
Chapter : 15 Hello Landlord

"Huh, it's actually very close to Tianhai First High School. It's only five kilometers away, that's all."

When Xiang Yang saw that the address of the house was not even five kilometers away from the Tianhai First High School, he immediately decided to rent this house and directly dial the contact number on the top.

At the same time, amongst the Tijun Community that was less than five kilometers away from Tianhai First High School, not even ten minutes after Su Jingrou posted the rent request online, she immediately regretted it, "No way, no matter how I look at it, the rent request that I am giving out seems like a message for a blind date. If people who are familiar with me see it, wouldn't I be laughed to death?

"Du du …"

Just as Su Jingrou was thinking about withdrawing the rent request, the phone beside the computer rang.

"Hello, I saw your rental information on the internet. My conditions match your requirements and I have the intention to rent. Can I go over to take a look at the house now?"

The phone was picked up and a male voice filled with magnetism was heard.

"So soon, someone wants to rent a room …" Su Jingrou was dumbstruck, what a coincidence, it had only been posted online for less than ten minutes and she had been planning to withdraw it, how did someone see it?

"Hey, are you there?"

"Oh, oh, I'm here. It's a bit late now, so it doesn't seem too convenient for me to let you take a look at the rooms." Su Jingrou hesitated, afraid that the other party was a liar. If she met with a bad person at night and asked him to come to her house, what crime would he commit, how would a weak girl like her be able to resist?

It's just that I really want to rent a room because I don't have a place to stay at night. If you're worried that I'm a bad person, then I don't think you need to worry, I'm the new teacher of Tianhai First High School's Class 32, and I still have to go to school tomorrow, so I don't have time to look at a room in the morning, so I can only use night time to look for room …

"Alright, come and take a look now."

The other party's tone was magnetic, very pleasant, and also very persuasive. For some reason, Su Jingrou actually agreed to it.

After hanging up the phone, Su Jingrou felt a little regretful. She rubbed her head and said gloomily, "Why am I being so silly these days? It's all because of that bastard Zheng Jian. If it wasn't for him messing up my job, how would I be like this? "

With an oval face, wavy hair, even if she wanted to be a model, she would still be a popular celebrity. She was already twenty-eight years old and was still single, this was something unfathomable for a beautiful woman. However, the reality was that Su Jingrou, such a beautiful woman, was still single today.

She was originally the manager of a foreign-owned company. Compared to her peers, it was already quite good for her to climb to this position relying solely on her own abilities, but in these few days, she had lost her job, because a bastard who had been chasing after her and yet failed to catch up with her had used his relationship to get her boss to expel her.

"Ding dong ding-dong …"

Just as Su Jingrou was feeling depressed, the doorbell suddenly rang. Su Jingrou was slightly surprised, "Are you here already?"

"Xiao Rou..."

"Why is it you?"

After Su Jingrou opened the door, she discovered that the other party was actually not the person who wanted to rent the house, but the bastard Zheng Jian who caused her to lose her job.

"You're not welcome at my house."

Su Jingrou really didn't think that there would be such a shameless person in this world. She had just lost her job, and now he still had the face to look for her. What was even more infuriating was that when she wanted to close the door, that bastard actually used his hand to stop her.

"Xiao Rou, don't be angry, I let the boss of your company expel you, but I did it for your own good. Didn't I want to see you working so hard? Follow me well in the future; I will definitely not let you suffer any hardships …"

However, only Su Jingrou knew that this man was not as refined and cultured as he looked on the surface. On the contrary, he should be described as a gentle beast.

"F * ck off."

Su Jingrou was so angry that her face turned green.

"If you tell me to scram, then I won't. I want to see what abilities you have to make me scram."

Zheng Jian pushed open the door, walked in, and then hugged Su Jingrou tightly. "Su Jingrou, oh Su Jingrou, I've chased you for three years, and I'm sincere to you. In these three years, I've sent you countless flowers and all sorts of expensive things, but you've all returned. Let me tell you, a man's patience is limited. Don't you want to become a strong woman by your own efforts? This is impossible, I can make you lose your job with a single word, and can also make not a single company in Tianhai City dare to hire you. "

"If you still want to stay in Tianhai City, then obediently obey me. Otherwise, you won't have any job; let's see how long you can last."

As Zheng Jian spoke fiercely, he lowered his head and kissed Su Jingrou. His movements were very rough, he originally looked like a gentleman, but when he truly committed crimes, he was even fiercer than anyone else.

