
Chapter 1

My name is y/n and I'm 19. I moved to LA because my parents got new jobs that where here and they told me I had to go. I mean I love them to death so of course I went with them. I really scared for when I get their that no one will like me. But I have to think on the bright side and not the bad side. I hear my mom yell " get the last things in your room and put it in the truck". "Ok mom" I said back to her. I got up and put the last boxes in the truck and we started to go to airport. A little bit after we got to the airport they called our passes and got on the plane.


Like five hours later we got off the plane and got our bags. The taxi comes to get us and we go to our new house.

When we get their I have never seen the house and I was really excited. The last house we had was not the best. We get out of the taxi and pay him. After that we go inside to see inside.

Author note

This is my first time making a story so I'm sorry if it's bad. -momo