said. "Why would you say that Annie", Maggie asked shyly. Jane stared at him for a while and said, "he's really handsome, but the person I like looks more better". She raised her wine glass and proposed a toast to Fred. Joan poured wine in her glass and replied, "I'll drink on his behalf". Jane casted a frown look at her while Joan ignored her still. The people drank their wine after Joan drank the wine on Fred's behalf. "Let's drink everyone", she urged them. "How about we play a game", Mitchell said. "What game", Richard asked. "Let me describe it for you guys. We'll spin a bottle, and whoever it faces would be asked three questions. If you can't answer one, you have to drink a glass of wine as punishment. If you can't answer the three questions, then you drink three glasses", she explained. "Are you in", she added. "Yes", everyone answered. "Let's begin then", Alfred said. Mitchell spined the bottle and it faced Joan. She looked at the others in surprise and asked, "why is it me?". "You have to follow the rules Joan. A single person can ask you three questions. Three people can also ask you a question each. You decide", Mitchell said. "Alright. One person a question then", she replied. "I'll go first then", Jane said. "If you were to choose between Fred and Richard, who would you pick!", she asked. "Of course it's Fred, cause I love him", Joan answered. Fred smiled at her and kissed her forehead. The other looked away while Jane frowned at them. "I'll ask you the second question Joan. What's your greatest fear?", Alfred asked. "My greatest fear is being hurt because of love", she replied. "What about your work life, don't you have any fears?", Tracy asked. "No I know. Nothing is more painful than heartbreak, it's hard to recover after then. As for work, I can always rise even if anything goes wrong. That doesn't mean I don't have my fears though, but it can still be placed under control", Joan answered. "Wow! that's a brilliant answer baby", Maggie exclaimed. Richard smiled at Maggie and their eyes met, they couldn't stop staring at each other for a while Maggie developed a liking for him. Joan noticed them and gave her a hint to move close to him. "I'll ask you the third question sweetheart", Fred said to Joan. "I've always been curious about this. Why did you abstain from love before we met. Is there a reason?", he asked. "Yeah tell us", Mitchell said. "Actually, I only abstained from love because I was scared. I didn't want to make a mistake. I grew up in the same place with my friends, Tracy, Annie and Maggie, that's why we share a deep bond. We were actually five good friends and not four, but one of us was betrayed by love. The man she thought loved her made use of her and harmed her, in the end she committed suicide. I was heartbroken and angry because of the incident and decided to refrain from love no matter the cost. The four of us swore to avenge her and live a happy life without men. Though we've avenged her and placed the man behind bars. I could finally set my mind at peace, but I didn't feel complete till I met you. I guess it's fate Fred, I do love you ", Joan replied. Fred looked at her eyes deeply and hugged her warmly. "I love you Joan, I won't make you regret being with me", he said to her softly.

"It's enough Joan and Fred, you've been showing your affection since, you aren't the only people here. You should at least wait till we leave", Alfred said. Fred laughed and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't think about that". "Let's spin the bottle", Alfred said to Mitchell. She spined it and it faced Josh, it was spined again and it faced Maggie. They are together and drank and had fun till it was late at night, then everyone returned to their places, leaving Fred and Joan.

"Now we finally have the whole place to us", Joan said to Fred sweetly. "Yeah I can finally have the taste of privacy with you", he replied. "What're you gonna do?", Joan asked with her eyes wide open. Fred pulled her close and kissed her softly while she fell asleep not long after. "I guess she drank too much tonight", Fred said to himself, he nodded and took her to the room and covered her, while he slept beside her.