
Chapter 41: Mr. and Mrs. Adams

Max smiled as he watched Gemma taking in the New York streets as their car glided through traffic. He couldn’t describe it, but something had shifted the second they'd kissed at that altar on the beach.

He knew, logically, that nothing had really changed within their relationship but he had definitely fallen even deeper in love with Gemma. He also felt a kind of support, love, and stability that he hadn't known he could.

They had only spent the weekend in Bora Bora before jetting back into New York. Ella had been amazing as always and planned their reception party while they were gone. Max had made sure to pay her a generous bonus for being such a good sport about everything.

"Stop staring," Gemma said as she turned toward him with a chuckle. "It's really creepy dude. I know I'm gorgeous but damn…blink every few seconds, would you?"

Max laughed and leaned across the backseat, kissing Gemma with a loud smacking sound causing her to dissolve in giggles.