
The Amazing Clown [1]

Lenny gently applied white grease paint on his face and dabbed baby powder above the paint, layering it above as baby powder prevented the makeup from destroying because of sweat. 

He then used a paintbrush to draw black exaggerated eyebrows above his original brows, which were now hidden under the white face, and dabbed blue paint on his eyes, shadowing the area to give himself a sad-depressed look. 

Instead of using the red clown nose, he applied red paint to the tip of his nose, drew slightly smiling red lips, and finally put on his rainbow clown wig and donned the bogus costume.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Lenny nodded in approval of the new clown face and returned to his desk.

He set the webcam at the corner and adjusted the stand for it to capture him from a slightly higher vantage point.