"Let go of me, you bastard … "Save me …"

Su Jingrou continued to struggle and shouted. Unfortunately, her strength was inferior to Zheng Jian's to begin with, so no matter how she struggled, it was useless. He then threw Su Jingrou onto the sofa and laughed sinisterly, "I don't want to play with you anymore, I want you today."

"Save me …" "Help …"

Su Jingrou shouted and was about to escape, but Zheng Jian caught up to her again, pressing her down on the sofa with a sinister smile on her face, "Go ahead and shout, no one will save you even if you scream until your throat breaks."

"Puchi …"

This shook both Zheng Jian and Su Jingrou, especially Zheng Jian, who had a look of disbelief on his face. Before he came, he had already done something to take away the entire floor's worth of people, so how could someone still be here?

"I say, brother, your lines are too old. Seeing how you look, not only are you a beast, you don't even have any culture. Who knows how many years that phrase has been out of date, you still use it. Sigh, don't come out and embarrass yourself just because you don't have any culture."

The mocking voices came again, and the two of them finally confirmed that there was someone behind them, especially Zheng Jian, who was so angry that his face turned green.

"Who are you?"

With the big electric light bulb in his way, Zheng Jian naturally couldn't force himself to think about what had happened with Su Jingrou for the past three years. He could only stand up and furiously look at the person who came, and when he saw who it was, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Zheng Jian had trained for ten years in Sanda, but not even three to five normal muscular men were his match. He was confident that this skinny, clean and white man was definitely not his match.

"I'm here to rent a house."

Xiang Yang's face carried a smile, and looked at Su Jingrou who had tears hanging down her face, and whose eyes were hazy with tears, "Nice to meet you, landlord!"

"Hello, thank you, thank you …" Su Jingrou looked at Xiang Yang gratefully. Just now, she was already in despair, but never would she have thought that at the last moment, Xiang Yang would descend from the sky like a god and save her from being killed.

No matter what, Su Jingrou would never have thought that the rent request that she accidentally sent out would actually be the one to save her.

"No need to be polite, no need to be polite. I still need to thank you for giving me the opportunity to visit the house. Otherwise, I would be sleeping on the streets tonight." Xiang Yang had an honest smile on his face, as though he was treating Zheng Jian as non-existent, and walked towards Su Jingrou step by step.

"Stop! Brat, who are you? You dare to come and ruin this daddy's business? Quickly scram, otherwise, I'll beat you to death."

Seeing that Xiang Yang had ignored him, Zheng Jian was furious. His father was a real estate crocodile with a few hundred million and he was considered a rich second generation with a bit of fame in Tianhai City.

"I am a gentle person, I won't fight."

Xiang Yang waved his hand, "I am a teacher, and only know how to reason with others. I won't casually make a move against others."

"I thought it was some big shot, but it turns out he's just a teacher. Since ancient times, there's been no use in saying that one was a scholar. A teacher with no power at all actually dares to mess with me. Go and die." When Zheng Jian heard that Xiang Yang was only a teacher, he was relieved. He immediately rushed towards Xiang Yang and ruthlessly smashed his fist on Xiang Yang's face.

Zheng Jian's punch was accurate and ruthless, aiming straight at Xiang Yang's eyes. If it was an ordinary person getting hit, then his eyes would have been crippled.

Zheng Jian was very satisfied with his punch. His many years of practice had not been for nothing.

"Ah, be careful." Su Jingrou was so scared that her face lost color, and she screamed loudly: "Zheng Jian, stop quickly, or I'll call the police."

"Swish …"

Zheng Jian laughed coldly in disdain. Not only did he not stop, but he also increased his strength.

"Sigh, I'm a teacher and a gentleman. I don't want to fight, why must you force me?"

Xiang Yang sighed with an innocent look on his face. Only when Zheng Jian's fist was already in front of him did he slightly turn his head, barely dodging Zheng Jian's fist.


At the same time, he dodged the punch, Xiang Yang's left hand directly pushed upwards, gently, as if a needle had stabbed into a bubble. The strike just happened to hit Zheng Jian's elbow, causing Zheng Jian's hand to immediately droop powerlessly.

"Ah …" Pain … "It hurts …"

Zheng Jian held onto his arm with one hand, his face pale white as he screamed, beads of perspiration trickling down his face, Xiang Yang's finger that seemed to be extremely light on his arm felt an immense force, causing him to be in pain. Whether or not his arm was broken, he did not know, so he could not use any strength at all.

"Ai, I'm really just a teacher. I don't like fighting and I don't want to fight, but why do you insist on forcing me? If you force me, I can only beat you up."

