
Tookushimaya Pokemon University.

Welcome to TOOKUSHIMAYA UNIVERSITY in the small region of Tiersa! Many famous figures in the Pokémon world have studied here at some point, from League Champions to Celebrities to Pokémon Professors! in this Fanfic you have the option of submitting your own characters with starters and so on, and then seeing them actually interact with the cast. moreover this is a revolving POV fanfic meaning that every few chapters we change Protagonist, infact we don't even *have* a set protagonist.

Zer0reZ · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


(Third person POV, Also Please read Auxiliary)


Stepping out of the Airport and into the blaring sun, was a white haired teen, around 18 years of age, wearing an Orange shirt, then with a bleary yawn he'd cover his eyes from the bearing sun. Looking around the terminal he'd spot a conspicuous purple sign, "Welcome to Tookishimaya Academy!" And thus marked his arrival at Tiersa.

(Image in comments)

The person who came to pick him up was a Dr. Rin Penrosw, an unexpectedly colourful man, who unlike what most would suspect from a professor wore Bright Neon pink clothes, which blended together quite well with his pinkly Dyed hair.

"You must be Mr. Silver, allow me to introduce myself, I am Rin Penrose, the Schools resident Fashion teacher." He'd exclaimed, stopping for a moment to let the Teen speak.

"Just Lyde is fine, I dislike being referred to with honorific's, but It's nice to meet you Professor." He'd say with an acknowledging Nod to the man, before extending his right arm for a handshake.

Extending his own in response, the professor would accept the handshake, and with the greetings concluded, he would begin leading the new student to the University, staring forward with Confidence.

"So what do you think of your Academy issued starter? I've heard you got along with it quite well." he'd ask, making small talk while continuing to lead the way, though judging by the way his eyes glinted with Seriousness, it could he determined this was more than an idle question.

"That's right, Me and Sobek have been great. He thankfully got along well with Mamoth, my starter." The new student would exclaim, the lack of hesitation proving its truthfulness, which made the professor smile before continuing onwards.


Clapping his hands to regain the teens attention, the professor would speak, "We've arrived, your final bits of paperwork will be sent to your dorm in a few days, so until then you have unlimited access to our Esteemed Academy's Training grounds, Go to House Landorus and Speak to the receptionist for your dorm, If you happen to get lost then you can ask one of the other students." He'd say before sending the Teen off, and moving towards his class.

Sighing the trainer would murmur a complaint at the Professors incompetence, before following the road ahead of him, it was mostly just a straight path with a few branching paths, yet there were no signs for help, he supposed that was what Maps were for and yet they had neglected to give him his own.

And so after a few minutes of aimlessly walking forward, aiming to find someone who could help him with directions he'd eventually stumble upon a teen, lying asleep on a Sakura tree, while a Meganium layed behind him, who seemed to be following its trainers example and had dozed off aswell.

(Image in comments)

"Hey! can you give me some directions?" Lyde would ask, mentally noting the similarities that their hair styles held, with the other teens own being a perfect replica of his, merely shorter.

Cracking open an eye the napping Student would look around for a few moments before noticing Lyde, his Meganium continuing its nap, "Sure, What's up? Are you new?" He'd ask, pushing himself off the tree so he could continue talking.

"I am, I was told that I was assigned to the Landorus dorm and told to ask one of the students for directions, and you were the first person I saw." Lyde would answer, before realising he'd forgotten to greet them, "Oh, and my name is Lyde, can I know yours?"

"I'm Laive Çonis, Nice to meet ya, if you need I can guide you to your house, I happen to be in Landorus aswell." The newly named Laive would reply, before waking up his pokemon with a call, "Ey Babs, We've gotta go back to the dorms" he'd say, gently raising the leaf pokemom from its sleep, before leading Lyde to the dorms, one step at a time.

Laive is a pretty strong dude in the academy, so you can be expecting to see more from him in the future.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zer0reZcreators' thoughts