
Tord: Reincarnated in Another Universe

What would you do as a veteran reincarnator when you find yourself not just in an alternate version or parallel universe? What would you do when you find yourself reincarnating into a universe that you have seen to be well known in the entertainment franchise in your previous life? Would you stay quiet about what you know and let things go as is or would you willingly change things? At that moment, that was Tord's problem once he found himself waking up in one place he never expected nor did he even know truly existed. ____________________________ The use of words "Wife", "Lady" and a few other feminine identifiers doesn't exactly mean that a character is female here. In this story AU, people are fine referring to people depending on the role they usually play and whether the said person they are referring to accepts such identifiers. ___________________________ This story would now be continuing in Archive of Our Own. My Pseud there is MARVEL_DC_HEART_THROBS. P.S- There's now a Discord Server which I made just to discuss anything about this series: https://discord.gg/rVhHZzf

Sephiroth_Naruto · TV
Classificações insuficientes
77 Chs


Author's Notes:

"I hate it." - Words said aloud

{"I hate it." } - Thoughts


Tord did indeed make a choice and now the reincarnator was wondering if living a little really did involve killing a Sith Lord. For kark's sake, he was just eleven-years-old and he was now getting the attention of numerous people for ending Darth Venamis and his plans of plaguing Alderaan with some kind of biological weapon.

It was actually just his fortune that he came upon the suspicious Bith and used both the Force and his magic to check on the strange man. What he never expected was that he would end up finding about the Sith's plans and stopping him in front of Galactic television during a broadcast of a well-known holiday that made Alderaan popular.

Heck, the stupid idiot even introduced himself and made do with a monologue like some kind of comic book super villain. Which was why, Tord was now being acclaimed as some kind of hero since he was the first of the Order to discover and thwart the plans of the Sith in a thousand of years.

At the moment, there was a weird smile on Yoda's face and the silvernette didn't know whether he should be glad that his Master was happy for him or be annoyed that the elder's smile seemed to carry something else in its meaning. "Three years you waited, living the usual. Studying and being a great Padawan, that you did. Nonetheless, you stop and kill a Sith on the day you choose to live."

Frowning at the other's now obvious amusement, Tord groaned and ignored the fact that his fair skinned hands were now slightly covered in blood. He ignored the fact that cameras were now watching his every move and just allowed the Alderaan masses to observe his current situation.


"Congratulations, Tord," Jedi Master Kyoru greeted as he was fixing the last finishing touches that he had for his lesson plan in Engineering.

Stilling at his seat, the silvernette tried to ignore how the previous class of Padawans were now glaring at him and forced himself to smile back at the two-faced beaming Mon Calamari. "Thanks for the salutations, Master Kyoru. That said, can you please not just say it aloud?

I have already enough on my plate of being forced with an early Knighting which would take a lot of last-minute preparations. I don't need any more complications from the envy and hate of the other Padawans." {"I know that you only want to broadcast my achievements because you think that your pawn is finally following plans. You're not happy for me. You're simply happy that your plans are going forward."}

"Oh, c'mon!? You are to be the youngest to be given the Jedi Knight Trials and once you succeed you would officially have the rank of a Knight. You would finally have the independence and freedom that you want and maybe train your own Padawan soon."

{"You only want to have me train a Padawan because you think that that child would become a freebie follower."} Internally grumbled the silvernette as he grimaced at the idea of training a Padawan so soon.

Tord then asserted, "I don't want to train a Padawan of my own so soon, Kyoru. Hell, I'm barely out of my teens yet.

Therefore, I'd rather speak to the Council and ask them, once the Knighting has been done, that I would prefer to dedicate myself to Jedi issued missions, research and a few other things than teaching a Padawan of my own. Only when I am sure that I am ready would I teach a Padawan."

{"You're disgusting. I hate you. Why can't Master Yoda see how terrible you are?"}

"Fine, I'll drop the issue of training a Padawan. That being said, I heard from Erya that you refused to be given the title of Knight which you earned from killing Darth Venamis. Which in a sense is pretty insane since it'll save you from having to undergo the trials which you had even personally requested.

Like, I am seriously at loss on why would you even request for the trials when the easy option of being a Knight fortunately enough fell on your lap. Others would kill for the opportunity that you have cast aside."

{"You can't understand why I have chosen it as such because you're too stupid. Narrow minded. You only want to have the easy way out, Kyoru."} Tord mentally reproached as he explained while leaning his head on the desk that he was using, "That's exactly the point, Kyoru. Others would have rather taken the easy way out but for me to do so would only earn more of the ire of the rest of the Senior Padawans and the ridicule of some of the esteemed Masters."

"You do know that it is not their duty to judge you. It is by the Council's decisions to elevate your rank for the great deed you have done in Alderaan and the Senate's own recommendation that have a hero of your nature be given proper rewards."

"Well, as much I know that I shouldn't care, I'd rather not have their ire also directed at you or Erya. The only good thing is that they are too much of a coward to even try anything my Master." {"Lies. I don't care about you or the sword bitch. But about Master Yoda is something I cannot deny."}

The aged Mon Calamari snorted at such words and teased, "Master Yoda is a famous and esteemed Jedi member. That, and he lived in the Order for the past few hundreds of years in his life that his battle achievements are known enough to ward people off. Anybody not cautious enough with your Master is an idiot."

Tord silently scoffed at the other's words. {"Well, you and Erya are idiots for trying to use me. Don't worry, I will end your lives soon enough."}

"Yeah well… I have already decided. I would undergo the trials about next month. Nonetheless, I think I might miss the academic lessons that the Padawans are receiving." "I would miss the time laying around and simply being in the temple."

Master Kyoru smirked at the child and rolled his eyes. "Right…," he trailed of in sarcasm and continued, "You already know more as compared to the other older and more experienced Jedi Knights, Tord. I don't think that staying in the Padawan classes would do you any good since you basically know the whole level curriculums by heart now and that the way you take information is quite rather absurd in a sense that it's too fast.

Only by gaining a new rank would you grow further and have the chance to openly pursue personal studies."

Tord then merely hummed in the pretense of understanding and closed his eyes to wait for his classmates in Engineering to finally arrive. After all, he might as well use the chance of waiting for rest and deal with other important matters later.