Xiang Yang sighed, directly grabbing onto Zheng Jian's long hair and flung him towards the wall.

"Bang …"

Zheng Jian's entire body was mounted on the wall, and he let out a huge groan. Blood immediately flowed down from his forehead, and his face was instantly dyed red, because of the pain, his entire body trembled, and his body and heart were in extreme pain. Mother. Damn, wasn't this guy not going to fight? You are fiercer than anyone else, why is your father's luck so bad?

"You're courting death. If I don't cripple you today, I won't be called Zheng Jian." Blood trickled down from his forehead, and it stirred up Zheng Jian's vicious personality as he roared loudly before continuing to pounce towards Xiang Yang.

"You forced me, so I had no choice but to hit you. Sigh, look how despicable you are. Letting a teacher fight with you is truly unforgivable! And, you actually dared to do such a thing to this beautiful woman. This is even more unforgivable. If I don't teach you a lesson, I'll let you down."

"But luckily, under normal circumstances, I would not fight with others. However, you are not a human and you are an animal. As long as I attack an animal, I will not feel any pressure."

Xiang Yang shook his head, walked towards Zheng Jian and kicked him.

"Bang …"

"Ah …" "Stop fighting …"

"Bang …"

"You forced me to do this. If I didn't hit you a few more times, I really would've let you work so hard to force me."

"Bang …"

"Ah …" Ah! "Ahh …"

Xiang Yang muttered, his face had a look of innocence, as though he was really forced into a corner and had no other choice, but when he kicked Zheng Jian again and again, the force was not small, and always caused the other party to scream miserably.


Su Jingrou looked at this scene in a daze. It was really hard to imagine a man who looked cultured and refined and was even a teacher, being so violent. She really didn't like watching people fight, but this time, she felt that this man, who she had just met, was extremely adorable.

"Did he hit Zheng Jian for me? Is this the result of being angry for a beauty?" Su Jingrou was not really an emotional person, but at this moment, her mind was filled with thoughts, her mind was filled with this man that she had just met, and his heroic look as he ruthlessly beat up Zheng Jian.

"Yes …" No, I … Wrong... No, don't. Beating up … "Woo woo …"

The pitiful Zheng Jian, who was beaten up to the point where he could not retaliate at all, had blood all over his face and could not even speak clearly.

"What was your mistake?"

"Pah …"

Xiang Yang said calmly and kicked again.

"Ah …" I... I shouldn't. It shouldn't be right... to Xiao Rou …"

"Bang …" Who is Xiao Rou? "

Before Zheng Jian even finished speaking, he was kicked by Xiang Yang yet again. He screamed miserably, "Yes … It's Miss Su. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have had any ill intentions towards Miss Su. Please let me go … Miss Su. Since we know each other, I beg you to help me."

Zheng Jian's face was covered in blood, his entire body was trembling and he could not even speak properly, he could only look at Su Jingrou pleadingly.

Even though Su Jingrou was gnashing her teeth in anger at Zheng Jian, when she saw that his face was covered in blood and that she looked miserable after being beaten up, a girl's heart was still softer. Su Jingrou let out a sigh and said: "Sir, how about we let him go like this?

"Alright, since the landlord has spoken, I'll let him go." Xiang Yang straightforwardly stopped.

"Thank you, thank you …"

Finally, he did not have to be beaten any more, Zheng Jian kept on thanking him, his voice was extremely weak, he felt pain all over his body, as though there were countless needles stabbing into his body endlessly, he felt so much pain that his entire body was twitching, he never thought that there would be a day when he would be beaten to such a state, he wanted to cry, he felt that he was the most miserable person in the world …

"Brother, in the future, when you go out, remember to be a good person. If you want revenge, remember to go to Tianhai First High School to find me, I will be waiting for you there." Xiang Yang said in a low voice.

"No no, I don't dare …" Zheng Jian hid the hatred and resentment in his heart, not daring to show it. However, he had already made his decision that he would definitely go to the Tianhai First High School to deal with this bastard who dared to beat him up.

"Then why aren't you leaving?" Xiang Yang glared and he immediately jumped in fright. With difficulty, he stood up with his hands against the wall, his face dripping with blood; he limped and covered his hands as he walked towards the door.

After he left, Xiang Yang sighed with emotion, "This person is really strange, I already told him not to force me, and yet he insisted on letting me do it. I can only help him Ugh …"

However, before he could finish his words, he felt a pair of fragrant, moist lips press against his own. He was instantly stupefied …