
Chapter 3: A Frosty Reception

"Nervous?" Max asked as he placed his hand over Gemma's, stopping her from fiddling with her cutlery.

The two were sitting in an eatery that was popular with New York's elite, and a particular favorite of Max's mother. She'd called Max and instructed him to come to meet them for lunch with Gemma in tow. The fact that this was the first time his parents had ever invited her to lunch made Gemma feel all the more nervous.

Gemma smiled worriedly and nodded. "Your parents are kind of…"

"Cold?" Max offered with an amused smile as he held Gemma's hand in his own.

"And scary," Gemma tacked on as she chuckled slightly, her eyes darting toward the entrance nervously.

Gemma surveyed the busy restaurant as she watched for her future in-law. Her attention was caught for a moment by a flurry of movement at the front doors. She watched curiously as paparazzi swarmed the entrance, all clamoring to reach a tall figure pushing through the mob. Soon after, a tall man broke through the crowd and emerged into the restaurant.

The mystery man ran his hand through his dark locks and smirked as he pulled his black shades off - revealing striking gray eyes. Gemma watched him with piqued interest as a waiter led him through the restaurant – her green eyes meeting his gray ones briefly.

"Relax Baby," Max said in a velvety, comforting tone, bringing Gemma back to their own situation. "It's all going to be fine. They'll congratulate us and ask about our plans and that's it. You'll see them next at our wedding events." He consoled her.

Gemma took in Max’s words and started to relax, but tensed slightly when she spotted Magnus and Alicia Adams walking into the restaurant to meet them. The pair knew how to command the attention of a room - both of them had Max's striking blond hair.

Alicia Adams was a tall, fashionable woman who was as snobby as she was skinny - the woman was probably a size -1. It had always been funny to Gemma that despite looking like she never ate Alicia worked as a chef.

Magnus was just as tall and hard to read as his wife - Gemma had never been able to get a read on how either of them felt about her. In fact, she'd only ever met Max's parents on several other occasions - public events scattered throughout their relationship. They had never really shown any interest in getting to know her any further than that.

Gemma watched the couple walk toward the table, hand-in-hand as they nodded at friends and acquaintances. A feeling of dread was creeping up her spine and she wasn't sure why.

Gemma turned to Max as she felt his hand squeeze hers; he was watching her with a concerned expression. Gemma gave him a wry smile before turning her attention to his parents as they came to a stop at the table.

"Mom, Dad, I'm so glad you could meet us here," Max greeted his parents with a smile as he stood from the table. "You remember Gemma?"

Alicia's sharp eyes landed on Gemma as she gave her a frosty smile. Alicia extended a limp hand in Gemma's direction before pulling her in for perfunctory air kisses. Magnus simply nodded at Gemma and pulled his wife's chair out.

Max claimed Gemma's hand again and hung onto it as they took their own seats. The four of them sat in awkward silence for a few moments until a waiter arrived and took everyone's drink orders.

"May I?" Alicia questioned in a tone that brooked no arguments as she stuck her hand out to Gemma.

Gemma hesitantly placed her left hand in Alicia's and allowed her to inspect the ring. Alicia turned Gemma's hand slightly as she examined the ring before humming and returning Gemma's hand.

"So, you're engaged," Alicia stated as she looked between the two. "How very unexpected."

Max frowned slightly. "Not really, Mom. Gemma and I have been together for a while now."

Alicia shrugged and locked eyes with Magnus before looking at her son. "I suppose I didn't realize just how serious the relationship was until now."

Max frowned again, his grip on Gemma's hand tightening slightly under the table. Gemma brushed his knuckles with her thumb comfortingly but otherwise bit her tongue, unsure of how to jump in.

"I do wish you had announced it the right way," Alicia continued before looking directly at Gemma. "Of course, I don't expect you to have thought of that."

"Excuse me?" Gemma asked in an overly polite tone as she tried to work out how offended she should be by the remark.

The waiter appeared at that moment with the tray of drinks and quickly deposited them on the table.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked in a friendly tone, his gaze sweeping the table.

Max turned and looked at Gemma. "Should I order?"

Gemma smiled at him gratefully as she tried not to look at either Magnus or Alicia.

"Can we please get a side of grilled calamari and a rump steak with fries? Steak down medium rare please," Max ordered with a smile.

Alicia gave the waiter a perfunctory smile and lifted her martini. "Just bring me another one of these, won't you?"

The waiter nodded and turned to Magnus who waved him away. "I'm not hungry at the moment."

The waiter nodded and scurried away from the table, leaving the foursome in awkward silence.

"I hope you weren't offended by my comment, my dear," Alicia spoke with her Martini in hand as she looked at Gemma. "I just know that you're not familiar with our world."

"Your world?" Gemma questioned cluelessly. "I'm not sure I understand. I'm from Earth too, if that's what you mean."

Alicia smiled dryly and sipped her Martini gingerly. "Typically, we would have announced an engagement in the newspaper - the proper way to do it. I suppose it's too late for that now."

Max frowned. "Does it matter how we announced it? Everybody knows we're engaged now either way."

"You're right, Son," Magnus interjected as he raised his glass. "We're very happy for you two."

Magnus turned and gave Alicia a quelling look as he finished his sentence. She seemed unphased but said nothing.

Gemma smiled at Magnus gratefully and toasted him with her own drink as Max joined them. Alicia watched the proceedings with an odd expression on her face but otherwise remained silent.

"Who's your wedding planner?" Alicia asked abruptly, her eyes locked on Gemma. "I'll contact her directly about our side of the family."

Gemma shot Max a panicked look before turning back to Alicia and clearing her throat. "Uh - I haven't had a chance to look into that just yet. It's only been a few days."

Alicia frowned in disapproval and hummed again. "I see. Well, whenever you happen to get around to it, dear. Of course, I'll have to approve your venue ahead of time - people have come to expect a certain kind of event when our name is attached."

"Mom," Max said in a warning tone. "We'll be doing our wedding our way."

Alicia tittered before sipping her Martini again. "Obviously, I'm just saying I'm here if you want to include some Adams family traditions."

"Thank you, Alicia," Gemma answered diplomatically. "I'll keep that in mind when we start planning. We both want to make sure that we represent both of our families as well as our love."

Alicia gave Gemma a wan smile. "That's lovely dear. I hope we can get tea together sometime soon. After all, I should probably get to know my future daughter-in-law."

"That's an excellent idea, my love!" Magnus chimed in with a slight smile. "I'm sure you two will become as thick as thieves."

Gemma shot Max a slightly panicked look before smiling slightly at Alicia and Magnus. "That sounds amazing. Absolutely amazing."

Max smiled gratefully at his mother and reached across the table to grasp her hand in his. "That sounds great, Mom. Once you know Gemma better, you will realize just how amazing she is."

"Of course," Alicia answered with a bland smile. "We're all going to be family soon. It's only right that we know each other better."

Gemma sighed in relief as the waiter appeared with their food in hand. She felt slightly awkward that Magnus and Alicia weren't eating anything but she was grateful for an excuse not to talk.

"Can we have another plate?" Max asked the waiter politely. "We'll be sharing."

The waiter nodded and disappeared while Alicia regarded them with thinly veiled disapproval.

"Do you often share at restaurants?" Alicia asked, her eyes directed at Max.

Max shrugged. "Most of the time. We share most things."

Alicia hummed as her eyes drifted to Gemma with an inscrutable expression. Gemma smiled awkwardly and picked up her drink - averting her eyes from Alicia.

"Welcome to the family, Gemma," Magnus directed at her with a genuine smile while Alicia watched her with a bland expression.